The Consequences of Sins

* Tafseer Al-Imam Al-Askari Book: … * Then He (Pbuhp) said: “Servants of Allah, be ware from being occupied in sinning and underestimating sins. For sins overwhelm who commits it till it leads him to commit greater sins. So he remains sinning, underestimating sins and committing greater sins than the past sins till he falls in rejecting loyalty to and the custody of the custodian of the Messenger of Allah, denying the prophecy of the prophet of Allah and still more till he denies monotheism and disbelieves in the religion of Allah.” [1]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: It was reported from Hashim bin Salim from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “There is no vein that ruptures, no calamity, no ache and no sickness but because of a sin. It is what Allah said {Every calamity that strikes you is caused by what your hands had gained and Allah forgives plenty}. Allah forgives more than He punishes.” [2]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Al-Amali Book: It was reported from Talha bin Zaid from Imam Abou Abdellah Al-Sadiq (Pbuh) that he said: “My father (Pbuh) used to say: “ There is nothing that corrupts the heart more than sin. When a heart sins, sins attack it till it overwhelm it and turn it upside down.” [3]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: It was reported from Abou Ossama from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “Seek refuge with Allah from the assaults of Allah day and night. He said: “What are the assaults of Allah?” The Imam (Pbuh) said: “Punishment for sins.” [4]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: It was reported from Abou Bakeer from Imam Abou Jaa’far (Pbuh) that he said: “Every servant has a white spot in his heart. When he sins he draws a small black spot on that spot. When he repents the blackness is erased but if he keeps up sinning, the blackness covers all the white spot and when all the whiteness is blackened man shall never return to good. It is what Allah had said: {By no means! but on their hearts is the stain of the (ill) which they do}.”[5]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Zurara reported from Imam Abou Jaa’far (Pbuh) that he said: “ All sins are hard sins and yet the hardest are what grows flesh and blood because he is either treated with mercy or tormented and none enters heaven but the pure ones.” [6]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Ibn Arafa reported from Imam Abou Al-Hassan (Pbuh) that he said: “Allah has a speaker that calls every day saying: “Servants of Allah, don’t sin a lot. If it hadn’t for scattered cattle, breastfeeding babies, and bowing elderly torment would have poured on you stamping you.” [7]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Ibn Yasar reported from Imam Abou Jaa’far (Pbuh) that he said: “When a servant sins, he is deprived from his livelihood.” [8]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Mohammad bin Muslim reported from Imam Abou Jaa’far (Pbuh) that he said: “A servant asks Allah for a need that he has. Allah decided to give to him in the near future of after a certain long time. But if he sinned, Allah tells His angels: “Don’t serve his need and deprive him from it because he discontented me and thus he earned deprivation from me.” [9]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Ibn Bakeer reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “When a man sins, he is deprived from praying predawn prayer. Evil deeds are faster in who does it than knife in meat.” [10]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Masma’ bin Abdel-Malik reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: “A servant is imprisoned because of a sin for one hundred years while looking at his wives in heaven blessed and enjoying”.” [11]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Abou Amr Al-Madaini reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “My father (Pbuh) used to say: “Allah destined that He never deprives a servant from a bounty that He decided to give him unless this servant sins and deserves such indignation”.”[12]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Soma’a reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “Allah deprives a servant from a bounty only when he sins and deserves this deprivation.”[13]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Al-Haitham bin Waqid Al-Jazari reported that he heard Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) say: “ Allah sent a prophet of his prophets to his nation and inspired him to tell them: “Every nation that used to obey me and were living gladly then turned from doing what I love to what I hate, I shall turn their conditions from what they like to what they hate. Every nation that used to disobey and were living badly in it then they turned from doing what I hate to what I love, I shall turn their conditions from what they hate to what they love.” Also tell them: “My mercy precedes My rage, so don’t despair from my mercy because there is no sin that is greater than being forgiven by Me.” Also tell them: “Don’t derive my rage deliberately out of being obstinate. Don’t underestimate and under-treat my saints for I have assault when I’m raged than none of my creatures can withstand.” [14]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Moufeed states in Al-Amali Book: Soma’a bin Mahran reported from Imam Abou Al-Hassan Moussa Bin Jaa’far (Pbuh) that he said: “Don’t think of plenty of good as good and don’t think of few sins as few. Few sins gather till they become plenty. Fear Allah when alone so that you just to yourselves.” [15]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Yunus bin Yaqoub reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “Fearing rulers and power is only due to sins. So avoid sins and don’t sin a lot.” [16]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Al-Amali Book: Zaid bin Ali reported from his father (Pbuh) that he said: “Allah says: “When a servant who knows me disobeys me, I impel against him he who doesn’t know me”.” [17]

* Al-Sheikh Al-Toussi states in Al-Amali Book: Baker bin Mohammad reported that Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) said: “Supplications can change destined fate. When a believer sins, he is deprived from livelihood because of his sin.” [18]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Al-Khisal Book: Abou Shoeib reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “The most god-fearing people are who stop at things they don’t know if they were licit or illicit. The most worshiping people are who establish the obligated duties. The most ascetic people are who forwent all what is forbidden. The most hardworking people are who abandon sins.” [19]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Al-Khisal Book: Mohammad bin Muslim reported from Imam Abou Jaa’far Mohammad bin Ali Al-Baqir (Pbut) from his forefathers (Pbut) from Ameer Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) that he said: “Allah, the most high, hid his rage in disobeying him. So don’t underestimate any sin. For disobeying him might match with His rage without you knowing that.” [20]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Ilal Al-Sharai Book: Al-Asbagh bin Nabata reported from Ameer Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) that he said: “Tears dried only because hearts became cruel and heats became cruel only because plenty of sins.” [21]

* Al-Sheikh Al-Toussi states in Al-Amali Book: Mohammad bin Qasim bin Fadeel bin Yassar reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) from his father (Pbuh) that he said: “People who die because of sins are way more than people who die on their destined death. People who live because of righteousness are way more than people who live their destined life.” [22]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Thawab Al-A’mal Book: Jaa’far Al-Jaa’fary reported from Imam Jaa’far Bin Mohammad (Pbuh) from his father (Pbuh) that he said: “The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “He who sins laughing shall enter hell crying”.”[23]


* Al-Hor Al-Amili states in Wasa’el Al-Shia Book: Yasir Al-Khadim reported from Imam Abou Al-Hassan Al-Rida (Pbuh) that he said: “When the rulers lie, rain is held back. When the Sultan is unjust, the state is weakened. When Zakat is not paid, cattle die.”


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Abou Baseer reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “Never. I swear that Allah doesn’t accept any obedience act from a servant who consistent on disobeying Him.” [24]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Aban reported from Imam Abou Jaa’far (Pbuh) that he said that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “ Seek refuge with Allah from five if you saw them: Obscenity appears in a nation only when they declare it and so plague and illnesses that weren’t in their ancestors appear among them. Allah punishes with shortage of supplies and unjust ruler every nation that manipulates the balances when trading. Every nation that doesn’t pay Zakat is punished by deprivation from rain. If it hadn’t been for cattle it would have never rained. When a nation breaks the covenant of Allah and the covenant of His Messenger, Allah impels their enemies against them to take some of what they have. Every nation that rules by other than what Allah had imposed, Allah makes them doom each other.” [25]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Ilal Al-Sharai Book: Masa’ada bin Sadaqa reported from Imam Jaa’far Bin Mohammad Al-Sadiq (Pbuh) from his forefathers (Pbut) from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) that he said: “ When Allah sees a nation that is occupied in sinning and among them there are three believers, Allah calls upon them saying: “O people disobeying me, if there were no believers among you who love each other in the name of My glory, who are establishing prayer on My land and mosques, who ask forgiveness in the depth of night fearing me I would have bestowed my torment upon you not caring for any matter or one.” [26]


* Mahmoud bin Masoud Al-Ayashi states in his Tafseer Book: Yunus bin Thibyan reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “Allah pushes calamities away from who don’t pray among our follower by the ones who pray. If they all gathered on not praying they would have perished. Allah pushes calamities away from who don’t fast among our follower by the ones who fast. If they all gathered on not fasting they would have perished. Allah pushes calamities away from who don’t pay Zakat among our follower by the ones who pay Zakat. If they all gathered on not paying Zakat they would have perished. Allah pushes calamities away from who don’t perform pilgrimage among our follower by the ones who perform pilgrimage. If they all gathered on not performing pilgrimage they would have perished. It is what Allah had said: {If Allah hadn’t protected people by others, earth would have become corrupted yet Allah has a great virtue over the entire realms} I swear this verse descended talking about only you.” [27]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Is’haq bin Ammar reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “He who discloses an obscenity is as if he started it”.”[28]


* Nahej Al-Balagha Book: Imam Ali (Pbuh) said: “The hardest sins are the ones that he who commits them underestimates them.” [29]

[1] تفسير الامام العسكري (ع) ص264, عنه البحار ج70 ص360, مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص336, التفسير الصافي ج1 ص138.

[2] الكافي ج2 ص269, عنه البحار ج70 ص 315, مكارم الاخلاق ص357, عنه البحار ج78 ص200, التحفة السنية ص25 بعضه, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص237, الفصول المهمة ج2 ص221 باختصار, تفسير نور الثقلين ج4 ص581, تفسير الميزان ج18 ص70, مشكاة الانوار 484 باختصار.

[3] الكافي ج2 ص 268, عنه البحار ج70 ص312, التحفة السنية ص 25, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص238, الامالي للصدوق ص 481, عنه البحار ج67 ص54, مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص328, الامالي للطوسي ص438, مشكاة الانوار ص445, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص531, تفسير الميزان ج20 ص236, روضة الواعظين ص414.

[4] الكافي ج2 ص269, وساءل الشيعة ج11 ص241, تفسير نور الثقلين ج4 ص582, الامالي للمفيد ص184, عنه البحار ج70 ص360, مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص336, كتاب الزهد ص 18.

[5] الكافي ج2 ص273, عنه البحار ج70 ص332, الاختصاص ص243 ,التحفة السنية ص 25, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص239, مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص329 بعضه, تفسير مجمع البيان ج10 ص293, نفسير الصافي ج5 ص300, التفسير الاصفى ج2 ص1419, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص531, تفسير الميزان ج20 ص236, اللمعة البيضاء ص 703.

[6] الكافي ج2 ص 270, عنه البحار ج70 ص317,وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص237, الفصول المهمة ج2 ص221 يعضه.

[7] الخصال ص128, الكافي ج2 ص276, عنه البحار ج70 ص344, روضة الواعظين ص463, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص243, مسند الامام الرضا (ع) ج1 ص277,درر الاخبار ص500, تفسير نور الثقلين ج3 ص40, تفسير كنز الدقائق ج1 ص597, ذخيرة المعاد ج2 ص346بعضه, الحدائق الناضرة ج10 ص487, غنائم الايام ج2 ص85 بعضه, مستند الشيعة ج6 ص361 بعضه.

[8] الكافي ج2 ص270, عنه البحار ج70 ص318, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص238, تفسير نور الثقلين ج4 ص583.

[9] الكافي ج2 ص271, عنه البحار ج 20 ص329, وسائل الشيعة ج4 ص1175/ ج11 ص239, التحف السنية ص25, تفسير نور الثقلين ج4 ص583, مستدرك الوسائل ج5 ص268/ ج11 ص328, الاختصاص ص31, فتح الابواب ص298, مشكاة الانوار, فلاح السائل 38.

[10] الكافي ج2 ص272, عنه البحار ج70 ص330, التحفة السنية ص25, المحاسن ج1 ص115, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص239.

[11] الكافي ج2 ص272, عنه البحار ج70 ص331, الامالي للصدوق 497, مشكاة الانوار 272, تفسير نور الثقلين ج5 ص651, روضة الواعظين 420, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص237.

[12] الكافي ج2 ص273, عنه البحار ج70 ص334, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص240, تفسير الصافي ج2 ص310, التفسير الاصفى ج1 ص444, تفسير نور الثقلين ج2 ص163, تفسير الميزان ج9 ص110,

[13] الكافي ج2 ص274, عنه البحار ج70 ص339, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص240, تفسير نور الثقلين ج2 ص163.

[14] الكافي ج2 ص274, عنه البحار ج14 ص458/ ج70 ص339, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص242, الجواهر السنية ص335, المحاسن ج1 ص117بعضه, ثواب الاعمال 253بعضه, التفسير الصافي ج2 ص310 بعضه, تفسير معجم البيان ج9 ص461 بعضه, تفسير نور الثقلين ج2 ص163بعضه, تفسير الميزان ج9 ص110 بعضه.

[15] الامالي للمفيد ص157, عنه البحار ج66 ص396, الكافي ج2 ص278, عنه البحار ج70 ص345, مشكاة الانوار ص139, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص245, مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص176, كتاب الزهد ص16.

[16] الكافي ج2 ص275, عنه البحار ج70 ص342, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص240.

[17] من لا يحضره الفقيه ج4 ص404, الامالي للصدوق ص299, عنه البحار ج70 ص347, روضة الواعظين ص419, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص243, الجواهر السنية ص146, الكافي ج2 ص276, مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص338,الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص17.        

[18] الامالي للطوسي ص136, قرب الاسناد ص32, عنه البحار ج70 ص349/ ج90 ص288.

[19] الخصال ص16, عنه البحار ج67 ص305/ ج68 ص207, نحف العقول ص489, الانوار البهية ص318, الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص268 بعضه, وسائل الشيعة ج18 ص121, مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص278.

[20] الخصال ص209, عنه البحار ج66 ص274, كمال الدين ص297, معاني الاخبار ص113, وسائل الشيعة ج1 ص89, مستدرك الوسائل ج1 ص148, كنز الفوائد ص13 نحوه.

[21] علل الشرائع ج1 ص81, عنه البحار ج67 ص55/ ج70 ص 354, روضة الواعظين ص420, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص337, مشكاة الانوار ص447, تفسير نور الثقلين ج1 ص92.

[22] مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص327, الامالي للطوسي ص305, عنه البحار ج5 ص140/ ج70 ص354.

[23] ثواب الاعمال ص223,عنه البحار ج6 ص 36/ ج70 ص356, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص240, مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص332 بعضه, مشكاة الانوار 275 بعضه.

[24] الكافي ج2 ص288, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص268, تفسير نور الثقلين ج1 ص394, تفسير كنز الدقائق ج2 ص229, التحفة السنية 25.

[25] الدعوات ص80, الكافي ج2 ص373, ثواب الاعمال ص252, عنه البحار ج70 ص376, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص512, مشكاة الانوار ص261, عنه البحار ج88 ص337.

[26] منتهى المطلب ج4 ص19, الحدائق الناضرة ج7 ص264, مسائل علي بن جعفر (ع) ص344, المحاسن ج1 ص53, عنه البحار ج66 ص392, من لا يحضره الفقيه ج1 ص473, علل الشرائع ج2 ص521, عنه البحار ج70 ص382, ثواب الاعمال ص177, عنه البحار ج81 ص16, وسائل الشيعة ج3 ص486/ ح4 ص1201, مستدرك الوسائل ج3 ص367/ ج5 ص321, الجواهر السنية ص319.

[27] تفسير العياشي ج1 ص 135, عنه البحار ج70 ص 382, الكافي ج2 ص451, وسائل الشيعة ج1 ص 18, مستدرك الوسائل ج2 ص93 بعضه,             الفصول المهمة ج1 ص552 بعضه, تفسير القمي ج1 ص83, نفسير مجمع البيان ج2 ص152, التفسير الصافي ج1 ص279, التفسير الاصفى ج1 ص119 باختصار,تفسير نور الثقلين ج1 ص253, تفسير كنز الدقائق ج1 ص596, تفسير الميزان ج2 ص295, تأويل الآيات ج1 ص94.

[28] المحاسن ج1 ص104, كتاب المؤمن ص 66, الكافي ج2 ص356, عنه البحار ج70 ص384, ثواب الاعمال ص247, عنه البحار ج 72 ص215, نحف العقول ص47, وسائل الشيعة ج2 ص596, مستدرك الوسائل ج9 ص111, الاختصاص ص229, عنه البحار ج72 ص260, منية المريد ص332, ألف حديث ص90, درر الاخبار ص514, التفسير الصافي ج3 ص426, التفسير الاصفى ج2 ص840, تفسير نور الثقلين ج3 ص583, تفسير الميزان ج15 ص106,

[29] نهج البلاغة ج4 ص81, وسائل الشيعة ج11 ص246, مستدرك الوسائل ج11 ص350, عيون الحكم ص112.