قِتالُ أهلِ البَغيِ مِنَ المُسلِمينَ Fighting Against Muslim Agressors

9- الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): القِتالُ قِتالانِ : قِتالُ أهلِ الشِّركِ لا يُنْفَرُ عنهُم حتّى يُسْلِموا أو يُؤْتُوا الجِزيَةَ عن يَدٍ و هُم صاغِرونَ، و قِتالٌ لأهلِ الزَّيغِ لا يُنْفَرُ عنهُم حتّى يَفِيؤوا إلى أمرِ اللّه ِ أو يُقْتَلوا .

9- Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘There are two kinds of fighting: one is the fighting against polytheists; they must not be left until they accept Islam or pay the tax with humility. The second is the fighting against the people of innovation [from among Muslims]; and they should not be left until they comply with the command of Allah or else they be killed.’[Wasael al-Shi`aah , v. 11, p. 18, no. 3]


10- الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): يُقاتَلُ أهلُ البَغْي و يُقْتَلونَ بكلِّ ما يُقْتَلُ بهِ المُشرِكونَ ، و يُسْتَعانُ عَليهِم بمَن أمكَنَ أنْ يُستَعانَ بهِ علَيهِم مِن أهلِ القِبلةِ ، و يُؤْسَـرونَ كَمـا يُؤسَـرُ المُشرِكونَ إذا قُـدِرَ علَيهِم .

10- Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘[Rebellious] Agressors [from among Muslims] are to be fought and killed in the same way that one kills polytheists; and Muslims can rally all the support they can against them, and when possible, they can be taken prisoners just as polytheists are taken captive.’[Mustadrak al-Wasail, v. 11, p. 65, no. 12437]