Her oppression

عن أبي بصير, عن أبي عبد الله × في حديث طويل عن شهادة السيدة الزهراء ÷ قال: وكان سبب وفاتها ÷ أن قنفذا مولى عمر لكزها بنعل السيف بأمره، فأسقطت محسنا ومرضت من ذلك مرضا شديدا، ولم تدع أحدا ممن آذاها يدخل عليها. وكان الرجلان من أصحاب النبي | سألا أمير المؤمنين × أن يشفع لهما إليها، فسألها أمير المؤمنين × فأجابت، فلما دخلا عليها قالا لها: كيف أنت يا بنت رسول الله؟ فقالت: بخير بحمد الله. ثم قالت لهما: أما سمعتما من النبي | يقول: فاطمة بضعة مني فمن آذاها فقد آذاني، ومن آذاني فقد آذى الله؟ قالا: بلى, قالت: والله لقد آذيتماني, فخرجا من عندها وهي ساخطة عليهما.[1]

Abu Abdullah Imam Ja’far Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said in a long narration about the martyrdom of Lady Fatimah (pbuh): "The reason for her death was that Qunfudh, Umar's servant, punched her with the haft of the sword under Umar's orders. She had a miscarriage with Al-Mohsin and became severely ill. She did not allow anyone who harmed her to enter upon her. The two men from the Prophet's companions asked Imam Ali (pbuh) to intercede for them to see her. When Imam Ali (pbuh) asked her, she agreed. When they entered upon her, they asked, 'How are you, O daughter of the Messenger of Allah?' She replied, 'I am well, praise be to Allah.' Then she said to them, 'Have you not heard the Prophet (pbuhp) say: 'Fatimah is a part of me, whoever hurts her has hurt me, and whoever hurts me has hurt Allah'? They said, 'Yes.' She said, 'By Allah, you have hurt me.' They left her while she was displeased with them."

Dala'l Al-Imama P.134


عن أبي عبد الله × قال: قال جدي رسول الله |: ملعون ملعون من يظلم بعدي فاطمة ابنتي ويغصبها حقها ويقتلها, ثم قال |: يا فاطمة, البشرى فلك عند الله مقام محمود تشفعين فيه لمحبيك وشيعتك, فتشفعين يا فاطمة لو أن كل نبي بعثه الله وكل ملك قربه شفعوا في كل مبغض لك غاصب لك ما أخرجه الله من النار أبدا. [2]

"From Abu Abdullah (pbuh), who said: My grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), said: 'Cursed, cursed is the one who oppresses my daughter Fatimah, takes her right, and kills her.' Then he (pbuh) said: 'O Fatimah, glad tidings to you, for you have with Allah a praised station, and you will intercede for your lovers and your followers. You, O Fatimah, will intercede so much that even if every prophet sent by Allah and every angel brought near to Him interceded for every enemy and usurper of your rights, Allah would never remove them from the fire.'"

Kanz Al-Fawa'd Vol.1, P.150


عن رسول الله | أنه قال للسيدة الزهراء ÷: إنك أول من يلحقني من أهل بيتي، وأنت سيدة نساء أهل الجنة، وسترين بعدي ظلما وغيظا حتى تضربي ويكسر ضلع من أضلاعك, لعن الله قاتلك ولعن الآمر والراضي والمعين والمظاهر عليك, وظالم بعلك‏ وابنيك. [3]

It is narrated from the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) that he said to Lady al-Zahraa (pbuh): 'You will be the first to join me from my family, and you are the leader of the women of Paradise. After me, you will face oppression and anger, and you will be beaten, and one of your ribs will be broken. May Allah curse your killer, and the one who commands, the one who agrees, the one who aids, and those who are against you. May Allah curse the oppressor of your husband and your sons.'"

Sulaym Ibn Qays Book Vol.2, P.907


عن حماد بن عثمان، عن أبي عبد الله × قال: لما اسري بالنبي | إلى السماء قيل له: إن الله تبارك وتعالى يختبرك في ثلاث لينظر كيف صبرك، قال: أُسلم لأمرك يا رب ولا قوة لي على الصبر الا بك - وساق الحديث إلى أن يقول - وأما الثالثة فما يلقى أهل بيتك من بعدك من القتل، أما أخوك علي فيلقى من أمتك الشتم والتعنيف والتوبيخ والحرمان والجحد والظلم وآخر ذلك القتل، فقال: يا رب قبلت ورضيت ومنك التوفيق والصبر! وأما ابنتك فتظلم وتحرم ويؤخذ حقها غصباً الذي تجعله لها، وتُضرب وهي حامل، ويُدخل عليها وعلى حريمها ومنزلها بغير إذن، ثم يمسها هوان وذل ثم لا تجد مانعاً، وتطرح ما في بطنها من الضرب وتموت من ذلك الضرب, قلت: إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون قبلت يا رب وسلمت ومنك التوفيق للصبر! - إلى أن يقول - وأما ابنتك فإني أوقفها عند عرشي فيقال لها: إن الله قد حكمك في خلقه فمن ظلمك وظلم ولدك فاحكمي فيه بما أحببتِ فإني أجيز حكومتك فيهم فتشهد العرصة، فإذا وقف من ظلمها أمرت به إلى النار، فيقول الظالم: واحسرتاه على ما فرطت في جنب الله، ويتمنى الكرة، ويعض الظالم على يديه ويقول: {يا ليتني اتخذت مع الرسول سبيلاً يا ويلتي ليتني لم أتخذ فلاناً خليلاً} وقال: {حتى إذا جاءنا قال يا ليت بيني وبينك بعد المشرقين فبئس القرين ولن ينفعكم اليوم إذ ظلمتم أنكم في العذاب مشتركون} فيقول الظالم: أنت تحكم بين عبادك فيما كانوا فيه يختلفون، أو الحكم لغيرك، فيقال لهم: ألا {لعنة الله على الظالمين الذين يصدون عن سبيل الله ويبغونها عوجاً وهم بالآخرة كافرون} وأول من يحكم فيهم محسن بن علي × وفي قاتله، ثم في قنفذ، فيؤتيان هو وصاحبه، فيضربان بسياط من نار، لو وقع سوط منها على البحار لغلت من مشرقها إلى مغربها، ولو وُضعت على جبال الدنيا لذابت حتى تصير رماداً، فيضربان بها. [4]

Abou Abdellah Imam Ja’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said when talking about the ascent: When the Prophet (pbuh) was taken on the night journey to the heavens, it was said to him, 'Indeed, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, will test you in three ways to see how patient you will be.' He replied, 'I submit to Your command, O Lord, and I have no strength for patience except through You.'… The thirds test is what your family will have to encounter after you of killing. As for your brother Ali, he will face, from your nation, the insult, abuse, blame, deprivation, and injustice, and at the end of it all, killing. He responded, 'O Lord, I have accepted and am content, and from You comes the ability to endure and be patient. As for your daughter, she will be wronged and deprived, and her right will be taken forcibly, which you will assign to her. She will be struck while pregnant, and her home and privacy will be entered without permission. Then she will experience humiliation and degradation, and she will find no one to defend her. She will have miscarriage from the beating and die from that beating." I said: "Indeed, we belong to Allah, and indeed to Him we will return. I have accepted it, O Lord, and surrendered, and from You comes the strength for patience.

As for your daughter, I shall place her by My Throne and she will be told:" Allah has given you the authority to judge all mankind, so punish whoever oppressed you and oppressed your descendants as you wish, as for I have allowed your judgment to take place indeed." Everyone witnesses this. Then, she will order all those who oppressed her to enter Hell, so the oppressor says:" What a shame! I strongly remorse the Divine Side of Allah that I have dissipated!", and wishes if he were to live again. The oppressor remorsefully bites his fingers and says: {I wish I had followed the path of The Messenger. I wish I hadn't taken this person as a companion!}" He (pbuh) also says: {until when he comes to Us, he will say (to his evil companion): "Would that between me and you were the distance of East and West!" Ah! So evil is the companion (indeed)! *And since you were unjust, it will not profit you this day. You shall jointly suffer the punishment.} The oppressor will also say:" Shall you determine about what your servants were disputing amongst them or shall the judgment be for someone else." Therefore, they will be told:" Indeed, {the damnation of Allah is upon the oppressors * who hinder (people) from Allah's way and seek to make it crooked, and they are disbelievers in the Hereafter (Last Era).} The First one to judge them is Al-Mohsen Bin Ali and he will judge his killer and Qonfoth. He and his companion will be brought and struck by whips of fire. If one of these whips fell on the seas, they would have boiled from their east to their west and if it was put on the mountains, they would have melted until they became ash. Indeed, they will be hit by them."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P.332


عن ابن عباس, قال: إن رسول الله | كان جالساً ذات يوم إذ أقبل الحسن × فلما رآه بكى, ثم قال: إلي يا بني, فما زال يدنيه حتى أجلسه على فخذه اليمنى, ثم أقبل الحسين × فلما رآه بكى, ثم قال: إلي يا بني, فما زال يدنيه حتى أجلسه على فخذه اليسرى, ثم أقبلت فاطمة ÷ فلما رآها بكى, ثم قال: إلي يا بنية, فأجلسها بين يديه, ثم أقبل أمير المؤمنين × فلما رآه بكى, ثم قال: إلي يا أخي, فما زال يدنيه حتى أجلسه إلى جنبه الأيمن, فقال له أصحابه: يا رسول الله ما ترى واحداً من هؤلاء إلا بكيت؟ أو ما فيهم من تسر برؤيته! فقال |: والذي بعثني بالنبوة, واصطفاني على جميع البرية, إني وإياهم لأكرم الخلق على الله عز وجل, وما على وجه الارض نسمة أحب إلي منهم. أما علي بن أبي طالب فإنه أخي وشقيقي, وصاحب الأمر بعدي, وصاحب لوائي في الدنيا والآخرة, وصاحب حوضي وشفاعتي, وهو مولى كل مسلم, وإمام كل مؤمن, وقائد كل تقي, وهو وصيي وخليفتي على أهلي وأمتي في حياتي وبعد مماتي, محبه محبي, ومبغضه مبغضي, وبولايته صارت أمتي مرحومة, وبعداوته صارت المخالفة له منها ملعونة, وإني بكيت حين أقبل لأني ذكرت غدر الامة به بعدي حتى إنه ليزال عن مقعدي, وقد جعله الله له بعدي, ثم لا يزال الامر به حتى يضرب على قرنه ضربة تخضب منها لحيته في أفضل الشهور {شهر رمضان الذي أنزل فيه القرآن هدى للناس وبينات من الهدى والفرقان}. وأما ابنتي فاطمة, فإنها سيدة نساء العالمين من الأولين والآخرين, وهي بضعة مني, وهي نور عيني, وهي ثمرة فؤادي, وهي روحي التي بين جنبي, وهي الحوراء الانسية, متى قامت في محرابها بين يدي ربها جل جلاله زهر نورها لملائكة السماء كما يزهر نور الكواكب لاهل الارض, ويقول الله عز وجل لملائكته: يا ملائكتي, انظروا إلى أمتي فاطمة سيدة إمائي, قائمة بين يدي ترتعد فرائصها من خيفتي, وقد أقبلت بقلبها على عبادتي, أشهدكم أني قد أمنت شيعتها من النار, وإني لما رأيتها ذكرت ما يصنع بها بعدي, كأني بها وقد دخل الذل بيتها, وانتهكت حرمتها, وغصبت حقها, ومنعت إرثها, وكسر جنبها، وأسقطت جنينها, وهي تنادي: يا محمداه! فلا تجاب, وتستغيث فلا تغاث, فلا تزال بعدي محزونة مكروبة باكية, تتذكر انقطاع الوحي عن بيتها مرة, وتتذكر فراقي أخرى, وتستوحش إذا جنها الليل لفقد صوتي الذي كانت تستمع إليه إذا تهجدت بالقرآن, ثم ترى نفسها ذليلة بعد أن كانت في أيام أبيها عزيزة, فعند ذلك يؤنسها الله تعالى ذكره بالملائكة فنادتها بما نادت به مريم بنت عمران فتقول: يا فاطمة {إن الله اصطفاك وطهرك واصطفاك على نساء العالمين}, يا فاطمة {اقنتي لربك واسجدي واركعي مع الراكعين}, ثم يبتدئ بها الوجع فتمرض, فيبعث الله عز وجل إليها مريم بنت عمران, تمرضها وتؤنسها في علتها, فتقول عند ذلك: يا رب, إني قد سئمت الحياة, وتبرمت بأهل الدنيا, فألحقني بأبي, فيلحقها الله عز وجل بي, فتكون أول من يلحقني من أهل بيتي, فتقدم علي محزونة مكروبة مغمومة مغصوبة مقتولة, فأقول عند ذلك: اللهم العن من ظلمها, وعاقب من غصبها, وأذل من أذلها, وخلد في نارك من ضرب جنبها حتى ألقت ولدها, فتقول الملائكة عند ذلك: آمين. [5]

Ibn Abbas: The Prophet (pbuhp) was sitting one day when Al-Hassan (pbuhp) came forward, and when he saw him, the Prophet wept. Then he said, "Come to me, my son." He continued to draw him close until he sat him on his right thigh. Then Al-Hussayn (pbuh) came forward, and when the Prophet saw him, he wept. Again he said, "Come to me, my son." He continued to draw him close until he sat him on his left thigh. Then Fatimah (pbuh) came forward, and when he saw her, he wept. Once again, he said, "Come to me, my daughter." He seated her in front of him. Ali, the Commander of the Believers (pbuh), then came forward, and when the Prophet saw him, he wept. Again he said, "Come to me, my brother." He continued to draw him close until he sat him on his side. The companions asked, "O Messenger of Allah, why is it that whenever you see any of them, you weep, isn’t there any of them whom when you see you are gladdened?" The Prophet (pbuhp) replied, "By Him who sent me with Prophethood and chose me among all creatures, I and they are the noblest among the creation in the sight of Allah, the Mighty and Majestic. There is no one on the face of the earth more beloved to me than they are. As for Ali son of Abi Talib (Pbut), he is my brother, the leader after me, the bearer of my banner in this world and the Hereafter, the guardian of my pond and my intercessor. He is the master of every Muslim, the Imam of every believer, the leader of every pious person. He is my successor and caliph over my family and my Ummah in my lifetime and after my death. Whoever loves him love me and whoever detests him detests me. Through his leadership, my Ummah finds mercy, and through opposition to him, they are deviated and cursed. I weep when I think about the betrayal that my Ummah will show him after me, to the extent that he will be forcibly removed from my seat. Allah has appointed him as a leader after me, and the situation will persist until he faces severe opposition, and he is struck by a blow on his head during the blessed {month of Ramadan in which the Quran was revealed as guidance for humanity, providing clear signs of guidance and distinction between right and wrong.}

As for my daughter Fatimah, she is the leader of the women of the worlds, from the first to the last. She is a part of me, the light of my eyes, the fruit of my heart. She is my soul that is inside of me an she is the heavenly being in the form of a human.

 When she stands in her prayer place before her Lord, her radiance shines like the brightness of the stars to the people of the earth. Allah, the Exalted, says to His angels, 'Look at my servant Fatimah, the lady of my female servants, standing in awe before Me, and her limbs trembling with fear of Me with her heard directed only towards worshiping Me. I bear witness that I have granted safety from the Hellfire to her followers, and I have granted security to those who love her.” When I saw her, I remembered what would happen to her after me. It was as if I could see her enduring humiliation in her home, her sanctity violated, her rights usurped, her inheritance denied, her side broken, and her unborn child cast down. She calls, 'O Muhammad!' but receives no response. She seeks help but finds no aid. She remains in sorrow and grief after me, remembering the cessation of revelation in her house and the separation from me. She longs when the night envelops her, missing the sound of my voice as she used to listen to it during the night prayer with the Qur'an. Then she sees herself in a state of humility after being honored in the days of her father. At that moment, Allah consoles her with the remembrance of His angels, and they address her as they addressed Maryam, the daughter of Imran, saying, 'O Fatimah, indeed, Allah has chosen you, purified you, and chosen you above the women of the worlds. Obey your Lord, prostrate, and bow down with those who bow.' Then, pain begins, and she falls ill. Allah sends Maryam, the daughter of Imran, to attend to her during her illness, comforting her. In her sickness, she says, 'O Lord, I have grown weary of life and distanced myself from the people of this world. Join me with my father.' Then Allah joins her with me, and she is the first among my family to join me. She comes to me, mourning, sorrowful, oppressed, and killed. At that moment, I say, 'O Allah, curse the one who oppressed her, punish the one who violated her, humiliate the one who humiliated her, and let those who struck her side causing her to have a miscarriage be cast into your fire till eternity.' The angels say at that moment, 'Ameen.'"

Al-Amali by Al-Saduq P.112


عن المفضل بن عمر - في حديث طويل في ذكر الرجعة - قال قال أبو عبد الله الصادق ×: ثم لكأني أنظر يا مفضل إلينا معاشر الأئمة بين يدي رسول الله | نشكوا إليه ما نزل بنا من الأمة بعده، وما نالنا من التكذيب والرد علينا وسبينا ولعننا وتخويفنا بالقتل، وقصد طواغيتهم الولاة لأمورهم من دون الامة بترحيلنا عن الحرمة إلى دار ملكهم، وقتلهم إيانا بالسم والحبس، فيبكي رسول الله | ويقول: يا بني ما نزل بكم إلا ما نزل بجدكم قبلكم! ثم تبتدئ فاطمة ÷ وتشكو ما نالها من أبي بكر وعمر، وأخذ فدك منها ومشيها إليه في مجمع من المهاجرين والأنصار، وخطابها له في أمر فدك، وما رد عليها من قوله: إن الأنبياء لا تورث، واحتجاجها بقول زكريا ويحيى × وقصة داود وسليمان ×, وقول عمر: هاتي صحيفتك التي ذكرت أن أباك كتبها لك وإخراجها الصحيفة وأخذه إياها منها، ونشره لها على رؤس الأشهاد من قريش والمهاجرين والأنصار وسائر العرب وتفله فيها، وتمزيقه إياها, وبكائها, ورجوعها إلى قبر أبيها رسول الله | باكية حزينة تمشي على الرمضاء قد أقلقتها، واستغاثتها بالله وبأبيها رسول الله | وتمثلها بقول رقيقة بنت صيفي. [6]

قد كان بعدك أنباء وهنبثة لو كنت شاهدها لم يكبر الخطبُ

إنا فقدناك فقد الأرض وابلها واختل أهلك فاشهدهم فقد لعبوا

أبدت رجال لنا فحوى صدورهم لما نأيت وحالت دونك الحجبُ

لكل قوم لهم قرب ومنزلة عند الاله على الأدنين مقترب

يا ليت قبلك كان الموت حل بنا أملوا أناس ففازوا بالذي طلبوا

وتقص عليه قصة أبي بكر وإنفاذه خالد بن الوليد وقنفذاً وعمر بن الخطاب وجمعه الناس لإخراج أمير المؤمنين × من بيته إلى البيعة في سقيفة بني ساعدة واشتغال أمير المؤمنين × بعد وفات رسول الله | بضم أزواجه وقبره وتعزيتهم وجمع القرآن وقضاء دينه، وإنجاز عداته، وهي ثمانون ألف درهم، باع فيها تليده وطارفه وقضاها عن رسول الله |, وقول عمر: اخرج يا علي إلى ما أجمع عليه المسلمون وإلا قتلناك، وقول فضة جارية فاطمة: إن أمير المؤمنين × مشغول والحق له إن أنصفتم من أنفسكم وأنصفتموه، وجمعهم الجزل والحطب على الباب لإحراق بيت أمير المؤمنين وفاطمة والحسن والحسين وزينب وأم كلثوم وفضة، وإضرامهم النار على الباب، وخروج فاطمة إليهم وخطابها لهم من وراء الباب, وقولها: ويحك يا عمر ما هذه الجرأة على الله وعلى رسوله؟! تريد أن تقطع نسله من الدنيا وتفنيه وتطفئ نور الله؟! والله متم نوره، وانتهاره لها, وقوله: كفي يا فاطمة فليس محمد حاضراً ولا الملائكة آتية بالأمر والنهي والزجر من عند الله، وما علي إلا كأحد المسلمين فاختاري إن شئت خروجه لبيعة أبي بكر أو إحراقكم جميعاً, فقالت وهي باكية: اللهم إليك نشكو فقد نبيك ورسولك وصفيك، وارتداد أمته علينا، ومنعهم إيانا حقنا الذي جعلته لنا في كتابك المنزل على نبيك المرسل, فقال لها عمر: دعي عنك يا فاطمة حمقات النساء، فلم يكن الله ليجمع لكم النبوة والخلافة، وأخذت النار في خشب الباب, وإدخال قنفذ يده لعنه الله يروم فتح الباب، وضرب عمر لها بالسوط على عضدها، حتى صار كالدملج الأسود، وركل الباب برجله، حتى أصاب بطنها وهي حاملة بالمحسن، لستة أشهر وإسقاطها إياه, وهجوم عمر وقنفذ وخالد بن الوليد وصفقه خدها حتى بدا قرطاها تحت خمارها، وهي تجهر بالبكاء، وتقول: وا أبتاه! وا رسول الله! ابنتك فاطمة تكذب وتضرب، ويقتل جنين في بطنها!! وخروج أمير المؤمنين × من داخل الدار محمر العين حاسراً، حتى ألقى ملاءته عليها، وضمها إلى صدره وقوله لها: يا بنت رسول الله قد علمتي أن أباك بعثه الله رحمة للعالمين، فالله الله أن تكشفي خمارك، وترفعي ناصيتك، فوالله يا فاطمة لئن فعلت ذلك لا أبقى الله على الأرض من يشهد أن محمداً رسول الله, ولا موسى, ولا عيسى, ولا إبراهيم, ولا نوح, ولا آدم، ولا دابة تمشي على الأرض ولا طائراً في السماء إلا أهلكه الله! ثم قال: يا ابن الخطاب لك الويل من يومك هذا وما بعده وما يليه اخرج قبل أن أشهر سيفي فأفني غابر الأمة, فخرج عمر وخالد بن الوليد وقنفذ وعبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر فصاروا من خارج الدار، وصاح أمير المؤمنين بفضة يا فضة مولاتك فاقبلي منها ما تقبله النساء فقد جاءها المخاض من الرفسة ورد الباب، فأسقطت محسناً فقال أمير المؤمنين ×: فانه لاحق بجده رسول الله | فيشكو إليه. - وساق الحديث إلى أن يقول ×: - ويأتي محسن تحمله خديجة بنت خويلد، وفاطمة بنت أسد أم أمير المؤمنين × وهن صارخات وأمه فاطمة تقول: {هذا يومكم الذي كنتم توعدون} {اليوم تجد كل نفس ما عملت من خير محضراً وما عملت من سوء تود لو أن بينها وبينه أمداً بعيداً} قال: فبكى الصادق × حتى اخضلت لحيته بالدموع، ثم قال: لا قرت عين لا تبكي عند هذا الذكر! قال: وبكى المفضل بكاء طويلاً! ثم قال: يا مولاي ما في الدموع يا مولاي؟ فقال: ما لا يحصى إذا كان من محق.

ثم قال المفضل: يا مولاي ما تقول في قوله تعالى: {وإذا الموؤدة سئلت بأي ذنب قتلت}؟ قال: يا مفضل والموؤدة والله محسن، لأنه منا لا غير، فمن قال غير هذا فكذبوه, قال المفضل: يا مولاي ثم ماذا؟ قال الصادق ×: تقوم فاطمة بنت رسول الله | فيقول: اللهم أنجز وعدك وموعدك لي فيمن ظلمني وغصبني، وضربني وجزعني بكل أولادي، فتبكيها ملائكة السماوات السبع وحملة العرش، وسكان الهواء، ومن في الدنيا، ومن تحت أطباق الثرى، صائحين صارخين إلى الله تعالى، فلا يبقى أحد ممن قاتلنا وظلمنا ورضي بما جرى علينا إلا قُتل في ذلك اليوم ألف قتلة. [7]


In a lengthy narration about Al-Raj’a (the return), Al-Mufaddal bin Umar said that Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: "Then it is as if I see us, the group of Imams, standing before the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), complaining to him about what befell us from the community after him, and how they denied us, rejected us, insulted us, cursed us, and threatened us with death. Their tyrants, who held authority over their affairs, aimed to displace us from our sanctity to their domains of rule, and killed us by poison and imprisonment. The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) would weep and say, ‘My dear ones, you have suffered only what your grandfather endured before you!’ Then Fatima (pbuh) would begin, lamenting what she suffered from Abu Bakr and Umar, how they took Fadak from her, how she went to him in the assembly of the Muhajireen (immigrants) and Ansar (helpers), addressing him on the matter of Fadak, and his response to her that ‘the Prophets do not leave inheritance.’ She argued by citing the story of Zakariya and Yahya (pbut), and the account of Dawud and Sulayman (pbut), and Umar’s statement to her, ‘Bring forth the document you mentioned that your father wrote for you.’ She produced the document, which he took from her, held up in front of the Quraysh, Muhajireen, Ansar, and other Arabs, spat on it, and tore it up. She wept and returned to the grave of her father, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), weeping, saddened, walking on the scorching ground in distress. She cried out for help to Allah and her father, the Messenger of Allah, reciting the poetry of Raqeeqa bint Sayfi." And she tells him the story of Abu Bakr sending Khalid ibn Al-Walid, Qunfudh, and Umar ibn Al-Khattab, as well as gathering the people to bring out the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) from his home to give allegiance at the Saqifah of Banu Sa’ida. Meanwhile, the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) was occupied after the Prophet’s (pbuhp) death with gathering the Prophet’s wives, his burial, consoling them, compiling the Qur’an, settling his debts, and fulfilling his promises, amounting to eighty thousand dirhams. He sold his own property, both inherited and newly acquired, to settle these debts on behalf of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp). Umar said, “Come out, Ali, and join what the Muslims have agreed upon, or else we will kill you.” Fidha, the servant of Fatima, replied, “The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) is occupied, and the right is his if you are fair to yourselves and to him.” They then gathered logs and kindling at the door to burn down the house of the Commander of the Faithful, Fatima, Hasan, Husayn, Zainab, Umm Kulthum, and Fidha. They lit the fire at the door, and Fatima came out to them and addressed them from behind the door, saying, “Woe to you, O Umar! How dare you act against Allah and His Messenger? Do you intend to eliminate his progeny from the world and extinguish the light of Allah? But Allah will perfect His light.” Umar responded harshly, saying, “Enough, Fatima! Muhammad is not present, nor will the angels bring orders from Allah to command or prevent us. Ali is but one of the Muslims, so choose whether you want him to come out and pledge allegiance to Abu Bakr, or we will burn you all.” She, weeping, said, “O Allah, to You I complain of the loss of Your Prophet, Your Messenger, Your chosen one, and the betrayal of his nation against us, and their denial of our right that You established for us in Your revealed Book upon Your sent Prophet.” Umar replied, “Leave aside, O Fatima, the foolishness of women. Allah would not have gathered for you both prophethood and leadership.” The fire spread to the door’s wood, and Qunfudh (may Allah curse him) put his hand through, attempting to open it. Umar struck her with his whip on her upper arm, causing it to darken as if from a bracelet, and kicked the door with his foot, striking her stomach while she was six months pregnant with Muhsin, causing her to miscarry. Then Umar, Qunfudh, and Khalid ibn Al-Walid forced their way in, and Umar struck her on the cheek, causing her earrings to fall from beneath her veil, and she cried out loudly. “Oh my father! Oh Messenger of Allah! Your daughter Fatima is accused of lying, struck, and her unborn child is killed in her womb!” Then the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) came out from inside the house, his eyes red with anger, and uncovered. He threw his cloak over her, held her to his chest, and said to her, “O daughter of the Messenger of Allah, you know that your father was sent by Allah as a mercy to the worlds. I beg you, for the sake of Allah, do not remove your veil or raise your forehead, for by Allah, Fatima, if you do that, Allah will not leave on earth anyone who bears witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, nor Musa, nor Isa, nor Ibrahim, nor Nuh, nor Adam, nor any creature that walks upon the earth or any bird in the sky, except that Allah will destroy it!” Then he said, “O son of Al-Khattab, woe to you for this day, and for what follows it, and for what comes after! Leave before I draw my sword and eradicate this community.” So Umar, Khalid ibn Al-Walid, Qunfudh, and Abdul Rahman ibn Abi Bakr left and stood outside the house. The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) then called to Fidha, “O Fidha, assist your lady in the manner that women assist each other, for labor pains have come to her due to the kick and the door being slammed on her.” She then miscarried Muhsin. The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) said, “He will join his grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), and complain to him.” The narration continues until the Imam (pbuh) says: Then Muhsin will come, carried by Khadija bint Khuwaylid and Fatima bint Asad, the mother of the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh), both crying, while his mother Fatima says, {This is your Day which you were promised} {On this day, every soul will find present whatever good it has done and whatever evil it has done; it will wish that there were a great distance between it and that evil}. Then Imam Al-Sadiq (pbuh) cried until his beard was soaked with tears, saying, “May no eye find solace that does not cry at this remembrance!” Al-Mufaddal cried for a long time, then said, “O Master, what is the significance of tears?” The Imam replied, “They are of inestimable worth when they come from a true heart.”

Then Al-Mufaddal asked, “O Master, what is your interpretation of Allah’s words, {And when the buried girl is asked for what sin she was killed?}” The Imam said, “O Mufaddal, the buried girl is, by Allah, Muhsin, for he is from us, none other. So if anyone says otherwise, disbelieve him.” Al-Mufaddal asked, “And then what happens?” Imam Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said, “Fatima, daughter of the Messenger of Allah, will stand and say, ‘O Allah, fulfill Your promise and pledge to me regarding those who wronged me, usurped my rights, struck me, and bereaved me of all my children.’ Then the angels of the seven heavens, the bearers of the Throne, the dwellers of the skies, everyone in the world, and those beneath the layers of the earth will all cry out and weep to Allah Almighty. None of those who fought us, oppressed us, or approved of what happened to us will be left except that they will be killed a thousand times over on that day.”

Behar Al-Anwar Vol.53, P.17



From Al-Mufaddal ibn Amr, who narrated from Abu Abdullah (pbuh) in a lengthy narration, Al-Mufaddal said: “O son of the Messenger of Allah, indeed, your Day of Retribution will be greater than the day of your trial.” Al-Sadiq (pbuh) replied, “But it is not like the day of our trial in Karbala. Even though the day of the Saqifah, the burning of the fire at the door of the Commander of the Faithful, Hasan, Husayn, Fatima, Zainab, Umm Kulthum, and Fidha, and the killing of Muhsin by the blow is greater, more distressing, and more bitter, for it is the origin of the day of torment.”

Nawa'b Al-Duhour P.194


عن ابن عباس في حديث طويل بعد ذكر محاولة قتلهم لأمير المؤمنين ×, قال: فانطلق أمير المؤمنين × إلى منزله, وجاء الزبير والعباس وأبو ذر والمقداد وبنو هاشم, واخترطوا السيوف وقالوا: والله لا تنتهون حتى يتكلم ويفعل, واختلف الناس وماجوا واضطربوا وخرجت نسوة بني هاشم فصرخن وقلن: يا أعداء الله, ما أسرع ما أبديتم العداوة لرسول الله | وأهل بيته ×, لطالما أردتم هذا من رسول الله |‏ فلم تقدروا عليه فقتلتم ابنته بالأمس, ثم تريدون اليوم أن تقتلوا أخاه وابن عمه ووصيه وأبا ولده, كذبتم ورب الكعبة ما كنتم تصلون إلى قتله, حتى تخوف الناس أن تقع فتنة عظيمة. [9]

From Ibn Abbas, in a lengthy narration after mentioning their attempt to kill the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh), he said: "The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) went to his house, and Al-Zubair, Al-Abbas, Abu Dhar, Al-Miqdad, and the Banu Hashim came to him, drawing their swords and saying, 'By Allah, you will not stop until he speaks and acts.' The people began to differ, murmur, and grow agitated. The women of Banu Hashim came out, crying, 'O enemies of Allah! How quickly you have revealed your enmity toward the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) and his progeny (pbut). You had long wished for this from the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), but you could not achieve it. You killed his daughter yesterday, and now today you want to kill his brother, his cousin, his successor, and the father of his children. By the Lord of the Kaaba, you lie! You will not be able to kill him.' Then the people feared that a great conflict would break out."

Sulaym Ibn Qays Book Vol.2, P.872


عن أبي عبد الله × في حديث طويل, عمن يعذب في جبل كمد وهو على في واد في جهنم, قال: قاتل أمير المؤمنين ×, وقاتل فاطمة ÷, وقاتل المحسن ×, وقاتل الحسن والحسين ‘... ومعهم كل من نصب لنا العداوة, وعاون علينا بلسانه ويده. [10]

From Abu Abdullah (pbuh), in a lengthy narration, regarding those who will be tortured in a desolate mountain in a valley in Hell, he said: "The killer of the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh), the killer of Fatima (pbuh), the killer of Muhsin (pbuh), and the killer of Hasan and Husayn (pbut)... along with all those who have set enmity against us and have aided us with their tongues and hands."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P.327


عن أمير المؤمنين × قال: بينا أنا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين ‘ عند رسول الله |, إذ التفت إلينا فبكى فقلت: ما يبكيك يا رسول الله؟ فقال |: أبكي مما يصنع بكم بعدي, فقلت: وما ذاك يا رسول الله؟ قال |: أبكي من ضربتك على القرن, ولطم فاطمة ÷ خدها, وطعنة الحسن × في الفخذ والسم الذي يسقى, وقتل الحسين ×, [11] قال ×: فبكى أهل البيت جميعا.[12]

From the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh), he said: "While I was with Fatima, Hasan, and Husayn (pbut) at the side of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), he turned to us and began to weep. I said, 'What makes you weep, O Messenger of Allah?' He replied, 'I weep for what will be done to you after me.' I asked, 'What is that, O Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'I weep for the strike on your head, for the slap that will strike Fatima’s cheek, for the stab in Hasan's thigh, for the poison that will be given to him, and for the killing of Husayn.' Then, all of the Ahl al-Bayt (the progeny of the Prophet) wept."

Al-Amali by Al-Saduq P.134


عن حنش بن المعتمر قال: قال أبو ذر الغفاري رحمة الله عليه التفت إلي رسول الله | فقال: يا أبا ذر, إنها بضعة مني فمن آذاها فقد آذاني, ألا إنها سيدة نساء العالمين وبعلها سيد الوصيين وابنيها الحسن والحسين سيدا شباب أهل الجنة, وإنهم إمامان إن قاما أو قعدا وأبوهما خير منهما, وسوف يخرج من صلب الحسين × تسعة من الأئمة معصومون قوامون بالقسط, ومنا مهدي هذه الأمة, [13] قال: قلت: يا رسول الله, فكم الأئمة بعدك؟ قال ×: عدد نقباء بني إسرائيل. [14]

From Hanish ibn al-Mu'tamir, he said: Abu Dharr al-Ghifari, may Allah have mercy on him, said: the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) turned to me and said: 'O Abu Dharr, she is a part of me. Whoever harms her harms me. Know that she is the Lady of the Women of the World, and her husband is the Master of the Successors. Her sons, Hasan and Husayn, are the Masters of the Youth of Paradise. They are Imams whether they rise or sit, and their father is better than them. From the lineage of Husayn (pbuh), there will emerge nine Imams, all infallible, who will stand for justice. Among them is the Mahdi of this nation.' I asked: 'O Messenger of Allah, how many Imams will there be after you?' He (pbuh) replied: 'The number of the chiefs of the Children of Israel.'"

Kefayat Al-Athar P.36


من رسالة صاحب الزمان ×: وفي ابنة رسول الله | لي أسوة حسنة, وسيردي الجاهل رداءة عمله, وسيعلم الكافر لمن عقبى الدار. [15]

From the letter of the Imam of the Time (pbuh): "And in the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), I have a good example. The ignorant one will meet the consequences of his evil deeds, and the disbeliever will know who will have the best outcome in the Hereafter."

Al-Ghayba by Al-Tussi P.286


عن أبي جعفر × في حديث عن قيام صاحب الأمر ×, قال: ثم يحرقهما بالحطب الذي جمعاه‏ ليحرقا به عليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين ‘؛ وذلك الحطب عندنا نتوارثه. [16]

From Abu Ja'far (pbuh), in a narration about the rising of the Master of the Order (pbuh), he said: "Then he will burn them with the firewood they collected to burn Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husayn (pbut); and that firewood is something we inherit."

Dala'l Al-Imama P.455


عن زكريا بن آدم قال: إني لعند الرضا × إذ جيء بأبي جعفر ×, وسنه أقل من أربع سنين, فضرب بيده إلى الارض, ورفع رأسه إلى السماء فأطال الفكر, فقال له الرضا ×: بنفسي أنت لم طال فكرك؟ فقال ×: فيما صُنع بأمي فاطمة ÷, أما والله لأخرجنهما ثم لأحرقنهما, ثم لأذرينهما, ثم لأنسفنهما في اليم نسفاً. فاستدناه وقبل ما بين عينيه, ثم قال: بأبي أنت وأمي, أنت لها - يعني الإمامة. [17]

Zekariya ibn Adam said: "I was with Al-Ridha (pbuh) when they brought Abu Ja'far (pbuh), who was less than four years old. He reached out his hand to the ground, raised his head to the sky, and pondered for a long time. Al-Ridha (pbuh) asked him, 'May my life be sacrificed for you, why do you think so deeply?' He replied, 'I am thinking about what was done to my mother, Fatima (pbuh). By Allah, I will bring them both out, then I will burn them, then I will scatter them, and then I will throw them into the sea, scattering them.' Al-Ridha (pbuh) drew him near, kissed between his eyes, and said, 'May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, you are indeed the one for it'—meaning the imamate."

Dala'l Al-Imama P.400


عن أبي عبد الله × في حديث: وحب أولياء الله والولاية لهم واجبة, والبراءة من أعدائهم واجبة ومن الذين ظلموا آل محمد × وهتكوا حجابه, فأخذوا من فاطمة ÷ فدك ومنعوها ميراثها وغصبوها وزوجها حقوقهما, وهموا بإحراق بيتها وأسسوا الظلم, وغيروا سنة رسول الله | والبراءة من الناكثين والقاسطين والمارقين واجبة, والبراءة من الأنصاب والأزلام أئمة الضلال وقادة الجور كلهم أولهم وآخرهم واجبة, والبراءة من أشقى الأولين والآخرين شقيق عاقر ناقة ثمود قاتل أمير المؤمنين × واجبة, والبراءة من جميع قتلة أهل البيت × واجبة. [18]

From Abu Abdullah (pbuh), in a narration: "Loving the allies of Allah and allegiance to them is obligatory, and disassociation from their enemies is obligatory—those who wronged the progeny of Muhammad (pbut), violated their sanctity, took Fadak from Fatima (pbuh), denied her inheritance, and usurped the rights of her and her husband. They even sought to burn her house, established oppression, and changed the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp). Disassociation from the Nakkathin (the rebels), the Qasitin (the unjust), and the Marikin (the renegades) is obligatory. Disassociation from the idols, the diviners, the leaders of misguidance, and the oppressors, both the first and the last, is obligatory. Disassociation from the most wicked of the first and last, the brother of the one who killed the she-camel of Thamud, the murderer of the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh), is obligatory. Disassociation from all the killers of the Ahl al-Bayt (pbut) is obligatory."

Al-Khesal Vol.2, P.607


عن ابن عبد الرحمن قال: سمعت شريكا يقول: ما لهم ولفاطمة ÷، والله ما جهزت جيشا ولا جمعت جمعا، والله لقد آذيا رسول الله | في قبره. [19]

Ibn Abdul Rahman said: "I heard Sharik say: 'What is their problem with Fatima (pbuh)? By Allah, she did not equip an army nor gather a force. By Allah, they caused harm to the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) even in his grave.'"

Taqrib Al-Ma'ref P.256


عن الصادقين × في زيارة جامعة: ...امضى المصطفى صلى الله عليه وآله، اختطفوا الغرة، وانتهزوا الفرصة، وانتهكوا الحرمة، وغادروه على فراش الوفاة، وأسرعوا لنقض البيعة، ومخالفة المواثيق المؤكدة، وخيانة الأمانة المعروضة على الجبال الراسية، وأبت أن تحملها وحملها الإنسان‏ الظلوم الجهول، ذو الشقاق والغرة، بالآثام المؤلمة، والأنفة عن الانقياد لحميد العاقبة, فحشر سفلة الأعراب، وبقايا الأحزاب، إلى دار النبوة والرسالة، ومهبط الوحي والملائكة، ومستقر سلطان الولاية، ومعدن الوصية والخلافة والإمامة، حتى نقضوا عهد المصطفى، في أخيه علم الهدى، والمبين طريق النجاة من طرق الردى.

وجرحوا كبد خير الورى، في ظلم ابنته، واضطهاد حبيبته، واهتضام عزيزته، وبضعة لحمه، وفلذة كبده، وخذلوا بعلها، وصغروا قدره، واستحلوا محارمه، وقطعوا رحمه، وأنكروا أخوته، وهجروا مودته، ونقضوا طاعته، وجحدوا ولايته، وأطمعوا العبيد في خلافته, وقادوه إلى بيعتهم، مصلتة سيوفها, مشرعة أسنتها، وهو ساخط القلب، هائج الغضب، شديد الصبر، كاظم الغيظ، يدعونه إلى بيعتهم التي عم شؤمها الإسلام، وزرعت في قلوب أهلها الآثام... [20]

From Imam Baqir and Sadiq (pbut) in the comprehensive visit: "...The Chosen One (pbuhp) passed away, and they took advantage of the opportunity, seized the moment, violated the sanctity, and left him on his deathbed. They rushed to break the pledge of allegiance, defy the confirmed covenants, and betray the trust that had been offered to the mountains, but they refused to carry it, and it was carried by the oppressive, ignorant man, full of discord and opportunity, steeped in painful sins, and defiant to follow the path that leads to a good end. They gathered the lowly Bedouins and remnants of the factions at the house of Prophethood and Messengership, the descent of revelation and the angels, the residence of the authority of the guardianship, the place of the will, succession, and Imamate, until they tore up the pact of the Chosen One, regarding his brother, the banner of guidance, the one who showed the path to salvation from the ways of destruction. They wounded the heart of the best of creation through the injustice done to his daughter, the persecution of his beloved, the humiliation of his dearest, the flesh of his body, and the core of his being. They abandoned her husband, belittled his status, made unlawful his rights, severed his kinship, denied his brotherhood, abandoned his affection, violated his obedience, denied his authority, and tempted the slaves with his caliphate. They led him to their allegiance, with their swords drawn and their lances raised, while he was filled with anger, his heart upset, full of patience, suppressing his fury. They called him to their pledge, which had brought doom to Islam, and planted in the hearts of its people grave sins..."

Al-Mazar Al-Kabir P.296


عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إن فاطمة ÷ كانت تأتي قبور الشهداء في كل غداة سبت, فتأتي قبر حمزة × وتترحم عليه وتستغفر له. [21]

From Abu Abdullah (pbuh), he said: "Indeed, Fatima (pbuh) would visit the graves of the martyrs every Saturday morning. She would come to the grave of Hamza (pbuh), pray for him, and seek forgiveness for him."

Al-Tahdheeb Vol.1, P.465



* عند شهادة رسول الله | At the martyrdom of the Messenger of Allah 

عن عيسى بن المستفاد قال: حدثني أبو الحسن موسى بن جعفر، عن أبيه × قال: قال رسول الله |: يا علي، أضمنت ديني تقضيه عني؟ قال: نعم, قال: اللهم فاشهد, ثم قال: يا علي تغسلني ولا يغسلني غيرك فيعمى بصره, قال علي ×: ولم يا رسول الله؟ قال: كذلك قال جبرئيل × عن ربي, إنه لا يرى عورتي غيرك إلا عمي بصره, قال علي ×: فكيف أقوى عليك وحدي؟ قال: يعينك جبرئيل وميكائيل وإسرافيل‏ وملك الموت وإسماعيل صاحب السماء الدنيا, قلت: فمن يناولني الماء؟ قال: الفضل بن العباس من غير أن ينظر إلى شي‏ء مني, فإنه لا يحل له ولا لغيره من الرجال والنساء النظر إلى عورتي وهي حرام عليهم, فإذا فرغت من غسلي فضعني على لوح وأفرغ علي من بئري, بئر غرس أربعين دلوا مفتحة الأفواه, - قال عيسى: أو قال: أربعين قربة, شككت أنا في ذلك – قال: ثم ضع يدك يا علي على صدري وأحضر معك فاطمة والحسن والحسين من غير أن ينظروا إلى شي‏ء من عورتي, ثم تفهم عند ذلك تفهم ما كان وما هو كائن إن شاء الله تعالى, أقبلت يا علي؟ قال: نعم, قال: اللهم فاشهد, قال: يا علي, ما أنت صانع لو قد تآمر القوم عليك بعدي, وتقدموا عليك, وبعث إليك طاغيتهم يدعوك إلى البيعة, ثم لببت بثوبك تقاد كما يقاد الشارد من الإبل, مذموما مخذولا محزونا مهموما, وبعد ذلك ينزل بهذه الذل؟ قال: فلما سمعت فاطمة ÷ ما قال رسول الله | صرخت وبكت فبكى رسول الله | لبكائها, وقال: يا بنية لا تبكين ولا تؤذين جلساءك من الملائكة, هذا جبرئيل بكى لبكائك وميكائيل وصاحب سر الله إسرافيل, يا بنية لا تبكين فقد بكت السماوات والأرض لبكائك, فقال علي ×: يا رسول الله, أنقاد للقوم وأصبر على ما أصابني من غير بيعة لهم ما لم أصب أعوانا لم أناجز القوم, فقال رسول الله | اللهم اشهد, فقال: يا علي, ما أنت صانع بالقرآن والعزائم والفرائض؟ فقال: يا رسول الله, أجمعه ثم آتيهم به, فإن قبلوه وإلا أشهدت الله عز وجل وأشهدتك عليه, قال: أشهد. قال: وكان فيما أوصى به رسول الله | أن يدفن في بيته الذي قبض فيه, ويكفن بثلاثة أثواب أحدها يمان, ولا يدخل قبره غير علي ×, ثم قال |:‏ يا علي كن أنت وابنتي فاطمة والحسن والحسين وكبروا خمسا وسبعين تكبيرة, وكبر خمسا وانصرف وذلك بعد أن يؤذن لك في الصلاة, قال علي ×: بأبي أنت وأمي من يؤذن غدا؟ قال: جبرئيل × يؤذنك, قال: ثم من جاء من أهل بيتي يصلون علي فوجا فوجا ثم نساؤهم ثم الناس بعد ذلك. [22]

Narrated by Isa ibn al-Mustafad: He said: Abu al-Hasan Musa ibn Ja'far (pbuh) narrated to me from his father (pbuh), who said: The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said: "O Ali, do you guarantee that you will settle my debts?" Ali replied: "Yes." The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "O Allah, bear witness to it." He then said: "O Ali, you will wash me, and no one else should wash me, for if anyone other than you sees my body, they will lose their sight." Ali asked: "Why, O Messenger of Allah?" The Prophet (pbuhp) replied: "This is what Gabriel (pbuh) said from my Lord: If anyone other than you sees my nakedness, they will go blind." Ali asked: "How will I manage alone?" The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "Gabriel, Michael, Raphael, the Angel of Death, and Ismail, the guardian of the lower heavens, will assist you." Ali asked: "Who will provide me with water?" The Prophet (pbuhp) replied: "Al-Fadl ibn Abbas will give you the water, without looking at any part of me, for it is not lawful for him or anyone else, whether male or female, to look at my nakedness, as it is forbidden for them." He continued: "When you finish washing me, place me on a board and pour water from my well over me—a well that has been dug to a depth of forty buckets with wide skins. Then place your hand, O Ali, on my chest and bring with you Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn, without them looking at any part of my nakedness. Then you will understand what was and what will be, if Allah wills." The Prophet (pbuhp) asked: "Do you accept, O Ali?" Ali replied: "Yes." The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "O Allah, bear witness." He then said: "O Ali, what will you do if the people conspire against you after me, and they come to you, sending their tyrant to call you to pledge allegiance, and then you are seized by your garment and led as a stray camel is led, despised, forsaken, sorrowful, and distressed, and then you are subjected to this humiliation?" When Fatimah (pbuh) heard what the Prophet (pbuhp) said, she cried out and wept, and the Prophet (pbuhp) wept at her weeping. He said: "O my daughter, do not cry and do not cause discomfort to your angelic companions. This is Gabriel, Michael, and the keeper of Allah’s secrets, Raphael, all crying because of your weeping. O my daughter, do not cry, for the heavens and the earth have wept because of your weeping." Ali (pbuh) said: "O Messenger of Allah, I will yield to the people and endure what befalls me without pledging allegiance to them, as long as I do not find helpers with whom I can confront them." The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "O Allah, bear witness." The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "O Ali, what will you do with the Qur'an, the divine decrees, and the obligatory duties?" Ali replied: "O Messenger of Allah, I will gather it and then bring them to them. If they accept them, well and good; otherwise, I will invoke Allah, the Almighty, and I will call you as a witness." The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "I bear witness." He also instructed: "The Prophet should be buried in the house where he passed away, and he should be shrouded in three garments, one of which should be Yemeni. No one should enter his grave except for Ali (pbuh)." Then he said: "O Ali, you, my daughter Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn should perform the prayer and say Takbir seventy-five times. After the prayer, say Takbir five times and then depart. This is after you have been given permission to pray." Ali (pbuh) asked: "May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, who will call the adhan tomorrow?" The Prophet (pbuhp) replied: "Gabriel will call it for you." He continued: "Then the men from my family should pray over me in groups, then their women and then the people."

Turaf mn Al-Anbaa P.197


عن جابر بن عبد الله قال: سمعت رسول الله | يقول لعلي بن أبي طالب × قبل موته بثلاث: سلام الله عليك يا أبا الريحانتين, أوصيك بريحانتي من الدنيا, فعن قليل ينهد ركناك, والله خليفتي عليك, فلما قبض رسول الله | قال علي ×: هذا أحد ركني الذي قال لي رسول الله |, فلما ماتت فاطمة ÷ قال علي ×: هذا الركن الثاني الذي قال رسول الله |. [23]

Jabir ibn Abdullah said: "I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) say to Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) three days before his death: 'Peace be upon you, O father of the two fragrant basils. I entrust my two fragrant basils from this world to you. Soon, your two supports will collapse, and Allah is my successor over you.' When the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) passed away, Ali (pbuh) said, 'This is one of the supports he spoke to me about.' And when Fatima (pbuh) passed away, Ali (pbuh) said, 'This is the second support that the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) mentioned.'"

Al-Amali by Al-Saduq P.135


عن عيسى بن المستفاد أبي موسى الضرير قال: حدثني موسى بن جعفر × قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله ×: أليس كان أمير المؤمنين × كاتب الوصية ورسول الله | المملي عليه, وجبرئيل والملائكة المقربون شهود؟ قال: فأطرق طويلا ثم قال: يا أبا الحسن قد كان ما قلت, ولكن حين نزل برسول الله | الأمر نزلت الوصية من عند الله كتابا مسجلا نزل به جبرئيل مع أمناء الله تبارك وتعالى من الملائكة فقال جبرئيل‏: يا محمد مر بإخراج من عندك إلا وصيك ليقبضها منا وتشهدنا بدفعك إياها إليه ضامنا لها, يعني عليا ×, فأمر النبي | بإخراج من كان في البيت ما خلا عليا وفاطمة ÷ فيما بين الستر والباب, فقال جبرئيل: يا محمد ربك يقرئك السلام ويقول: هذا كتاب ما كنت عهدت إليك وشرطت عليك وشهدت به عليك وأشهدت به عليك ملائكتي وكفى بي يا محمد شهيدا, قال: فارتعدت مفاصل النبي | وقال: يا جبرئيل ربي هو السلام ومنه السلام وإليه يعود السلام, صدق عز وجل وبر, هات الكتاب, فدفعه إليه وأمره بدفعه إلى أمير المؤمنين ×, فقال له: اقرأه, فقرأه حرفا حرفا, فقال: يا علي هذا عهد ربي تبارك وتعالى إلي وشرطه علي وأمانته, وقد بلغت ونصحت وأديت, فقال علي ×: وأنا أشهد لك بأبي أنت وأمي بالبلاغ والنصيحة والتصديق على ما قلت ويشهد لك به سمعي وبصري ولحمي ودمي, فقال جبرئيل ×: وأنا لكما على ذلك من الشاهدين, فقال رسول الله |: يا علي أخذت وصيتي وعرفتها وضمنت لله ولي الوفاء بما فيها؟ فقال علي ×: نعم بأبي أنت وأمي, علي ضمانها وعلى الله عوني وتوفيقي على أدائها, فقال رسول الله |: يا علي إني أريد أن أشهد عليك بموافاتي بها يوم القيامة, فقال علي ×: نعم أشهد, فقال النبي |: إن جبرئيل وميكائيل فيما بيني وبينك الآن وهما حاضران معهما الملائكة المقربون لأشهدهم عليك, فقال: نعم ليشهدوا وأنا بأبي وأمي أشهدهم, فأشهدهم رسول الله |, وكان فيما اشترط عليه النبي | بأمر جبرئيل فيما أمره الله عز وجل أن قال له: يا علي تفي بما فيها من موالاة من والى الله ورسوله, والبراءة والعداوة لمن عادى الله ورسوله, والبراءة منهم على الصبر منك على كظم الغيظ وعلى ذهاب حقك وغصب خمسك وانتهاك حرمتك؟ فقال: نعم يا رسول الله, فقال أمير المؤمنين ×: والذي فلق الحبة وبرأ النسمة لقد سمعت‏ جبرئيل يقول للنبي |: يا محمد عرفه أنه ينتهك الحرمة وهي حرمة الله وحرمة رسول الله, وعلى أن تخضب لحيته من رأسه بدم عبيط, قال أمير المؤمنين ×: فصعقت حين فهمت الكلمة من الأمين جبرئيل × حتى سقطت على وجهي وقلت: نعم قبلت ورضيت, وإن انتهكت الحرمة وعطلت السنن ومزق الكتاب وهدمت الكعبة وخضبت لحيتي من رأسي بدم عبيط, صابرا محتسبا أبدا حتى أقدم عليك, ثم دعا رسول الله | فاطمة والحسن والحسين وأعلمهم مثل ما أعلم أمير المؤمنين × فقالوا: مثل قوله, فختمت الوصية بخواتيم من ذهب لم تمسه النار, ودفعت إلى أمير المؤمنين ×, فقلت لأبي الحسن ×: بأبي أنت وأمي ألا تذكر ما كان في الوصية؟ فقال: سنن الله وسنن رسوله, فقلت: أكان في الوصية توثبهم وخلافهم على أمير المؤمنين ×؟ فقال: نعم, والله شي‏ء بشي‏ء وحرف بحرف, أما سمعت قول الله عز وجل {إنا نحن نحي الموتى ونكتب ما قدموا وآثارهم وكل شي‏ء أحصيناه في إمام مبين} والله لقد قال رسول الله | لأمير المؤمنين وفاطمة ÷: أليس قد فهمتما ما تقدمت به إليكما وقبلتماه؟ فقالا: بلى, وصبرنا على ما ساءنا وغاظنا. [24]

From Isa ibn al-Mustafa, Abu Musa al-Darir, who said: Musa ibn Ja'far (pbuh) told me: I asked Abu Abdullah (pbuh): "Was not the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) the scribe of the will with the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) dictating it, and were Gabriel and the angels not witnesses?" Abu Abdullah (pbuh) pondered for a long time and then said: "O Abu al-Hasan, what you said was true. However, when the time came for the Prophet (pbuhp), the will descended from Allah as a written document brought by Gabriel along with the trusted angels of Allah. Gabriel said: 'O Muhammad, instruct the removal of everyone from your presence except your successor, so he may take it from us and witness us handing it over to him, meaning Ali (pbuh).' The Prophet (pbuhp) ordered everyone to leave the house except Ali and Fatimah (pbuh) who were behind the curtain and the door. Gabriel then said: 'O Muhammad, your Lord sends you peace and says: This is the book that I had entrusted to you and which you had pledged to uphold, and you have borne witness to it with My angels. It is sufficient that I am a witness, O Muhammad.' The Prophet (pbuhp) trembled and said: 'O Gabriel, my Lord is Peace, and from Him is Peace, and to Him returns Peace. Truthful is the Almighty and Just. Bring the book.' Gabriel handed it to him and instructed him to give it to the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh). He told him to read it, and he read it word by word."

He said: "O Ali, this is the covenant from my Lord, Blessed and Exalted, which He entrusted to me and made a condition upon me, and I have conveyed it, given advice, and fulfilled my duty." Ali (pbuh) replied: "I bear witness, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, to the conveying, the advice, and the affirmation of what you said, and my hearing, sight, flesh, and blood bear witness to it." Gabriel (pbuh) said: "I am also a witness to that for both of you." The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said: "O Ali, have you received my will, understood it, and pledged to Allah to uphold it?" Ali (pbuh) replied: "Yes, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you. I am responsible for it, and I seek Allah's assistance and guidance to fulfill it." The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "O Ali, I want to bear witness against you on the Day of Judgment that you have received it." Ali (pbuh) responded: "Yes, I bear witness." The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "Gabriel and Michael are now between you and me, and with them are the nearest angels. I want them to bear witness for you." Ali (pbuh) replied: "Yes, let them bear witness. I, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, want them to witness." So the Prophet (pbuhp) made them witnesses. Among the conditions imposed on Ali (pbuh) by the Prophet (pbuhp) at Gabriel's command, as instructed by Allah, was: "O Ali, you must fulfill the loyalty to those who are loyal to Allah and His Messenger, and disavow and oppose those who oppose Allah and His Messenger, and endure patience with the suppression of anger, the loss of your rights, the usurpation of your share, and the violation of your sanctity." Ali (pbuh) replied: "Yes, O Messenger of Allah."

The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) said: "By the One who split the seed and created the soul, I heard Gabriel say to the Prophet (pbuhp): 'O Muhammad, inform him that his sanctity will be violated, which is the sanctity of Allah and His Messenger, and that he will have his beard stained with the blood of his head.' The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) said: 'I was struck with shock when I understood the message from the trustworthy Gabriel, so much so that I fell on my face and said: Yes, I accept and am content, even if my sanctity is violated, the Sunnahs are abandoned, the Book is torn, and the Kaaba is destroyed, and my beard is stained with the blood of my head. I will endure patiently and steadfastly until I meet you.' Then the Prophet (pbuhp) called Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn and informed them of the same as he had informed the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh). They responded with the same words. The will was sealed with gold seals that had not been touched by fire and was handed to the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh). I said to Abu al-Hasan (pbuh): 'May my father and mother be sacrificed for you, did you not mention what was in the will?' He replied: 'The Sunnah of Allah and the Sunnah of His Messenger.' I asked: 'Was there anything in the will about their betrayal and opposition to the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh)?' He said: 'Yes, by Allah, it was exactly as described, letter by letter. Have you not heard the words of Allah, the Almighty: {Indeed, We give life to the dead and We write down what they sent before and their effects. Everything We have enumerated in a clear record}? By Allah, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said to the Commander of the Faithful and Fatimah (pbuh): 'Did you not understand what I have conveyed to you and accept it?' They replied: 'Yes, and we have endured with patience and forbearance despite what has angered and distressed us.'"

Al-Kafi Vol.1, P.281


عن عائشة قالت: أقبلت فاطمة ÷ تمشي كأن مشيتها مشية رسول الله | فقال النبي |: مرحبا بابنتي, فأجلسها عن يمينه أو عن شماله, ثم أسر إليها حديثا فبكت, ثم أسر إليها حديثا فضحكت, فقلت لها: حدثك رسول الله | بحديث فبكيت, ثم حدثك بحديث فضحكت, فما رأيت كاليوم فرحا أقرب من حزن من فرحك, ثم سألتها عما قال, فقالت ×: ما كنت لأفشي سر رسول الله |. حتى إذا قبض سألتها فقالت: إنه أسر إلي فقال: إن جبرئيل كان يعارضني بالقرآن كل سنة مرة واحدة, وإنه عارضني به العام مرتين, ولا أراني إلا وقد حضر أجلي, وإنك أول أهل بيتي لحوقا بي, ونعم السلف أنا لك, فبكيت لذلك, ثم قال: ألا ترضين أن تكوني سيدة نساء هذه الأمة, أو نساء المؤمنين؟ فضحكت لذلك. [25]

Aisha reported: Fatima came walking, and her gait was like the gait of the Messenger of Allah. The Prophet (pbuhp) said, "Welcome to my daughter," and he seated her either to his right or to his left. Then he whispered something to her, and she cried; he whispered something else to her, and she laughed. I asked her: "The Messenger of Allah told you something that made you cry, then he told you something that made you laugh. I have never seen joy more closely connected to sadness than your joy." I asked her what was said, and she replied: "I would not disclose the secret of the Messenger of Allah." After his death, I asked her again, and she said: "He had whispered to me that Gabriel used to review the Quran with him once every year, but this year he reviewed it with him twice. I think my end is near, and you will be the first of my family to join me. And what a good predecessor I am for you." I cried for this. Then he said: "Do you not wish to be the leader of the women of this nation, or the women of the believers?" And I laughed for that.

Al-Amali by Al-Saduq P.595


عن عائشة أنها قالت: ما رأيت أحدا كان أشبه كلاما وحديثا من فاطمة برسول الله |, وكانت إذا دخلت عليه رحب بها وقام إليها, فأخذ بيدها وقبل يدها وأجلسها في مجلسه, وكان رسول الله | إذا دخل عليها رحبت به, وقامت إليه وأخذت بيده فقبلتها, فدخلت عليه في مرضه الذي توفي فيه, فرحب بها وقبلها وأسر إليها فبكت, عندي في ذات الله, فقلت في نفسي: كنت أحسب لهذه المرأة فضلا فإذا هي منهن بينا هي تبكي إذ هي تضحك, فسألتها فقالت ×: إني إذا لبذرة, ولما توفي رسول الله | سألتها فقالت ×: أسر إلي وأخبرني أنه ميت فبكيت, ثم أسر إلي وأخبرني أني أول أهله ألحق به فضحكت. [26]

Aisha said: "I never saw anyone whose manner of speech and conversation was more similar to the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) than Fatima. Whenever she entered his presence, he would welcome her, stand up for her, take her hand, kiss it, and seat her in his place. And when the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) visited her, she would greet him warmly, stand for him, take his hand, and kiss it. When she visited him during his illness in which he passed away, he welcomed her, kissed her, and whispered something to her, and she wept. I thought to myself, ‘I believed this woman had a special rank, yet she is like the others.’ While she was still crying, he whispered something else to her, and she laughed. I asked her about it, and she replied, 'I am indeed trustworthy with his secret.' After the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) passed away, I asked her again, and she said, 'He confided in me and told me he would die, so I wept. Then he confided in me again, telling me that I would be the first of his family to join him, so I laughed.'"

Besharat Al-Mustapha P.253


عن الكاظم × قال: قلت لأبي: فما كان بعد خروج الملائكة عن رسول الله |؟ قال: فقال: ثم دعا علياً وفاطمة والحسن والحسين ‘ وقال لمن في بيته: اخرجوا عني، وقال لأم سلمة: كوني على الباب فلا يقربه أحد، ففعلت، ثم قال: يا علي أدن مني, فدنا منه, فأخذ بيد فاطمة ÷ فوضعها على صدره طويلاً، وأخذ بيد علي × بيده الأخرى فلما أراد رسول الله | الكلام غلبته عبرته! فلم يقدر على الكلام، فبكت فاطمة ÷ بكاء شديداً وعلي والحسن والحسين ‘ لبكاء رسول الله |! فقالت فاطمة ÷: يا رسول الله قد قطعت قلبي، وأحرقت كبدي لبكائك يا سيد النبيين من الأولين والآخرين، ويا أمين ربه ورسوله ويا حبيبه ونبيه، مَن لولدي بعدَك؟ ولذل ينزل بي بعدَك؟ من لعلي أخيك وناصر الدين؟ من لوحي الله وأمره؟ ثم بكت وأكبت على وجهه فقبلته، وأكب عليه علي والحسن والحسين ‘ فرفع رأسه | إليهم ويدها في يده فوضعها في يد علي × وقال له: يا أبا الحسن هذه وديعة الله ووديعة رسوله محمد عندك فاحفظ الله واحفظني فيها، وإنك لفاعله, يا علي هذه والله سيدة نساء أهل الجنة من الأولين والآخرين، هذه والله مريم الكبرى أما والله ما بلغت نفسي هذا الموضع حتى سألت الله لها ولكم، فأعطاني ما سألته, يا علي انفذ لما أمرتك به فاطمة فقد أمرتها بأشياء أمر بها جبرئيل ×، واعلم يا علي إني راض عمن رضيت عنه ابنتي فاطمة، وكذلك ربي وملائكته، يا علي ويل لمن ظلمها وويل لمن ابتزها حقها، وويل لمن هتك حرمتها، وويل لمن أحرق بابها، وويل لمن آذى خليلها، وويل لمن شاقها وبارزها، اللهم إني منهم بريء، وهم مني برآء، ثم سماهم رسول الله | وضم فاطمة إليه وعلياً والحسن والحسين ‘ وقال: اللهم إني لهم ولمن شايعهم سلم، وزعيم بأنهم يدخلون الجنة، وعدو وحرب لمن عاداهم وظلمهم وتقدمهم أو تأخر عنهم وعن شيعتهم، زعيم بأنهم يدخلون النار، ثم والله يا فاطمة لا أرضى حتى ترضي! ثم لا والله لا أرضى حتى ترضي! ثم لا والله لا أرضى حتى ترضي![27]

From al-Kadhim (pbuh): I asked my father (pbuh), "What happened after the angels departed from the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp)?" He replied: "Then he called for Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husayn and said to those in his house: 'Leave me alone,' and told Umm Salama: 'Stand at the door so that no one comes near.' She did so. Then he said: 'O Ali, come close to me.' Ali came close, and the Prophet (pbuhp) took Fatima's hand and placed it on his chest for a long time. He then took Ali's hand with his other hand. When the Prophet (pbuhp) wanted to speak, he was overcome with emotion and was unable to speak. Fatima (pbuh) cried intensely, and Ali, Hasan, and Husayn wept because of the Prophet's tears. Fatima (pbuh) said: 'O Messenger of Allah, your weeping has torn my heart and burned my liver. O chief of the prophets of the past and the future, O guardian of His Lord and Messenger, and His beloved and prophet, who will care for my children after you? What will happen to me after you? Who will look after Ali, your brother and supporter of the religion, and the one entrusted with the message of Allah and His command?' Then she cried and bent over his face, kissing him. Ali, Hasan, and Husayn also bent over him. He raised his head towards them, holding Fatima's hand in his, and placed it in Ali's hand, saying: 'O Abu al-Hasan, this is the trust of Allah and the trust of His Messenger Muhammad with you. Preserve it and preserve me through it, and you will indeed do so. O Ali, she is, by Allah, the chief of the women of the Paradise of the past and the future. By Allah, she is the greater Maryam. I did not reach this point of my soul until I asked Allah for her and for you, and He granted me what I asked. O Ali, carry out the orders I gave to Fatima (pbuh), for she has been commanded by Gabriel (pbuh). And know, O Ali, that I am pleased with whoever my daughter Fatima is pleased with, and so is my Lord and His angels. O Ali, woe to those who wrong her, woe to those who take away her rights, woe to those who violate her sanctity, woe to those who set fire to her door, woe to those who harm her beloved, woe to those who oppose and challenge her. O Allah, I disassociate myself from them, and they are disassociated from me." The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) then named them and embraced Fatima, Ali, Hasan, and Husayn (pbut) and said, "O Allah, I am at peace with them and those who support them, and I guarantee they will enter Paradise. And I am an enemy and in conflict with those who are their enemies, who wrong them, or who step ahead of or fall behind them and their followers; I guarantee that they will enter Hellfire. By Allah, O Fatima, I will not be pleased until you are pleased! By Allah, I will not be pleased until you are pleased! By Allah, I will not be pleased until you are pleased!"

Turaf mn Al-Anbaa wal Manaqeb P.167


عن الإمام الكاظم × عن أبيه × قال: لما كانت الليلة التي قبض النبي | في صبيحتها دعا علياً وفاطمة والحسن والحسين ‘ وأغلق عليه الباب وعليهم وقال لفاطمة وأدناها منه، فناجى من الليل طويلاً فلما طال ذلك خرج علي ومعه الحسن والحسين ‘ وأقاموا بالباب والناس خلف ذلك، ونساء النبي | ينظرن إلى علي × ومعه ابناه فقالت عائشة: لأمر ما أخرجك عنه رسول الله | وخلا بابنته دونك في هذه الساعة؟ فقال لها علي ×: قد عرفت الذي خلا بها وأرادها له، وهو بعض ما كنت فيه وأبوك وصاحباه قد أسماه, فوجمت أن ترد عليه كلمة, قال علي ×: فما لبثت أن نادتني فاطمة فدخلت على النبي | وهو يجود بنفسه، فبكيت ولم أملك نفسي حين رأيته بتلك الحال يجود بنفسه، فقال لي: ما يبكيك يا علي؟ ليس هذا أوان البكاء فقد حان الفراق بيني وبينك، فأستودعك الله يا أخي، فقد اختار لي ربى ما عنده، وإنما بكائي وغمي وحزني عليك وعلى هذه أن تضيع بعدي، فقد أجمع القوم على ظلمكم، وقد استودعتكم الله وقبلكم مني وديعة. يا علي, إني قد أوصيت فاطمة ابنتي بأشياء وأمرتها أن تلقيها إليك فأنفذها فهي الصادقة الصدوقة، ثم ضمها إليه وقبل رأسها وقال: فداك أبوك يا فاطمة! فعلا صوتها بالبكاء، ثم ضمها إليه وقبل رأسها وقال: أما والله لينتقمن الله ربي وليغضبن لغضبك! فالويل ثم الويل ثم الويل للظالمين، ثم بكى |, قال علي ×: فوالله لقد حسست بضعة مني ذهبت لبكائه، حتى هملت عيناه كمثل المطر، حتى بلت دموعه لحيته وملأة كانت عليه، وهو ملتزم فاطمة ÷ ورأسه على صدري وأنا مسنده، والحسن والحسين يقبلان قدميه، وهما يبكيان بأعلى أصواتهما. قال علي ×: فلو قلت إن جبرئيل لم يكن في مثل تلك الليلة يفارق النبي | لقد رأيت من بكائها ما أحسست أن السماوات والأرضين قد بكت لها، ثم قال لها: يا بنية خليفتي عليكم الله وهو خير خليفة، والذي بعثني بالحق لقد بكى لبكائك عرش الله وما حوله من الملائكة، والسماوات والأرضون وما فيها، يا فاطمة والذي بعثني بالحق نبياً، لقد حرمت الجنة على الخلائق حتى أدخلها، وإنك لأول خلق الله كاسية حالية ناعمة، يا فاطمة فهنيئاً لك. والذي بعثني بالحق إن الحور العين ليفخرن بك وبقربك منهن ويتزين لزينتك، والذي بعثني بالحق إنك لسيدة من يدخلها من النساء. والذي بعثني بالحق إن جهنم لتزفر زفرة لا يبقى ملك مقرب ولا نبي مرسل إلا صعق، فينادي بها إليك أن يا جهنم يقول لك الجبار: أسكتي واستقري بعزتي حتى تجوز فاطمة بنت محمد إلى الجنان، ولا يشغلهم قتر ولا ذلة. والذي بعثني بالحق ليدخل حسن عن يمينك، وحسين عن يسارك، والحور العين يتشرفن من أعلى الجنان فينظرن إليك بين يدي الله في المقام الشريف. ولواء الحمد مع علي بن أبي طالب × أمامي، يكسى إذا كسيت ويُحَلَّى إذا حُلِّيت. والذي بعثني بالحق لأقومن بالخصومة لأعدائك، وليندمن قوم ابتزوا حقك وقطعوا مودتك وكذبوا عليَّ! وليختلجن دوني فأقول: أمتي! فيقال: إنهم بدلوا بعدك، وصاروا إلى السعير. [28]


Imam Al-Kadhim (pbuh) narrated from his father (pbuh): On the night when the Prophet (pbuhp) passed away, on the morning following that night, he called Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (pbuh). He closed the door on them and said to Fatimah, drawing her closer to him. He engaged in a lengthy private conversation during the night. When it became prolonged, Ali, along with Hasan and Husayn, left the room and stood by the door with people behind them. The wives of the Prophet (pbuhp) watched Ali with his two sons and Aisha said: “For what reason did the Prophet (pbuhp) exclude you from his presence at this hour and kept his daughter?” Ali (pbuh) replied: “You know well what happened between him and her, and what he wanted for her. It is some of what you and your father and his companions are plotting, and they named it.” Aisha was left speechless and could not respond. Ali (pbuh) said: “Soon Fatimah called me, and I entered upon the Prophet (pbuhp) while he was in his final moments. I cried and could not control myself when I saw him in that state. The Prophet asked me: ‘Why are you crying, O Ali? This is not the time for tears; the separation between us has come. I entrust you to Allah, my brother, for my Lord has chosen what is with Him for me. My tears and sorrow are for you and for her, fearing that you will be forsaken after me. The people have united in wronging you. I have entrusted you to Allah.

O Ali, I have entrusted my daughter Fatimah with some matters and instructed her to convey them to you, so carry them out, for she is truthful and trustworthy. Then he embraced her and kissed her head and said: ‘May your father be sacrificed for you, O Fatimah!’ She began to cry loudly. He embraced her again and kissed her head and said: ‘By Allah, my Lord will take revenge on those who wrong you and will be angered by your anger! Woe, then woe, then woe to the wrongdoers!’ He then cried, and Ali (pbuh) said: ‘By Allah, I felt a part of me had been taken by his weeping, until his eyes flowed with tears like rain, his tears wetting his beard and filling it. He was holding Fatimah (peace be upon her), with his head on my chest as I supported him, while Hasan and Husayn were kissing his feet and crying out loud. Ali (pbuh) said: ‘I have witnessed such weeping that I felt the heavens and the earth were crying for her. Then he said to her: “O daughter, my successor to you is Allah, and He is the best successor. By the One who sent me with the truth, the Throne of Allah and the angels around it wept for your crying, and the heavens and the earth and everything in them. O Fatimah, by the One who sent me as a prophet with the truth, Paradise has been forbidden to all creatures until I enter it, and you are the first of Allah’s creation to be clothed, present, and in comfort. O Fatimah, congratulations to you.

By the One who sent me with the truth, the houris of Paradise are proud of you and your proximity to them, and they adorn themselves for your beauty. By the One who sent me with the truth, you are the chief among those women who enter Paradise. By the One who sent me with the truth, Hell will let out a breath so fierce that no angel near to Allah nor any prophet sent will remain unaffected; they will all fall unconscious. Allah then will call out to Hell, saying: ‘O Hell, be silent and be still by My might until Fatimah, the daughter of Muhammad, passes into Paradise, and let no anguish or humiliation disturb them.’ By the One who sent me with the truth, Hasan will enter on your right, Husayn on your left, and the houris will honorably view you from the highest levels of Paradise, seeing you in the presence of Allah in the noble position. The banner of praise will be with Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) in front of me; it will be adorned as he is adorned and embellished as he is embellished. By the One who sent me with the truth, I will take up the cause against your enemies, and those who have usurped your rights, severed your kinship, and lied about me will regret their actions. They will be seized away from me, and I will say: ‘My followers!’ It will be said: ‘They have changed after you and have gone to the Fire.’"

Turaf mn Al-Anbaa P.189


عن سليم بن قيس الهلالي قال: سمعت سلمان الفارسي يقول: كنت جالساً بين يدي رسول الله | في مرضته التي قبض فيها، فدخلت فاطمة ÷ فلما رأت ما بأبيها من الضعف بكت حتى جرت دموعها على خديها فقال لها رسول الله |: ما يبكيك يا فاطمة؟ قالت: يا رسول الله أخشى على نفسي وولدي الضيعة بعدك! فاغرورقت عينا رسول الله | بالبكاء، ثم قال: يا فاطمة أما علمت أنا أهل بيت اختار الله عز وجل لنا الآخرة على الدنيا، وإنه حتم الفناء على جميع خلقه، وإن الله تبارك وتعالى اطلع إلى الأرض اطلاعة فاختارني من خلقه فجعلني نبياً، ثم اطلع إلى الأرض اطلاعة ثانية فاختار منها زوجك وأوحى إلي أن أزوجك إياه، وأتخذه ولياً ووزيراً، وأن أجعله خليفتي في أمتي. فأبوك خير أنبياء الله ورسله، وبعلك خير الأوصياء، وأنت أول من يلحق بي من أهلي. ثم اطلع إلى الأرض اطلاعة ثالثة فاختارك وولديك، فأنت سيدة نساء أهل الجنة وابناك حسن وحسين سيدا شباب أهل الجنة، وأبناء بعلك أوصيائي إلى يوم القيامة، كلهم هادون مهديون، وأول الأوصياء بعدي أخي علي، ثم حسن ثم حسين، ثم تسعة من ولد الحسين في درجتي، وليس في الجنة درجة أقرب إلى الله من درجتي ودرجة أبي إبراهيم. أما تعلمين يا بنية إن من كرامة الله إياك أن زوجك خير أمتي، وخير أهل بيتي أقدمهم سلماً، وأعظمهم حلماً، وأكثرهم علماً؟ فاستبشرت فاطمة وفرحت بما قال لها رسول الله |، ثم قال: يا بنية إن لبعلك مناقب: إيمانه بالله ورسوله قبل كل أحد، فلم يسبقه إلى ذلك أحد من أمتي، وعلمه بكتاب الله عز وجل وسنتي وليس أحد من أمتي يعلم جميع علمي غير علي ×، وإن الله جل وعز علمني علماً لا يعلمه غيري، وعلم ملائكته ورسله علماً، فكلما علمه ملائكته ورسله فأنا أعلمه، وأمرني الله أن أعلمه إياه ففعلت، فليس أحد من أمتي يعلم جميع علمي وفهمي وحكمتي غيره. وإنك يا بنية زوجته، وابناه سبطاي حسن وحسين وهما سبطا أمتي، وأمره بالمعروف ونهيه عن المنكر، فإن الله عز وجل آتاه الحكمة وفصل الخطاب – إلى أن قال - ثم أقبل على علي × فقال: يا أخي أنت ستبقى بعدي، وستلقى من قريش شدة من تظاهرهم عليك وظلمهم لك، فإن وجدت عليهم أعواناً فجاهدهم وقاتل من خالفك بمن وافقك، وإن لم تجد أعواناً فاصبر وكفَّ يدك، ولا تلق بها إلى التهلكة، فإنك مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى، ولك بهارون أسوة حسنة إذ استضعفه قومه وكادوا يقتلونه! فاصبر لظلم قريش إياك، وتظاهرهم عليك فإنك بمنزلة هارون ومن تبعه، وهم بمنزلة العجل ومن تبعه. يا علي, إن الله تبارك وتعالى قد قضى الفرقة والاختلاف على هذه الأمة، ولو شاء الله لجمعهم على الهدى، لا يختلف فيه اثنان من هذه الأمة، ولا ينازع في شئ من أمره، ولا يجحد المفضول لذي الفضل فضله. ولو شاء لعجل النقمة وكان منه التغيير حتى يُكَذَّبَ الظالم ويُعلم الحق أين مصيره، ولكنه جعل الدنيا دار الأعمال وجعل الآخرة دار القرار: {لِيجزى الذين أساءوا بما عملوا ويجزى الذين أحسنوا بالحسنى}.

فقال علي ×: الحمد لله شكراً على نعمائه، وصبراً على بلائه. [29]

"Sulaim ibn Qays al-Hilali said: I heard Salman al-Farsi say: I was sitting before the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) during his final illness. Fatimah (pbuh) entered and, upon seeing her father’s weakness, she wept until her tears ran down her cheeks. The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said to her: 'What makes you weep, O Fatimah?' She replied: 'O Messenger of Allah, I fear for myself and my children being lost after you!' The eyes of the Prophet (pbuhp) filled with tears, and then he said: 'O Fatimah, do you not know that we are a family whom Allah, the Almighty, has chosen the Hereafter over this world for? He has decreed death for all His creation. Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, looked at the earth and chose me from among His creation and made me a Prophet. Then He looked at the earth again and chose your husband, revealing to me to marry you to him, and to make him my ally and minister, and my successor in my community. Your father is the best of Allah’s Prophets and Messengers, and your husband is the best of the successors. You will be the first of my family to join me. Then Allah looked at the earth a third time and chose you and your children. You are the leader of the women of Paradise, and your sons Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the youth of Paradise. The sons of your husband are my successors until the Day of Judgment, all of them are guides and are guided. The first of the successors after me is my brother Ali, then Hasan, then Husayn, and then nine from the descendants of Husayn, in my rank. There is no rank in Paradise closer to Allah than my rank and the rank of my father Ibrahim.'

Do you not know, O daughter, that one of the honors Allah has bestowed upon you is that your husband is the best of my community, the best of my family, the one most advanced in peace, the greatest in forbearance, and the most knowledgeable? Fatimah was delighted and pleased with what the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) had said to her. Then he continued: 'O daughter, your husband has virtues: his faith in Allah and His Messenger came before anyone else; no one in my community preceded him in this. His knowledge of the Book of Allah and my Sunnah is unparalleled; no one in my community knows all of my knowledge except Ali (pbuh). Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, has taught me knowledge that no one else knows, and He taught it to His angels and messengers, and whatever knowledge His angels and messengers have, I have received it. Allah commanded me to teach it to him, and I did. No one in my community knows all my knowledge, understanding, and wisdom except him. And you, O daughter, are his wife, and his sons are my grandsons Hasan and Husayn, who are the grandsons of my community. He enjoins what is good and forbids what is evil, for Allah, the Almighty, has granted him wisdom and decisive speech —until he said— Then he turned to Ali (pbuh) and said: 'O my brother, you will remain after me and you will face hardship from the Quraysh due to their opposition and injustice towards you. If you find allies against them, then fight them and combat those who oppose you with those who support you. But if you do not find allies, then be patient and restrain your hand; do not cast it into destruction. You are to me like Aaron was to Moses, and Aaron's example is a good one for you, as his people weakened him and nearly killed him. So, be patient with the injustice of the Quraysh towards you and their opposition against you, for you are like Aaron and his followers, and they are like the calf and its followers. O Ali, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, has decreed division and discord upon this nation. If Allah had willed, He could have gathered them upon guidance, without any two people differing or disputing over any matter, and without the inferior denying the superiority of the superior. If He had willed, He could have hastened retribution and caused change so that the oppressor would be denied and the truth would be revealed. However, He has made this world a place of action (trials) and the Hereafter a place of settlement: {So that those who do wrong will be recompensed for what they did and those who did good will be rewarded with good.'}

Ali (pbuh) said: 'Praise be to Allah, thanks for His blessings, and patience in His trials.'”

Suleim ibn Qays Book Vol.2, P.565


عن عيسى بن المستفاد, عن موسى بن جعفر، عن أبيه × قال: لما حضرت رسول الله | الوفاة دعا الانصار وقال: يا معشر الانصار قد حان الفراق، وقد دعيت وأنا مجيب الداعي، وقد جاورتم فأحسنتم الجوار، ونصرتم فأحسنتم النصرة، وواسيتم في الاموال، ووسعتم في المسلمين، وبذلتم لله مهج النفوس والله يجزيكم بما فعلتم الجزاء الاوفى، وقد بقيت واحدة وهي تمام الامر وخاتمة العمل، العمل معها مقرون, إني أرى أن لا أفترق بينهما جميعاً, لو قيس بينهما بشعرة ما انقاست، من أتى بواحدة وترك الاخرى كان جاحداً للأولى ولا يقبل الله منه صرفاً ولا عدلاً, قالوا: يا رسول الله فأين لنا بمعرفتها فلا نمسك عنها فنضل ونرتد عن الاسلام والنعمة من الله ومن رسوله علينا، فقد أنقذنا الله بك من الهلكة يا رسول الله، وقد بلغت ونصحت وأديت وكنت بنا رؤفاً رحيماً شفيقاً؟ فقال رسول الله | لهم: كتاب الله وأهل بيتي فإن الكتاب هو القرآن وفيه الحجة والنور والبرهان، كلام الله جديد غض طري شاهد ومحكم عادل ولنا قائد بحلاله وحرامه وأحكامه يقوم غداً فيحاج أقواماً فيزل الله به أقدامهم عن الصراط، واحفظوني معاشر الانصار في أهل بيتي، فإن اللطيف الخبير أخبرني أنهما لن يفترقا حتى يردا علي الحوض، ألا وإن الاسلام سقف تحته دعامة، لا يقوم السقف إلا بها، فلو أن أحدكم أتى بذلك السقف ممدوداً لا دعامة تحته فأوشك أن يخر عليه سقفه فيهوي في النار، أيها الناس الدعامة: دعامة الاسلام، وذلك قوله تعالى: {إليه يصعد الكلم الطيب والعمل الصالح يرفعه} فالعمل الصالح طاعة الامام ولي الامر والتمسك بحبله، أيها الناس أفهمتم؟ الله! الله! في أهل بيتي، مصابيح الظلم، ومعادن العلم، وينابيع الحكم، ومستقر الملائكة، منهم وصيي وأميني ووارثي، وهو مني بمنزلة هارون من موسى ألا هل بلغت معاشر الانصار؟ ألا فاسمعوا ومن حضر، ألا إن فاطمة بابها بابي وبيتها بيتي، فمن هتكه فقد هتك حجاب الله! قال عيسى: فبكى أبو الحسن × طويلاً، وقطع بقية كلامه وقال: هتك والله حجاب الله! هتك والله حجاب الله! هتك والله حجاب الله! يا أمه! صلوات الله عليها. [30]

Issa ibn Al-Mustafad reported that Imam Moussa Ibn Jaa'far (Pbuh) said that his father (Pbuh) said: " When the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, was close to his death, he called upon the Ansar and said, "O Ansar, the time of parting has come, and I have responded to the Caller. You have been excellent neighbors and provided support, and you have been generous in wealth and expansive in your help to the Muslims. You have dedicated your souls to Allah, and Allah, the Most High, shall reward you with the most fitting of rewards. Only one thing remains, which is the utmost in importance and the conclusion of all actions. The two that are inseparable: one accompanies the other, and to separate them is to be ungrateful to the first, and Allah does not accept any diversion or alternative.

They asked, "O Messenger of Allah, how will we recognize them and not deviate from them, lest we lose our Islam and the blessings Allah and His Messenger have granted us? You have conveyed and advised, and been kind, merciful, and compassionate to us." The Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny, responded, "The Book of Allah and my progeny, the People of my House. Verily, the Quran is a new rope extended from the sky to the earth, clear and enlightening, and it is just, fair, and balanced. A day will come when it will argue on behalf of a group of people and cause them to stumble off the path. Protect my progeny, O Ansar, for the All-Knowing and Kind One has informed me that they shall not part until they reach me at the Pool (Al-Hawd). Know, O people, that Islam is like a roof, under which there is a pillar.

The roof will not stand without this pillar.
O people, the pillar of Islam, as Allah, the Most High, says: {To Him ascends the good word, and the righteous deed raises it.} The righteous deed is obeying the Imam, the leader, and adhering to his leadership. Have you understood, O people? Allah! Allah! In my family, they are the lamps of guidance, the treasures of knowledge, the fountains of wisdom, and the abode of the angels. Among them is my successor, my trustee, and my heir. He holds a position with me similar to that of Aaron with Moses. Have I conveyed the message, O Ansar? Listen, whoever is present! Verily, Fatimah's door is my door, and her house is my house. Whoever violates it has indeed violated Allah's sanctity.”

 Then Imam Moussa (Pbuh) wept profusely and cut short his speech, saying, "By Allah, Allah's sanctity has been violated! Allah's sanctity has been violated! Allah's sanctity has been violated! O mother! Peace and blessings of Allah be upon her."

Turaf mn Al-Anbaa wal Manaqeb P.143



Abdullah ibn Abbas narrated: "When the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) was nearing death, he wept until his tears wet his beard. He was asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, what makes you weep?' He replied, 'I weep for my descendants and what the evildoers of my community will do to them after me. It is as if I see my daughter Fatima (pbuh) being wronged after me, calling out, "O my father!" but no one from my community will support her.' Fatima (pbuh) heard this and began to weep. The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said to her, 'Do not weep, my daughter.' She replied, 'I am not weeping because of what will be done to me after you, but I weep over the separation from you, O Messenger of Allah.' He said to her, 'Rejoice, O daughter of Muhammad, for you will quickly join me; you will be the first of my family to join me.'"

Al-Amali by Al-Tussi P.188


روي أنه لما قبض النبي | امتنع بلال من الأذان وقال: لا أؤذن لأحد بعد رسول الله |. وإن فاطمة ÷ قالت ذات يوم: إني أشتهي أن أسمع صوت مؤذن أبي بالأذان, فبلغ ذلك بلالا فأخذ في الأذان, فلما قال: الله أكبر الله أكبر, ذكرت أباها | وأيامه فلم تتمالك من البكاء, فلما بلغ إلى قوله: أشهد أن محمدا رسول الله, شهقت فاطمة ÷ شهقة وسقطت لوجهها وغشي عليها, فقال الناس لبلال: أمسك يا بلال فقد فارقت ابنة رسول الله | الدنيا, وظنوا أنها قد ماتت, فقطع أذانه ولم يتمه, فأفاقت فاطمة ÷ وسألته أن يتم الأذان فلم يفعل, وقال لها: يا سيدة النسوان إني أخشى عليك مما تنزلينه بنفسك إذا سمعت صوتي بالأذان, فأعفته عن ذلك. [32]

It is narrated that when the Prophet (pbuhp) passed away, Bilal refrained from calling the adhan (call to prayer), saying, "I will not call the adhan for anyone after the Messenger of Allah." One day, Fatimah (pbuh) said, "I long to hear the voice of my father’s caller to prayer." When this reached Bilal, he began the adhan. When he said, "Allahu Akbar, Allahu Akbar" (Allah is the Greatest, Allah is the Greatest), she remembered her father and his days, and she could not hold back her tears. When he reached the phrase, "I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah," Fatimah cried out and fell to the ground, unconscious. The people said to Bilal, "Stop, O Bilal, for the daughter of the Messenger of Allah has departed this life," as they thought she had passed away. Bilal halted the adhan and did not complete it. When Fatimah regained consciousness, she asked him to finish the adhan, but he did not, saying to her, "O Lady of the women, I fear for you, that you may overwhelm yourself if you hear my voice in the adhan." So she excused him from it.

Al-Fakih Vol.1, P.297



* بكائها على رسول الله |  Her crying for the Messenger of Allah   

عن الإمام جعفر بن محمد الصادق × أنه قال: البكاءون خمسة: آدم، ويعقوب، ويوسف، وفاطمة بنت محمد |، وعلي بن الحسين ×. - الى ان قال - وأما فاطمة بنت محمد | فبكت على رسول الله | حتى تأذى بها أهل المدينة, وقالوا لها: قد آذيتنا بكثرة بكائك, فكانت تخرج إلى المقابر, مقابر الشهداء, فتبكي حتى تقضي حاجتها ثم تنصرف‏.[33]

Imam Ja'far ibn Muhammad al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: "There are five who wept greatly: Adam, Ya'qub (Jacob), Yusuf (Joseph), Fatimah bint Muhammad (pbuhp), and Ali ibn al-Husayn (pbuh)." He continued, "As for Fatimah bint Muhammad (pbuhp), she wept for the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) so much that the people of Medina were disturbed by her constant crying, and they said to her, 'You have caused us hardship with your frequent weeping.' So she would go to the cemeteries, to the graves of the martyrs, and weep there until she had fulfilled her need and then would return."

Al-Amali by Al-Saduq P.140


عن محمود بن لبيد قال: لما قبض رسول الله | كانت فاطمة تأتي قبور الشهداء, وتأتي قبر حمزة وتبكي هناك, فلما كان في بعض الأيام أتيت قبر حمزة ×, فوجدتها تبكي هناك, فأمهلتها حتى سكتت, فأتيتها وسلمت عليها وقلت: يا سيدة النسوان, قد والله قطعت أنياط قلبي من بكائك, فقالت: يا با عمر, يحق لي البكاء. ولقد أصبت بخير الآباء رسول الله |... قلت: يا سيدتي, إني سائلك عن مسألة تلجلج في صدري, قالت: سل, قلت: هل نص رسول الله |‏ قبل وفاته على علي بالإمامة؟ قالت: وا عجباه! أنسيتم يوم غدير خم؟ قلت: قد كان ذلك, ولكن أخبريني بما أسر إليك, قالت: أشهد الله تعالى لقد سمعته يقول: علي خير من أخلفه فيكم, وهو الإمام والخليفة بعدي, وسبطاي وتسعة من صلب الحسين أئمة أبرار, لئن اتبعتموهم وجدتموهم هادين مهديين, ولئن خالفتموهم ليكون الاختلاف فيكم إلى يوم القيامة, قلت: يا سيدتي, فما باله قعد عن حقه؟ قالت: يا با عمر, لقد قال رسول الله |: مثل الإمام مثل الكعبة, إذ تؤتى ولا تأتي, - أو قالت: مثل علي - ثم قالت: أما والله لو تركوا الحق على أهله, واتبعوا عترة نبيه, لما اختلف في الله تعالى اثنان, ولورثها سلف عن سلف, وخلف بعد خلف, حتى يقوم قائمنا التاسع من ولد الحسين, ولكن قدموا من أخره, وأخروا من قدمه الله, حتى إذا ألحد المبعوث وأودعوه الجدث المجدوث واختاروا بشهوتهم, وعملوا بآرائهم, تبا لهم, أولم يسمعوا الله يقول {وربك يخلق‏ ما يشاء ويختار ما كان لهم الخيرة} بل سمعوا ولكنهم كما قال الله سبحانه {فإنها لا تعمى الأبصار ولكن تعمى القلوب التي في الصدور} هيهات, بسطوا في الدنيا آمالهم, ونسوا آجالهم, فتعسا لهم وأضل أعمالهم, أعوذ بك يا رب من الحور بعد الكور. [34]

"From Asim ibn Umar, from Mahmoud ibn Labid, he said: When the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) passed away, Fatimah (Pbuh) used to visit the graves of the martyrs and the grave of Hamzah, and she would weep there. One day, I went to Hamzah's grave and found her (Pbuh) crying. I waited until she calmed down, then approached her, greeted her, and said: O Lady of the Women, truly your weeping has severed my heart. She said: O Abu Umar, it is my right to weep, for I have lost the best of fathers, the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp). How I long for the Messenger of Allah! Then she began to recite: When someone dies, their mention diminishes, but by Allah, the mention of my father will never fade. I said: O my lady, I have a question that troubles my heart. She said: Ask. I said: Did the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) designate Ali (Pbuh) as the leader before his passing? She said: How could you forget the day of Ghadir Khumm? I said: Yes, that happened, but tell me what he confided to you. She said: I bear witness by Allah that I heard him say: Ali is the best of those I leave among you; he is the Imam and Caliph after me. My two grandsons and nine from the lineage of Al-Husayn (Pbuh) are righteous imams. If you follow them, you will find them guiding and rightly guided. If you oppose them, discord will be among you until the Day of Judgment. I said: O my lady, why did he not claim his right? She said: O Abu Umar, the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: The status of the Imam is like that of the Kaaba; it is approached but does not go to others. Or she said: like Ali. Then she added: By Allah, if they had given the right to its people and followed the lineage of their Prophet, there would have been no disagreement among two people regarding Allah. The heritage would have been passed down from predecessor to successor until our ninth Imam from the lineage of Al-Husayn (Pbuh) would rise. But they prioritized what was delayed and delayed what was prioritized by Allah. When the appointed one was denied and the event was distorted, they chose according to their desires and acted on their opinions. Woe to them! Did they not hear Allah saying: {And your Lord creates what He wills and chooses; for them was the choice}? Rather, they heard but, as Allah said: {Indeed, it is not the eyes that are blind, but it is the hearts within the chests that are blind}. How they expanded their hopes in this world and forgot their appointed times! Woe to them and how misguided their actions are! I seek refuge with You, O Lord, from injustice after the decree."

Kifayat Al-Athar P.197



عن ورقة بن عبد الله أنه قال لفضة: يا فضة, أخبريني عن مولاتك فاطمة الزهراء ÷ وما الذي رأيت منها عند وفاتها بعد موت أبيها محمد |؟ قال ورقة: فلما سمعت كلامي تغرغرت عيناها بالدموع, ثم انتحبت نادبة وقالت: يا ورقة بن عبد الله, هيجت علي حزنا ساكنا وأشجانا في فؤادي كانت‏ كامنة, فاسمع الآن ما شاهدت منها ÷, اعلم أنه لما قبض رسول الله | افتجع له الصغير والكبير, وكثر عليه البكاء وقل العزاء, وعظم رزؤه على الأقرباء والأصحاب والأولياء والأحباب والغرباء والأنساب, ولم تلق إلا كل باك وباكية, ونادب ونادبة, ولم يكن في أهل الأرض والأصحاب والأقرباء والأحباب أشد حزنا وأعظم بكاء وانتحابا من مولاتي فاطمة الزهراء ÷, وكان حزنها يتجدد ويزيد وبكاؤها يشتد, فجلست سبعة أيام لا يهدأ لها أنين, ولا يسكن منها الحنين, كل يوم جاء كان بكاؤها أكثر من اليوم الأول, فلما في اليوم الثامن أبدت ما كتمت من الحزن, فلم تطق صبرا إذ خرجت وصرخت فكأنها من فم رسول الله | تنطق, فتبادرت النسوان وخرجت الولائد والولدان, وضج الناس بالبكاء والنحيب, وجاء الناس من كل مكان, وأطفئت المصابيح لكيلا تتبين صفحات النساء, وخيل إلى النسوان أن رسول الله | قد قام من قبره, وصارت الناس في دهشة وحيرة لما قد رهقهم, وهي × تنادي وتندب: أباه وا أبتاه! وا صفياه! وا محمداه! وا أبا القاسماه! وا ربيع الأرامل واليتامى! من للقبلة والمصلى؟! ومن لابنتك الوالهة الثكلى؟! ثم أقبلت تعثر في أذيالها, وهي لا تبصر شيئا من عبرتها ومن تواتر دمعتها, حتى دنت من قبر أبيها محمد |, فلما نظرت إلى الحجرة وقع طرفها على المأذنة فقصرت خطاها, ودام نحيبها وبكاها إلى أن أغمي عليها, فتبادرت النسوان إليها, فنضحن الماء عليها وعلى صدرها وجبينها, حتى أفاقت, فلما أفاقت من غشيتها قامت وهي تقول: رفعت قوتي, وخانني جلدي, وشمت بي عدوي, والكمد قاتلي, يا أبتاه! بقيت والهة وحيدة وحيرانة فريدة! فقد انخمد صوتي, وانقطع ظهري, وتنغص عيشي, وتكدر دهري, فما أجد يا أبتاه بعدك أنيسا لوحشتي, ولا رادا لدمعتي, ولا معينا لضعفي, فقد فني بعدك محكم التنزيل, ومهبط جبرئيل, ومحل ميكائيل,‏ انقلبت بعدك يا أبتاه الأسباب, وتغلقت دوني الأبواب, فأنا للدنيا بعدك قالية, وعليك ما ترددت أنفاسي باكية, لا ينفد شوقي إليك ولا حزني عليك, ثم نادت: يا أبتاه! وا أباه! ثم قالت‏: يا أبتاه انقطعت بك الدنيا بأنوارها، وزوت زهرتها وكانت ببهجتك زاهرة، فقد أسود نهارها، فصار يحكي حنادسها رطبها ويابسها، يا أبتاه لا زلت آسفة عليك إلى التلاق، يا أبتاه زال غمضي منذ حق الفراق، يا أبتاه من للأرامل والمساكين، ومن للأمة إلى يوم الدين، يا أبتاه أمسينا بعدك من المستضعفين, يا أبتاه أصبحت الناس عنا معرضين، ولقد كنا بك معظمين في الناس غير مستضعفين, فأي دمعة لفراقك لا تنهمل، وأي حزن بعدك عليك لا يتصل، وأي جفن بعدك بالنوم يكتحل، وأنت ربيع الدين، ونور النبيين، فكيف للجبال لا تمور، وللبحار بعدك لا تغور، والأرض كيف لم تتزلزل. رميت يا أبتاه بالخطب الجليل، ولم تكن الرزية بالقليل، وطرقت يا أبتاه بالمصاب العظيم، وبالفادح المهول. بكتك يا أبتاه الاملاك، ووقفت الأفلاك، فمنبرك بعدك مستوحش، ومحرابك خال من مناجاتك، وقبرك فرح بمواراتك، والجنة مشتاقة إليك وإلى دعائك وصلاتك. يا أبتاه ما أعظم ظلمة مجالسك، فوا أسفاه عليك إلى أن أقدم عاجلا عليك وأثكل أبو الحسن المؤتمن أبو ولديك، الحسن والحسين، وأخوك ووليك وحبيبك ومن ربيته صغيرا، وواخيته كبيرا، وأحلى أحبابك وأصحابك إليك من كان منهم سابقا ومهاجرا وناصرا، والثكل شاملنا، والبكاء قاتلنا، والأسى لازمنا, ثم زفرت زفرة وأنت أنة كادت روحها أن تخرج ثم قالت ×:

قل صبري وبان عني عزائي... بعد فقدي لخاتم الأنبياء

عين يا عين أسكبي الدمع سحا... ويك لا تبخلي بفيض الدماء

يا رسول الاله يا خيرة الله... وكهف الأيتام والضعفاء

قد بكتك الجبال والوحش جمعا... والطير والأرض بعد بكي السماء

وبكاك الحجون والركن والمشغر... يا سيدي مع البطحاء

وبكاك المحراب والدرس... للقرآن في الصبح معلنا والمساء

وبكاك الاسلام إذ صار في الناس... غريبا من سائر الغرباء

لو ترى المنبر الذي كنت... تعلوه علاه الظلام بعد الضياء

يا إلهي عجل وفاتي سريعا... فلقد تنغصت الحياة يا مولائي

ثم رجعت إلى منزلها وأخذت بالبكاء والعويل ليلها ونهارها، وهي لا ترقأ دمعتها, ولا تهدأ زفرتها.

واجتمع شيوخ أهل المدينة وأقبلوا إلى أمير المؤمنين × فقالوا له: يا أبا الحسن, إن فاطمة ÷ تبكي الليل والنهار, فلا أحد منا يتهنأ بالنوم في الليل على فرشنا, ولا بالنهار لنا قرار على أشغالنا وطلب معايشنا, وإنا نخبرك أن تسألها إما أن تبكي ليلا أو نهارا, فقال ×: حبا وكرامة, فأقبل أمير المؤمنين × حتى دخل على فاطمة ÷ وهي لا تفيق من البكاء ولا ينفع فيها العزاء, فلما رأته سكنت هنيئة له, فقال لها: يا بنت رسول الله, إن شيوخ المدينة يسألوني أن أسألك: إما أن تبكين أباك ليلا وإما نهارا, فقالت: يا أبا الحسن, ما أقل مكثي بينهم وما أقرب مغيبي من بين أظهرهم, فوالله لا أسكت ليلا ولا نهارا أو ألحق بأبي رسول الله |, فقال لها علي ×: افعلي يا بنت رسول الله ما بدا لك, ثم إنه بنى لها بيتا في البقيع نازحا عن المدينة, يسمى بيت الأحزان, وكانت إذا أصبحت قدمت الحسن والحسين ‘ أمامها وخرجت إلى البقيع باكية, فلا تزال بين القبور باكية, فإذا جاء الليل أقبل أمير المؤمنين × إليها, وساقها بين يديه إلى منزلها. [35]

According to Warqah ibn Abdullah, he said to Feddah: "O feddah, tell me about your Lady Fatimah al-Zahra (pbuh) and what you witnessed from her after the death of her father Muhammad (pbuhp)." Warqah said: "When she heard my words, her eyes filled with tears, then she sobbed and said: 'O Warqah ibn Abdullah, you have stirred up a sadness in me that was quiet and emotions in my heart that were dormant. So listen now to what I witnessed from her (pbuh). Know that when the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) passed away, both young and old were devastated. There was much weeping and little consolation. His loss was immense for relatives, friends, allies, lovers, strangers, and kin. All were mourners and lamenters, and there was no one on earth, among friends, relatives, or loved ones, who was more deeply grieved, wept more, or lamented more intensely than my lady Fatimah al-Zahra (pbuh). Her grief was renewed and intensified, and her weeping grew stronger. She sat for seven days without her moaning calming or her longing subsiding. Each day, her weeping was more than the previous day. On the eighth day, she revealed what she had hidden of her sorrow. She could no longer bear it and went out, crying out as if the words were coming from the mouth of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp).'

Women hurriedly gathered, children and young ones emerged, and the people were overwhelmed with crying and lamentation. People came from all directions, and the lights were extinguished to avoid revealing the faces of the women. It seemed to the women as if the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) had risen from his grave, and the people were in astonishment and confusion at what had happened. She (pbuh) cried out and lamented: 'O my father! O my father! O my master! O Muhammad! O Abul-Qasim! O spring of widows and orphans! Who will take care of the qibla and the place of prayer? And who will care for your distressed and mourning daughter?' She then approached, stumbling in her garments, unable to see through her tears and the continuous flow of her weeping, until she reached the grave of her father Muhammad (pbuhp). When she looked towards the chamber and saw the minaret, she slowed her pace, and her lamentation continued until she fainted. The women rushed to her, sprinkling water on her face, chest, and forehead until she regained consciousness. When she came to, she stood and said: 'My strength has diminished, my skin has failed me, my enemy has gloatingly rejoiced, and my grief is killing me. O my father! I remain in distress, lonely, bewildered, and isolated! My voice has faltered, my back has broken, my life has become bitter, and my days have darkened. After you, O my father, I find no solace for my solitude, no respite for my tears, nor any support for my weakness. After you, the verses of the Quran have been exhausted, the place where Gabriel descended has vanished, and the abode of Michael has disappeared. After you, O my father, the circumstances have turned against me, and the doors have closed. I am loathing this world without you, and my breaths continue to weep for you. My longing for you and my grief over you are endless.'

Then she called out: 'O my father! O my father!' And then she said: 'O my father, the world has lost its light with your departure, and its bloom has faded; it was radiant with your presence. The day has turned dark, reflecting its dampness and dryness. O my father, I remain sorrowful for you until we meet again. O my father, my grief has intensified since the moment of separation. O my father, who will take care of the widows and the poor, and who will care for the Ummah until the Day of Judgment? O my father, after you we have become among the weak. O my father, people have turned away from us. We were honored with you among people and not seen as weak. So, what tear could suffice for your departure? And what sorrow could ever be enough after you? And what eye could sleep peacefully after you, the spring of religion and the light of the prophets? How could the mountains not quake and the seas not dry up, and how could the earth not tremble? O my father, I have been struck by a great calamity, and the loss is immense. I have been afflicted with a grave misfortune and a devastating blow. The angels weep for you, and the heavens stand still. Your pulpit is desolate without you, your prayer niche empty of your supplications, and your grave rejoices embracing you. Paradise longs for you, your prayers, and your worship. O my father, how profound is the darkness of your absence. Alas, until I come to you soon and bring the grief of Abu al-Hasan, the trusted one, the father of your sons, Hasan and Husayn, and your brother, your ally, your beloved, whom you raised as a child and loved as an adult. And the dearest of your companions and supporters, both early and later emigrants and advocates. Our grief encompasses us, our weeping overwhelms us, and our sorrow clings to us.' Then she sighed a sigh, and it was as if her soul was about to leave her.

Then she returned to her home and continued crying and wailing both day and night, with her tears never ceasing and her lament never calming. The elders of the city gathered and approached Amir al-Mu’minin (pbuh), saying: 'O Abu al-Hasan, Fatimah (pbuh) cries day and night. None of us can find rest at night on our beds, nor can we be at ease during the day with our work and livelihood. We inform you that you should ask her to either cry at night or during the day.' Amir al-Mu’minin (pbuh) said: 'With pleasure and respect.' He then went to Fatimah (pbuh), who was unable to cease her crying, and her sorrow was beyond consolation. When she saw him, she calmed down briefly. He said to her: 'O daughter of the Messenger of Allah, the elders of the city are asking me to request that you either cry for your father at night or during the day.' She replied: 'O Abu al-Hasan, how brief is my time among them and how close is my departure from them. By Allah, I will not cease my crying day or night until I join my father, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp).' Amir al-Mu’minin (pbuh) said: 'Do as you wish, O daughter of the Messenger of Allah.' He then built a house for her in the graveyard of al-Baqi, away from the city, known as the House of Sorrows. Each morning, she would bring Hasan and Husayn (pbut) before her and go to al-Baqi, crying. She would remain among the graves, weeping, and when night fell, Amir al-Mu’minin (pbuh) would come to her, and take her back to her home."

Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.43, P.174



* الهجوم على دارها ÷: The assault on her house

ولم يحضر دفن رسول الله | أكثر الناس لما جرى بين المهاجرين والأنصار من التشاجر في أمر الخلافة, وفات أكثرهم الصلاة عليه | لذلك, وأصبحت فاطمة ÷ تنادي: واسوء صباحاه! فسمعها أبو بكر فقال لها: إن صباحك لصباح سوء. [36]

Most people did not attend the burial of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) due to the disputes that arose between the Muhajirun (Emigrants) and the Ansar (Helpers) over the matter of the caliphate. As a result, many missed the prayer upon him (pbuhp). Fatimah (pbuh) began to cry out, 'What a distressing morning!' Abu Bakr heard her and said, 'Indeed, your morning is a morning of distress.'"

Al-Ershad Vol.1, P.189


عن عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن قال: ثم إن عمر احتزم بإزاره وجعل يطوف بالمدينة وينادي: ألا إن أبا بكر قد بويع له فهلموا إلى البيعة، فينثال‏ الناس يبايعون، فعرف أن جماعة في بيوت مستترون، فكان يقصدهم في جمع كثير ويكبسهم ويحضرهم المسجد فيبايعون، حتى إذا مضت أيام أقبل في جمع كثير إلى منزل علي × فطالبه بالخروج فأبى، فدعا عمر بحطب ونار وقال: والذي نفس عمر بيده ليخرجن، أو لاحرقنه على ما فيه. فقيل له: إن فاطمة بنت رسول الله، وولد رسول الله، وآثار رسول الله | فيه؛ وأنكر الناس ذلك من قوله، فلما عرف إنكارهم قال: ما بالكم أتروني فعلت ذلك؟! إنما أردت التهويل؛ فراسلهم علي × أن ليس إلى خروجي حيلة، لأني في جمع كتاب الله الذي قد نبذتموه، وألهتكم الدنيا عنه؛ وقد حلفت أن لا أخرج من بيتي، ولا أدع ردائي على عاتقي حتى أجمع القرآن؛ قال: وخرجت فاطمة بنت رسول الله | إليهم فوقفت خلف الباب ثم قالت: لا عهد لي بقوم أسوأ محضرا منكم، تركتم رسول الله | جنازة بين أيدينا وقطعتم أمركم فيما بينكم، ولم تؤمرونا، ولم تروا لنا حقا، كأنكم لم تعلموا ما قال يوم غدير خم؛ والله، لقد عقد له يومئذ الولاء ليقطع منكم بذلك منها الرجاء ولكنكم قطعتم الأسباب بينكم وبين نبيكم، والله حسيب بيننا وبينكم في الدنيا والآخرة. [37]

Abdullah ibn Abdulrahman said: Then, Umar tightened his waistcloth and began to roam Medina, calling out, "Verily, Abu Bakr has been given allegiance, so come for the allegiance." People started coming in groups to give their allegiance. He noticed that some groups of people were hiding in their homes. He used to visit them when a large crowd gathered and pressurize them, bringing them to the mosque to give their allegiance.

When many days had passed, he came to the house of Ali (pbuh) and demanded that he come out. Ali refused. Umar then called for firewood and fire, saying, "By the One in whose hand is the soul of Umar, you will come out, or I will burn down the house with whatever is inside it." It was said to him, "Indeed, Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, and the children of the Messenger of Allah (pbut) are inside, and the traces of the Messenger of Allah are there."

People wronged him for saying that and so he said, "What is wrong with you? Why do you think I did that? I only intended to threaten them." Ali (Pbuh) then said: There is no case in which I will leave the house. I’m in the midst of compiling the Book of Allah, which you all have discarded, and this world has distracted you from it. I have sworn not to leave my house or remove my cloak from my shoulders until I gather the Quran. He said, "And Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (pbut), came out to them. She stood behind the door and said, 'I have never had an encounter with a people more treacherous than you. You abandoned the funeral of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) right before our eyes, and you made decisions among yourselves denying our leadership and our right. It's as if you didn't know what he said on the day of Ghadir Khum. By Allah, on that day, allegiance was given to him, cutting off your hope. But you severed the ties between you and your Prophet. Allah will be the judge between us and you in this world and the Hereafter.'"

Al-Ehtejaj Vol.1, P.80


عن سلمان في حديث طويل: ثم دخل علي × بيته, وقال عمر لأبي بكر: أرسل إلى علي فليبايع, فإنا لسنا في شي‏ء حتى يبايع ولو قد بايع أمناه, فأرسل إليه أبو بكر أجب خليفة رسول الله |, فأتاه الرسول فقال له ذلك, فقال له علي ×: سبحان الله, ما أسرع ما كذبتم على رسول الله |, إنه ليعلم ويعلم الذين حوله أن الله ورسوله لم يستخلفا غيري, وذهب الرسول فأخبره بما قال له, فقال: اذهب فقل له: أجب أمير المؤمنين أبا بكر, فأتاه فأخبره بما قال, فقال علي ×: سبحان الله, ما والله طال العهد فينسى, والله إنه ليعلم أن هذا الاسم لا يصلح إلا لي, ولقد أمره رسول الله | وهو سابع سبعة فسلموا علي بإمرة المؤمنين, فاستفهم هو وصاحبه من بين السبعة, فقالا: أمر من الله ورسوله, فقال لهم رسول الله |: نعم, حقا من الله ورسوله إنه أمير المؤمنين وسيد المسلمين وصاحب لواء الغر المحجلين, يقعده الله عز وجل يوم القيامة على الصراط, فيدخل أولياءه الجنة وأعداءه النار, فانطلق الرسول فأخبره بما قال, فسكتوا عنه يومهم ذلك, قال: فلما كان الليل حمل علي × فاطمة ÷ على حمار, وأخذ بيد ابنيه الحسن والحسين ‘, فلم يدع أحدا من أصحاب رسول الله | إلا أتاه في منزله, فناشدهم الله حقه ودعاهم إلى نصرته, فما استجاب منهم رجل غيرنا أربعة, فإنا حلقنا رءوسنا وبذلنا له نصرتنا. [38]

In a lengthy narration from Salman, he said: "Then Ali (pbuh) entered his home, and Umar said to Abu Bakr, 'Send for Ali so he will pledge allegiance, for we will not be secure in anything until he pledges. Once he has pledged, we can feel assured.' So Abu Bakr sent a messenger to Ali, saying, 'Answer the call of the Caliph of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp).' The messenger went to him and conveyed the message. Ali (pbuh) replied, 'Glory be to Allah! How quickly you have fabricated lies against the Messenger of Allah. He knows, and those around him know, that Allah and His Messenger did not appoint anyone other than me.' The messenger returned and informed Abu Bakr of what he had said. Abu Bakr then said, 'Go back and say to him, "Answer the call of the Commander of the Faithful, Abu Bakr."' The messenger went back to Ali and conveyed the new message. Ali (pbuh) responded, 'Glory be to Allah! By Allah, it has not been long enough to forget. By Allah, he knows that this title is only rightfully mine. Indeed, the Messenger of Allah designated me as such in the presence of seven others, who greeted me with "Commander of the Faithful." He and his companion among the seven asked the Prophet for clarification, saying, "Is this a command from Allah and His Messenger?" The Messenger of Allah replied, "Yes, truly from Allah and His Messenger. He is the Commander of the Faithful, the Leader of the Muslims, and the Standard-Bearer of the Radiant ones. Allah will seat him on the Sirat (bridge) on the Day of Resurrection, allowing his followers to enter Paradise and sending his enemies to Hell.' The messenger returned and reported what Ali had said, and so they left him alone that day. When night came, Ali (pbuh) took Fatimah (pbuh) on a donkey, holding the hands of his two sons, Hasan and Husayn (pbut). He went to the houses of the Companions of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), appealing to them in the name of Allah for his right and calling them to support him. No one responded to his call except four of us, who shaved our heads and pledged our support to him."

Suleim ibn Qays Book Vol.2, P.582


عن سلمان في حديث طويل: فلما أن رأى علي × خذلان الناس إياه, وتركهم نصرته واجتماع كلمتهم مع أبي بكر وتعظيمهم إياه لزم بيته, فقال عمر لأبي بكر: ما يمنعك أن تبعث إليه فيبايع, فإنه لم يبق أحد إلا وقد بايع غيره وغير هؤلاء الأربعة... فقال له أبو بكر: من نرسل إليه؟ فقال عمر: نرسل إليه قنفذا فهو رجل فظ غليظ جاف من الطلقاء أحد بني عدي بن كعب, فأرسله وأرسل معه أعوانا, وانطلق فاستأذن على علي × فأبى أن يأذن لهم, فرجع أصحاب قنفذ إلى أبي بكر وعمر وهما جالسان في المسجد والناس حولهما, فقالوا: لم يؤذن لنا, فقال عمر: اذهبوا فإن أذن لكم وإلا فادخلوا بغير إذن, فانطلقوا فاستأذنوا فقالت فاطمة ÷: أحرج عليكم أن تدخلوا على بيتي بغير إذن, فرجعوا وثبت قنفذ الملعون, فقالوا: إن فاطمة قالت كذا وكذا, فتحرجنا أن ندخل بيتها بغير إذن, فغضب عمر وقال: ما لنا وللنساء! ثم أمر أناسا حوله بتحصيل الحطب, وحملوا الحطب وحمل معهم عمر, فجعلوه حول منزل علي ×, وفيه علي وفاطمة وابناهما × ثم نادى عمر حتى أسمع عليا وفاطمة ÷: والله لتخرجن يا علي ولتبايعن خليفة رسول الله | وإلا أضرمت عليك النار, فقامت فاطمة ÷ فقالت: يا عمر, ما لنا ولك؟ فقال: افتحي الباب وإلا أحرقنا عليكم بيتكم, فقالت ×: يا عمر, أما تتقي الله, تدخل على بيتي! فأبى أن ينصرف, ودعا عمر بالنار فأضرمها في الباب, ثم دفعه فدخل, فاستقبلته فاطمة ÷ وصاحت: يا أبتاه يا رسول الله, فرفع عمر السيف وهو في غمده, فوجأ به جنبها فصرخت ×: يا أبتاه, فرفع السوط فضرب به ذراعها, فنادت ×: يا رسول الله, لبئس ما خلفك أبو بكر وعمر, فوثب علي × فأخذ بتلابيه فصرعه ووجأ أنفه ورقبته وهم بقتله, فذكر قول رسول الله | وما أوصاه به, فقال: والذي كرم محمدا | بالنبوة يا ابن صهاك, لو لا كتاب من الله سبق وعهد عهد إلي رسول الله | لعلمت أنك لا تدخل بيتي, فأرسل عمر يستغيث, فأقبل الناس حتى دخلوا الدار, وثار علي × إلى سيفه, فرجع قنفذ إلى أبي بكر وهو يتخوف أن يخرج علي × بسيفه, لما قد عرف من بأسه وشدته, فقال أبو بكر لقنفذ: ارجع فإن خرج فاقتحم عليه بيته, فإن امتنع فأضرم عليهم بيتهم النار, فانطلق قنفذ الملعون فاقتحم هو وأصحابه بغير إذن,‏ وثار علي × إلى سيفه فسبقوه إليه, وكاثروه فتناول بعض سيوفهم, فكاثروه فألقوا في عنقه حبلا, وحالت بينهم وبينه فاطمة ÷ عند باب البيت, فضربها قنفذ الملعون بالسوط, فماتت حين ماتت, وإن في عضدها مثل الدملج من ضربته لعنه الله‏. [39]

In a lengthy narration from Salman, he said: "When Ali (pbuh) saw the people abandoning him, withholding their support, and uniting with Abu Bakr and showing him reverence, he stayed in his house. Then Umar said to Abu Bakr, 'What prevents you from sending for him so that he may pledge allegiance, as everyone has pledged allegiance except him and these four others…?' Abu Bakr replied, 'Who should we send to him?', then Umar said, "We will send Qunfudh, a harsh and stern man from the tribe of Bani Udai bin Ka'ab, to Ali's house. He was sent along with a group of others. Qunfudh went to Ali's house and asked for permission to enter, but Ali refused to grant it. The delegation returned to Abu Bakr and Umar, who were sitting in the mosque with people gathered around them, and reported that they had not been allowed to enter. Umar instructed them to seek permission again and warned that if they were denied, they should enter forcefully. When they went back, Fatimah (pbuh) rebuked them for attempting to enter her house without permission, making the delegation feel ashamed and prevent them from forcing their way in. They went back and only the damned Qunfuth stayed. Umar, however, was infuriated by the situation. He said: “Why would we be concerned about women” He then ordered some men to gather firewood and he gathered with them. He led them to Ali's house, where Ali, Fatimah, and their children were present. They surrounded the house with firewood and then Umar threatened to set the house on fire if Ali did not comply and pledge allegiance. This escalated the tension, and Fatimah voiced her protest by saying, 'What is the matter with you and us?' Umar said: “Open the door, or we will set the house on fire with you in it.” 

Then she said, "O Omar, do you not fear Allah? Should you enter my house without permission?" But he refused to leave, and Umar asked for fire and he ignited the firewood at the door and pushed it. Upon witnessing this act, Fatimah cried out, 'O Father, O Messenger of Allah!' Umar then raised his sword, still sheathed, striking Fatimah's side. She cried, “O Father” He then whipped her arm and she then cried: “O Messenger of Allah, in the evilest way Abu Baker and Omar acted after you”

Then Ali son of Abi Talib (Pbuh) jumped on him, grabbed him, shook him, hit him on his nose and was about to kill him but he remembered the words of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) and what he enjoined him. So he (Pbuh) said: "I swear by the One who honored Mohammad with prophethood, O son of Sihaq if it hadn't been for a statement imposed by Allah and a pledge that I made with the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp), you know that you couldn't have entered my house." Omar started yelling for help and then they gathered and entered the house. Ali (Pbuh) rushed towards his sword. Qunfodh went back to Abi Baker fearing that Ali (Pbuh) would reach his sword because he knows his courage and power. Abu Baker said to Qunfodh: "Go back. He either comes out or you get in by force. If he refuses, burn his house with them inside." Then Qunfodh entered the house by force with his companions. Ali (pbuh) rushed to his sword, but they reached it before him, and they outnumbered him. He grabbed one of their swords, but they overpowered him and threw a rope around his neck. Fatima stood against them by the door but then Qunfodh hit her with his whip. When she died, she still had a scar on her upper hand due to his hit may Allah curse him.

Suleim ibn Qays Book Vol.2, P.584


عن مروان بن عثمان قال: لما بايع الناس أبا بكر دخل علي × والزبير والمقداد بيت فاطمة ÷, وأبوا أن يخرجوا فقال عمر بن الخطاب: أضرموا عليهم البيت نارا, فخرج الزبير ومعه سيفه فقال أبو بكر: عليكم بالكلب فقصدوا نحوه, فزلت قدمه وسقط إلى الأرض ووقع السيف من يده, فقال‏ أبو بكر: اضربوا به الحجر, فضرب بسيفه الحجر حتى انكسر, وخرج علي بن أبي طالب × نحو العالية, فلقيه ثابت بن قيس بن شماس, فقال: ما شأنك يا أبا الحسن؟ فقال ×: أرادوا أن يحرقوا علي بيتي وأبو بكر على المنبر يبايع له, ولا يدفع عن ذلك ولا ينكره, فقال له: ثابت ولا تفارق كفي يدك حتى أقتل دونك, فانطلقا جميعا حتى عادا إلى المدينة وإذا فاطمة ÷ واقفة على بابها, وقد خلت دارها من أحد من القوم وهي تقول: لا عهد لي بقوم أسوأ محضرا منكم, تركتم رسول الله | جنازة بين أيدينا وقطعتم أمركم بينكم, لم تستأمرونا وصنعتم بنا ما صنعتم, ولم تروا لنا حقا. [40]

From Marwan ibn Uthman, it is narrated: "When the people pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr, Ali, al-Zubayr, and al-Miqdad entered the house of Fatimah (pbuh) and refused to come out. Umar ibn al-Khattab said, 'Set fire to the house.' Al-Zubayr came out with his sword, and Abu Bakr said, 'Seize the dog.' They went towards him, he slipped, fell to the ground, and his sword fell from his hand. Abu Bakr then said, 'Strike his sword against the stone,' so they struck his sword until it broke. Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) went towards the elevated area (al-Aliyah), where he met Thabit ibn Qays ibn Shammas, who asked him, 'What’s going on, O Abu al-Hasan?' Ali (pbuh) replied, 'They want to burn my house down, while Abu Bakr sits on the pulpit with people pledging allegiance to him, and he neither defends against this nor condemns it.' Thabit said, 'I will not let go of your hand until I die for you.' So they both went back to Medina together. When they arrived, they found Fatimah (pbuh) standing at her door, her house now empty of the crowd. She said, 'I have never known a people with worse behavior than you. You left the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) as a body before us, went off, decided your matters without consulting us, treated us as you did, and did not consider any right for us.'"

Al-Amali by Al-Mufid P.49


ثم إن عمر جمع جماعة من الطلقاء والمنافقين وأتى بهم إلى منزل أمير المؤمنين × فوافوا بابه مغلق, فصاحوا به: أخرج يا علي فإن خليفة رسول الله يدعوك فلم يفتح لهم الباب, فأتوه بحطب فوضعوه على الباب وجاؤوا بالنار ليضرموه فصاح عمر وقال: والله لئن لم تفتحوا لنضرمنه بالنار, فلما عرفت فاطمة ÷ إنهم يحرقون منزلها قامت وفتحت الباب, فدفعوها القوم قبل أن تتوارى عنهم, فاختبت فاطمة ÷ وراء الباب فدفعها عمر حتى ضغطها بين الباب والحائط, ثم إنهم تواثبوا على أمير المؤمنين × وهو جالس على فراشه, واجتمعوا عليه حتى أخرجوه سحباً من داره ملبباً بثوبه يجرونه الى المسجد, فحالت فاطمة ÷ بينهم وبين بعلها, وقالت: والله لا أدعكم تجرون ابن عمي ظلماً! ويلكم ما أسرع ما خنتم الله ورسوله فينا أهل البيت, وقد أوصاكم رسول الله | باتباعنا ومودتنا والتمسك بنا, فقال الله تعالى: {قل لا أسئلكم عليه أجراً إلا المودة في القربى} قال: فتركه أكثر القوم لأجلها, فأمر عمر قنفذاً ابن عمه أن يضربها بسوطه فضربها قنفذ بالسوط على ظهرها وجنبيها إلى أن أنهكها وأثر في جسمها الشريف, وكان ذلك الضرب أقوى ضرر في إسقاط جنينها, وقد كان رسول الله | سماه محسناً. وجعلوا يقودون أمير المؤمنين × إلى المسجد حتى أوقفوه بين يدي أبي بكر فلحقته فاطمة ÷ الى المسجد لتخلصه فلم تتمكن من ذلك, فعدلت إلى قبر أبيها, فاشارت إليه بحرقة ونحيب وهي تقول:

نفسي على زفراتها محبوسة يا ليتها خرجت مع الزفرات

لا خير بعدك في الحياة وإنما أبكي, مخافة أن تطول حياتي

ثم قالت: واأسفاه عليك يا أبتاه! واثكل حبيبك أبو الحسن المؤتمن وأبو سبطيك الحسن والحسين, ومن ربيته صغيراً وواخيته كبيراً, وأجل أحبائك لديك, وأحب أصحابك إليك أولهم سبقاً إلى الإسلام, ومهاجرة إليك يا خير الأنام, فها هو يساق في الأسر كما يقاد البعير! ثم أنها أنت أنه, وقالت: وامحمداه! واحبيباه! واأباه! واأبا القاسماه! واأحمداه! واقلة ناصراه! واغوثاه! واطول كربتاه! واحزناه! وامصيبتاه واسوء صباحاه! وخرت مغشية عليها, فضج الناس بالكباء والنحيب, وصار المسجد مأتماً, ثم إنهم أوقفوا أمير المؤمنين × بين يدي أبي بكر وقالوا له: مد يدك فبايع!! فقال: والله لا أبايع, والبيعة لي في رقابكم, فروى عن عدي بن حاتم, إنه قال: والله ما رحمت أحداً قط رحمتي على علي ابن أبي طالب × حين أتي به ملبباً بثوبه, يقودونه إلى أبي بكر, وقالوا: بايع! قال: فإن لم أفعل؟ قالوا: نضرب الذي فيه عيناك, قال: فرفع رأسه الى السماء, وقال: اللهم إني أشهدك إنهم أتوا أن يقتلوني, فإني عبد الله وأخي رسول الله | فقالوا له: مد يدك فبايع! فأبى عليهم فمدوا يده كرهاً فقبض × على أنامله, فراموا بأجمعهم فتحها فلم يقدروا فمسح عليها أبو بكر وهي مضمومة, وهو × يقول وينظر إلى قبر رسول الله |: يا بن أم إن القوم استضعفوني وكادوا يقتلوني.  قال الراوي: إن علياً × خاطب أبا بكر بهذين البيتين:

فإن كنت بالشورى ملكت أمورهم فكيف بهذا والمشيرون غيب

وان كنت بالقربى حججت خصيمهم فغيرك أولى بالنبي وأقرب

وكان × كثيراً ما يقول: واعجباً تكون الخلافة بالصحابة, ولا تكون بالقرابة والصحابة. [41]

Then Umar gathered a group of hypocrites and brought them to the house of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (pbuh). They approached his closed door and shouted, "Come out, O Ali! The Caliph of the Messenger of Allah is calling you!" When the door wasn't opened for them, they brought wood and placed it against the door, intending to set it on fire. Umar shouted, "By Allah, if you don't open, we will burn it with fire!" When Fatimah (pbuh) realized they were going to burn her house, she stood up and opened the door.

The crowd pushed her, and Umar pressed her between the door and the wall. Then, they barged in on Ali (pbuh), who was sitting on his couch. They gathered around him, dragged him out, and took him to the mosque, pulling him by his cloak. Fatimah (pbuh) tried to intervene, standing between them and her husband. She exclaimed, "By Allah, I won't allow you to drag my cousin unjustly! Woe to you! How quickly you betrayed Allah and His Messenger in dealing with us, the family of the Prophet! Even though the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) instructed you to follow us, love us, and hold fast to us, Allah commanded you {Say: I ask you no reward for this but Loving the close kin}. But most of you abandoned this for the sake of power."

Umar ordered Qunfudh, his cousin, to strike her with his whip. Qunfudh, with his whip, struck Fatimah (pbuh) on her back and sides until she became weakened and the beating left marks on her noble body. This severe beating had a devastating impact, leading to the miscarriage of her unborn child. The Prophet (pbuhp) had called the child "Mohsin" (the good one). They continued to lead Ali (pbuh) to the mosque, where they stood him before Abu Bakr. Fatimah (pbuh) followed them to the mosque to rescue him but was unable to do so. She turned back to her father's grave, pointing at it with sorrow and lamentation, saying:

"My soul is confined with its sighs. Oh, that it had been released with these sighs!

There is no goodness in life after you. I weep in fear that my life may be prolonged."

Then she said, "O the sorrow, my dear father! O the sorrow upon your trusted one, the father of Hasan and Husayn! O the sorrow upon the one raised under your care, from childhood to maturity!  to the most beloved to you, the closest to you, and the most cherished in your sight among you companions who preceded all in embracing Islam, migrated for your sake, and sought refuge with you, O the best of humanity! Now they lead him away in captivity like a camel!

Then, she exclaimed with grief and lamentation, "Alas! Alas for you, O Muhammad, O my loved one, O my father! O Abu Qasim, O how scarce are the advocators, O where help would be sought! O how long would be the grief, O the calamity O how evil the companions have turned out to be! Then she fainted and fell to the ground.

The people gathered in the mosque, and the atmosphere was filled with cries and lamentations. The mosque turned into a mourning place. They stood Ali (pbuh) before Abu Bakr and said, "Extend your hand for allegiance!" Ali replied, "By Allah, I won't pledge allegiance, and the allegiance to me is upon your necks. Then Udei ibn Hatim said, "I have never felt mercy for anyone like I felt for Ali son of Abi Talib (pbut) when they brought him, covered in his cloak, dragging him to Abu Bakr. They said, 'Pledge allegiance!' He said, 'If I refuse?' They said, 'We will strike your head.' He raised his head towards the sky and said, 'O Allah, I bear witness that they have come to kill me. I am the servant of Allah, and my brother is the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp).' They said to him, 'Extend your hand for allegiance!' He refused, so they extended his hand unwillingly, and Abu Bakr tried to open his hand, but he couldn't. They wrestled with his hand, but it remained closed. Abu Bakr wiped it while it was clenched. Ali looked towards the grave of the Prophet (pbuhp) and said, {O son of Amm (paternal uncle), the people have oppressed me, and they nearly killed me.}

Bayt Al-Ahzan P.117


فوثب عمر غضبان ونادى خالد بن الوليد وقنفذا فأمرهما أن يحملا حطبا ونارا ثم أقبل حتى انتهى إلى باب علي وفاطمة (صلوات الله عليهما) وفاطمة قاعدة خلف الباب قد عصبت رأسها ونحل جسمها في وفاة رسول الله | فأقبل عمر حتى ضرب الباب ثم نادى: "يا ابن أبي طالب افتح الباب" فقالت فاطمة ÷: "يا عمر ما لنا ولك لا تدعنا وما نحن فيه" قال: "افتحي الباب وإلا أحرقنا عليكم" فقالت: "يا عمر أ ما تتقي الله عز وجل تدخل على بيتي وتهجم على داري" فأبى أن ينصرف ثم دعا عمر بالنار فأضرمها في الباب فأحرق الباب ثم دفعه عمر فاستقبلته فاطمة ÷ وصاحت: "يا أبتاه يا رسول الله" فرفع السيف وهو في غمده فوجا به جنبها فصرخت فرفع السوط فضرب به ذراعها فصاحت: "يا أبتاه" فوثب علي بن أبي طالب × فأخذ بتلابيب عمر ثم هزه فصرعه ووجأ أنفه ورقبته وهم بقتله فذكر قول رسول الله | وما أوصاه به من الصبر والطاعة فقال ×: "و الذي كرم محمدا بالنبوة يا ابن صهاك لو لا كتاب من الله سبق لعلمت أنك لا تدخل بيتي" فأرسل عمر يستغيث فأقبل الناس حتى دخلوا الدار فكاثروه وألقوا في عنقه حبلا فحالت بينهم وبينه فاطمة ÷ عند باب البيت فضربها قنفذ الملعون بالسوط فماتت حين ماتت وإن في عضدها كمثل الدملج من ضربته لعنه الله فألجأها إلى عضادة بيتها ودفعها فكسر ضلعها من جنبها فألقت جنينا من بطنها فلم تزل صاحبة فراش حتى ماتت صلى الله عليها من ذلك شهيدة. [42]

Omar became angry and shouted for Khalid ibn al-Walid and Qunfudh to come. He ordered them to bring firewood and a torch. Omar then approached the door of Ali and Fatima (Pbut). Omar knocked on the door and said: "O son of Abi Talib, open the door!" Fatima (Pbuh) responded: "O Omar, what is it with you and us? Why don't you let us be?" He said: "Open the door or else we will burn the house with you inside." She said: "O Omar, don't you fear Allah, the Almighty, entering my home by force and assaulting my house?" Omar refused to leave and called for fire to be brought. They set the door on fire, burning it.  Then he pushed the door and entered, facing Fatima (Pbuh). She screamed: "O father, O Messenger of Allah." Omar had his sword with him in its sheath, and he hit her with the sheath. She then cried out: "O my father!" Then Ali son of Abi Talib (Pbuh) rushed towards Omar, grabbed him, shook him, hit him on his nose and neck. He was about to kill him but he remembered the words of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) and what he enjoined him with of patience and obedience. So, he (Pbuh) said: "I swear by the One who honored Mohammad with prophet-hood, O son of Sihaq, if it hadn't been for a pledge imposed by Allah, you know that you couldn't have entered my house." Omar called for help, so they gathered around Imam Ali (Pbuh) and tied a rope around his neck. Fatima stood against them by the door but then Qunfodh hit her with his whip. She died as a result of her injuries, with a broken rib from being struck on her side. When she died, she still had a scar in the shape of an armlet around her upper hand due to his hit. Then he pushed her against the wall and broke a rib of hers. She had a miscarriage and stayed sick in bed till the day she passed away a martyr (Pbuh).

Suleim ibn Qays Book Vol.2, P.864


عن السيدة الزهراء ÷ أنه قالت: لا تصلي علي أمة نقضت عهد الله، وعهد أبي رسول الله | في أمير المؤمنين علي ×، وظلموني حقي، وأخذوا إرثي، وخرقوا صحيفتي التي كتبها لي أبي بملك فدك، وكذبوا شهودي وهم والله جبرئيل وميكائيل وأمير المؤمنين × وأم أيمن، وطفت عليهم في بيوتهم، وأمير المؤمنين × يحملني ومعي الحسن والحسين ليلا ونهارا إلى منازلهم، اذكرهم بالله وبرسوله ألا تظلمونا، ولا تغصبونا حقنا الذي جعله الله لنا؛ فيجيبونا ليلا ويقعدون عن نصرتنا نهارا، ثم ينفذون إلى دارنا قنفذا ومعه عمر بن الخطاب وخالد بن الوليد ليخرجوا ابن عمي عليا إلى سقيفة بني ساعدة لبيعتهم الخاسرة؛ فلا يخرج إليهم متشاغلا بما أوصاه به رسول الله |، وبأزواجه، وبتأليف القرآن، وقضاء ثمانين ألف درهم وصاه بقضائها عنه عداة ودينا. فجمعوا الحطب الجزل على بابنا وأتوا بالنار ليحرقوه ويحرقونا، فوقفت بعضادة الباب وناشدتهم بالله وبأبي أن يكفوا عنا وينصرونا، فأخذ عمر السوط من يد قنفذ مولى أبي بكر، فضرب به عضدي فالتوى السوط على عضدي حتى صار كالدملج وركل الباب برجله، فرده علي وأنا حامل فسقطت لوجهي، والنار تسعر وتسفع وجهي، فضربني بيده حتى انتثر قرطي من أذني، وجائني المخاض، فأسقطت محسنا قتيلا بغير جرم.

فهذه أمة تصلي علي! وقد تبرأ الله ورسوله منهم، وتبرأت منهم. [43]

Lady Fatimah al-Zahraa (pbuh) said: "Let not the community that broke the covenant of Allah and the covenant of my father, the Messenger of Allah, pray over me. They betrayed the trust given by my father regarding the guardianship of Amir al-Mu'minin, Ali (pbuh), denied me my rightful inheritance, took away my property, and tore up the document written for me by my father, granting me ownership of Fadak. They denied my witnesses, who, by Allah, were Jibra'il, Mika'il, Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh), and Umm Ayman. I visited them in their homes with Amir al-Mu'minin taking me, accompanied by Hasan and Husayn, day and night, reminding them by Allah and His Messenger not to wrong us, not to take away the rights that Allah had given to us. They would respond to us at night, but by day they would abandon us. Then they sent Qunfudh, along with Umar ibn al-Khattab and Khalid ibn al-Walid, to our home to bring my cousin Ali to the Saqifah of Banu Sa'idah for their failed allegiance. Yet he did not respond to them, preoccupied with what the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) had entrusted to him – concerning his wives, compiling the Qur'an, and settling debts, among them a debt of eighty thousand dirhams. So they gathered large bundles of firewood at our door and brought fire to burn it and us. I stood at the doorpost, imploring them by Allah and by my father to leave us and support us. Umar took a whip from Qunfudh, the servant of Abu Bakr, and struck my upper arm with it, and the whip twisted around my arm until it became bruised like a bracelet. He kicked the door with his foot, forcing it against me while I was pregnant, and I fell forward onto my face. The fire was blazing and singed my face. He struck me with his hand, causing my earring to fall from my ear. Labor pains came upon me, and I miscarried my son, Muhsin, an innocent soul, who died for no crime.

And yet this community intends to pray over me! Allah and His Messenger have renounced them, and I have renounced them as well.

Behar Al-Anwar Vol.30, P.348



From Zayd ibn Aslam: "I was among those who carried firewood with Umar to the door of Fatimah (pbuh) when Ali (pbuh) and his companions refused to pledge allegiance. Umar said to Fatimah, 'Bring out those who are in the house, or I will burn it down with everyone inside.' Inside the house were Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Husayn, and a group of the Prophet’s companions. Fatimah (pbuh) asked, 'Will you burn down the house with Ali and my children inside?' He replied, 'Yes, by Allah—unless they come out and pledge allegiance.'"

Al-Tara'f Vol.1, P.239


عن عمار بن ياسر في حديث, قال: وحملت بمحسن ×، فلما قبض رسول الله |، وجرى ما جرى في يوم دخول القوم عليها دارها، وإخراج ابن عمها أمير المؤمنين ×، وما لحقها من الرجل أسقطت به ولدا تماما، وكان ذلك أصل مرضها ووفاتها ÷. [45]

Ammar ibn Yasir said: 'She was pregnant with Al-Mohsen, and when the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) passed away, and what occurred on the day the people entered her house and expelled her cousin, the Commander of the Believers (pbuh), and what harm was inflicted upon her by that man, she miscarried a perfectly formed child. This was the beginning of her illness and eventual death.'"

Dala'l Al-Imama P.104


عن أبي عبد الله ×: والله ما بايع علي × حتى رأى الدخان قد دخل عليه بيته. [46]

From Abu Abdullah (pbuh): 'By Allah, Ali (pbuh) did not give his allegiance until he saw smoke had entered his house.'

Al-Shafi fi Al-Imama Vol.3, P.241


فوثب علي × فأخذ بتلابيبه فصرعه ووجأ أنفه ورقبته وهم بقتله فذكر قول رسول الله | وما أوصاه به، فقال: والذي كرم محمدا | بالنبوة يا بن صهاك، لولا كتاب من الله سبق وعهد عهد إلي رسول الله | لعلمت أنك لا تدخل بيتي, فأرسل عمر يستغيث، فأقبل الناس حتى دخلوا الدار وثار علي × إلى سيفه، فرجع قنفذ إلى أبي بكر وهو يتخوف أن يخرج علي × بسيفه لما قد عرف من بأسه وشدته، فقال أبو بكر لقنفذ: ارجع فان خرج وإلا فاقتحم عليه بيته، فإن امتنع فأضرم على بيتهم النار, فانطلق قنفذ الملعون فاقتحم هو وأصحابه بغير إذن، وثار علي × إلى سيفه، فسبقوه إليه وكاثروه وهم كثيرون، فتناول بعض سيوفهم فكاثروه، فألقوا في عنقه حبلا، وحالت بينهم وبينه فاطمة ÷ عند باب البيت، فضربها قنفذ الملعون بالسوط فماتت حين ماتت وان في عضدها مثل الدملج من ضربته. ثم انطلقوا بعلي × يتل (يعتل عتلا يعني يجذب جذبا) حتى انتهى به أبي بكر، وعمر قائم بالسيف على رأسه، وخالد بن الوليد، وأبو عبيدة بن الجراح، وسالم مولى أبو حذيفة ومعاذ بن جبل، والمغيرة بن شعبة، وأسيد بن حضير، وبشير بن سعد، وسائر الناس حول أبي بكر عليهم السلاح. [47]

Then Ali son of Abi Talib (Pbuh) jumped on him, grabbed him, shook him, hit him on his nose and was about to kill him but he remembered the words of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) and what he enjoined him. So he (Pbuh) said: "I swear by the One who honored Mohammad with prophethood, O son of Sihaq if it hadn't been for a statement imposed by Allah and a pledge that I made with the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp), you know that you couldn't have entered my house." Omar started yelling for help and then they gathered and entered the house. Ali (Pbuh) rushed towards his sword. Qunfodh went back to Abi Baker fearing that Ali (Pbuh) would reach his sword because he knows his courage and power. Abu Baker said to Qunfodh: "Go back. He either comes out or you get in by force. If he refuses, burn his house with them inside." Then Qunfodh entered the house by force with his companions. Ali (Pbuh) rushed towards his sword but they beat him to it. They surrounded him and they were plenty. They unsheathed their swords and tied a rope to his neck. Fatima stood against them by the door but then Qunfodh hit her with his whip. When she died, she still had a scar on her upper hand due to his hit. Then they dragged Ali (Pbuh) till they reached Abu Baker. Omar had his sword by the head of Ali (Pbuh) and Khalid Ibn Al-Walid, Abou Obeida Al-Jarrah, Salim the servant of Abu Hudheifa, Ma'adh Ibn Jabal, Al-Moughira Ibn Sho'ba, Aseed Ibn Hadeer, Basheer Ibn Saed, and all the others around Abou Baker carrying their weapons."

Suleim ibn Qays Book Vol.2, P.586



Abu Ja'far and Abu Abdullah (pbut) said: 'When what happened with them occurred, Fatimah (pbuh) grabbed Umar by his collar and pulled him toward her, then said: 'By Allah, O son of al-Khattab, if it were not for my fear that calamity would befall those who have no sin, I would supplicate to Allah, and He would surely answer me swiftly.'

Al-Kafi Vol.1, P.460


عن الصادق × أنه قال: لما استخرج أمير المؤمنين × من منزله خرجت فاطمة ÷ خلفه فما بقيت امرأة هاشمية الا خرجت معها حتى انتهت قريباً من القبر, فقالت لهم: خلوا عن ابن عمي فوالذي بعث محمداً أبي | بالحق إن لم تخلوا عنه لأنشرن شعري ولأضعن قميص رسول الله على رأسي ولأصرخن إلى الله تبارك وتعالى, فما صالح بأكرم على الله من أبي, ولا الناقة بأكرم مني, ولا الفصيل بأكرم على الله من ولدي. قال سلمان: كنت قريباً منها, فرأيت والله أساس حيطان مسجد رسول الله | تقلعت من أسفلها حتى لو أراد رجل أن ينفذ من تحتها لنفذ, فدنوت منها فقلت: يا سيدتي ومولاتي إن الله تبارك وتعالى بعث أباك رحمة فلا تكوني نقمة, فرجعت ورجعت الحيطان حتى سطعت الغبرة من أسفلها فدخلت في خياشيمنا. [49]

Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: when Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh) was forcibly taken out of his house, Fatimah (pbuh) followed him. Every woman of the Hashemite family came out with her until they were near the grave. She said to them, "Leave my cousin alone. By the One who sent my father, Muhammad (pbuhp), with the truth, if you do not leave him, I will unlock my hair, place the Prophet's shirt on my head, and cry out to Allah, the Blessed and Exalted. Salih is not more honorable to Allah than my father, and his she-camel not is more honorable than me, and its baby camel is not more honorable to Allah than my children." Salman said, "I was close to her, and I swear by Allah, the foundations of the walls of the Prophet's Mosque were being uprooted from below. If a man wanted to pass underneath, he could. I approached her and said, 'O my lady and mistress, indeed, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, sent your father as a mercy. Do not be a source of punishment.' She turned back, and the walls returned to their place, and the dust was scattered and entered our noses.”

Al-Ehtejaj Vol.1, P.113



Abu Hashim said: 'When Ali (pbuh) was taken out, Fatimah (pbuh) went out wearing the shirt of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) on her head, holding the hands of her two sons. She said: "What is between you and me, O Abu Bakr? Do you want to make my son an orphan and leave me widowed from my husband? By Allah, if it were not for the evil consequences, I would have unraveled my hair and cried out to my Lord."

Al-Kafi Vol.8, P.238


عن أبي جعفر ×: لما مروا بأمير المؤمنين × وفي رقبته حبل آل زريق, ضرب أبو ذر بيده على الأخرى ثم قال: ليت السيوف قد عادت بأيدينا ثانية، وقال مقداد: لو شاء لدعا عليه ربه عز وجل,  وقال سلمان: مولانا أعلم بما هو فيه. [51]

Abu Ja'far (pbuh) said: 'When they passed by the Commander of the Believers (pbuh), and there was a rope from the family of Al-Zuraik around his neck, Abu Dharr struck one hand with the other and said: 'I wish the swords were in our hands again.' Then Miqdad said: 'If he wished, he could call upon his Lord, the Almighty, to avenge him.' And Salman said: 'Our master knows best what he is enduring.'

Rejal Al-Keshi P.7


عن مفضل بن عمر قال: قال أبو عبد الله ×: لما بايع الناس أبا بكر أتي بأمير المؤمنين × ملببا ليبايع, قال سلمان: أتصنع ذا بهذا, والله لو أقسم على الله لانطبقت ذه على ذه, قال: وقال أبو ذر الغفاري وقال المقداد: والله هكذا أراد الله أن يكون, فقال أبو عبد الله ×: كان المقداد أعظم الناس إيمانا تلك الساعة. [52]

Mufaddal ibn Umar said: Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: 'When the people pledged allegiance to Abu Bakr, the Commander of the Believers (pbuh) was brought with his hadns tied with ropes to pledge as well. Salman said: "Will you do this to him? By Allah, if he were to swear by Allah, the heavens would fall down on the earth." Then Abu Dharr al-Ghifari said, and Miqdad said: "By Allah, this is how Allah wanted it to be." Then Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: 'Miqdad was the one with the greatest faith at that moment.'

Al-Ekhtesas P.10


عن عمرو بن أبي المقدام, عن أبيه, عن جده قال: ما أتى على علي × يوم قط أعظم من يومين أتياه, فأما أول يوم فاليوم الذي قبض فيه رسول الله | وأما اليوم الثاني فوالله إني لجالس في سقيفة بني ساعدة عن يمين أبي بكر والناس يبايعونه إذ قال له عمر: يا هذا لم تصنع شيئاً ما لم يبايعك علي فابعث إليه حتى يأتيك فيبايعك, قال: فبعث قنفذاً, فقال له: أجب خليفة رسول الله |, قال علي ×: لأسرع ما كذبتم على رسول الله | ما خلف رسول الله | أحداً غيري, فرجع قنفذ وأخبر أبا بكر بمقالة علي × فقال أبو بكر: انطلق إليه فقل له: يدعوك أبو بكر ويقول: تعال حتى تبايع فإنما أنت رجل من المسلمين, فقال علي ×: أمرني رسول الله | أن لا أخرج بعده من بيتي حتى أؤلف الكتاب فإنه في جرائد النخل وأكتاف الإبل فأتاه قنفذ وأخبره بمقالة علي ×, فقال عمر: قم إلى الرجل, فقام أبو بكر وعمر وعثمان وخالد ابن الوليد والمغيرة بن شعبة وأبو عبيدة بن الجراح وسالم مولى أبي حذيفة وقمت معهم وظنت فاطمة ÷ أنه لا تدخل بيتها إلا بإذنها, فأجافت الباب وأغلقته, فلما انتهوا إلى الباب ضرب عمر الباب برجله فكسره وكان من سعف فدخلوا على علي × وأخرجوه ملبباً, فخرجت فاطمة ÷ فقالت: يا أبا بكر وعمر تريدان أن ترملاني من زوجي والله لئن لم تكفا عنه لأنشرن شعري ولأشقن جيبي ولآتين قبر أبي ولأصيحن إلى ربي, فخرجت وأخذ بيد الحسن والحسين ‘ متوجهة إلى القبر فقال علي × لسلمان: يا سلمان أدرك ابنة محمد | فإني أرى جنبتي المدينة تكفئان, فوالله لئن فعلت لا يناظر بالمدينة أن يخسف بها وبمن فيها, قال: فلحقها سلمان فقال: يا بنت محمد | إن الله تبارك وتعالى إنما بعث أباك رحمة فانصرفي, فقالت: يا سلمان ما علي صبر فدعني حتى آتي قبر أبي, فأصيح إلى ربي, قال سلمان: فإن علياً بعثني إليك وأمرك بالرجوع فقالت: أسمع له وأطيع فرجعت, وأخرجوا علياً ملبباً قال: وأقبل الزبير مخترطاً سيفه وهو يقول: يا معشر بني عبد المطلب أيفعل هذا بعلي وأنتم أحياء وشد على عمر ليضربه بالسيف فرماه خالد بن الوليد بصخرة فأصابت قفاه وسقط السيف من يده فأخذه عمر وضربه على صخرة فانكسر ومر علي × على قبر النبي | فقال: يا {ابن أم إن القوم استضعفوني وكادوا يقتلونني} وأُتي بعلي × إلى السقيفة إلى مجلس أبي بكر, فقال له عمر: بايع! قال: فإن لم أفعل فمه؟ قال: إذاً والله نضرب عنقك, قال علي ×: إذاً والله أكون عبد الله وأخي رسول الله | المقتول, فقال عمر: أما عبد الله المقتول فنعم وأما أخا رسول الله | فلا حتى قالها ثلاثاً, وأقبل العباس فقال: يا أبا بكر ارفقوا بابن أخي, فلك علي أن يبايعك فأخذ العباس بيد علي × فمسحها على يدي أبي بكر وخلوا علياً مغضباً فرفع رأسه إلى السماء, ثم قال: اللهم إنك تعلم أن النبي الأمي | قال لي: إن تموا عشرين فجاهدهم, وهو قولك في كتابك: {فإن يكن منكم عشرون صابرون يغلبوا مائتين} اللهم إنهم لم يتموا, حتى قالها ثلاثاً, ثم انصرف. [53]

Amr ibn Abi al-Muqdam, narrated from his father, from his grandfather, who said: There never came upon Ali (pbuh) a day more significant than two days that he experienced. Regarding the first day, it was the day the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) passed away. As for the second day, I swear by Allah, I was sitting in the Saqifah (gathering place) of Banu Sa'ida to the right of Abu Bakr, and people were pledging allegiance to him. Umar said to him, "You, you haven’t done anything until Ali pledged allegiance to you? Send for him so that he may come and pledge allegiance."

They sent Qanfudha who said to him, “Respond to the (Khalifa) successor of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp).” Ali (Pbuh) said: “How fast you rejected the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh). He did not assign a successor but me." Qunfudh went back to Aba Baker and told him about Ali's words. Abou Bakir sent him back to say: “Come to pledge allegiance. You are but a Muslim among the Muslims.” Ali (Pbuh) said: “The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) commanded me not to leave the house until I finis compiling the book.” When Qanfudha returned and conveyed Ali's message, Umar said, "Go to that man." Abu Bakr, Umar, Uthman, Khalid ibn al-Walid, al-Mughira ibn Shu'ba, Abu Ubaydah ibn al-Jarrah, and Salim, the servant of Abu Hudhayfa, went with him.

Fatimah (pbuh) thought that no one would enter her house without her permission. Therefore, she closed and guarded the door. When they reached the door, Umar kicked it with his foot, breaking it, as it was made of palm branches. They entered on Ali (pbuh), forcibly taking him out veiled. Fatimah (pbuh) came out and said, "O Abu Bakr and Umar, do you intend to make me a widow of my husband? By Allah, if you do not stop, I will unlock my hair, place the Prophet's shirt on my head, and cry out to Allah, and I will expose my complaint to my Lord."

She went out, holding the hands of Hasan and Husayn (pbut), heading towards the grave. Ali (pbuh) said to Salman, "O Salman, go to the daughter of Muhammad (pbuhp) before she reaches the Prophet's grave. I see the walls of Medina shaking on both sides. If she does that, Medina will be destroyed with all that is in it."

Salman reached her and said, "O daughter of Muhammad (pbuhp), Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, has sent your father as a mercy. Please go back." She replied, "O Salman, I have no patience. Leave me until I reach my father's grave, complain to my Lord, and scream out loud." Salman said, "Ali has sent me to you. He orders you to go back." She replied, "I hear and obey." And so she went back.

Zubair came forward brandishing his sword, saying, "O descendants of Abdul Muttalib, what is happening to Ali while you are alive?" He approached Umar intending to strike him with his sword. However, Khalid bin Walid threw a rock that hit Zubair's back, causing him to drop the sword. Umar seized the sword and struck it against a rock, breaking it. Ali (pbuh) then passed by the Prophet's grave, saying, "O son of the mother, the people have oppressed me, and they nearly killed me."

They took Ali to the Saqifah to the gathering of Abu Bakr, where Umar said to him, "Pledge allegiance." Ali replied, "If I do not, what will you do to me?" Umar said, "By Allah, I will strike your neck." Ali said, "By Allah, I will be a servant of Allah, and my brother is the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) who was killed." Umar said, "Indeed, a servant of Allah who was killed, but a not the brother of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) who was killed." He repeated this three times. Abbas approached and said, "O Abu Bakr, be gentle with the nephew. I promise that he will pledge allegiance to you, so release him." Abbas took Ali by the hand, wiped it on the hand of Abu Bakr. Ali left in anger and raised his head towards the sky and said, "O Allah, You know that the Prophet, (pbuh), told me: 'If they number twenty, fight against them,' and You mentioned in Your Book: {So if there are among you twenty [who are] steadfast, they will overcome two hundred.} O Allah, they did not reach twenty." He repeated this three times, and then he turned away.

Al-Ekhtesas P.185



Imam al-Hasan (pbuh), in a long argument with Muawiya and his companions, said to Mughirah ibn Shu'bah: 'As for you, O Mughirah ibn Shu'bah, you are an enemy to Allah, a denier of His Book, and a disbeliever in His Prophet. — Until he said to him — And you struck the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) until you wounded her, causing her to miscarry what was in her womb, out of humiliation toward the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) and defiance of his command and violation of his sanctity. And the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said to her: "O Fatimah, you are the chief of the women of the people of Paradise. " by Allah, your final destination will be the Fire, and the consequences of what you have spoken will be upon you.'

Al-Ehtejaj Vol.1, P.278


قال سليم: فأغرم عمر بن الخطاب تلك السنة جميع عماله أنصاف أموالهم لشعر أبي المختار، ولم يغرم قنفذ العدوي شيئا, وقد كان من عماله ورد عليه ما أخذ منه, وهو عشرون ألف درهم, ولم يأخذ منه عشره ولا نصف عشره، وكان من عماله الذين أغرموا أبو هريرة على البحرين فأحصى ماله فبلغ أربعة وعشرين ألفا، فأغرمه اثني عشر ألفا, فقال أبان: قال سليم: فلقيت عليا صلوات الله عليه وآله, فسألته عما صنع عمر, فقال ×: هل تدري لم كف عن قنفذ ولم يغرمه شيئا؟!. قلت: لا, قال ×: لأنه هو الذي ضرب فاطمة صلوات الله عليها بالسوط حين جاءت لتحول‏ بيني وبينهم, فماتت صلوات الله عليها، وإن أثر السوط لفي عضدها مثل الدملج. [55]

Suleim said: 'That year, Umar ibn al-Khattab made all his governors pay half of their wealth as a fine for the poetry of Abu al-Mukhtar, but he did not fine Qunfudh al-Adawi anything. He had returned to him what he had taken, which amounted to twenty thousand dirhams, and Umar did not take a tenth or even a half-tenth of it. Among the governors who were fined was Abu Huraira in Bahrain; he counted his wealth and it amounted to twenty-four thousand, so he was fined twelve thousand.' A'ban said: 'Said Suleim: I met Ali (pbuh), and I asked him about what Umar had done. He (pbuh) said: 'Do you know why he refrained from fining Qunfudh and did not fine him anything?' I replied: 'No.' He (pbuh) said: 'It is because he is the one who struck Fatimah (pbuh) with the whip when she came to prevent them from reaching me. When she died, by Allah, the mark of the whip is still on her arm, like a bracelet.'

Suleim ibn Qays Book Vol.2, P.673


قال سليم بن قيس: إنتهيت إلى حلقة في مسجد رسول الله | ليس فيها إلا هاشمي غير سلمان, وأبي ذر, والمقداد, ومحمد بن أبي بكر, وعمر بن أبي سلمة, وقيس بن سعد بن عبادة فقال العباس لعلي ×: ما ترى عمر منعه أن يغرم قنفذاً كما غرم جميع عماله؟ فنظر علي × إلى من حوله ثم إغرورقت عيناه! ثم قال: شكر له ضربة ضربها فاطمة ÷ بالسوط فماتت وإن في عضدها أثره كأنه الدملج. [56]

Suleim ibn Qays said: 'I reached a gathering in the mosque of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), and there was no one present except for a Hashemite, and among them were Salman, Abu Dharr, Miqdad, Muhammad ibn Abi Bakr, Umar ibn Abi Salama, and Qays ibn Sa'd ibn Ubadah. Then, al-Abbas said to Ali (pbuh): "What do you think made Umar refrain from fining Qunfudh, as he fined all of his other governors?" Imam Ali (pbuh) looked around at those present, and then his eyes filled with tears! He then said: 'He thanked him for the blow he struck Fatimah (pbuh) with the whip. When she died, the mark of the whip is still on her arm, and it looks like a bracelet.'

Suleim ibn Qays Book Vol.2, P.675



It is narrated that when she was deprived of her right, she grabbed the corner of the Prophet's (pbuhp) chamber and said: 'The she-camel of Prophet Salih is not greater in the sight of Allah than me.' Then she raised the side of her veil to the sky, and she was about to make a supplication. The walls of the mosque lifted off the ground, and punishment descended. Then the Commander of the Believers (pbuh) came and took her hand, saying: 'O remnant of Prophethood, Sun of the Message, and Source of Infallibility and Wisdom, your father was a mercy to the worlds, so do not become a punishment upon them. I swear to you by the Most Merciful and the Most Compassionate.' She then returned to her place of prayer.

Mashareq Anwar Al-Yaqin P.127


عن أبي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد ×، عن أبيه، عن جده علي بن الحسين عليهم السلام، قال: لما رجعت فاطمة ÷ إلى منزلها فتشكت وكان وفاتها في هذه المرضة، دخل إليها النساء المهاجرات والانصاريات، فقلن لها: كيف أصبحت يا بنت رسول الله؟ فقالت: أصبحت والله عائفة لدنياكم، قالية لرجالكم، شنأتهم بعد إذ عرفتهم, ولفظتهم بعد إذ سبرتهم، ورميتهم بعد أن عجمتهم، فقبحاً لفلول الحد, وخطل الرأي, وعثور الجد، وخوف الفتن {لبئس ما قدمت لهم أنفسهم أن سخط الله عليهم وفي العذاب هم خالدون} لا جرم لقد قلدتهم ربقتها، وشننت عليهم عارها، فجدعاً وعقراً وبعداً للقوم الظالمين. ويحهم أنى زحزحوها عن رواسي الرسالة، وقواعد النبوة ومهبط الروح الامين بالوحي المبين، الطبين بأمر الدنيا والدين ألا ذلك هو الخسران المبين! ما الذي نقموا من أبي حسن؟! نقموا والله منه شدة وطأته ونكال وقعته، ونكير سيفه، وتبحره في كتاب الله، وتنمره في ذات الله, وأيم الله لو تكافوا عن زمام نبذه إليه رسول الله لاعتلقه, ثم لسار بهم سيراً سجحاً، لا يكلم خشاشه، ولا يتعتع راكبه، ولأوردهم منهلاً روياً صافياً فضفاضاً تطفح ضفتاه، ثم لأصدرهم بطاناً قد تخير لهم الري غير متحل منه بطائل إلا بغمر الماء وردعه سورة الساغب، ولانفتحت عليهم بركات من السماء والارض، ولكنهم بغوا فسيأخذهم الله بما كانوا يكسبون. ألا فاسمعن! ومن عاش أراه الدهر العجب، وإن تعجبن فانظرن إلى أي نحو اتجهوا؟ وعلى أي سند استندوا؟ وبأي عروة تمسكوا؟ ولمن اختاروا؟ ولمن تركوا؟ لبئس المولى، ولبئس العشير, إستبدلوا والله الذنابي بالقوادم، والعجز بالكاهل، فرغماً لمعاطس قوم يحسبون أنهم يحسنون صنعاً ألا إنهم هم المفسدون ولكن لا يشعرون، {أفمن يهدي إلى الحق أحق أن يتبع أمن لا يهدي إلا أن يهدى فما لكم كيف تحكمون}. أما لعمر الله لقد لقحت، فانظروها تنتج, ثم احتلبوا طلاع القعب دماً عبيطاً وذعافا ممقراً، هنالك خسر المبطلون، وعرف التالون غب ما أسس الأولون, ثم طيبوا بعد ذلك نفساً، واطمئنوا للفتنة جأشاً، وابشروا بسيف صارم، وهرج شامل، واستبداد من الظالمين، يدع فيئكم زهيداً، وجمعكم حصيداً، فيا خسرى لكم، وكيف بكم وقد عميت عليكم {أنلزمكموها وأنتم لها كارهون}.[58]

Abu Abdullah, Ja'far ibn Muhammad (Pbuh) reported from his father from his grandfather Ali son of Al-Hussain (Pbut) that he said: “When Fatima (Pbuh) returned to her home and fell ill, a sickness that eventually led to her death, the women of Al-Muhajereen and Al-Ansar came to her and said: “How are you this morning, O daughter of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp)?” She (Pbuh) said: “I swear by Allah, I’m forgoing your earthly life and hating your men. I detested them after knowing them, expelled them after I examined them, and left them after I tested them. Woe unto those who violated the limits, diverged in opinions, stumbled in insight, and feared turmoil {Evil indeed are (the works) which their souls have sent forward before them (with the result), that Allah's wrath is on them, and in torment will they abide} No wonder how it gave them authority and you followed them to its shame. May the unjust be far and away. How dare they took it away from the pillars of the message, the bases of prophet-hood, the destination of the trusted soul carrying revelations, and the ones of full knowledge of the matters of the earthly life and religion. Indeed, this is the great loss. What did they do to Abou Al-Hassan? Indeed they took their revenge from him because of his extreme power, his killing sword, his knowledge of the book of Allah and his connection to the soul of Allah. I swear by Allah, had they not competed against the Prophet's transferring of authority to him, they would have clung to him, and he would have taken them on a journey where they would not address their camels or speak to their riders. He would have taken them to a spacious land with flowing streams, making their dwellings fertile and vast. Then he would have issued them provisions of clear and abundant water, excluding anything harmful, except for drowning in water and being restrained by the surging flood and they would have received blessings from the heavens and the earth. Rather, they transgressed and thus, Allah will seize them for what they had done. So listen! He who lives will indeed witness wonders. If you find it astonishing, consider how they turned, on whom they relied, to which support they clung, whom they chose, and whom they abandoned. What a vile master and what a miserable companion they have chosen instead of the chosen and replaced the capable with the incompetent. Despite their false pride, they are indeed the corrupters, yet they do not realize it. 'Is he who guides to the truth more worthy to be followed, or he who himself does not find guidance unless he is guided?' How do you judge? By the oath of Allah, indeed it is now fertilized and behold what its product will be. Then quench the thirst of the barren ground with foul, dark, and blood-soaked water. There, the falsifiers suffered loss, and the seekers of knowledge recognized the ignorance of those who came before them. Then purify yourselves afterward, feel assured in the face of turmoil, and receive the news of a sharp sword, a widespread tumult, and the domination of the oppressors. It will leave your weak ones meager and gather your strong ones. Woe unto you! How terrible for you when you were blind to it. {Shall we compel you to accept it while you are averse to it?}.

Fada'l Amir Al-Mu'menin by Ibn Uqda P.61



* بمصادر العامة The Commoners’ Sources

عن زيد بن اسلم قال: كنت ممن حمل الحطب مع عمر الى باب فاطمة ÷ حيث امتنع علي × واصحابه من البيعة فقال عمر لفاطمة ÷: اخرجي كل من في البيت او لاحرقنه ومن فيه قال: وكان في البيت علي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين ‘ وجماعة من اصحاب النبي | فقالت فاطمة ÷: افتحرق علي ولدي؟! فقال عمر: اي والله او ليخرجن ويبايعن.[59]

Zaid bin Aslam said: I was among those who carried wood with Omar to the door of Fatimah (pbuh), where Ali (pbuh), and his companions refused to pledge allegiance. Omar said to Fatimah (pbuh): 'Bring out everyone in the house, or I will burn it down with them inside.' He said: Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (pbut) and a group of the Prophet's (pbuhp) companions were in the house. Fatimah (pbuh), said: 'Will you burn down the house with my children inside?' Omar replied: 'Yes, by Allah, unless they come out and pledge allegiance.'

Fulk Al-Najat P.122 About Al-Ghurar book


عن زياد بن كليب قال: أتى عمر بن الخطاب منزل علي × وفيه طلحة والزبير ورجال من المهاجرين، فقال: والله لأحرقنَ عليكم أو لتخرجن إلى البيعة. [60]

Ziyad ibn Kulayb said: "Umar ibn al-Khattab came to the house of Ali (pbuh), where Talha, al-Zubair, and other men from the Muhajirun (Emigrants) were present. He said, 'By Allah, I will set fire to this house unless you come out to give the pledge of allegiance.'"

Tarikh Al-Tabari Vol.2, P.233


فأما علي × والعباس والزبير فقعدوا في بيت فاطمة ÷ حتى بعث إليهم أبو بكر عمر بن الخطاب ليخرجوا من بيت فاطمة ÷، وقال له: إن أبوا فقاتلهم, فأقبل بقبس من نار على أن يضرم عليهم الدار، فلقيته فاطمة فقالت ×: يا ابن الخطاب، أجئت لتحرق دارنا؟ قال: نعم، أو تدخلوا فيما دخلت فيه الأمة. [61]

As for Ali (pbuh), al-Abbas, and al-Zubair, they remained in the house of Fatima (pbuh) until Abu Bakr sent Umar ibn al-Khattab to bring them out of the house of Fatima (pbuh). He said to him, 'If they refuse, then fight them.' So, Umar came with a torch intending to set the house on fire. Fatima met him and said, 'O son of al-Khattab, have you come to burn down our house?' He replied, 'Yes, unless you join what the community has agreed upon.'

Al-Iqd Al-Farid Vol.5, P.15


عن إبراهيم بن سيار قال: إن عمر ضرب بطن فاطمة ÷ يوم البيعة حتى ألقت المحسن من بطنها! [62]

Ibrahim ibn Sayyar said: 'Indeed, on the day of allegiance, Umar struck Fatima (pbuh) in the stomach, causing her to miscarry Muhsin.'

Al-Wafi bel Wafiyat Vol.6, P.15


إن عمر ضرب بطن فاطمة ÷ يوم البيعة حتى ألقت الجنين من بطنها. وكان يصيح عمر: احرقوا دارها بمن فيها! وما كان في الدار غير علي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين ‘. [63]

Umar struck Fatima (pbuh) in the stomach on the day of allegiance, causing her to miscarry her unborn child. Umar was shouting, 'Burn down her house along with whoever is inside!' And there was no one in the house except Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husayn (pbut).

Al-Milal wal Nihal Vol.1, P.57


عن سليمان التيمي، وعن ابن عون: أن أبا بكر أرسل إلى علي × يريد البيعة، فلم يبايع, فجاء عمر ومعه فتيلة - أي شعلة نار - فتلقته فاطمة ÷ على الباب فقالت فاطمة ÷: يا بن الخطاب أتراك محرقا علي بابي؟ قال: نعم، وذلك أقوى فيما جاء به أبوك. [64]

Sulayman al-Taymi and Ibn Awn said: Abu Bakr sent for Ali (pbuh), seeking his pledge of allegiance, but he did not give it. So Umar came with a wick (a flame). Fatima (pbuh) met him at the door and said, 'O son of al-Khattab, are you going to set my door on fire?' He replied, 'Yes, and that is more powerful than what your father came with.'

Ansab Al-Ashraf Vol.1, P.586


إن أبا بكر تفقد قوما تخلفوا عن بيعته عند علي ×، فبعث إليهم عمر، فجاء فناداهم وهم في دار علي ×، فأبوا أن يخرجوا فدعا بالحطب وقال: والذي نفس عمر بيده. لتخرجن أو لأحرقنها على من فيها، فقيل له يا أبا حفص إن فيها فاطمة, فقال وإن، فخرجوا فبايعوا إلا عليا × فإنه زعم أنه قال: حلفت أن لا أخرج ولا أضع ثوبي على عاتقي حتى أجمع القرآن، فوقفت فاطمة ÷ على بابها، فقالت: لا عهد لي بقوم حضروا أسوأ محضر منكم، تركتم رسول الله | جنازة بين أيدينا، وقطعتم أمركم بينكم، لم تستأمرونا، ولم تردوا لنا حقا. فأتى عمر أبا بكر، فقال له: ألا تأخذ هذا المتخلف عنك بالبيعة؟ فقال أبو بكر لقنفد وهو مولى له: اذهب فادع لي عليا، قال فذهب إلى علي فقال له: ما حاجتك؟ فقال يدعوك خليفة رسول الله، فقال علي ×: لسريع ما كذبتم على رسول الله. فرجع فأبلغ الرسالة، قال: فبكى أبو بكر طويلا. فقال عمر الثانية: لا تمهل هذا المتخلف عنك بالبيعة، فقال أبو بكر لقنفد: عد إليه، فقل له: خليفة رسول الله يدعوك لتبايع، فجاءه قنفد، فأدى ما أمر به، فرفع علي × صوته فقال: سبحان الله, لقد ادعى ما لبس له، فرجع قنفد، فأبلغ الرسالة، فبكى أبو بكر طويلا، ثم قام عمر، فمشى معه جماعة، حتى أتوا باب فاطمة ÷، فدقوا الباب، فلما سمعت أصواتهم نادت بأعلى صوتها: يا أبت يا رسول الله، ماذا لقينا بعدك من ابن الخطاب وابن أبي قحافة! فلما سمع القوم صوتها وبكاءها، انصرفوا باكين، وكادت قلوبهم تنصدع، وأكبادهم تنفطر، وبقي عمر ومعه قوم، فأخرجوا عليا ×، فمضوا به إلى أبي بكر، فقالوا له: بايع، فقال: إن أنا لم أفعل فمه؟ قالوا: إذا والله الذي لا إله إلا هو نضرب عنقك، فقال: إذا تقتلون عبد الله وأخا رسوله، قال عمر: أما عبد الله فنعم، وأما أخو رسوله فلا. [65]

Abu Bakr inquired about a group who had refused to pledge allegiance to him and were at Ali’s (pbuh). Umar was sent to them, and when he arrived and called them while they were at Ali's house, they refused to come out. He then ordered firewood to be brought and said, "By the One in Whose hand is the soul of Umar, you will come out, or I will burn the house down with everyone inside." When they mentioned that Fatimah was inside, he said, "Even if she is inside." They came out and pledged allegiance to everyone except Ali. Ali (pbuh) said, "I swear that I will not leave or put on my clothes until I assemble the Quran." Fatimah (pbuh) stood at her door and said, "I have not seen people who gathered in a worse gathering than yours. You left the Messenger of Allah's funeral between our hands, and you decided your affairs among yourselves. You did not consult us, nor did you fulfill our right. Then Umar came to Abu Bakr and said, 'Will you not take this one who has refused allegiance to you?' Abu Bakr said to Qunfud, a slave of his, 'Go and call Ali.' He went to Ali and said, 'The caliph of the Messenger of Allah is calling you to give allegiance.' Ali (pbuh) said, 'By Allah, how fast have you rejected the words of  the Messenger of Allah.' Qunfud returned and conveyed the message. Abu Bakr wept for a long time. Then Umar said again, 'Do not give this one who refused allegiance to you any respite.' Abu Bakr said to Qunfud, 'Go to him and say that the caliph of the Messenger of Allah is calling you to give allegiance.' Qunfud went to Ali and said, 'The caliph of the Messenger of Allah is calling you to give allegiance.' Ali raised his voice and said, 'Glory be to Allah! He has claimed what is not his. ' Qunfud returned and conveyed the message, and Abu Bakr wept for a long time. Then Umar stood up and went with a group until they reached Fatimah's door. They knocked, and when she heard their voices, she called out loudly, 'O father, O Messenger of Allah, Oh to what have we encountered after you from Ibn al-Khattab and Ibn Abi Quhafah?' When the people heard her voice and her crying, they turned away weeping. Their hearts almost shattered, and their livers almost burst. Only Umar remained with a group. They brought Ali out, and they took him to Abu Bakr. They said to him, 'Give allegiance.' He replied, 'What if I do not?' They said, 'By Allah, the One besides Whom there is no god, we will strike your neck unless you give allegiance.' He said, 'So you kill the servant of Allah and the brother of His Messenger?' Umar said, 'As for the servant of Allah, yes, but as for the brother of His Messenger, no.'"

Al-Imama wal Siyasa Vol.1, P.19


فقال عمر لأبي بكر، انطلق بنا إلى فاطمة فإنا قد أغضبناها، فانطلقا جميعا، فاستأذنا على فاطمة فلم تأذن لهما، فأتيا عليا فكلماه، فأدخلهما عليها، فلما قعدا عندها، حولت وجهها إلى الحائط، فسلما عليها فلم ترد عليهما السلام، فتكلم أبو بكر فقال: يا حبيبة رسول الله والله إن قرابة رسول الله أحب إلى من قرابتي، وإنك لأحب إلي من عائشة ابنتي، ولوددت يوم مات أبوك أني مت ولا أبقى بعده، أفتراني أعرفك وأعرف فضلك وشرفك وأمنعك حقك وميراثك من رسول الله, إلا أني سمعت أباك رسول الله | يقول : لا نورث، ما تركنا فهو صدقة، فقالت: أرأيتكما إن حدثتكما حديثا عن رسول الله | تعرفانه وتفعلان به؟ قالا: نعم. فقالت: نشدتكما الله ألم تسمعا رسول الله | يقول: رضا فاطمة من رضاي، وسخط فاطمة من سخطي، فمن أحب فاطمة ابنتي فقد أحبني، ومن أرضى فاطمة فقد أرضاني، ومن أسخط فاطمة فقد أسخطني؟ قالا نعم سمعناه من رسول الله |، قالت: فإني أشهد الله وملائكته أنكما أسخطتماني وما أرضيتماني، ولئن لقيت النبي لأشكونكما إليه، فقال أبو بكر: أنا عائذ بالله تعالى من سخطه وسخطك يا فاطمة، ثم انتحب أبو بكر يبكي، حتى كادت نفسه أن تزهق، وهي × تقول: والله لأدعون الله عليك في كل صلاة أصليها. [66]

Omar said to Abu Bakr, "Let's go to Fatimah, as we have angered her." They both went and sought permission to enter upon Fatimah, but she did not grant them permission. So, they went to Ali and spoke to him. Ali (pbuh), in turn, spoke to Fatimah and sought her permission for them. When they entered and sat with her, she turned her face to the wall, not responding to their greetings.

Abu Bakr then spoke, saying, "O beloved of the Messenger of Allah, by Allah, the kinship of the Messenger of Allah is more beloved to me than my own kinship, and you are more beloved to me than my daughter Aisha. On the day your father passed away, I wished I had died and not lived beyond him. I swear by Allah, I recognize your virtue, honor, and I acknowledge your rights, so I would never deprive you of your inheritance from the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp). However, I heard your father, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), saying: 'We, the group of prophets, do not leave behind any inheritance; what we leave behind is charity.'"

Fatimah (pbuh) replied, "I see that you have heard a Hadith from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) and you are working accordingly. Have you not heard the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) saying: 'Fatimah's pleasure is my pleasure, and her displeasure is my displeasure. Whoever loves Fatimah, loves me, whoever consents her consents me, and whoever makes her angry, makes me angry'? Have you not heard this from the Messenger of Allah?" Abu Bakr and Umar affirmed that they had heard it.

She said, "I bear witness to Allah and His angels that you two have angered me and have not pleased me. If I were to meet the Prophet, I would complain about you to him." Abu Bakr sought refuge in Allah from her anger, and then he wept until he almost passed out. Fatimah continued, "I swear by Allah, in every prayer, I will invoke Allah's curse upon you both."

Al-Imama wal Siyasa Vol.1, P.20


عن زياد بن كليب قال: أتى عمر بن الخطاب منزل علي × وفيه طلحة والزبير ورجال من المهاجرين فقال والله لأحرقن عليكم أو لتخرجن إلى البيعة فخرج عليه الزبير مصلتا السيف فعثر فسقط السيف من يده فوثبوا عليه فأخذوه. [67]

Ziyad ibn Kulayb said: "Umar ibn al-Khattab came to the house of Ali (pbuh), where Talha, al-Zubair, and other men from the Muhajirun (Emigrants) were present. He said, 'By Allah, I will burn this house down unless you come out to give the pledge of allegiance.' Then, al-Zubair came out with his sword drawn, but he stumbled and the sword fell from his hand. They jumped on him and captured him."

Tarikh Al-Tabari Vol.2, P.443


فأقام أمير المؤمنين × ومن معه من شيعته في منزله بما عهد إليه رسول الله |, فوجهوا الى منزله فهجموا عليه، وأحرقوا بابه، واستخرجوه منه كرها، وضغطوا سيدة النساء × بالباب حتى اسقطت (محسنا), وأخذوه بالبيعة فامتنع وقال: لا أفعل. فقالوا: نقتلك. فقال: ان تقتلوني فاني عبد الله وأخو رسوله. [68]

The Commander of the Faithful (pbuh) and those with him from his followers remained in his house, following the instructions left to him by the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp). They sent a group to his house, and they broke into it, set fire to the door, and forcibly dragged him out. They pressed the Lady of the Women (pbuh) against the door, causing her to miscarry (Muhsin). They demanded his pledge of allegiance, but he refused, saying, 'I will not do it.' They threatened to kill him, to which he replied, 'If you kill me, I am the servant of Allah and the brother of His Messenger.'

Ethbat Al-Wasiya by Al-Masoudi P.146


عن ابن عون أن أبا بكر أرسل إلى علي × يريد البيعة فلم يبايع. فجاء عمر ومعه فتيلة, فتلقته فاطمة ÷ على الباب، فقالت فاطمة ÷: يا ابن الخطاب، أتراك محرقا علي بابى؟ قال: نعم، وذلك أقوى فيما جاء به أبوك. [69]

Ibn Awn narrated that Abu Bakr sent for Ali (pbuh) to seek his pledge of allegiance, but he did not give it. Then Umar came with a wick (a flame), and Fatima (pbuh) met him at the door. She said, 'O son of al-Khattab, do you intend to burn down my door?' He replied, 'Yes, and that is stronger than what your father came with.'

Ansab Al-Ashraf Vol.1, P.586


عن ابن عباس قال: بعث أبو بكر عمر بن الخطاب إلى علي × حين قعد عن بيعته وقال: ائتني به بأعنف العنف.[70]

Ibn Abbas said: Abu Bakr sent Umar ibn al-Khattab to Ali (pbuh) when he refrained from giving his pledge of allegiance, and said, 'Bring him to me with the utmost force.'

Ansab Al-Ashraf Vol.1, P.587


عن الشعبي: ...وامتلأت شوارع المدينة بالرجال، ورأت فاطمة ÷ ما صنع عمر فصرخت، وولولت، واجتمع معها نساء كثير من الهاشميات وغيرهن؛ فخرجت إلى باب حجرتها، ونادت: يا أبا بكر، ما أسرع ما أغرتم على أهل بيت رسول الله |! والله لا أكلم عمر حتى ألقى الله. [71]

Al-Sha'bi said: ... The streets of Medina were filled with men, and when Fatima (pbuh) saw what Umar had done, she cried out and wailed. Many women from the Hashemite clan and others gathered with her. She went to the door of her house (that overlooks the mosque of the prophet) and called out, 'O Abu Bakr, how quickly you have attacked the progeny of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp)! By Allah, I will not speak to Umar until I meet Allah.'

Al-Saqifa Wa Fadak P.72


جاء عمر إلى بيت فاطمة في رجال من الأنصار، ونفر قليل من المهاجرين فقال: والذي نفسي بيده لتخرجن إلى البيعة، أو لاحرقن البيت عليكم. [72]

Umar came to the house of Fatima (pbuh) with a group of Ansar and a few men from the Muhajirun. He said, 'By the One in whose hand my soul is, either you come out to give the pledge of allegiance, or I will burn the house down upon you.'

Al-Saqifa Wa Fadak P.71


قال أبو بكر: فوددت أني لم أكن كشفت بيت فاطمة وتركته وأن أغلق علي الحرب ووددت أني يوم سقيفة بني ساعدة كنت قذفت الامر في عنق أحد الرجلين أبي عبيدة أو عمر فكان أمير المؤمنين وكنت وزيرا. [73]

Abu Bakr said: "I wish I had not attacked the house of Fatima (pbuh) and had left it alone, and that I had removed myself off from the conflict. I also wish that on the day of the Saqifah of Banu Sa'ida, I had handed the matter over to one of the two men, either Abu Ubayda or Umar, so that he would have been the Commander of the Faithful and I would have been his minister.

Al-Mu'jam Al-Kabir Vol.1, P.62


[1] دلائل الإمامة ص 134, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 170, العوالم ج 11 ص 566

[2] كنز الفوائد ج 1 ص 150, بحار الأنوار ج 29 ص 346

[3] كتاب سليم بن قيس ج 2 ص 907

[4] كامل الزيارات ص 332, تأويل الآيات ص 837, الجواهر السنية ص 568, البرهان ج 4 ص 860, بحار الأنوار ج 28 ص 64, تفسير كنز الدقائق ج 14 ص 534, العوالم ج 11 ص 1183

[5] الأمالي للصدوق ص 112, بشارة المصطفى ص 197, الفضائل لابن شاذان ص 8, إرشاد القلوب ج 2 ص 295, نوادر الأخبار ص 161, بحار الأنوار ج 28 ص 37, المحتضر ص109، غاية المرام ج 1 ص 171, الطرف من الأنباء والمناقب ص 413 باختصار, مثير الأحزان ص 22 بعضه, إثبات الهداة ج 1 ص 300 بعضه

[6] يقال: رقيقة بنت صيفي بن هاشم بن عبد مناف.

[7] بحار الأنوار ج 53 ص 17, رياض الأبرار ج 3 ص 225, حلية الأبرار ج 5 ص 389, العوالم ج 11 ص 749, مختصر البصائر ص 456 بعده

[8] نوائب الدهور ص 194, العوالم ج 11 ص 567

[9] كتاب سليم بن قيس ج 2 ص 872, بحار الأنوار ج 28 ص 306

[10] كامل الزيارات ص 327, الاختصاص ص 344, تأويل الآيات ص 842, البرهان ج 4 ص 873, مدينة المعاجز ج 6 ص 145, بحار الأنوار ج 25 ص 373, تفسير كنز الدقائق ج 14 ص 536

[11] إلى هنا في مناقب آل أبي طالب × وطرف من الأنباء

[12] الأمالي للصدوق ص 134, إثبات الهداة ج 1 ص 301, بحار الأنوار ج 28 ص 51, مناقب آل أبي طالب × ج 2 ص 209, طرف من الأنباء ص 415

[13] من هنا في طرف من الأنباء

[14] كفاية الأثر ص 36, طرف من الأنباء ص 522

[15] الغيبة للطوسي ص 286، الاحتجاج ج 2 ص 467، منتخب الأنوار المضيئة ص 120، نوادر الأخبار ص 240, بحار الأنوار ج 53 ص 180, العوالم ج 11 ص 569

[16] دلائل الإمامة ص 455, حلية الأبرار ج 5 منهج 13 باب 28 ح 2

[17] دلائل الإمامة ص 400، نوادر المعجزات ص 360, مدينة المعاجز ج 7 ص 324, بحار الأنوار ج 50 ص 59, العوالم ج 23 ص 78, خاتمة المستدرك ج 1 ص 123

[18] الخصال ج 2 ص 607, طرف من الأنباء ص 268, بحار الأنوار ج 10 ص 226

[19] تقريب المعارف ص 256, بحار الأنوار ج 30 ص 390

[20] المزار الكبير ص 296, بحار الأنوار ج 99 ص 165

[21] التهذيب ج 1 ص 465, دعوات الراوندي ص 273, الوافي ج 25 ص 579, وسائل الشيعة ج 3 ص 224, هداية الأمة ج 1 ص 322, بجار الأنوار ج 43 ص 90, العوالم ج 11 ص 269, الفقيه ج 1 ص 180 نحوه

[22] طرف من الأنباء ص 197, بحار الأنوار ج 22 ص 492

[23] الأمالي للصدوق ص 135, معاني الأخبار ص 403, روضة الواعظين ج 1 ص 152, مناقب آل أبي طالب ج 3 ص 361, تسلية المجالس ج 1 ص 566, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 173, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 173, العوالم ج 11 ص 551

[24] الكافي ج 1 ص 281, الوافي ج 2 ص 264, البرهان ج 4 ص 566, حلية الأبرار ج 2 ص 385, بحار الأنوار ج 22 ص 479

[25] بمصادر الشيعة: الأمالي للصدوق ص 595, روضة الواعظين ج 1 ص 150. نحوه: كشف الغمة ج 1 ص 453, شرح الأخبار ج 3 ص 24, الدر النظيم ص 458, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 51 العوالم ج 11 ص 123

بمصادر العامة نحوه: صحيح البخاري ج 4 ص 183, مسند أحمد ج 6 ص 282, سنن ابن ماجة ج 1 ص 518, فضائل الصحابة للنسائي ص 77, مسانيد أبي يحيى ص 78, مسند ابن راهوية ج 5 ص 6, السنن الكبرى للنسائي ج 5 ص 96, خصائص أمير المؤمنين × للنسائي ص 118, مسند أبي يعلي ج 12 ص 111, المعجم الكبير للطبراني ج 22 ص 418, كتاب الأوائل ص 84, نظم درر السمطين ص 178, الطبقات الكبرى لابن سعد ج 2 ص 247, أسد الغابة ج 5 ص 522, الإصابة ج 8 ص 265, المنتظم من تاريخ الأمم ج 4 ص 35, البداية والنهاية ج 5 ص 246, الدر النظيم ص 458, السيرة النبوية لابن كثير ج 4 ص 448

[26] بشارة المصطفى | ص 253

[27] طرف من الأنباء والمناقب ص 167, بحار الأنوار ج 22 ص 484, العوالم ج 11 ص 552, الصراط المستقيم ج 2 ص 92 مختصراً

[28] طرف من الأنباء ص 189, بحار الأنوار ج 22 ص 490

[29] كتاب سليم بن قيس ج 2 ص 565, كمال الدين ج 1 ص 262, حلية الأبرار ج 2 ص 400, الإنصاف في النص ص 272, بحار الأنوار ج 28 ص 52, العوالم ج 11 ص 487

[30] طرف من الأنباء والمناقب ص 143, بحار الأنوار ج 22 ص 476, غاية المرام ج 2 ص 118, الصراط المستقيم ج 2 ص 90 مختصراً, مستدرك الوسائل ج 4 ص 237 بعضه

[31] الأمالي للطوسي ص 188, طرف من الأنباء ص 520, إثبات الهداة ج 1 ص 323, بحار الأنوار ج 28 ص 41, رياض الأبرار ج 1 ص 59, العوالم ج 11 ص 547

[32] الفقيه ج 1 ص 297, الوافي ج 7 ص 571, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 157, العوالم ج 11 ص 800