استخدامُ مختلَفِ الأسلحةِ في الحربِ Employing Different Weapons in War

18- حفصُ بنُ غِياثٍ : سألتُ أبا عبدِ اللّه (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) عَن مَدينةٍ مِن‏مَدائنِ أهلِ الحَربِ : هَل يَجوز أنْ يُرْسَلَ علَيهمُ الماءُ ، وتُحْرَقَ بالنّارِ ، أو تُرمى بالَمجانيقِ حتّى يُقْتَلوا ، وفيهِمُ النِّساءُ والصِّبْيانُ والشَّيخُ الكبيرُ والاُسارى مِن المسلِمينَ والتُّجّارُ ؟ فقالَ : يُفْعَلُ ذلكَ بهِم ، ولا يُمْسَكُ عنهُم لهؤلاءِ ، ولا دِيَةَ علَيهِم للمسلِمينَ ولا كَفّارَةَ .

18- Hafs b. Ghiyath narrated: ‘I asked Abu `Abdillah [al-Sadiq] (AS) about one of the cities of the enemies in war, and whether it was permissible to inundate it with water, burn it with fire, or shoot it with mangonels until they are killed, while there are among them the women, children, old men, and the Muslim captives and merchants?’ He replied, ‘That can be done to them, and they are not to be left from being attacked only because of the presence of these [among them], and the Muslims are neither liable for blood-money nor expiation.’[al-Kafi, v. 5, p. 28, no. 6]