اِجتِمَاعُ الدُّنيا وَالآخِرَةِ Combining the World and the Hereafter

69ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): الحَرثُ حَرثانِ: فحَرثُ الدنيا المالُ والبَنونُ، وحَرثُ الآخرةِ الباقياتُ الصالحاتُ ، وقد يَجمَعُهُم اللّه‏ُ عزّوجلّ لأقوامٍ .

69– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘Wealth and children are the cultivation of the world and righteous deeds are the cultivation of the Hereafter, and sometimes Allah combines the two for people.’[Nahj al-Sa`ada, v. 3, p. 127]


70ـ الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): إن جَعَلتَ دِينَكَ تَبَعاً لدُنياكَ أهلَكتَ دينَكَ ودُنياكَ وكُنتَ في الآخرةِ مِن الخاسِرينَ ، إن جَعَلتَ دُنياكَ تَبَعاً لِدينِكَ أحرَزْتَ دِينَكَ ودُنياكَ وكُنتَ في الآخرةِ مِن الفائزينَ .

70– Imam Ali (AS) said, ‘If you make your religion secondary to your worldly affairs, you have destroyed both your religion and your worldly affairs, and thus you will be among the losers in the Hereafter. But if you make your worldly affairs secondary to your religion, you have safeguarded your religion and your worldly affairs and you will be among the victorious ones in the Hereafter.’[Ghurar al-Hikam, no. 3750-3751]

71ـ الإمامُ الكاظمُ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ): إجعَلوا لِأنفُسِكُم حظّاً مِن الدنيا بِإعطائها ما تَشتَهي مِن الحلالِ وما لا يَثلِمُ المُروّةَ وما لا سَرَفَ فيهِ ، واستَعِينوا بذلكَ على اُمورِ الدِّينِ ، فإنّهُ رُوِيَ: ليسَ مِنّا مَن تَرَكَ دُنياهُ لدِينِهِ ، أو تَرَكَ دِينَهُ لِدُنياهُ .

71– Imam al-Kazim (AS) said, ‘Allocate for yourselves a portion of the world by taking from it that which is lawful of what you desire, and that which does not breach the honourable virtues and that wherein there is no extravagance. And in this way, use it to assist [and improve] the matters of religion, for it has been narrated that, ‘The one who abandons their worldly affairs for their religion is not from us, and neither is the one who abandons their religion for their worldly affairs.’[Bihar al-Anwar, v. 78, p. 321, no. 18]