الحَثُّ عَلَى العَفوِ عِندَ القُدرَةِ Enjoinment of Pardon In Spite of One’s Power (to Punish)

10ـ رسولُ اللهِ‏ِ (صَلَّيَ اللهُ عَلَيهِ وَ آلِهِ): مَن عَفا عِندَ القُدرَةِ عَفا اللّه‏ُ عَنهُ يَومَ العُسرَةِ .

10– The Prophet (SAWA) said, ‘He who pardons when having the power to punish, Allah will pardon him on the Day of great difficulty [i.e. the Day of Resurrection].’[Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 7007]

11ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): إذا قَدَرتَ عَلى عَدُوِّكَ فَاجعَلِ العَفوَ عَنهُ شُكراً لِلقُدرَةِ عَلَيهِ .

11– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘When you are empowered to vanquish your enemy, let your pardon of him act as thanks for having been given power over him.’[Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 11]

12ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): العَفوُ زَكاةُ الظَّفَرِ .

12– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Pardon is the zakat of triumph.’[Nahj al-Balagha, Saying 211]

13ـ الإمامُ الحسينُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): إنَّ أعفَى النّاسِ مَن عَفا عِندَ قُدرَتِهِ .

13– Imam al-Husayn (AS) said, ‘Verily the most forgiving of people is he who pardons when having the power to punish.’[al-Durra al-Bahira, p. 29]