أسبابُ عدم الاستِجابةِ The Reasons for a Lack of Response

79- الإمامُ الصّادقُ عليه‏السلام: جاءَ رجلٌ إلى أميرِ المؤمنينَ عليه‏السلام فقال: إنّي دَعَوتُ اللّه‏َ فلَم أرَ الإجابةَ ! فقالَ: لقد وَصَفتَ اللّه‏َ بغيرِ صِفاتِهِ ، و إنَّ للدُّعاءِ أربعَ خصالٍ: إخلاصُ السَّريرةِ ، و إحضارُ النِّيّةِ ، ومَعرفةُ الوسيلةِ ، والإنصافُ في المسألةِ ، فهل دَعَوتَ وأنتَ عارفٌ بهذهِ الأربعةِ ؟ قالَ: لا ، قالَ: فاعرِفْهُنَّ .

79– Imam al-Sadiq (AS) said, ‘A man came to the Commander of the Faithful and said, ‘Verily I have supplicated to Allah, but I have not received an answer!’, the Im?m (AS) said, ‘You have described Allah in a manner that He is not worthy of being described, for verily supplication has four stages: sincerity of the heart, making the intention, having true knowledge of the means, and being fair regarding the request. So did you supplicate knowing these four conditions?’ He said, ‘No’, then the Imam (AS) said, ‘Then know them now’.’[Tanbih al-Khawatir, v. 1, p. 302]