فضائل الإمامين الحسن والحسين ‘ The Virtues of Imams Hassan And Hussain
قال رسول الله |: الحسن والحسين ‘ سيدا شباب أهل الجنة. [1]
The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said: "Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the youth of Paradise."
Qurb Al-Isnad P:111 12
قال رسول الله |: ريحانتاي الحسن والحسين ‘. [2]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) said: "Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn are my two sweet basils."
Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:52
ومر بهما – الإمامين الحسن والحسين × - رسول الله | ذات يوم وهما يلعبان, فأخذهما رسول الله | فاحتملهما, ووضع كل واحد منهما على عاتقه, فاستقبله رجل فقال: لنعم الراحلة أنت, فقال رسول الله |: ونعم الراكبان هما, إن هذين الغلامين ريحانتاي من الدنيا. [3]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) once passed by Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn (pbuh), while they were playing. The Prophet (pbuhp) picked them up and placed each of them on his shoulders. A man approached and said, "What an excellent mount you are!" The Prophet (pbuhp) replied, "And what excellent riders they are! These two boys are my fragrant flowers from this world."
Suleim Ibn Qays Book Part 2, P:733
عن رسول الله | أنه قال: أما الحسن فله هيبتي وسؤددي، وأما الحسين فله جرأتي وجودي. [4]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) said: "As for Al-Hasan, he has my dignity and soverinity, and as for Al-Husayn, he has my courage and generosity."
Dalael Al-Imama P:69
عن عبد العزيز, عن علي × قال: سمعت رسول الله | يقول: يا علي, لقد أذهلني هذان الغلامان - يعني الحسن والحسين - أن أحب بعدهما أحدا, إن ربي أمرني أن أحبهما ,وأحب من يحبهما. [5]
'Abd al-'Aziz reported that Imam Ali (pbuh) said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) say: "O 'Ali, these two boys—meaning Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn—have so captivated me that I love no one else after them. My Lord has commanded me to love them and to love those who love them."
Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:50
عن عمران بن الحصين قال: قال رسول الله | لي: يا عمران, إن لكل شيء موقعا من القلب, وما وقع موقع هذين الغلامين من قلبي شيء قط, فقلت: كل هذا يا رسول الله؟ قال: يا عمران, وما خفي عليك أكثر, إن الله أمرني بحبهما. [6]
'Imran ibn Husayn reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said to him: "O 'Imran, everything has a place in the heart, and nothing has ever occupied a place in my heart like these two boys. So I asked, 'All of this, O Messenger of Allah?' He said, 'O 'Imran, what is hidden from you is even greater. Allah has commanded me to love them.'"
Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:50
عن عبد الله بن مسعود قال قال سمعت رسول الله | يقول: من كان يحبني فليحب ابني هذين, فإن الله أمرني بحبهما. [7]
'Abdullah ibn Mas'ud reported that the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said: "Whoever loves me should love these two sons of mine, for Allah has commanded me to love them."
Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:51
عن أبي ذر الغفاري قال: أمرني رسول الله | بحب الحسن والحسين ‘, فأنا أحبهما وأحب من يحبهما لحب رسول الله | إياهما. [8]
Abu Dharr al-Ghifari reported: "The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) commanded me to love Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn, so I love them and I love those who love them because of the love the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) has for them."
Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:50
عن رسول الله | قال: من أحب الحسن والحسين فقد أحبني، ومن أبغضهما فقد أبغضني. [9]
The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said: "Whoever loves Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn has loved me, and whoever hates them has hated me."
Al-Amali for Al-Toussi P:251
عن أبي ذر الغفاري قال: رأيت رسول الله | يقبل الحسن والحسين ‘ وهو يقول: من أحب الحسن والحسين وذريتهما مخلصا لم تلفح النار وجهه, ولو كانت ذنوبه بعدد رمل عالج, إلا أن يكون ذنبه ذنبا يخرجه من الإيمان. [10]
Abu Dharr al-Ghifari reported: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) kissing Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn while saying: 'Whoever sincerely loves Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn and their descendants, the fire will not touch his face, even if his sins are as numerous as the sand particles in the desert, except if his sin is one that removes him from faith.'"
Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:51
قال رسول الله |: من أحب الحسن والحسين ‘ أحببته, ومن أحببته أحبه الله, ومن أحبه الله عز وجل أدخله الجنة. ومن أبغضهما أبغضته, ومن أبغضته أبغضه الله, ومن أبغضه الله خلده في النار. [11]
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) said: "Whoever loves Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn, I love him. And whoever I love, Allah loves him. And whoever Allah loves, He will admit him into Paradise. And whoever hates them, I hate him. And whoever I hate, Allah hates him. And whoever Allah hates, He will consign him to the Hellfire."
Al-Erchad Part 2, P:28
عن أمير المؤمنين × قال: أخذ النبي | بيد الحسن والحسين, فقال: من أحبني وأحب هذين وأباهما وأمهما كان معي في درجتي يوم القيامة. [12]
Amir al-Mu'minin (Leader of the Believers) said: "The Prophet (pbuhp) took the hands of Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn and said: 'Whoever loves me and loves these two, and loves their father and mother, will be with me in my level on the Day of Resurrection.'"
Masael Ali Ibn Jaafar P:323
عن أبي عبد الله × قال: قال رسول الله | من أبغض الحسن والحسين جاء يوم القيامة وليس على وجهه لحم, ولم تنله شفاعتي. [13]
The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "Whoever harbors hatred towards Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn will come on the Day of Judgment with no flesh on his face, and my intercession will not avail him."
Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:51
عن رسول الله | قال: إن الحسن والحسين ‘ شنفا العرش، وإن الجنة قالت: يا رب! أسكنتني الضعفاء والمساكين. فقال الله لها: ألا ترضين أني زينت أركانك بالحسن والحسين؟ قال: فماست كما تميس العروس فرحا. [14]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) said: "Indeed, Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the youth of Paradise. The Garden (Paradise) said, 'O Lord! I have admitted the weak and the poor.' So Allah said to it, 'Would you not be pleased that I adorn your pillars with Hasan and Husayn?' It then glittered (shimmered) as a bride rejoices."
Al-Erchad Part2, P:127
عن ابن عمر قال: كان على الحسن والحسين ‘ تعويذان حشوهما من زغب جناح جبرئيل ×.[15]
Narrated by Ibn Umar: "Hasan and Husayn each had an amulet filled with down from the wing of Gabriel (pbuh)."
Al-Khisal Part 1, P:67
عن عبد الله بن عباس، قال: دخلت على رسول الله | وهو في منزل عائشة، وهو محتب، وحوله أزواجه. فبينما نحن كذلك، إذ أقبل علي بن أبي طالب × بالباب، فأذن له، فدخل. فلما رآه رسول الله | قال: مرحبا يا أبا الحسن، مرحبا يا أخي وابن عمي، وناوله يده، فصافحه. وقبل علي × بين عيني رسول الله، وقبله رسول الله ثم أجلسه عن يمينه، وقال: ما فعل ابناي الحسن والحسين؟ قال: مضيا الى بيت أم سلمة يطلبان رسول الله |. فبينما نحن كذلك، إذ قالوا: [ان] عثمان وعمر وأبا بكر وجماعة من أصحاب رسول الله | بالباب. فأذن لهم، وتفرق أزواجه، ودخلوا، فسلموا، وجلسوا. ثم أقبل أبو ذر وسلمان، فأذن لهما، فدخلا، فسلما على رسول الله |، فصافحهما، فقبلا بين عيني رسول الله، وأوسع أبو بكر وعمر لهما، فهويا الى علي ×. فقال رسول الله |: يجلسان الى من يحبهما ويحبانه. ثم أقبل بلال ومعه الحسن والحسين ‘ فدخل. فقال لهما رسول الله |: مرحبا بحبيبي وابني حبيبي. فقبل بين أعينهما، وجلسا بين يديه، ثم قاما يدخلان الى عائشة. فقال رسول الله |: أحبيهما يا عائشة وامحضيهما المحبة، فانهما ثمرة فؤادي، وسيد اشباب أهل الجنة، ما أحبهما أحد إلا أحبه الله، ولا أبغضهما أحد إلا أبغضه الله، من أحبهما [فقد أحبني، ومن أحبني فقد أحب الله، ومن أبغضهما] فقد أبغضني، ومن أبغضني فقد أبغض الله، وكأني أرى ما يرتكب منهما، وذلك في سابق علم الله عز وجل، وكأني أرى مقعدهما من الجنة، ومقعد من أبغضهما من النار، والذي نفسي بيده ليكب الله عدوهما ومبغضيهما في النار على وجوههم. [16]
Abdullah ibn Abbas narrated:
I entered upon the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) while he was in the house of Aisha, sitting and his wives around him. As we were in this state, Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) arrived at the door, and permission was granted for him to enter. When the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) saw him, he said, "Welcome, O Abu al-Hasan, welcome, my brother and cousin." He extended his hand to him, shook his hand, and Ali (pbuh) kissed between the eyes of the Messenger of Allah, and the Prophet (pbuh) also kissed him and seated him to his right.
The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) asked, "How are my two sons, Hasan and Husayn?" Ali (pbuh) replied, "They have gone to the house of Umm Salama to seek you, O Messenger of Allah." As we were in this state, it was announced that Uthman, Umar, Abu Bakr, and a group of the companions of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) were at the door. Permission was granted for them to enter, and the wives of the Prophet dispersed. They entered, greeted, and sat down.
Then Abu Dharr and Salman approached, and permission was granted for them as well. They entered, greeted the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), shook their hand, and kissed between their eyes. Abu Bakr and Umar made room for them, and they sat next to Ali (pbuh). The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said, "They sit next to those who love them and whom they love."
Then Bilal came in with Hasan and Husayn (pbut), and they entered. The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said to them, "Welcome, my beloved ones, and the sons of my beloved." He kissed between their eyes, and they sat in front of him. They then went to Aisha's room. The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said, "Love them, O Aisha, and show them genuine love, for they are the fruit of my heart and the leaders of the youth of Paradise. No one loves them except that Allah loves him, and no one hates them except that Allah hates him. Whoever loves them has loved me, and whoever loves me has loved Allah. Whoever hates them has hated me, and whoever hates me has hated Allah. It is as if I see what will befall them, and this is in the knowledge of Allah the Exalted. It is as if I see their place in Paradise and the place of those who hate them in Hellfire. By Him in Whose hand is my soul, Allah will cast their enemies and those who hate them into Hellfire on their faces."
Sharh Al-Akhbar Part 3, P:107
روى بعض الثقاة الاخيار أن الحسن والحسين ‘ دخلا يوم عيد على حجرة جدهما رسول الله × فقالا له: يا جداه اليوم يوم العيد وقد تزين أولاد العرب بألوان اللباس ولبسوا جديد الثياب وليس لنا ثوب جديد وقد توجهنا لجنابك لنأخذ عيديتنا منك ولا نريد سوى ثياب نلبسها, فتأمل النبي × إلى حالهما وبكى ولم يكن عنده في البيت ثياب تليق بهما ولا رأى أن يمنعهما فيكسر خاطرهما فتوجه إلى الإحدية وعرض الحال إلى الحضرة الصمدية وقال: إلهي إجبر قلبهما وقلب أمهما. فنزل جبرائيل من السماء في تلك الحال ومعه حلتان بيضاوان من حلل الجنة, فسر النبي × بذلك وقال لهما: يا سيدي شباب أهل الجنة هاكما أثوابكما خاطهما لكما خياط القدرة على قدر طولكما, أتتكما مخيطة من عالم الغيب, فلما رأيا الخلع بيضا قالا: يا رسول الله كيف هذا وجميع صبيان العرب لابسون ألوان الثياب, فأطرق النبي × ساعة متفكرا في أمرهما, فقال جبرائيل: يا محمد طب نفسا وقر عينا إن صانع صبغة الله عز وجل يفضي لهما هذا الامر ويفرح قلوبهما بأي لون شاءا, فأمر يا محمد بإحضار الطشت والابريق فأحضره, فقال جبرائيل: يا رسول الله أنا أصب الماء على هذه الخلع وأنت تفركهما بيدك فتصبغ بأي لون شاءا, فوضع النبي × حلة الحسن في الطشت فأخذ جبرائيل يصب الماء ثم أقبل النبي على الحسن × وقال: يا قرة عيني بأي لون تريد حلتك؟ فقال: أريدها خضراء ففركها النبي في يده في ذلك الماء فأخذت بقدرة الله لونا أخضر فائقا كالزبرجد الاخضر, فأخرجها النبي × وأعطاها الحسن × فلبسها, ثم وضع حلة الحسين × في الطشت وأخذ جبرئيل × يصب الماء, فالتفت النبي × إلى نحو الحسين × وكان له من العمر خمس سنين, وقال له: يا قرة عيني أي لون تريد حلتك, فقال الحسين ×: يا جداه أريدها تكون حمراء, ففركها النبي × بيده في ذلك الماء فصارت حمراء كالياقوت الاحمر فلبسها الحسين × فسر النبي × بذلك وتوجه الحسن والحسين إلى أمهما فرحين مسرورين فبكى جبرائيل لما شاهد تلك الحال, فقال النبي ×: يا أخي جبرائيل في مثل هذا اليوم الذي فرح فيه ولداي تبكي وتحزن فبالله عليك الا ما أخبرتني لم حزنت, فقال جبرائيل: اعلم يا رسول الله أن اختيار ابنيك على اختلاف اللون فلا بد للحسن أن يسقوه السم ويخضر لون جسده من عظم السم, ولا بد للحسين أن يقتلوه ويذبحوه ويخضب بدنه من دمه, فبكى النبي × وزاد حزنه لذلك. [17]
Some trustworthy and good-hearted individuals narrated that Hasan and Husayn (pbut) entered the chamber of their grandfather, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), on the day of Eid. They said to him, "O Grandfather, today is the day of Eid. The children of the Arabs have adorned themselves with colorful clothes and are wearing new garments. We do not have any new clothes and have come to you to receive our Eid gifts. We only desire clothes to wear."
The Prophet (pbuhp) looked at their condition and cried. He had no clothes at home that would be suitable for them, and he did not want to not to fulfill request and break their hearts. So he turned to the One and Only and presented their situation to the Almighty. He said, "O my God, please comfort their hearts and the heart of their mother."
Gabriel descended from the sky at that moment with two white robes from the garments of Paradise. The Prophet (pbuhp) was delighted and said to them, "O masters of the youth of Paradise, here are your clothes tailored for you by the tailor of divine power to fit your height. They have been sent to you from the world of the unseen."
When they saw that the robes were white, they said, "O Messenger of Allah, how is this, when all the children of the Arabs are wearing colorful clothes?" The Prophet (pbuhp) pondered over their matter for a moment. Gabriel said, "O Muhammad, do not worry or grieve. The Maker of Allah's dye will make these robes any color they wish, and it will delight their hearts."
The Prophet (pbuhp) then asked for a basin and a jug. When they were brought, Gabriel said, "O Messenger of Allah, I will pour water on these robes, and you will rub them with your hand, and they will take on any color they wish." The Prophet (pbuhp) placed Hasan's robe in the basin, and Gabriel began to pour water. The Prophet (pbuhp) then turned to Hasan and said, "O joy of my eyes, what color do you want your robe to be?" Hasan replied, "I want it to be green." The Prophet (pbuhp) rubbed the robe in his hand in that water, and by the power of Allah, it turned into a bright green like the emerald. The Prophet (pbuph) took it out and gave it to Hasan, who wore it.
Then the Prophet (pbuhp) placed Husayn's robe in the basin, and Gabriel began to pour water. The Prophet (pbuhp) turned to Husayn, who was five years old, and said, "O joy of my eyes, what color do you want your robe to be?" Husayn replied, "O Grandfather, I want it to be red." The Prophet (pbuhp) rubbed the robe in his hand in that water, and it turned into a bright red like the ruby. Husayn wore it, and the Prophet (pbuhp) was pleased. Hasan and Husayn then returned to their mother, happy and joyful.
Gabriel wept when he witnessed this situation. The Prophet (pbuhp) asked, "O my brother Gabriel, on a day when my two grandsons are happy, why do you cry and grieve? For Allah's sake, tell me why you are sad." Gabriel said, "Know, O Messenger of Allah, that your two sons' choice of different colors signifies that Hasan will be poisoned, and his body will turn green from the severity of the poison. As for Husayn, he will be killed and slaughtered, and his body will be stained with his blood."
The Prophet (pbuhp) wept and his sorrow increased because of this.
Madinat Al-Ma’ajiz Part 3, P:325
عن رسول الله | في حديث طويل: الحسن والحسين ‘ إماما أمتي بعد أبيهما وسيدا شباب أهل الجنة, وأمهما سيدة نساء العالمين, وأبوهما سيد الوصيين, ومن ولد الحسين تسعة أئمة تاسعهم القائم # من ولدي, طاعتهم طاعتي ومعصيتهم معصيتي, إلى الله أشكو المنكرين لفضلهم, والمضيعين لحرمتهم بعدي, وكفى بالله وليا وناصرا, لعترتي وأئمة أمتي ومنتقما من الجاحدين لحقهم, {وسيعلم الذين ظلموا أي منقلب ينقلبون}.[18]
The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said in a long narration: "Hasan and Husayn are the Imams of my Ummah after their father, and they are the masters of the youth of Paradise. Their mother is the Lady of the women of the worlds, and their father is the master of the successors. From the progeny of Husayn, there are nine Imams, the ninth of whom is the Qa'im (the Mahdi) from my descendants. Obedience to them is obedience to me, and disobedience to them is disobedience to me. To Allah, I complain about those who deny their virtue and disregard their sanctity after me. Allah is sufficient as a Protector and Helper for my progeny, the Imams of my Ummah, and an Avenger against those who deny their rights. {And those who have wronged will know to what [kind of] return they will be returned.}"
Kamal Al-Deen Part 1, P:260
من كلام أمير المؤمنين × في بعض أيام صفين وقد رأى الحسن ابنه × يتسرع إلى الحرب: املكوا عني هذا الغلام لا يهدني، فإنني أنفس بهذين - يعني الحسن والحسين ‘ - على الموت لئلا ينقطع بهما نسل رسول الله |. [19]
"From the words of Amir al-Mu'minin (Ali), during some days of the Battle of Siffin, when he saw his son Hasan rushing into battle, he said: 'Hold back this young man from me, so that he does not break me. Indeed, I entrust with these two - meaning Hasan and Husayn - the continuity of the progeny of the Messenger of Allah, even if it leads me to death.'" [20]
* بمصادر العامة In Commoners’ References
قال رسول الله |: من أحب الحسن والحسين ‘ فقد أحبني، ومن أبغضهما فقد أبغضني. [21]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) said: "Whoever loves Hasan and Husayn, loves me; and whoever dislikes them, dislikes me." [22]
قال رسول الله |: الحسن والحسين ‘ سيدا شباب أهل الجنة. [23]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) said: "Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the youth of Paradise." [24]
عن حذيفة أنه قال: رأينا في وجه رسول الله | السرور يوما من الأيام، فقلنا: يا رسول الله، لقد رأينا في وجهك تباشير السرور, قال: وكيف لا اسر؟ وقد أتاني جبرئيل × فبشرني أن حسنا وحسينا سيدا شباب أهل الجنة، وأبوهما أفضل منهما. [25]
Narrated by Hudhayfah, he said: "We saw joy on the face of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) one day. We said, 'O Messenger of Allah, we have seen joy in your face!' He said, 'And why should I not be joyful? Gabriel has come to me and informed me that Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the youth of Paradise, and their father is better than them.'" [26]
عن رسول الله | أنه قال: لا تسبوا الحسن والحسين ‘؛ فإنهما سيدا شباب أهل الجنة من الأولين والآخرين. [27]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) said: "Do not curse Hasan and Husayn, for they are the leaders of the youth of Paradise among the early generations and the later generations." [28]
عن رسول الله | أنه قال: الحسن والحسين ‘ سيدا شباب أهل الجنة، من أحبهما فقد أحبني، ومن أبغضهما فقد أبغضني. [29]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) said: "Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the youth of Paradise. Whoever loves them, loves me; and whoever dislikes them, dislikes me." [30]
قال رسول الله |: أما الحسن فله هيبتي وسؤددي, وأما الحسين فله جرأتي وجودي. [31]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) said: "As for Hasan, he has my veneration and soverinity. As for Husayn, he has my courage and generosity." [32]
قال رسول الله |: نحلت هذا الكبير المهابة والحلم، ونحلت الصغير المحبة والرضى. [33]
The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhp) said: "This elder one (referring to Hasan) is endowed with awe and forbearance, and this younger one (referring to Husayn) is endowed with love and contentment." [34]
عن اسامة بن زيد قال: طرقت النبي | ذات ليلة في بعض الحاجة، فخرج النبي | وهو مشتمل على شيء لا أدري ما هو، فلما فرغت من حاجتي، قلت: ما هذا الذي أنت مشتمل عليه؟ فكشفه فإذا حسن وحسين × على وركيه. فقال: هذان ابناي وابنا ابنتي، اللهم إني احبهما، فأحبهما وأحب من يحبهما. [35]
Narrated by Usama bin Zaid: "I knocked at the door of the Prophet (pbuhp) one night, seeking some need. The Prophet (pbuhp) came out with something wrapped around him which I do not know what it was. When I finished my need, I asked, 'What is this thing you are wrapped in?' He uncovered it, and behold, it was Hasan and Husayn on his lap. He said, 'These are my sons and the sons of my daughter. O Allah, I love them, so love them and love those who love them.'" [36]
عن ابن أبي نعم قال: كنت شاهدا لابن عمر وسأله رجل عن دم البعوض، فقال: ممن أنت؟ فقال: من أهل العراق، قال: انظروا إلى هذا يسألني عن دم البعوض وقد قتلوا ابن النبي |، وسمعت النبي | يقول: هما ريحانتاي من الدنيا. [37]
According to Ibn Abi Nu'm, he said: "I witnessed Ibn Umar being asked by a man about the blood of mosquitoes. Ibn Umar asked him, 'Where are you from?' The man replied, 'From Iraq.' Ibn Umar said, 'Look at this! He is asking me about the blood of mosquitoes while they have killed the grandson of the Prophet (pbuhp).' I heard the Prophet (pbuhp) say, 'They are my two sweet basil plants (or my two sweet fragrances) in this world.'" [38]
عن أبي أيوب الأنصاري قال دخلت على رسول الله | والحسن والحسين ‘ يلعبان بين يديه - أو في حجره – فقلت: يا رسول الله, أتحبهما؟ فقال: وكيف لا أحبهما؟ وهما ريحانتاي من الدنيا أشمهما. [39]
Narrated by Abu Ayyub al-Ansari: "I entered upon the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) and saw Hasan and Husayn playing in front of him or on his lap. I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, do you love them?' He said, 'How could I not love them when they are my two sweet basils from this world that I smell?'" [40]
عن ابن عباس قال: صلى رسول الله | صلاة العصر، فلما كان في الرابعة أقبل الحسن والحسين ‘ حتى ركبا على ظهر رسول الله |، فلما سلم وضعهما بين يديه، وأقبل الحسين ×، فحمل رسول الله | الحسن × على عاتقه الأيمن، والحسين ‘ على عاتقه الأيسر. ثم قال: أيها الناس! ألا اخبركم بخير الناس جدا وجدة؟ ألا اخبركم بخير الناس عما وعمة؟ ألا اخبركم بخير الناس خالا وخالة؟ ألا اخبركم بخير الناس أبا واما؟ هما الحسن والحسين، جدهما رسول الله |، وجدتهما خديجة بنت خويلد، وامهما فاطمة بنت رسول الله |، وأبوهما علي بن أبي طالب، وعمهما جعفر بن أبي طالب، وعمتهما ام هانى بنت أبي طالب... جدهما في الجنة، وأبوهما في الجنة، وعمهما في الجنة، وعمتهما في الجنة... وهما في الجنة، ومن أحبهما في الجنة. [41]
Narrated by Ibn Abbas: "The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) prayed the Asr prayer, and during the fourth unit, Hasan and Husayn came and climbed onto the back of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp). When he finished the prayer, he placed them in front of him. Husayn approached, so the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) lifted Hasan onto his right shoulder and Husayn onto his left shoulder. Then he said, 'O people! Shall I not inform you of the best people in terms of grandfather and grandmother? Shall I not inform you of the best people in terms of uncle and aunt? Shall I not inform you of the best people in terms of maternal uncle and maternal aunt? Shall I not inform you of the best people in terms of father and mother? They are Hasan and Husayn. Their grandfather is the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), their grandmother is Khadijah bint Khuwaylid, their mother is Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), their father is Ali bin Abi Talib, their uncle is Ja'far bin Abi Talib, and their aunt is Umm Hani bint Abi Talib... Their grandfather is in Paradise, their father is in Paradise, their uncle is in Paradise, their aunt is in Paradise... They are in Paradise, and whoever loves them will be in Paradise.'" [42]
عن حذيفة أنه قال: أتيت النبي | فصليت معه المغرب، فصلى حتى صلى العشاء، ثم انفتل، فتبعته، فسمع صوتي، فقال: من هذا؟ حذيفة؟ قلت: نعم. قال: ما حاجتك؟ غفر الله لك ولامك. قال: إن هذا ملك لم ينزل الأرض قط قبل هذه الليلة، استأذن ربه أن يسلم علي، ويبشرني بأن فاطمة سيدة نساء أهل الجنة، وأن الحسن والحسين سيدا شباب أهل الجنة. [43]
Narrated by Hudhayfah: "I came to the Prophet (pbuhp) and prayed Maghrib with him. He continued to pray until he also prayed Isha. Then he turned and started to leave, so I followed him. He heard my footsteps and said, 'Who is this? Hudhayfah?' I said, 'Yes.' He said, 'What do you need? May Allah forgive you and your mother.' He continued, 'This is an angel who has never descended to the earth before this night. He sought permission from his Lord to greet me and to give me the glad tidings that Fatimah is the leader of the women of Paradise, and that Hasan and Husayn are the leaders of the youth of Paradise.'" [44]
عن أبي هريرة قال: رأيت رسول الله | يمص لعاب الحسن والحسين ‘ كما يمص الرجل التمرة. [45]
Narrated by Abu Hurairah: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) sucking the saliva of Hasan and Husayn as a man sucks a date." [46]
عن ابن مسعود قال: رأيت رسول الله | أخذ بيد الحسن والحسين ‘، ويقول: هذان ابناي؛ فمن أحبهما فقد أحبني، ومن أبغضهما فقد أبغضني. [47]
Narrated by Ibn Mas'ud: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) holding the hands of Hasan and Husayn and saying, 'These are my two sons. Whoever loves them loves me, and whoever dislikes them dislikes me.'" [48]
عن سلمان, عن رسول الله | في الحسنين ×, قال: من أحبهما أحببته، ومن أحببته أحبه الله، ومن أحبه الله أدخله جنات النعيم، ومن أبغضهما أو بغى عليهما أبغضته، ومن أبغضته أبغضه الله، ومن أبغضه الله أدخله عذاب جهنم، وله عذاب مقيم. [49]
Narrated by Salman, from the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) regarding Hasan and Husayn: "Whoever loves them, I love him, and whoever I love, Allah loves him. Whoever Allah loves, He will admit him into the Gardens of Bliss. Whoever dislikes them or acts unjustly towards them, I dislike him, and whoever I dislike, Allah dislikes him. Whoever Allah dislikes, He will admit him into the punishment of Hell, and for him is a lasting punishment." [50]
عن علي بن أبي طالب ×: إن رسول الله | أخذ بيد حسن وحسين، فقال: من أحبني وأحب هذين وأباهما وامهما كان معي في درجتي يوم القيامة. [51]
Narrated by Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh): "The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) took the hands of Hasan and Husayn and said, 'Whoever loves me and loves these two and their father and mother will be with me at my level on the Day of Resurrection.'" [52]
عن أنس بن مالك يقول: سئل رسول الله | أي أهل بيتك أحب إليك؟ قال: الحسن والحسين ‘، وكان يقول لفاطمة ÷: ادعي ابني، فيشمهما ويضمهما إليه.[53]
Narrated by Anas bin Malik: "The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) was asked, 'Who among your household is most beloved to you?' He said, 'Hasan and Husayn.' And he used to say to Fatimah, 'Call my two sons to me,' and he would smell them and hug them." [54]
عن عقبة بن عامر الجهني, عن رسول الله | قال: إذا استقر أهل الجنة في الجنة قالت الجنة: يا رب! وعدتني أن تزينني بركنين من أركانك. قال: أو لم ازينك بالحسن والحسين؟ [55]
From Uqbah ibn Amir al-Juhani, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said:"When the people of Paradise have settled in Paradise, it will say: 'O Lord! You promised me that You would adorn me with two of Your pillars.' He will say: 'Did I not adorn you with Hasan and Husayn?'[56]
عن مدرك أبي زياد قال: كنا في حيطان ابن عباس، فجاء ابن عباس وحسن وحسين ×، فطافوا في البستان فنظروا ثم جاءوا إلى ساقيه فجلسوا على شاطئها - وساق الحديث الى ان قال - ثم قاموا، فتوضؤوا، ثم قدمت دابة الحسن ×، فأمسك له ابن عباس بالركاب وسوى عليه. ثم جيء بدابة الحسين ×، فأمسك له ابن عباس بالركاب وسوى عليه، فلما مضيا قلت: أنت أكبر منهما تمسك لهما وتسوي عليهما؟ قال: يا لكع، أتدري من هذان؟ هذان ابنا رسول الله |، أوليس هذا مما أنعم الله علي به أن امسك لهما واسوي عليهما؟[57]
From Mudrik Abi Ziyad, he said: We were in the gardens of Ibn Abbas, and Ibn Abbas, Hasan, and Husayn (pbuh) came. They walked around the orchard, looked around, then came to the water canal and sat on its bank. -They continued with the narrative until he said:- Then they got up, performed ablution, and then Hasan's mount was brought. Ibn Abbas held the stirrup for him and helped him mount. Then Husayn's mount was brought, and Ibn Abbas held the stirrup for him and helped him mount. When they left, I said: "You are older than them, yet you hold the stirrup for them and help them mount?" He said: "O foolish one, do you know who these two are? These are the sons of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp). Is it not a blessing from Allah upon me to hold the stirrup for them and help them mount?"
Tarikh Madinat Dimachk Part 13, P:238
عن عبد الله بن عمر قال: كان على الحسن والحسين ‘ تعويذان فيهما من زغب جناح جبريل ×. [58]
From Abdullah bin Amr, he said: Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn (pbut) had amulets that contained feathers from the wing of Gabriel (pbuh).
Tarikh Madinat Dimashq Part 14, P:172
عن رسول الله | في حديث طويل: والحسن والحسين ‘ إماما أمتي بعد أبيهما وسيدا شباب أهل الجنة، وأمهما سيدة نساء العالمين، وأبوهما سيد الوصيين, ومن ولد الحسين × تسعة أئمة, تاسعهم القائم # من ولدي, طاعتهم طاعتي ومعصيتهم معصيتي, إلى الله أشكو المنكرين لفضلهم والمضيعين لحرمتهم بعدي, وكفى بالله وليا وناصرا لعترتي وأئمة أمتي, ومنتقما من الجاحدين حقهم {وسيعلم الذين ظلموا أي منقلب ينقلبون}.[59]
From the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) in a long hadith: "Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn (pbuh) are the Imams of my Ummah after their father and the leaders of the youth of Paradise. Their mother is the leader of the women of the worlds, and their father is the leader of the successors. From the descendants of Al-Husayn, there are nine Imams, the ninth of whom is the Mahdi from my progeny. Obedience to them is obedience to me, and disobedience to them is disobedience to me. I complain to Allah about those who deny their virtue and neglect their sanctity after me. Sufficient is Allah as a protector and supporter of my progeny and the Imams of my Ummah, and as an avenger against those who deny their rights. {And those who have wronged will come to know by what overturning they will be overturned}."
Faraed Al-Semtayn Part 1, P:55
عن أبي جعفر ×: ان الحسن والحسين ‘ كانا يعتقان عن علي × بعد موته.[60]
From Abu Ja'far (pbuh): Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn (pbuh) used to free slaves on behalf of Ali (pbuh) after his death.
Al-Mousannaf Part 3, P:262
*فضائل الإمام الحسن × خاصة The virtues of Imam Al-Hasan Pbuh
عن ابن عباس في حديث طويل قال: قال رسول الله |: أما الحسن فإنه ابني وولدي، ومني، وقرة عيني، وضياء قلبي، وثمرة فؤادي، وهو سيد شباب أهل الجنة، وحجة الله على الأمة، أمره أمري، وقوله قولي، من تبعه فإنه مني، ومن عصاه فليس مني، وإني لما نظرت إليه تذكرت ما يجرى عليه من الذل بعدي، فلا يزال الامر به حتى يقتل بالسم ظلماً وعدواناً، فعند ذلك تبكي الملائكة والسبع الشداد لموته، ويبكيه كل شيء حتى الطير في جو السماء، والحيتان في جوف الماء، فمن بكاه لم تعم عينه يوم تعمي العيون، ومن حزن عليه لم يحزن قلبه يوم تحزن القلوب، ومن زاره في بقيعه ثبتت قدمه على الصراط يوم تزل فيه الاقدام. [61]
Ibn Abbas said: The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp): 'As for Hasan, he is my son, my child, and part of me. He is the light of my eyes, the illumination of my heart, and the fruit of my soul. He is the master of the youth of Paradise and the proof of Allah over the Ummah. His commands are my commands, and his words are my words. Whoever follows him is following me, and whoever disobeys him is not from me. When I look at him, I am reminded of the suffering he will endure after me. The situation will be such that he will be unjustly and poisonously killed. At that time, the angels and the fierce beasts will weep for his death, and everything will mourn for him, even the birds in the sky and the fish in the water. Whoever weeps for him will have their eyes spared on the day when eyes are blinded, and whoever grieves for him will have their heart spared on the day when hearts are grieved. Whoever visits his grave will have their feet firmly planted on the Bridge (Sirat) on the day when feet slip.'"
Al-Amali by Al-Sadouq p.114
عن ثقيف البكاء قال: رأيت الحسن بن علي × عند منصرفه من معاوية، وقد دخل عليه حجر ابن عدي فقال: السلام عليك يا مذل المؤمنين! فقال: مه!! ما كنت مذلهم، بل أنا معز المؤمنين، وإنما أردت البقاء عليهم، ثم ضرب برجله في فسطاطه، فإذا أنا في ظهر الكوفة، وقد خرج إلى دمشق ومصر حتى رأينا عمرو بن العاص بمصر، ومعاوية بدمشق، وقال: لو شئت لنزعتهما، ولكن هاه! هاه! مضى محمد على منهاج، وعلي على منهاج، وأنا أخالفهما؟! لا يكون ذلك مني! [62]
"About Thaqif Al-Baka', he said: I saw Al-Hasan ibn Ali (pbuh) when he returned from Mu'awiya, and Hujr ibn Adi came to him and said, 'Peace be upon you, O humiliator of the believers!' Al-Hasan replied, 'Enough! I’m never their humiliator; rather, I am their honor. I only wanted to preserve them.' Then he struck his foot on the ground in his tent, and I found myself on the outskirts of Kufa, having traveled to Damascus and Egypt. We saw Amr ibn Al-As in Egypt and Mu'awiya in Damascus. He (Al-Hasan) said, 'If I wished, I could have taken them both away, but alas! Muhammad followed a path, and Ali followed a path, and should I differ from them? That will never happen from me!'"
Dalael Al-Imama P.166
لما فرغ أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب × من حرب أصحاب الجمل لحقه مرض وحضرت الجمعة, فقال لإبنه الحسن ×: انطلق يا بني فجمع بالناس، فأقبل الحسن × إلى المسجد, فلما استقل على المنبر حمد الله وأثنى عليه وتشهد وصلى على رسول الله |, ثم قال: أيها الناس, إن الله اختارنا لنبوته, واصطفانا على خلقه وبريته, وأنزل علينا كتابه ووحيه, وأيم الله لا ينتقصنا أحد من حقنا شيئاً إلا انتقصه الله في عاجل دنياه وآجل آخرته, ولا يكون علينا دولة إلا كانت لنا العاقبة {ولتعلمن نبأه بعد حين}, ثم جمع بالناس, وبلغ أباه كلامه, فلما انصرف إلى أبيه × نظر إليه فما ملك عبرته أن سالت على خديه, ثم استدناه فقبل بين عينيه, وقال: بأبي أنت وأمي {ذرية بعضها من بعض والله سميع عليم}.[63]
"When Amir Al-Mu’meneen, Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh), had finished the battle with the people of Jamal (the Camel), he became ill, and Friday arrived. He said to his son Al-Hasan (pbuh), 'Go, my son, and lead the people in prayer.' So, Al-Hasan went to the mosque. When he stood on the pulpit, he praised Allah, glorified Him, bore witness, and sent blessings upon the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp). Then he said, 'O people, Allah has chosen us for His Prophethood and selected us over His creation. He revealed His Book and His revelation to us. By Allah, no one diminishes our right without Allah diminishing them in this world and the Hereafter, and no state will prevail over us without us having the final outcome. {And you will surely know the truth of its information after a time}.' Then he led the people in prayer, and his words were conveyed to his father. When he returned to his father, Ali (pbuh) looked at him and couldn't hold back his tears, which flowed down his cheeks. Then he drew him close and kissed him between the eyes, saying, 'May my father and mother be sacrificed for you. {They are descendants, some of whom are from others, and Allah is Hearing and Knowing}.'"
Al-Amali by Al-Toussi P.104
عن الحسن بن علي × إن لله مدينة في المشرق ومدينة في المغرب على كل واحد سور من حديد, في كل سور سبعون ألف مصراع, يدخل من كل مصراع سبعون ألف لغة أدمي, ليس منها لغة إلا مخالف الأخرى, وما فيها لغة إلا وقد علمناها, وما فيهما وما بينها ابن نبي غيري وغير أخي وأنا الحجة عليهم. [64]
Al-Hasan ibn Ali (pbuh) said, "Indeed, Allah has a city in the East and a city in the West. Each city has an iron wall, with seventy thousand gates on each wall. Through each gate, seventy thousand human languages are spoken, with each language differing from the other. We know all these languages. There is no other son of a prophet between them and these two cities except me and my brother, and I am the proof against them."
Basaer Al-Darajat P.492
عن منصور قال: رأيت الحسن × وقد خرج مع قوم يستسقون, فقال للناس: أيما أحب إليكم المطر أم البرد أم اللؤلؤ؟ فقالوا: يا ابن رسول الله ما أحببت، فقال: على أن لا يأخذ أحد منكم لدنياه شيئاً, فأتاهم بالثلاث, ورأيناه يأخذ الكواكب في السماء, ثم يشتها فتطير كالعصافير إلى مواضعها. [65]
Mansur said: "I saw Al-Hasan (pbuh) go out with a group of people to pray for rain. He asked the people, 'Which would you prefer: rain, hail, or pearls?' They replied, 'O son of the Messenger of Allah, whatever you choose.' He said, 'On the condition that none of you takes anything for worldly gain.' He then provided them with all three, and we saw him take the stars from the sky, shape them, and they flew away like birds to their places."
Nawader Al-Mu'jizat P.230
عن رسول الله |: سمي الحسن × حسناً لأن بإحسان الله قامت السماوات والارض, والحسن مشتق من الإحسان, وعلي والحسن إسمان مشتقان من أسماء الله تعالى, والحسين تصغير الحسن. [66]
The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said: "Al-Hasan was named Hasan because, by the beneficence (ihsan) of Allah, the heavens and the earth were established. The name Hasan is derived from beneficence. The names Ali and Hasan are derived from the names of Allah, the Exalted, and Husayn is the diminutive form of Hasan."
Mi'at Manqaba P.22
روى المبرد وابن عائشة أن شامياً رآه – الإمام الحسن ع - راكباً فجعل يلعنه والحسن لا يرد, فلما فرغ أقبل الحسن عليه وضحك وقال: أيها الشيخ أظنك غريباً ولعلك شبهت فلو استعتبتنا أعتبناك, ولو سألتنا أعطيناك, ولو استرشدتنا أرشدناك, ولو استحملتنا حملناك, وإن كنت جائعاً أشبعناك, وإن كنت عرياناً كسوناك, وإن كنت محتاجاً أغنياك, وإن كنت طريداً آويناك, وإن كان لك حاجة قضيناها لك, فلو حركت رحلك إلينا وكن ضيفنا إلى وقت ارتحالك كان أعود عليك لأن لنا موضعاً رحباً وجاهاً عريضاً ومالاً كبيراً, فلما سمع الرجل كلامه بكى ثم قال: أشهد أنك خليفة الله في أرضه, الله أعلم حيث يجعل رسالاته وكنت أنت وأبوك أبغض خلق الله إليّ والآن انت أحب خلق الله إليّ, وحول رحله إليه وكان ضيفه إلى أن ارتحل وصار معتقداً لمحبتهم. [67]
It is narrated that a Syrian saw Imam Hasan (Pbuh) riding and began to curse him, but Imam Hasan (Pbuh) did not respond. When the man finished, Imam Hasan approached him with a smile and said, "O elder, I assume you are a stranger here, perhaps you have been mistaken. Had you reproached us, we would have answered you. Had you asked us, we would have given to you. Had you sought guidance from us, we would have guided you. Had you needed help, we would have supported you. If you were hungry, we would have fed you. If you were naked, we would have clothed you. If you were in need, we would have enriched you. If you were in distress, we would have sheltered you. If you had any need, we would have fulfilled it for you. If you moved your mount towards us and became our guest until you left, I would respond to you, for we have ample space, honor, and wealth. When the man heard his words, he cried and said, 'I bear witness that you are the vicegerent of Allah on His earth. Allah knows best where to place His messengers. You and your father were the most hated creatures to me, and now you are the most beloved creatures to me. He turned my mount towards him, and was his guest until he left.' He then became a believer out of love for them."
Manakeb Al Abi Taleb Vol.3, P.19
عن ابن بكير قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله ×: بلغنا أن الحسن بن علي × حج عشرين حجة ماشيا, قال: إن الحسن بن علي × حج ويساق معه المحامل والرحال. [68]
Ibn Bukayr said: I asked Abu Abdullah (pbuh): "It has reached us that Hasan ibn Ali (pbuh) performed Hajj twenty times on foot." He replied: "Hasan ibn Ali (pbuh) performed Hajj (on foot), and camels carrying supplies and goods were led along with him."
Qurb Al-Esnad P.17
قال الله عز وجل في حديث اللوح لرسول الله |: إني لم أبعث نبيا فأكملت أيامه وانقضت مدته إلا جعلت له وصيا, وإني فضلتك على الأنبياء وفضلت وصيك على الأوصياء, وأكرمتك بشبليك وسبطيك حسن وحسين, فجعلت حسنا معدن علمي بعد انقضاء مدة أبيه.[69]
Allah Almighty said in the Hadith of the Tablet to the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp): "I have never sent a prophet whose days were completed and whose term was fulfilled without appointing a successor for him. I have preferred you over the prophets and I have preferred your successor over the successors. I have honored you with your two grandsons, Hasan and Husayn, and I have made Hasan the repository of My knowledge after the completion of his father’s term."
Al-Kafi Vol.1, P.527
روي أن الإمام الحسن × خطب على الناس، حين قتل علي ×، فحمد الله وأثنى عليه - فساق الحديث إلى أن قال - أيها الناس من عرفني فقد عرفني، ومن لم يعرفني فأنا الحسن بن علي، وأنا ابن النبي |، وأنا ابن الوصي، وأنا ابن البشير، وأنا ابن النذير، وأنا ابن الداعي إلى الله بإذنه، وأنا ابن السراج المنير، وأنا من أهل البيت الذي كان جبريل ينزل إلينا، ويصعد من عندنا، وأنا من أهل البيت الذين أذهب الله عنهم الرجس وطهرهم تطهيرا، وأنا من أهل البيت الذين افترض الله مودتهم على كل مسلم، فقال تبارك وتعالى لنبيه | {قل لا أسألكم عليه أجرا إلا المودة في القربى}، {ومن يقترف حسنة نزد له فيها حسنا}، فاقتراف الحسنة مودتنا أهل البيت. [70]
It is narrated that Imam Hasan (pbuh) gave a sermon to the people after the death of Ali (pbuh). He praised and thanked Allah, and then said: "O people, those who know me know me, and those who do not know me, I am Hasan ibn Ali. I am the son of the Prophet (pbuhp), I am the son of the successor, I am the son of the bringer of glad tidings, I am the son of the warner, I am the son of the caller to Allah by His permission, I am the son of the radiant lamp. I am from the family of the house to whom Gabriel used to descend and from whom he used to ascend. I am from the family of the house from whom Allah has kept impurity away and purified them thoroughly. I am from the family of the house whose love Allah has made obligatory for every Muslim, as He said: {Say, [O Muhammad], I do not ask you for any reward for it except love for my near relatives}. And {Whoever performs a good deed, We will increase for him good in it.} Thus, performing the good deed is loving us, the people of the house."
Kashef Al-Ghumma Vol.1, P.547
عن أبي جعفر الثاني × أنه قال: أقبل أمير المؤمنين ومعه الحسن بن علي وهو متكئ على يد سلمان, فدخل المسجد الحرام فجلس, إذ أقبل رجل حسن الهيئة واللباس, فسلم على أمير المؤمنين, فرد عليه السلام فجلس. ثم قال: يا أمير المؤمنين, أسألك عن ثلاث مسائل, إن أخبرتني بهن علمت أن القوم ركبوا من أمرك ما أقضى عليهم أنهم ليسوا بمأمونين في دنياهم ولا في آخرتهم, وإن تكن الاُخرى علمت أنك وهم شرع سواء. فقال له أمير المؤمنين: سلني عما بدا لك. قال: أخبرني عن الرجل إذا نام أين تذهب روحه؟ وعن الرجل كيف يذكر وينسى؟ وعن الرجل كيف يشبه ولده الأعمام والأخوال؟ فالتفت أمير المؤمنين إلى الحسن بن علي, فقال: يا أبا محمد, أجبه. فقال الحسن: أما ما سألت عنه من أمر الرجل إذا نام أين تذهب روحه, فإن روحه معلقة بالريح, والريح معلقة بالهواء إلى وقت ما يتحرك صاحبها لليقظة, فإذا أذن الله برد تلك الروح على صاحبها جذبت الروح الريح, وجذبت الريح الهواء فاُسكنت الروح في بدن صاحبها. وإذا لم يأذن الله برد تلك الروح على صاحبها, جذب الهواء الريح, وجذبت الريح الروح فلم تُرد على صاحبها إلى وقت ما يُبعث. وأما ما سألت عنه من أمر الذكر والنسيان, فإن قلب الرجل في حُقٍ, وعلى الحُقِ طبقٌ ؛ فإن هو صلى على النبي صلاة تامة انكشف ذلك الطبق عن ذلك الحُق فذكر الرجل ما كان نسي. وأما ما ذكرت من أمر الرجل يشبه ولده أعمامه وأخواله, فإن الرجل إذا أتى أهله بقلب ساكن, وعروق هادئة, وبدن غير مضطرب, استكنت [فاُسكنت] تلك النطفة في تلك الرحم, فخرج الولد يشبه أباه واُمه. وإن هو أتاها بقلب غير ساكن, وعروق غير هادئة, وبدن مضطرب, اضطربت تلك النطفة في جوف تلك الرحم, فوقعت على عرق من العروق ؛ فإن وقعت على عرق من عروق الأعمام أشبه الولد أعمامه, وإن وقعت على عرق من عروق الأخوال أشبه الولد أخواله. فقال الرجل: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله, ولم أزل أشهد بذلك, وأشهد أن محمداً رسول الله, ولم أزل أشهد بذلك, وأشهد أنك وصيُ رسول الله, والقائم بحجته بعده ـ وأشار إلى أمير المؤمنين ـ ولم أزل أشهد بذلك, وأشهد أنك وصيه والقائم بحجته ـ وأشار إلى الحسن ـ, وأشهد أن الحسين وصي أبيه والقائم بحجته بعدك, وأشهد على علي بن الحسين أنه القائم بأمر الحسين بعده, وأشهد على محمد بن علي أنه القائم بأمر علي بن الحسين, وأشهد على جعفر بن محمد أنه القائم بأمر محمد بن علي, وأشهد على موسى بن جعفر أنه القائم بأمر جعفر بن محمد, وأشهد على علي بن موسى أنه القائم بأمر موسى بن جعفر, وأشهد على محمد بن علي أنه القائم بأمر علي بن موسى, وأشهد على علي بن محمد أنه القائم بأمر محمد بن علي, وأشهد على الحسن بن علي أنه القائم بأمر علي بن محمد, وأشهد على رجل من ولد الحسين لا يكنى ولا يسمى حتى يظهر أمره فيملأها عدلاً كما مُلئت جوراً, والسلام عليك يا أمير المؤمنين ورحمة الله وبركاته. ثم قام فمضى, فقال أمير المؤمنين للحسن: يا أبا محمد, اتبعه فانظر أين يقصد. فخرج الحسن بن علي, فقال: ما كان إلا أن وضع رجله خارج المسجد فما دريت أين أخذ من أرض الله , فرجعت إلى أمير المؤمنين فأعلمته. فقال: يا أبا محمد, أتعرفه؟ قلت: الله ورسوله وأمير المؤمنين أعلم. فقال: هو الخضر. [71]
Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir (Pbuh) said: “Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) came with Al-Hassan (Pbuh) who was leaning on the hand of Salman into the mosque and sat. Then came a man who looks fine and he had fine clothes on him. He saluted Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) and he saluted him in returns. Then he said: “O Amir Elmo’mineen, I will ask you three questions. If you answer them, I realize that those people transgressed against you and that they are not safe neither in their earthly life or their hereafter. Otherwise, I realize that you and they are the same.” Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) said: “Ask me whatever you want.” He said: “Tell me where does the soul of man go when he sleeps? How does a man forget and remembers? How come the son of a man looks like his uncles?” Then Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) look at Al-Hassan (Pbuh) and said: “O Abou Mohammad, answer him.” Imam Hassan (Pbuh) said: “As for your question regarding where the soul of a man goes when he sleeps, it is that his soul stays attached to the air till when its owner wakes up. If Allah gives it permission to go back to its owner, it pulls down the air and the soul goes back into the body of its owner. If Allah didn’t permit that soul to re-enter its owner, air pulls the soul and thus it isn’t given back to him until he is resurrected. As for what you have asked regarding remembrance and forgetting, the heart of a man is in a box and the box has a cover on it. When one sends his prayers upon the prophet, a complete prayer, the cover is removed and thus the man remembers what he had forgotten. As for you what asked regarding sons looking like their uncles, when one copulates with his wife with a peaceful heart, calm veins and resting body, the seed settles in the womb and thus the baby has the looks of his father and mother. When he copulates with her with no peaceful heart, calm veins and resting body, the seed trembles inside the womb and thus it falls on a root. If it falls on a root that is from the roots of the uncles from the sides of his father, he takes their looks. It if falls on a root that is from the roots of the uncles from the sides of his mother, he takes their looks.”Then the man said: “I bear witness that there is no god but Allah and I still bear witness that. I bear witness that Mohammad is the Messenger of Allah, and I still bear witness that. I bear witness that you are the custodian of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) and the establisher of His argument after him -he pointed at Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh)-. I still bear witness that and I bear witness that you are his custodian and the establisher of his argument -he pointed at Imam Hassan (Pbuh)-. I bear witness that Al-Hussein (Pbuh) is the custodian of his father and the establisher of his argument after him. I bear witness that Ali son of Al-Hussein (Pbut) is the custodian of Al-Hussein (Pbuh) after him. I bear witness that Mohammad son of Ali (Pbut) is the custodian of Ali son of Al-Hussein (Pbut). I bear witness that Jaa’far son of Mohammad (Pbut) is the custodian of Mohammad son of Ali (Pbut). I bear witness that Moussa son of Jaa’far (Pbut) is the custodian of Jaa’far son of Mohammad (Pbut). I bear witness that Ali son of Moussa (Pbut) is the custodian of Moussa son of Jaa’far (Pbut). I bear witness that Mohammad son of Ali (Pbut) is the custodian of Ali son of Moussa (Pbut). I bear witness that Ali son of Mohammad (Pbut) is the custodian of Mohammad son of Ali (Pbut). I bear witness that Al-Hassan son of Ali (Pbut) is the custodian of Ali son of Mohammad (Pbut). I bear witness that a man from the descendants of Al-Hussein (Pbuh) who isn’t called by his name or surname until he rises and fills it with justice after it was filled with injustice. Peace be upon you O Amir Elmo’mineen.” Then the man left. Amir ELmomineen (Pbuh) told Al-Hassan (Pbuh): “O Abou Mohammad, follow him to see where he goes.” Al-Hassan (Pbuh) left behind him. He said: “After he stepped out of the mosque, I couldn’t realize in which direction he left. I went back to Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) and told him what happened. He said: “O Abou Mohammad, do you know who he is?” I said: “Allah, His messenger and Amir Elmo’mineen know better.” He (Pbuh) said: “This is Al-Khodor.””
Manaqeb Aal Abi Taleb Vol.4, p.19
عن الامام الحسن ×: ان محمدا | كان أمين الله في أرضه فلما أن قبض محمد | وكنا أهل بيته فنحن أمناء الله في أرضه، عندنا علم المنايا والبلايا، وإنا لنعرف الرجل إذا رأيناه بحقيقة الايمان وحقيقة النفاق، وإن شيعتنا لمعروفون بأسمائهم وأنسابهم، أخذ الله الميثاق علينا وعليهم يردون مواردنا ويدخلون مداخلنا، ليس على ملة أبينا إبراهيم غيرنا وغيرهم، إنا يوم القيامة آخذين بحجزة نبينا وإن نبينا آخذ بحجزة النور، وإن شيعتنا آخذين بحجزتنا. من فارقنا هلك ومن اتبعنا لحق بنا، والتارك لولايتنا كافر والمتبع لولايتنا مؤمن، لا يحبنا كافر ولا يبغضنا مؤمن، ومن مات وهو محبنا كان حقا على الله أن يبعثه معنا.نحن نور لمن تبعنا وهدى لمن اقتدى بنا ومن رغب عنا فليس منا، ومن لم يكن منا فليس من الإسلام في شيء.بنا فتح الله الدين وبنا يختمه وبنا أطعمكم الله عشب الأرض وبنا من الله عليك أمنكم الله من الغرق وبنا ينقذكم الله في حياتكم وفي قبوركم وفي محشركم وعند الصراط والميزان وعند ورود الجنان وإن مثلنا في كتاب الله كمثل المشكاة والمشكاة هي القنديل وفينا المصباح والمصباح محمد | وأهل بيته والمصباح في زجاجة {الزجاجة كأنها كوكب درى يوقد من شجرة مباركة} علي بن أبي طالب ×. {لا شرقية ولا غربية} معروفة لا يهودية ولا نصرانية {يكاد زيتها يضئ ولو لم تمسسه نار نور على نور يهدي الله لنوره من يشاء} وحقيق على الله أن يأتي ولينا يوم القيامة مشرقا وجهه نيرا برهانه عظيمة عند الله حجته وحقيق على الله أن يجعل ولينا رفيق الأنبياء والشهداء والصديقين والصالحين وحسن أولئك رفيقا. وحقيق على الله أن يجعل عدونا والجاحد لولايتنا رفيق الشياطين والكافرين وبئس أولئك رفيقا. [72]
Imam Al-Hasan (Pbuh) said: " Mohammad (Pbuhp) was the trustee of Allah on His earth, and when Mohammad (Pbuhp) passed away, we, his household, became the trustees of Allah on His earth. With us lies the knowledge of trials and tribulations. We can discern a person's true faith or hypocrisy when we see them. Our Shia followers are known by their names and lineages. Allah has pledged a covenant with us and them. They follow us wherever we are. None followed the religion of our father Abraham but us and them. On the Day of Judgment, we will take hold of our Prophet, and our Prophet will hold onto the light, and our Shia will hold onto us. Whoever leaves us will perish, and whoever follows us will be guided by us. Whoever forsakes our guardianship is a disbeliever, and whoever follows our guardianship is a believer. A disbeliever does not love us, and a believer does not hate us. Whoever dies while loving us, it is the right upon Allah to resurrect them with us. We are the light for those who follow us, and the guidance for those who consider us their ideal. Whoever turns away from us is not of us, and whoever is not of us has no share in Islam at all. Through us, Allah opens and seals religion, and through us, Allah feeds you the grass of the earth.
Through us, Allah protects you from drowning, and through us, Allah saves you in your lives, in your graves, on the Day of Resurrection, at the bridge, at the balance, and upon entering Paradise. Our example in the Book of Allah is like a lamp, and that lamp is the lantern, and in us is the lantern and the lantern is Mohammad (Pbuhp) and his household.
{The lantern is in a glass, as if it were a shining star, kindled from a blessed tree} Ali ibn Abi Talib {neither of the east nor of the west.} It is known neither Jewish nor Christian. {Its oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire: Light upon light. Allah guides to His light whom He wills.} It is the right upon Allah that our follower will come on the Day of Resurrection with his face radiant, a mighty argument and clear proof. It is the right upon Allah to make our followers the companions of the prophets, the martyrs, the saints, and righteous and those are the greatest companions. It is the right upon Allah to make our enemy and the denier of our guardianship to be the companion of the devils and the disbelievers, and those are the wretched companions.”
Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.23, p.313
عن أبي عبد الله ×: حدثني أبي, عن أبيه ×: أن الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب × كان أعبد الناس في زمانه وأزهدهم وأفضلهم. وكان إذا حج حج ماشيا، وربما مشى حافيا. وكان إذا ذكر الموت بكى وإذا ذكر القبر بكى، وإذا ذكر البعث والنشور بكى، وإذا ذكر الممر على الصراط بكى، وإذا ذكر العرض على الله تعالى ذكره شهق شهقة يغشى عليه منها. وكان إذا قام في صلاته ترتعد فرائصه بين يدي ربه عز وجل. وكان إذا ذكر الجنة والنار اضطرب اضطراب السليم، وسأل الله الجنة وتعوذ به من النار. وكان × لا يقرأ من كتاب الله عز وجل: {يا أيها الذين آمنوا} إلا قال: لبيك اللهم لبيك! ولم ير في شيء من أحواله إلا ذاكرا لله سبحانه، وكان أصدق الناس لهجة، وأفصحهم منطقا. [73]
Narrated by Al-Mufaddal ibn Amr, who said: Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said, "My father told me from his father, peace be upon them, that Al-Hasan son of Ali son of Abi Talib (peace be upon them) was the most worshipful person of his time, the most ascetic, and the most virtuous. When he performed the pilgrimage, he did so on foot, and sometimes he walked barefoot. When death was mentioned, he would weep, and when the grave was mentioned, he would weep. When resurrection on the Day of Judgment was mentioned, he would weep, and when passing over the bridge (Sirat) was mentioned, he would weep. When the presentation of deeds before Allah was mentioned, he would sob so intensely that he would almost faint. When he stood for prayer, his limbs would tremble in the awe of his Lord, the Mighty and Majestic. When Paradise and Hell were mentioned, he would shiver like the shivering of a palm tree, and he would ask Allah for Paradise and seek refuge from Hell. He (peace be upon him) would not recite any verse from the Book of Allah, the Almighty and Glorious, that began with '{O you who have believed}' without saying, 'Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk' (Here I am, O Allah, Here I am). And he would not experience any situation except that he remembered and glorified Allah, the Almighty and Exalted. He was the most truthful in speech and the most eloquent in expression.
Al-Amali by Al-Sadouq p.178
عن أبي عبد الله ×: إن الحسن بن علي × كان عنده رجلان، فقال لأحدهما: إنك حدثت البارحة فلانا بحديث كذا وكذا، فقال الرجل: إنه ليعلم ما كان، وعجب من ذلك، فقال ×: إنا لنعلم ما يجري في الليل والنهار, ثم قال: إن الله تبارك وتعالى علم رسوله | الحلال والحرام, والتنزيل والتأويل، فعلم رسول الله | عليا علمه كله. [74]
Imam Jaa’ar Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “There were two men with Imam Al-Hassan son of Ali (Pbut). He (Pbuh) said to one of them: “Yesterday, you talked to that man about this and that.” The man said to himself wondering: “He knows what happened.” Then the Imam (Pbuh) said: 'Verily, we know what transpires during the night and the day.' Then he (peace be upon him) said, 'Certainly, Allah, Blessed and Exalted, endowed His Messenger (peace be upon him) with the knowledge of the permissible and the forbidden, the revelation and the interpretation. Thus, the knowledge of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) encompassed the entire knowledge of Ali.'"
Al-Kharaej Vol.2, p.573
عن حذيفة، قال: بينا رسول | على جبل احد في جماعة من المهاجرين والأنصار إذ أقبل الحسن بن علي × يمشي على هدوء ووقار فنظر إليه رسول الله | فرمقه من كان معه، فقال له بلال: يا رسول الله اما ترى أخذه؟ فقال × وآله: إن جبرئيل يهديه، وميكائيل يسدده، وهو ولدي، والطاهر من نفسي، وضلع من أضلاعي وهذا سبطي، وقرة عيني، بأبي هو، وقام وقمنا معه، وهو يقول: أنت تفاحتي وأنت حبيبي، ومهجة قلبي، وأخذ بيده، ونحن نمشي حتى جلس وجلسنا حوله، فنظرنا إلى رسول الله | وهو لا يرفع بصره عنه.
ثم قال: إنه سيكون بعدي هاديا مهديا هذا هدية من رب العالمين لي ينبئ عني، ويعرف الناس آثاري، ويحيي سنتي، ويتولى أموري في فعله، ينظر الله إليه ويرحمه، رحم الله من عرف ذلك، وبرني وأكرمني فيه. فما قطع كلامه × وآله حتى أقبل علينا أعرابي يجر هراوة له فلما نظر إليه × وآله قال: قد جاءكم رجل يتكلم بكلام غليظ تقشعر منه جلودكم، وإنه ليسألكم عن امور إلا أن لكلامه جفوة، فجاء الأعرابي فلم يسلم، فقال: أيكم محمد؟ قلنا: وما تريد؟ فقال |: مهلا، فقال: يا محمد لقد كنت ابغضك ولم ارك، والآن قد ازددت بغضا.
فتبسم رسول الله | وغضبنا لذلك، فأردنا الأعرابي إرادة، فأومى إلينا رسول الله | أن أمسكوا فقال الأعرابي إنك تزعم أنك نبي وأنك قد كذبت على الأنبياء، وما معك من دلالتهم شيء قال له: يا أعرابي وما يدريك؟ قال: فخبرني ببراهينك. قال: إن أحببت اخبرك كيف خرجت، وكيف كنت في نادي قومك؟ وإن أردت أخبرك عضو مني فيكون ذلك أوكد لبرهاني؟ قال: أو يتكلم العضو قال: نعم، يا حسن قم، فازدرى الأعرابي نفسه وقال: يأتي وهو صبي يكلمني؟! قال: إنك ستجده عالما بما تريد، فابتدره الحسن × وقال مهلا يا أعرابي.
ما غبيا سألت وابن غبي... بل فقيها إذن وأنت الجهول
فإن تك قد جهلت فإن عندي... شفاء الجهل ما سأل السئول
وبحرا لا تقسمه الدوالي... تراثا كان أورثه الرسول
لقد بسطت لسانك، وعدوت طورك، وخادعك نفسك، غير أنك لا تبرح حتى تؤمن إن شاء الله تعالى، فتبسم الأعرابي، وقال: هيه. فقال الحسن ×: نعم قد اجتمعتم في نادي قومك، وتذاكرتم ما جرى بينكم على جهل وخرق منكم، وزعمتم أن محمدا صنبور، والعرب قاطبة تبغضه، ولا طالب له بثاره، وزعمت أنك قاتله، وكاف قومك مئونته فحملت نفسك على ذلك، وقد أخذت قناتك بيدك وترومه وتريد قتله فعسر عليك مسلكك، وعمي عليك بصرك، وأتيت إلى ذلك وأتيتنا خوفا من أن نستهزئ بك. وإنما جئت لخير يراد بك، انبئك عن سفرك،
خرجت في ليلة صحياء إذ عصفت ريح شديدة اشتد منها ظلماؤها، وأطبقت سماؤها، وأعصر سحابها، وبقيت متجرما كالأشقر إن تقدم نحر، وإن تأخر عقر، لا يسمع لواطئ حسا، ولا لنافخ نار خرسا، تداكت عليك غيومها، وتوارت عنك نجومها، فلا تهتدي بنجم طالع، ولا بعلم لامع، تقطع محجة، وتهبط لجة بعد لجة في ديمومة قفر، بعيدة القعر، مجحفة بالسفر، إذا علوت مصعدا ازددت بعدا، الريح تخطفك، والشوك تخبطك، في ريح عاصف، وبرق خاطف، قد أوحشتك قفارها وقطعك سلامها، فانصرفت فإذا أنت عندنا، فقرت عينك وظهرت زينتك، وذهب أنينك.
قال: من أين قلت يا غلام هذا؟ كأنك قد كشفت عن سويداء قلبي، وكأنك كنت شاهدي وما خفي عليك شيء من أمري، وكأنك عالم الغيب، يا غلام لقني الإسلام، فقال الحسن ×: الله أكبر، قل: أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وحده لا شريك له وأن محمدا عبده ورسوله، فأسلم وحسن إسلامه وسر رسول الله، وسر المسلمون، وعلمه رسول الله | شيئا من القرآن، فقال: يا رسول الله أرجع إلى قومي واعرفهم ذلك؟ فأذن له رسول الله | فانصرف، ثم رجع ومعه جماعة من قومه، فدخلوا في الإسلام، وكان الحسن × إذا نظر إليه الناس قالوا: لقد أعطي هذا ما لم يعط أحدا من العالمين. [75]
Hudhayfah narrated: "The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) was on Mount Uhud with a group of Muhajirun and Ansar when Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) approached, walking with calmness and dignity. The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) looked at him, and those who were with him also gazed at Hasan. Bilal said to him: 'O Messenger of Allah, do you see his demeanor?' The Prophet (Pbuhp) and his family said: 'Gabriel is guiding him, Michael is directing him, and he is my son, the pure one from my soul, a rib of my ribs. This is my grandson, the delight of my eyes, may my father be sacrificed for him.' He stood up, and we stood up with him while he said: 'You are my apple, you are my beloved, and the joy of my heart.' He took his hand, and we walked with him until he sat down, and we sat around him. We watched the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp), and he did not take his eyes off him."
Then he said: "After me, he will be a guide and rightly guided. This is a gift from the Lord of the worlds to me. He will inform about me, make my traces known to the people, revive my Sunnah, and take care of my matters through his actions. Allah looks at him and has mercy on him. May Allah have mercy on those who recognize this, honor me, and respect me through him." He had not finished speaking when a Bedouin approached us, dragging a staff. When the Prophet (Pbuhp) saw him, he said: "A man has come to you who will speak harsh words that will make your skin crawl. He will ask you about matters with a rough manner of speech." The Bedouin came and did not greet. He said: "Which of you is Muhammad?" We said: "What do you want?" The Prophet (Pbuhp) said: "Wait a moment." The Bedouin said: "O Muhammad, I used to hate you without having seen you, and now I hate you even more."
The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) smiled, and we became angry at that, wanting to act against the Bedouin. The Prophet (Pbuh) signaled to us to hold back. The Bedouin said: "You claim to be a prophet, but you have lied about the prophets, and you have nothing of their signs with you." The Prophet (Pbuhp) said: "O Bedouin, what makes you think so?" The Bedouin said: "Tell me your proofs." The Prophet (Pbuph) said: "If you wish, I can tell you how you left your home and what you were doing in the assembly of your people. Or, if you prefer, I can let a part of my body tell you, which will be a stronger proof." The Bedouin asked: "Can a body part speak?" The Prophet (Pbuhp) said: "Yes. O Hasan, stand up." The Bedouin felt belittled and said: "Will he, a boy, speak to me?" The Prophet (Pbuh) said: "You will find him knowledgeable about what you want." Hasan (Pbuh) then stepped forward and said: "Wait a moment, O Bedouin."
Iman Hasan (Pbuh) said:
"You have not asked an ignorant one nor the son of an ignorant one... Rather, a the knowledgeable you see, while you are the ignorant one.
If you are ignorant, with me is the cure for ignorance, as the seeker asks.
And a sea that is not divided by the water-drawers... It is the legacy that the Messenger (Pbuhp) has bequeathed."
"You have extended your tongue and gone beyond your limit, deceived by yourself. However, you will not leave until you believe, if Allah wills." The Bedouin smiled and said: "Go on." Hasan (Pbuh) continued: "Yes, you were gathered in the assembly of your people, discussing ignorantly and recklessly. You claimed that Muhammad is an isolated man, that all the Arabs hate him, and that no one will seek revenge for him. You claimed that you would kill him and relieve your people of his burden. You decided to act on this, taking your spear in your hand, intending to kill him. But your path was difficult, your sight was blinded, and you came to us out of fear of being mocked. In fact, you came for good that is intended for you. I will inform you about your journey."
"You set out on a clear night when a strong wind blew, intensifying the darkness. The sky was covered, the clouds thickened, and you remained bewildered like a scared horse: if it advanced, it would be slaughtered, and if it retreated, it would be attacked. No sound could be heard, not even from the lightest footstep or the crackling of a fire. The clouds gathered around you, the stars disappeared, and you could not find your way by a rising star or a shining landmark. You traversed difficult paths and descended into one valley after another in a vast desert, deep and desolate, challenging for any traveler. As you ascended, the journey became even more arduous, with the wind snatching at you and the thorns pricking you in a violent storm and flashing lightning. The barren desert and its silence terrified you until you found yourself before us. Your eyes brightened, your appearance improved, and your suffering vanished."
The Bedouin asked: "Where did you learn this, young man? It is as if you have uncovered the innermost part of my heart, as if you were a witness to all that happened, knowing everything about me, as if you have knowledge of the unseen. O young man, teach me Islam." Hasan (Pbuh) said: "Allahu Akbar. Say: 'I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, alone without any partner, and that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.'" The Bedouin accepted Islam, and his faith was good. The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) and the Muslims were pleased. The Prophet (Pbuh) taught him some verses of the Quran. The Bedouin asked: "O Messenger of Allah, should I return to my people and inform them about this?" The Prophet (Pbuh) permitted him, and he returned with a group from his people, who embraced Islam. When people looked at Hasan (Pbuh), they would say: "He has been given what no one else in the world has been given."
Al-Thaqeb Fi Al-Manaqeb p.316
عن أبي عبد الله × قال: اتي أمير المؤمنين × برجل وجد في خربة، وبيده سكين ملطخ بالدم، وإذا رجل مذبوح يتشحط في دمه، فقال له أمير المؤمنين ×: ما تقول؟ قال يا أمير المؤمنين أنا قتلته، قال اذهبوا به فاقتلوه به. فلما ذهبوا به ليقتلوه به، أقبل رجل مسرع، فقال: لا تعجلوا وردوه إلى أمير المؤمنين × فردوه، فقال: والله يا أمير المؤمنين ما هذا صاحبه أنا قتلته. فقال أمير المؤمنين × للأول: ما حملك على إقرارك على نفسك فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين وما كنت أستطيع أن أقول، وقد شهد علي أمثال هؤلاء الرجال، وأخذوني وبيدي سكين ملطخ بالدم، والرجل يتشحط في دمه، وأنا قائم عليه، وخفت الضرب وأقررت، وأنا رجل كنت ذبحت بجنب هذه الخربة شاة، وأخذني البول، فدخلت الخربة، فرأيت الرجل يتشحط في دمه، فقمت متعجبا فدخل علي هؤلاء فأخذوني. فقال أمير المؤمنين ×: خذوا هذين فاذهبوا بهما إلى الحسن × وقولوا له: ما الحكم فيهما؟ قال: فذهبوا الى الحسن × وقصوا عليه قصتهما، فقال الحسن × قولوا لأمير المؤمنين إن هذا إن كان ذبح ذاك فقد أحيا هذا، وقد قال الله عز وجل: {ومن أحياها فكأنما أحيا الناس جميعا} يخلى عنهما، ويخرج دية المذبوح من بيت المال.[76]
Imam Abo Abdullah Al-Sadiq (Pbuh) said: " A man was brought to Amir al-Mu'minin (Pbuh) who was found in a ruin, holding a knife stained with blood, and there was a slaughtered man lying there. Amir al-Mu'minin (Pbuh) asked him: 'What do you say?' The man replied: 'O Amir al-Mu'minin, I killed him.' Amir al-Mu'minin (Pbuh) ordered: 'Take him and kill him.' But when they were about to take him to execute him, another man rushed forward and said: 'Do not rush, and return him to Amir al-Mu'minin (Pbuh).' So, they returned him, and he said: 'By Allah, O Amir al-Mu'minin, this man is not the killer. I’m the killer.' Amir al-Mu'minin (Pbuh) asked the first man: 'What made you confess to it?' He replied: 'O Amir al-Mu'minin, I couldn't say anything else, especially when witnesses like these men testified against me. They seized me with a knife stained with blood, and the man was drenched with his blood, and I was standing over him. I was afraid of being beaten, so I confessed. In fact, I was slaughtering a sheep near this ruin, and I had the urge to urinate, so I entered the ruin. I saw this man drenched with blood, and I was amazed. Then, these men came in and seized me.' Amir al-Mu'minin (Pbuh) said: 'Take these two and go to Al-Hasan (Pbuh) and say to him: What is the ruling concerning them?' So they went to Al-Hasan (Pbuh) and told him their story. Al-Hasan (Pbuh) said: 'Tell Amir al-Mu'minin that if this one (the second man) killed that one, then he has revived this one (the first who was accused of murder). And indeed, Allah Almighty has said: {And whoever saves one (life), it is as if he had saved mankind entirely.} Let them go, and the blood money for the slaughtered man should be taken from the Islamic State treasury.'"
Al-Kafi Vol.7, p.289
روي أن رجلا سأل أمير المؤمنين علي بن أبي طالب × فقال له: يا أمير المؤمنين إني خرجت محرما فوطئت ناقتي بيض نعام، فكسرته، فهل علي كفارة؟ فقال له: امض فاسأل ابني الحسن عنها، وكان يحب يسمع كلامه، فتقدم إليه الرجل فسأله، فقال له الحسن ×: يجب عليك أن ترسل فحولة الإبل في إناثها بعدد ما انكسر من البيض، فما نتج فهو هدي لبيت الله، فقال له أمير المؤمنين: يا بني كيف قلت ذلك؟ وأنت تعلم أن الإبل ربما ازلقت، أو كان فيها ما يزلق، فقال: يا أمير المؤمنين والبيض ربما أمرق أو كان فيها ما يمرق، فتبسم أمير المؤمنين × وقال: صدقت يا بني، ثم تلا هذه الآية {ذرية بعضها من بعض والله سميع عليم}.[77]
It is narrated that a man asked Amir Elmo’mineen Ali son of Abi Talib (Pbut), saying: "O Amir Elmo’mineen, I was going to pilgrimage and my she-camel stomped on some ostrich eggs and broke it. Shall I pay a penance?' He said to him: 'Go, and ask my son, Al-Hasan, about it,' for he liked to hear his speech. So, the man went to him and asked him, and Al-Hasan (Pbuh) said to him: 'It is obligatory upon you to send as many breeding camels to the females as the number of eggs that were broken. Whatever is produced from them is granted to the Islamic Treasury.' Then Amir Elmo’mineen said to him: 'O my son, how did you say that when you know that some camels might not reproduce?' So he said: 'O Amir Elmo’mineen, and some of the eggs might have been void as well.' So, Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) smiled and said: 'You spoke the truth, O my son,' then he recited this verse: '{Descendants each from one another and Allah is All-Hearing All-Knowing}.”
Al-Tahdheeb Vol.5, p.354
عن أمير المؤمنين × أنه قال للحسن ×: يا حسن! قم فاصعد المنبر فتكلم بكلام لا تجهلك قريش من بعدي، فيقولون: إن الحسن بن علي لا يحسن شيئا. قال الحسن ×: يا أبت كيف أصعد وأتكلم وأنت في الناس تسمع وترى؟ قال له: بأبي وامي! اواري نفسي عنك، وأسمع وأرى وأنت لا تراني. فصعد الحسن × المنبر فحمد الله بمحامد بليغة شريفة، وصلى على النبي | صلاة موجزة، ثم قال: أيها الناس، سمعت جدي رسول الله | يقول: أنا مدينة العلم وعلي بابها، وهل تدخل المدينة إلا من بابها؟ ثم نزل، فوثب إليه علي × فحمله وضمه إلى صدره. ثم قال للحسين ×: يا بني! قم فاصعد المنبر وتكلم بكلام لا تجهلك قريش من بعدي، فيقولون: إن الحسين بن علي لا يبصر شيئا، وليكن كلامك تبعا لكلام أخيك. فصعد الحسين × المنبر، فحمد الله وأثنى عليه وصلى على نبيه | صلاة موجزة، ثم قال: معاشر الناس، سمعت جدي رسول الله | وهو يقول: إن عليا هو مدينة هدى؛ فمن دخلها نجا ومن تخلف عنها هلك. فوثب إليه علي × فضمه إلى صدره وقبله، ثم قال: معاشر الناس! اشهدوا أنهما فرخا رسول الله | ووديعته التي استودعنيها، وأنا أستودعكموها معاشر الناس ورسول الله | سائلكم عنهما. [78]
Narrated by Amir al-Mu'minin (Ali pbuh), he said to Hasan (bin Ali): "O Hasan, stand up and ascend the pulpit. Speak with words that the Quraysh after me will not find fault with, saying that Hasan ibn Ali is lacking in anything." Hasan asked his father, "O father, how can I ascend and speak while you are among the people hearing and seeing?" Ali replied, "By my father and mother! I will hide myself from you, and I will hear and see while you do not see me."So Hasan ascended the pulpit and praised Allah with eloquent and noble praises, and he briefly prayed upon the Prophet (pbuhp). Then he said, "O people, I heard my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, saying: 'I am the city of knowledge, and Ali is its gate. Will anyone enter the city except through its gate?'" Then he descended, and Ali rushed to him, lifted him up, and embraced him to his chest.Then Ali said to Husayn, "O my son, stand up and ascend the pulpit. Speak with words that the Quraysh after me will not find fault with, saying that Husayn ibn Ali is lacking in anything. Let your words follow the words of your brother." Husayn then ascended the pulpit, praised Allah and extolled Him, and he prayed briefly upon his Prophet (pbuhp). Then he said, "O people, I heard my grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, saying: 'Indeed, Ali is the city of guidance. Whoever enters it is saved, and whoever turns away from it is doomed.'"Ali rushed to him, embraced him to his chest, and kissed him. Then he said, "O people! Bear witness that they are the offspring of the Messenger of Allah and his trust that he entrusted to me. And I entrust you with them, O people, and the Messenger of Allah will ask you about them."
Al-Ikhtesas p.307
عن المفضل بن عمر، قال: قال الصادق ×: حدثني أبي، عن أبيه ×، أن الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب × كان أعبد الناس في زمانه، وأزهدهم وأفضلهم، وكان إذا حج حج ماشيا، وربما مشى حافيا، وكان إذا ذكر الموت بكى، وإذا ذكر القبر بكى، وإذا ذكر البعث في النشور بكى، وإذا ذكر الممر على الصراط بكى، وإذا ذكر العرض على الله تعالى ذكره شهق شهقة يغشى عليه منها، وكان إذا قام إلى صلاته ترتعد فرائصه بين يدي ربه عز وجل. وكان إذا ذكر الجنة والنار اضطرب اضطراب السليم، وسأل الله الجنة، وتعوذ به من النار. وكان × لا يقرأ آية من كتاب الله عز وجل {يا أيها الذين آمنوا} إلا قال: لبيك اللهم لبيك، ولم ير في شيء من أحواله إلا ذاكرا لله تعالى سبحانه، وكان أصدق الناس لهجة، وأفصحهم منطقا. ولقد قيل لمعاوية ذات يوم: لو أمرت الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب × فيصعد المنبر، فيخطب، ليبين للناس نقصه، فدعاه، فقال له: اصعد المنبر وتكلم بكلمات تعظنا بها. فقام × فصعد المنبر، فحمد الله وأثنى عليه، ثم قال: أيها الناس من عرفني فقد عرفني، ومن لم يعرفني فأنا الحسن بن علي بن أبي طالب، وابن سيدة النساء فاطمة بنت رسول الله |. أنا ابن خير خلق الله، أنا ابن رسول الله، أنا ابن صاحب الفضائل، أنا ابن المعجزات والدلائل. أنا ابن أمير المؤمنين، أنا المدفوع عن حقي، أنا وأخي الحسين سيدا شباب أهل الجنة. أنا ابن الركن والمقام، أنا ابن مكة ومنى، أنا ابن المشعر وعرفات. فقال له معاوية: يا أبا محمد خذ في نعت الرطب، ودع هذا، فقال ×: الريح تنفخه، والحرور ينضجه، والبرد يطيبه. ثم عاد في كلامه: أنا إمام خلق الله، وابن محمد رسول الله، فخشي معاوية أن يتكلم بعد ذلك بما يفتتن به الناس، فقال: يا أبا محمد انزل، فقد كفى ما قد جرى فنزل.[79]
Narrated by Al-Mufaddal ibn Amr, who said: Imam Al-Sadiq (peace be upon him) said, "My father told me from his father, peace be upon them, that Al-Hasan son of Ali son of Abi Talib (peace be upon them) was the most worshipful person of his time, the most ascetic, and the most virtuous. When he performed the pilgrimage, he did so on foot, and sometimes he walked barefoot. When death was mentioned, he would weep, and when the grave was mentioned, he would weep. When resurrection on the Day of Judgment was mentioned, he would weep, and when passing over the bridge (Sirat) was mentioned, he would weep. When the presentation of deeds before Allah was mentioned, he would sob so intensely that he would almost faint. When he stood for prayer, his limbs would tremble in the awe of his Lord, the Mighty and Majestic. When Paradise and Hell were mentioned, he would shiver like the shivering of a palm tree, and he would ask Allah for Paradise and seek refuge from Hell.
He (peace be upon him) would not recite any verse from the Book of Allah, the Almighty and Glorious, that began with '{O you who have believed}' without saying, 'Labbayk Allahumma Labbayk' (Here I am, O Allah, Here I am). And he would not experience any situation except that he remembered and glorified Allah, the Almighty and Exalted. He was the most truthful in speech and the most eloquent in expression.
Indeed, it was said to Muawiyah one day, 'If you command Al-Hasan son of Ali son of Abi Talib to ascend the pulpit and deliver a sermon to the people, so that his flaws are revealed.' So Muawiyah called him and said, 'Ascend the pulpit and address us with words that will admonish us.' Al-Hasan (peace be upon him) stood on the pulpit, praised Allah and extolled Him. Then he said, 'O people, whoever knows me has indeed known me. Whoever does not know me, I am Al-Hasan son of Ali son of Abi Talib, the son of the Lady of Women, Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah, peace be upon him and his progeny. I am the son of the greatest of creation. I am the son of the Messenger of Allah. I am the son of the possessor of virtues. I am the son of the miracles and signs. I am the son of the Commander of the Faithful, Ali son of Abi Talib. I am the one whose rights have been denied. I and my brother Hussayn are the leaders of the youth of Paradise. I am the son of the (Maqam) Station of Standing and the Cornerstone (Rukun). I am the son of Mecca and Mina. I am the son of Mish’ar and Arafat.'
So Muawiyah said to him, 'O Abu Muhammad, stick to describing the dates and leave this matter.' Al-Hasan (peace be upon him) replied, 'The wind makes it sway, the sun ripens it, and the cold makes it sweet.' Then he continued in his speech, 'I am the Imam of Allah's creation, the son of Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah.' Muawiyah feared that he might say something that would incite the people, so he said, 'O Abu Muhammad, come down. What has already happened is sufficient.' So, Al-Hasan descended from the pulpit."
Al-Amali by Al-Sadouq p.178
عن أبي أسامة عن أبي عبد الله × قال: خرج الحسن بن علي × إلى مكة سنة ماشيا، فورمت قدماه، فقال له بعض مواليه: لو ركبت لسكن عنك هذا الورم، فقال: كلا إذا أتينا هذا المنزل، فإنه يستقبلك أسود ومعه دهن فاشتر منه ولا تماكسه. فقال له مولاه: بأبي أنت وأمي ما قدامنا منزل فيه أحد يبيع هذا الدواء، فقال: بلى إنه أمامك دون المنزل؛ فسارا ميلا فإذا هو بالأسود، فقال الحسن × لمولاه: دونك الرجل، فخذ منه الدهن وأعطه الثمن. فقال الأسود: يا غلام لمن أردت هذا الدهن؟ فقال: للحسن بن علي × فقال: انطلق بي إليه، فانطلق فأدخله إليه، فقال له: بأبي أنت وأمي لم أعلم أنك تحتاج إلى هذا أو ترى ذلك ولست آخذ له ثمنا إنما أنا مولاك، ولكن ادع الله أن يرزقني ذكرا سويا يحبكم أهل البيت، فإني خلفت أهلي تمخض فقال ×: انطلق إلى منزلك، فقد وهب الله لك ذكرا سويا وهو من شيعتنا. [80]
Abu Asama reported from Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq), peace be upon him, who said: Al-Hasan son of Ali (Pbut) went to Mecca walking, and his feet got swollen. One of his followers said to him, "If you ride, this swelling would heal." He replied, "No, when we reach that place, a black man will approach you with an ointment for sale. Buy it from him and do not bargain with him." Then, his follower said to him, "May my parents be your ransom, we have not seen a place ahead where someone is selling this ointment." Imam al-Hasan (Pbuh) responded, "Yes, it's in front of you, not far from this spot." So they walked a bit, and there was the man with the ointment. Imam al-Hasan (Pbuh) said to his follower, "He's the one. Take the ointment from him and give him the price." The man asked, "Young man, for whom do you want this ointment?" He replied, "For al-Hasan son of Ali (Pbut)." The man said, "Bring me to him." When they reached Imam al-Hasan (peace be upon him), the man said, "By my parents, I did not know that you needed this, nor did I intend to charge you for it. I am your servant. However, pray to Allah to bless me with a boy who has love of you Ahlul-Bayt. I have left my wife in labor
Imam al-Hasan (peace be upon him) said, "Go to your place. Allah has indeed granted you the blessing of a son, and he will be one of our followers."
Al-Kafi Vol.1, p.463
عن أبي جعفر ×: لما حضرت الحسن بن علي × الوفاة بكى، فقيل له: يا ابن رسول الله تبكي ومكانك من رسول الله | الذي أنت به، وقد قال فيك ما قال؟ وقد حججت عشرين حجة ماشيا، وقد قاسمت مالك ثلاث مرات، حتى النعل بالنعل؟ قال: إنما أبكي لخصلتين: لهول المطلع، وفراق الأحبة. [81]
Abu Ja'far (Pbuh) said: When Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) was on his deathbed, he wept. It was said to him: "O son of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh), why do you weep given your position with the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh), and the praise he has bestowed upon you? You have performed the pilgrimage twenty times on foot, and you have shared your wealth three times, even to the extent of exchanging sandals with others." Hasan (Pbuh) replied: "I weep for two reasons: the terror of the impending moment and the separation from loved ones."
Al-Kafi Vol.1, p.461
عن حماد عن الحلبي، قال: سألت أبا عبد الله × عن فضل المشي، فقال: الحسن بن علي قاسم ربه ثلاث مرات حتى نعلا ونعلا وثوبا وثوبا، ودينارا ودينارا وحج عشرين حجة على قدميه.[82]
Hammad reported that Al-Halabi asked Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) about the rewards of walking. He (Pbuh) said: “Al-Hassan son of Ali (Pbut) Haj performed pilgrimage twenty times on foot.”
Al-Tahdheeb Vol.5, p.11
أبو جعفر المدائني في حديث طويل: خرج الحسن والحسين ‘ وعبد الله بن جعفر حجاجا, ففاتتهم أثقالهم فجاعوا وعطشوا, فرأوا في بعض الشعوب خباء رثا وعجوزا, فاستسقوها فقالت: اطلبوا هذه الشويهة, ففعلوا واستطعموها, فقالت: ليس إلا هي, فليقم أحدكم فليذبحها حتى أصنع لكم طعاما, فذبحها أحدهم ثم شوت لهم من لحمها وأكلوا وقيلوا عندها, فلما نهضوا قالوا لها: نحن نفر من قريش نريد هذا الوجه, فإذا انصرفنا وعدنا فالممي بنا فإنا صانعون لك خيرا, ثم رحلوا, فلما جاء زوجها وعرف الحال أوجعها ضربا, ثم مضت الأيام فأضرت بها الحال فرحلت حتى اجتازت بالمدينة, فبصر بها الحسن × فأمر لها بألف شاة, وأعطاها ألف دينار, وبعث معها رسولا إلى الحسين × فأعطاها مثل ذلك, ثم بعثها إلى عبد الله بن جعفر فأعطاها مثل ذلك. [83]
Abu Ja'far al-Madaini narrated in a lengthy hadith: Hasan, Husayn, and Abdullah ibn Ja'far went for Hajj, but their provisions ran out, leaving them hungry and thirsty. They found in some tribes an old woman with a sheep. They asked her for water, and she directed them to a small sheep. They slaughtered it, ate from its meat, and quenched their thirst. They promised to return and reward her generously once they left. When her husband returned and learned of what happened, he beat her severely. Days passed, and her situation worsened, so she left and passed by Madinah. Hasan saw her and ordered a gift of a thousand sheep and a thousand dinars for her. He also sent a messenger to Husayn, who gave her the same. She was then sent to Abdullah ibn Ja'far, who also gave her the same.
Manakeb Al Abi Taleb Vol. 4, p.16
عن مسروق قال: دخلت يوم عرفة على الحسين بن علي ×, وأقداح السويق بين يديه وبين يدي أصحابه, والمصاحف في حجورهم وهم ينتظرون الإفطار, فسألته عن مسألة فأجابني, فخرجت فدخلت على الحسن بن علي ×, والناس يدخلون على موائد موضوعة عليها طعام عتيد فيأكلون ويحملون, فرآني وقد تغيرت فقال: يا مسروق لم لا تأكل؟ فقلت: يا سيدي أنا صائم, وأنا أذكر شيئا, فقال: اذكر ما بدا لك, فقلت: أعوذ بالله أن تكونوا مختلفين, دخلت على الحسين × فرأيته ينتظر الإفطار, ودخلت عليك وأنت على هذه الصفة والحال, فضمني إلى صدره وقال: يا ابن الأشرس أما علمت أن الله تعالى ندبنا لسياسة الأمة, ولو اجتمعنا على شيء ما وسعكم غيره, إني أفطرت لمفطركم, وصام أخي لصوامكم. [84]
From Masruq: I entered upon Husayn ibn Ali on the day of Arafah, with trays of dates in front of him and his companions, and copies of the Quran in their laps as they awaited the time to break their fast. I asked him a question, and he answered me. Then I left and entered upon Hasan ibn Ali, where people were entering and sitting around tables filled with prepared food, eating and carrying food away. He saw me looking pale and asked why I wasn't eating. I replied that I was fasting and thinking something. He said, 'Speak what's on your mind.' I said, 'I seek refuge in Allah that you are in disagreement.' I entered upon Husayn and found him waiting to break his fast, and then I came to you in this state. He embraced me and said, 'O son of Ashras, do you not know that Allah has called us to uphold the unity of the community? Even if we gather upon something, you cannot do any other. I have broken my fast for the ones among you breaking their fast, and my brother has fasted for your fast.'"
Mustadrak Al-Wasael Vol. 7, p.527
روي أنه دخلت علي الحسن × امرأة جميلة وهو في صلاته, فأوجز في صلاته ثم قال لها: ألك حاجة؟ قالت: نعم, قال: وما هي؟ قالت: قم فأصب مني, فإني وفدت ولا بعل لي, قال: إليك عني, لا تحرقيني بالنار ونفسك, فجعلت تراوده عن نفسه وهو يبكي ويقول: ويحك إليك عني, واشتد بكاؤه, فلما رأت ذلك بكت لبكائه, فدخل الحسين × ورآهما يبكيان فجلس يبكي, وجعل أصحابه يأتون ويجلسون ويبكون حتى كثر البكاء وعلت الأصوات فخرجت الأعرابية وقام القوم وترحلوا, ولبث الحسين × بعد ذلك دهرا لا يسأل أخاه عن ذلك إجلالا له, فبينما الحسن × ذات ليلة نائما إذا استيقظ وهو يبكي, فقال له الحسين ×: ما شأنك؟ قال: رؤيا رأيتها الليلة, قال: وما هي؟ قال: لا تخبر أحدا ما دمت حيا, قال: نعم, قال: رأيت يوسف × فجئت أنظر إليه فيمن نظر, فلما رأيت حسنه بكيت, فنظر إلي في الناس فقال: ما يبكيك يا أخي؟ بأبي أنت وأمي, فقلت: ذكرت يوسف × وامرأة العزيز وما ابتليت به من أمرها, وما لقيت من السجن وحرقة الشيخ يعقوب ×, فبكيت من ذلك, وكنت أتعجب منه, فقال يوسف ×: فهلا تعجبت مما فيه المرأة البدوية بالأبواء. [85]
It is reported that a beautiful woman entered upon Hasan (Pbuh) while he was in prayer. He shortened his prayer and asked her: "Do you have a need?" She replied: "Yes." He asked: "What is it?" She said: "Come to me, for I am a guest and have no husband." Hasan (Pbuh) responded: "Go away from me; do not burn me with the fire of hell and yourself." The woman continued to entice him, and he wept, saying: "Woe to you, go away from me." His weeping intensified, and when the woman saw this, she began to weep as well. Hussein (Pbuh) entered and saw them both crying, so he sat down and cried too. His companions came and joined them in weeping until the cries grew loud. The woman then left, and the people dispersed. Hussein (Pbuh) remained for a long time, not asking his brother about the incident out of respect for him. One night, Hasan (Pbuh) woke up weeping in his sleep. Hussein (Pbuh) asked him: "What is the matter?" Hasan (Pbuh) replied: "I had a dream tonight." Hussein (Pbuh) asked: "What was it?" Hasan (Pbuh) said: "Do not tell anyone while I am alive." Hussein (Pbuh) agreed. Hasan (Pbuh) continued: "I saw Joseph (Pbuh), and when I looked at his beauty, I wept. Joseph (Pbuh) looked at me and asked: 'What makes you weep, my brother? May my father and mother be sacrificed for you.' I said: 'I remembered Joseph (Pbuh) and the wife of the governor, the trials he faced with her, and the prison and the anguish of his father Jacob (Pbuh). I wept from that as I marveled it.' Joseph (Pbuh) then said: 'Weren’t you marveled in the case of the Bedouin woman at Al-Abwa?'"
Manaqeb Aal Abi Taleb Vol.4, p.14
عن أبو الحسن المدائني قال: خرج الحسن والحسين وعبد الله بن جعفر × حجاجا, ففاتهم أثقالهم، فجاعوا وعطشوا فمروا بعجوز في خباء لها, فقالوا: هل من شراب؟ فقالت: نعم، فأناخوا بها وليس لها إلا شويهة في كسر الخيمة، فقالت: احلبوها، وامتذقوا لبنها، ففعلوا ذلك وقالوا لها: هل من طعام؟ قالت: لا إلا هذه الشاة، فليذبحنها أحدكم حتى أهيئ لكم شيئا تأكلون. فقام إليها أحدهم فذبحها وكشطها ثم هيأت لهم طعاما فأكلوا ثم أقاموا حتى أبردوا, فلما ارتحلوا قالوا لها: نحن نفر من قريش نريد هذا الوجه، فإذا رجعنا سالمين فألمي بنا فإنا صانعون إليك خيرا، ثم ارتحلوا. وأقبل زوجها وأخبرته عن القوم والشاة فغضب الرجل، وقال: ويحك تذبحين شاتي لأقوام لا تعرفينهم ثم تقولين: نفر من قريش،
ثم بعد مدة ألجأتهم الحاجة إلى دخول المدينة، فدخلاها وجعلا ينقلان البعير إليها ويبيعانه ويعيشان منه، فمرت العجوز في بعض سكك المدينة فإذا الحسن × على باب داره جالس, فعرف العجوز وهي له منكرة. فبعث غلامه فردها, فقال لها: يا أمة الله تعرفيني؟ قالت: لا، قال: أنا ضيفك يوم كذا، فقالت العجوز بأبي أنت وأمي، فأمر الحسن × فاشترى لها من شاء الصدقة ألف شاة, وأمر لها بألف دينار, وبعث بها مع غلامه إلى أخيه الحسين × فقال: بكم وصلك أخي الحسن ×؟ فقالت: بألف شاة وألف دينار، فأمر لها بمثل ذلك، ثم بعث بها مع غلامه إلى عبد الله بن جعفر × فقال: بكم وصلك الحسن والحسين ‘؟ فقالت: بألفي دينار وألفي شاة, فأمر لها عبد الله بألفي شاة وألفي دينار، وقال: لو بدأت بي لأتعبتهما، فرجعت العجوز إلى زوجها بذلك. [86]
Abu al-Hasan al-Mada'ini reported: Hasan (Pbuh), Hussein (Pbuh), and Abdullah ibn Ja'far (Pbuh) went on pilgrimage. They missed their luggage and became hungry and thirsty. They passed by an old woman in her tent and asked her if she had any drink. She replied that she did, so they stopped by her tent, which only had a small pot of milk. She told them to milk the sheep and drink the milk, which they did. When they asked her if she had any food, she said she only had a sheep, and asked one of them to slaughter it so she could prepare it for them. One of them slaughtered the sheep, skinned it, and she prepared the meal. After they ate and rested, they told her: "We are people from Quraysh heading to this place. When we return safely, let us know, and we will do good for you." They then left. Her husband came back and she informed him about the visitors and the sheep. The man was upset and said: "Woe to you for slaughtering my sheep for people you do not know, and then claiming they were people from Quraysh."
Later, they were forced by necessity to enter the city of Medina. They began to sell their camel and live from its proceeds. One day, the old woman was walking through the city streets and saw Hasan (Pbuh) sitting at his door. He recognized her but she didn’t. Hasan (Pbuh) sent his servant to bring her to him and asked: "Do you recognize me?" She replied: "No." He said: "I am the guest you hosted on such-and-such day." The old woman said: "May I be sacrificed for you." Hasan (Pbuh) then ordered a thousand sheep and a thousand dinars to be bought for her as charity, and he sent them with his servant to his brother Hussein (Pbuh), asking: "How much did my brother Hasan (Pbuh) give you?" She replied: "A thousand sheep and a thousand dinars." Hussein (Pbuh) ordered the same amount to be given to her, and sent it with his servant to Abdullah ibn Ja'far (Pbuh). Abdullah asked: "How much did Hasan (Pbuh) and Hussein (Pbuh) give you?" She replied: "Two thousand sheep and two thousand dinars." Abdullah ordered the same amount to be given to her and said: "If you had started with me, it would have been harder for them." The old woman returned to her husband with these gifts.
Kashef Al-Ghummah Vol.1, p.559
عن أبي جعفر × قال: إن الحسين × كان إذ حضر الحسن ×، لم ينطق في ذلك المجلس حتى يقوم. [87]
Abu Ja'far (Imam Muhammad al-Baqir pbuh) said: When Husayn (pbuh) attended a gathering where Hasan (pbuh) was present, he would not speak in that gathering until Hasan stood up."
Al-Kafi Vol. 1, p.291
روى إبراهيم بن الرافعي, عن أبيه, عن جده قال: رأيت الحسن والحسين ‘ يمشيان إلى الحج, فلم يمرا براكب إلا نزل يمشي, فثقل ذلك على بعضهم, فقالوا لسعد بن أبي وقاص: قد ثقل علينا المشي, ولا نستحسن أن نركب وهذان السيدان يمشيان, فقال سعد للحسن ×: يا با محمد إن المشي قد ثقل على جماعة ممن معك, والناس إذ رأوكما تمشيان لم تطب أنفسهم أن يركبوا, فلو ركبتما, فقال الحسن ×: لا نركب, قد جعلنا على أنفسنا المشي إلى بيت الله الحرام على أقدامنا, ولكننا نتنكب الطريق, فأخذا جانبا من الناس.[88]
Ibrahim ibn al-Rafi'i narrated from his father, from his grandfather, who said: 'I saw Hasan and Husayn (pbuh) walking to perform Hajj. They did not pass by anyone riding except thet he dismounts to walk. This burdened some people, so they said to Sa'd ibn Abi Waqqas, 'Walking has become burdensome for us, and we do not find it suitable to ride while these two masters are walking.' Sa'd said to Hasan, 'O Abu Muhammad, walking has become burdensome for many among those with you. When people see both of you walking, they do not find it appropriate to ride. If you were to ride...' Hasan said, 'We will not ride. We have made it incumbent upon ourselves to walk to the Kaaba on our own feet, but we will take another path.' So, they took a side route away from the people.'"
Al-Ershad Vol. 2, p.128
عن فضيل غلام محمد بن راشد, عن أبي عبدالله ×: إن معاوية كتب إلى الحسن بن علي ×: أن اقدم أنت والحسين وأصحاب علي ×. فخرج معهم قيس بن سعد بن عبادة الأنصاري وقدموا الشام، فأذن لهم معاوية وأعد لهم الخطباء، فقال: يا حسن قم فبايع، فقام فبايع، ثم قال للحسين ×: قم فبايع، فقام فبايع، ثم قال: قم يا قيس فبايع، فالتفت إلى الحسين × ينظر ما يأمره، فقال: يا قيس، إنه إمامي, يعني الحسن ×. [89]
Fudayl, the servant of Muhammad ibn Rashid, narrated from Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq pbuh): 'Muawiya wrote to Hasan ibn Ali (pbuh): "You and Husayn and the companions of Ali (pbuh) should come forward." Qais ibn Sa'd ibn Ubadah al-Ansari joined them, and they went to Sham (Syria). Muawiya gave them permission and prepared the pulpits for them. He said, "O Hasan, stand and pledge allegiance." Hasan stood and pledged allegiance. Then he said to Husayn (pbuh), "Stand and pledge allegiance." Husayn stood and pledged allegiance. Then he said, "Qais, stand and pledge allegiance." Qais turned to Husayn to see what he would command, Husayn (pbuh) said, "O Qais, he is my Imam," meaning Hasan (pbuh).'"
Rijal Al-Kashi p.109
عن عبد الرحمن العزرمي, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: جاء رجل إلى الحسن والحسين ‘ وهما جالسان على الصفا، فسألهما فقالا: إن الصدقة لا تحل إلا في دين موجع، أو غرم مفظع، أو فقر مدقع، ففيك شيء من هذا؟ قال: نعم. فأعطياه. وقد كان الرجل سأل عبد الله بن عمر، وعبد الرحمن بن أبي بكر، فأعطياه ولم يسألاه عن شيء. فرجع إليهما فقال لهما: ما لكما لم تسألاني عما سألني عنه الحسن والحسين ‘؟ وأخبرهما بما قالا، فقالا: إنهما غذيا بالعلم غذاء. [90]
Abdel-Rahman Al-Azrami reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “A man came to Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein (Pbut) as they were sitting on Al-Safa and he asked them (for money). They said: “Charity is only granted in cases of great debts, great losses, and great poverty. Do you suffer from any of these?” He said: “Yes.” Thus, they gave him. The man had already asked Abdellah son of Omar and Abdel-Rahman son of Abi Baker but they gave him without asking him anything. So, he came back to them and said: “Why didn’t you ask me about what Al-Hassan and Al-Hussein (Pbut) asked me about?” They said: “They were fed knowledge extensively.””
Al-Kafi Vol.4, p.47
عن إبراهيم بن علي الرافعي، عن أبيه عن جدته زينب بنت أبي رافع، قالت: أتت فاطمة بابنيها الحسن والحسين ‘ إلى رسول الله | في شكواه الذي توفي فيه، فقالت: يا رسول الله هذان ابناك فورثهما شيئا، فقال: أما الحسن فإن له هيبتي وسؤددي، وأما الحسين فإن له جودي وشجاعتي.[91]
Ibrahim ibn Ali al-Raf'i reported from his father, who narrated from his grandmother Zainab bint Abu Rafi', who said: Fatimah (Pbuh) brought her sons, Hasan (Pbuh) and Hussein (Pbuh), to the Prophet (Pbuh) during his illness in which he eventually passed away. She said: "O Messenger of Allah, these are your sons; bequeath something to them." The Prophet (Pbuh) replied: "As for Hasan, he will inherit my dignity and leadership, and as for Hussein, he will inherit my generosity and bravery."
Al-Khisal Vol.1, p.77
عن محمد بن اسحاق قال: ما بلغ أحد من الشرف بعد رسول الله | ما بلغ الحسن ×، كان يبسط له على باب داره، فإذا خرج وجلس انقطع الطريق، فما مر أحد من خلق الله إجلالا له، فإذا علم قام ودخل بيته فمر الناس. ولقد رأيته في طريق مكة ماشيا فما مِن خلق الله أحد رآه إلا نزل ومشى. [92]
Mohammad Ibn Is-haq said: No one after the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) reached the level of honor that Imam Hasan (peace be upon him) reached. People used to spread out their garments for him at the door of his house, and when he would come out and sit, the path would be blocked. No one from the creation of Allah would pass by him out of showing reverence. When he realized this, he would stand up and enter his house, and then people would continue to pass. I have seen him on the road to Mecca, walking, and whenever anyone from the creation of Allah saw him, they would descend from their mounts and walk."
Manaqeb Aal Abi Taleb Vol.4, p.7
عن أبي عبد الله ×: كان الحسن × أشبه الناس برسول الله | خلقا وهديا وسؤددا. [93]
Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “Al-Hassan (Pbuh) resembled the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) the most in his looks, tranquility and sovereignty.”
Al-Irshad Vol.2, p.5
عن أنس بن مالك قال: لم يكن أحد أشبه برسول الله | من الحسن بن علي ×. [94]
Anas ibn Malik said: "There was no one more resembling the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) than Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh)."
Al-Irshad Vol.2, p.5
عن أمير المؤمنين ×: إن الحسن ابني أشبه برسول الله | ما بين الصدر إلى الرأس، والحسين أسفل من ذلك.[95]
Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) said: “Indeed, Al-Hasan, my son, resembles the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) from the chest up, and Al-Hussein is similar to that, but below."
I’lam Al-Wara p.212
عن أبي بصير، عن أبي عبد الله × قال إذا كان يوم القيامة دعي محمد | فيكسى حلة وردية ثم يقام عن يمين العرش، ثم يدعى بإبراهيم فيكسى حلة بيضاء فيقام عن يسار العرش، ثم يدعى بعلي أمير المؤمنين × فيكسى حلة وردية فيقام عن يمين النبي، ثم يدعى بإسماعيل فيكسى حلة بيضاء فيقام عن يسار إبراهيم، ثم يدعى بالحسن × فيكسى حلة وردية فيقام عن يمين أمير المؤمنين، ثم يدعي بالحسين × فيكسى حلة وردية فيقام عن يمين الحسن ×، ثم يدعى بالأئمة فيكسون حللا وردية فيقام كل واحد عن يمين صاحبه، ثم يدعى بالشيعة فيقومون أمامهم، ثم يدعى بفاطمة ÷ ونسائها من ذريتها وشيعتها فيدخلون الجنة بغير حساب، ثم ينادي مناد من بطنان العرش من قبل رب العزة والأفق الاعلى: نعم الأب أبوك يا محمد وهو إبراهيم، ونعم الأخ أخوك وهو علي بن أبي طالب، ونعم السبطان سبطاك وهما الحسن والحسين، ونعم الجنين جنينك وهو محسن، ونعم الأئمة الراشدون ذريتك وهم فلان وفلان، ونعم الشيعة شيعتك، ألا إن محمدا | ووصيه وسبطيه والأئمة من ذريته هم الفائزون، ثم يؤمر بهم إلى الجنة، وذلك قوله: {فمن زحزح عن النار وادخل الجنة فقد فاز}.[96]
Abu Basir reported from Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) who said: "On the Day of Judgment, Muhammad (Pbuh) will be called and dressed in a pink robe, then he will be placed to the right of the Throne. Ibrahim will then be called and dressed in a white robe, and he will be placed to the left of the Throne. Next, Ali Amir Al-Mu'mineen (Pbuh) will be called and dressed in a pink robe, and he will be placed to the right of the Prophet (Pbuh). Then, Isma'il will be called and dressed in a white robe, and he will be placed to the left of Ibrahim. Hasan (Pbuh) will then be called and dressed in a pink robe, and he will be placed to the right of Amir Al-Mu'mineen. Hussein (Pbuh) will be called next, dressed in a pink robe, and he will be placed to the right of Hasan. After that, the Imams will be called and dressed in pink robes, each one placed to the right of their predecessor. Then the Shi'a will be called and stand before them. Following this, Fatimah (Pbuh) and the women from her descendants and Shi'a will be called and enter Paradise without judgment. A caller will announce from the depth of the Throne, from the side of the Lord of Glory and the highest horizon: 'What a great father your father is, O Muhammad, and he is Ibrahim; what a great brother your brother is, and he is Ali ibn Abi Talib; what excellent grandsons your grandsons are, and they are Hasan and Hussein; what a great fetus your fetus is, and he is Muhsin; what excellent Imams are your descendants, and they are so-and-so and so-and-so; and what excellent Shi'a are your Shi'a. Indeed, Muhammad (Pbuh) and his successor, his grandsons, and the Imams from his lineage are the victorious ones.' Then they will be commanded to enter Paradise, which is the meaning of: {Whoever is removed from the Fire and admitted to Paradise has indeed succeeded.}"
Tafseer Al-Qummi Vo.1, p.128
عن الحكم بن الصلت، عن أبي جعفر محمد بن علي، عن آبائه عليهم السلام، قال: قال رسول الله |: خذوا بحجزة هذا الأنزع - يعني عليا × - فإنه الصديق الأكبر، وهو الفاروق يفرق بين الحق والباطل، من أحبه هداه الله، ومن أبغضه أبغضه الله، ومن تخلف عنه محقه الله، ومنه سبطا أمتي الحسن والحسين، وهما ابناي، ومن الحسين أئمة الهدى، أعطاهم الله علمي وفهمي، فتولوهم ولا تتخذوا وليجة من دونهم فيحل عليكم غضب من ربكم ومن يحلل عليه غضب من ربه فقد هوى {وما الحياة الدنيا إلا متاع الغرور}.[97]
Al-Hakam ibn Al-Salt narrated: Imam Mohamad Al-Baquer (Pbuh) reported that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: "Take this man –meaning Ali (Pbuh) - as your leader and guardian. He is the greatest truth-teller (Al-Sadiq Al-Akbar) and (Al-Farouq) the one who separated between truth and falsehood. Whoever loves him, Allah will guide him; whoever hates him, Allah will misguide him. Whoever falls short in following him, Allah will deprive him. From him, my grandsons Hassan and Hussein (pbut) will come forth, and from Hussein will come the Imams of guidance. Allah has granted them understanding and knowledge. Love, support, and pledge loyalty to them, and do not take anyone else as your leader apart from them. Otherwise, you will incur the wrath of your Lord, and anyone upon whom Allah's wrath falls has gone astray. {And the worldly life is not but amusement and diversion.}
Al-Amali by Al-Sadouq p.771
عن أبي جعفر × قال: قال لي أبو جعفر ×: يا أبا الجارود ما يقولون في الحسن والحسين ‘؟ قلت: ينكرون علينا أنهما ابنا رسول الله |, قال: فبأي شيء احتججتم عليهم؟ قلت: يقول الله عز وجل في عيسى ابن مريم {ومن ذريته داود وسليمان} إلى قوله {وكذلك نجزي المحسنين}» فجعل عيسى ابن مريم من ذرية إبراهيم, قال: فبأي شيء قالوا لكم؟ قلت: قالوا: قد يكون ولد الابنة من الولد ولا يكون من الصلب، قال: فبأي شيء احتججتم عليهم؟ قال: قلت: احتججنا عليهم بقول الله {فقل تعالوا ندع أبناءنا وأبناءكم ونساءنا ونساءكم وأنفسنا وأنفسكم}, قال: فأي شيء قالوا لكم؟ قلت: قالوا: قد يكون في كلام العرب أبناء رجل والآخر يقول أبناؤنا, قال: فقال أبو جعفر ×: والله يا أبا الجارود لأعطينك من كتاب الله أنهما من صلب رسول الله | ولا يردها إلا كافر، قال: قلت: جعلت فداك وأين؟ قال: من حيث قال الله {حرمت عليكم أمهاتكم وبناتكم وأخواتكم} الآية إلى أن ينتهي إلى قوله {وحلائل أبنائكم الذين من أصلابكم} فسلهم يا أبا الجارود: هل حل لرسول الله | نكاح حليلتيهما؟ فإن قالوا: نعم, فكذبوا والله وفجروا, وإن قالوا: لا, فهما والله أبناؤه لصلبه وما حرمتا عليه إلا للصلب. [98]
Narrated from Abu Ja'far (Pbuh), he said: Abu Ja'far (Pbuh) said to me: "O Abu al-Jarud, what do they say about Hasan and Hussain (Pbuh)?" I replied, "They deny that they are the sons of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh)." He asked, "With what do you argue against them?" I said, "Allah Almighty says about Jesus, son of Mary, '{and We guided from his descendants David and Solomon…}' until the verse '{And thus do We reward the doers of good}', making Jesus, son of Mary, among the descendants of Ibrahim." He asked, "And what did they respond to you?" I said, "They said that the son of a daughter can be considered offspring but not from the direct lineage." He then asked, "And with what did you argue against them?" I replied, "We argued with the verse of Allah, '{Say: Come, let us call our sons and your sons, our women and your women, and ourselves and yourselves…}'" He asked, "And what did they say to you?" I said, "They claimed that in the language of the Arabs, one may refer to someone as 'our sons' even if they are not direct descendants." Then Abu Ja'far (Pbuh) said, "By Allah, O Abu al-Jarud, I will give you proof from the Book of Allah that they are indeed from the loins of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp), and none will reject this except a disbeliever." I said, "May I be your ransom, and where is this found?" He replied, "Where Allah says, '{Forbidden to you [for marriage] are your mothers, your daughters, your sisters…}' until He says, '{and [also] forbidden are the wives of your sons who are from your own loins}'. So, ask them, O Abu al-Jarud, whether it was permissible for the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) to marry their wives. If they say 'yes,' they have lied and committed a grave sin, and if they say 'no,' then by Allah, they are indeed his sons from his loins, and they were only forbidden to him because of his lineage."
Tafseer Al-Qummi Vol.1, p.209
عن أبي حرب بن أبي الأسود قال: أرسل الحجاج إلى يحيى بن معمر, قال: بلغني أنك تزعم أن الحسن والحسين ‘ من ذرية النبي | تجدونه في كتاب الله, وقد قرأت كتاب الله من أوله إلى آخره فلم أجده، قال: أليس تقرأ سورة الأنعام {ومن ذريته داود وسليمان} حتى بلغ {ويحيى وعيسى}» قال: أليس عيسى من ذرية إبراهيم وليس له أب؟ قال: صدقت. [99]
Narrated by Abu Harb bin Abi al-Aswad, who said: Al-Hajjaj sent for Yahya bin Mua'mar and said, "I have heard that you claim that Al-Hasan and Al-Husayn (peace be upon them) are from the progeny of the Prophet (PBUH), and you assert that you can find evidence for this in the Book of Allah. I have read the entire Quran from its beginning to its end and have not found it."
Yahya replied, "Don't you read the verse from Surah Al-An'am, 'And of his descendants, David and Solomon, Job, Joseph, Moses, and Aaron. And thus do We reward the doers of good. And Zechariah and John and Jesus and Elias – and all were of the righteous.'?"
Yahya asked, "Is not Jesus the descendants of Abraham? And isn't it true that Jesus has no father?"
Al-Hajjaj said, "You are correct."
Tafseer Al-A’yashi Vol.1,p.367
عن الإمام الحسن × في خطبة: فأنا الحسن ابن رسول الله, أنا ابن البشير النذير, أنا ابن المصطفى بالرسالة, أنا ابن من صلت عليه الملائكة, أنا ابن من شرفت به الأمة, أنا ابن من كان جبرئيل السفير من الله إليه, أنا ابن من بعث {رحمة للعالمين} صلى الله عليه وآله أجمعين.[100]
Narrated from Imam Hasan (Pbuh) in a sermon: "I am Hasan, the son of the Messenger of Allah. I am the son of the bearer of good news and the warner. I am the son of the one chosen by Allah for the message. I am the son of the one upon whom the angels sent blessings. I am the son of the one through whom the nation was honored. I am the son of the one to whom Gabriel was a messenger from Allah. I am the son of the one who was sent as a {mercy to the worlds}. Peace and blessings be upon him and his progeny."
Tihaf Al-O’qoul p. 232
عن الإمام الحسن × في خطبة طويلة: أنا ابن من كان من ربه {كقاب قوسين أو أدنى}.[101]
Narrated from Imam Hasan (Pbuh) in a lengthy sermon: "I am the son of the one who was with his Lord {at a distance of two bow lengths or nearer}."
Tihaf Al-O’qoul p. 233
عن الرضا × قال: كان نقش خاتم الحسن × العزة لله. [102]
Imam Al-Ridha (Pbuh) said: "The inscription on Al-Hasan's (Pbuh) ring was: 'Might belongs to Allah.'"
O’youn Akhbar Al-Rida Vol.2, p.56
دعا أمير المؤمنين × محمد بن الحنفية يوم الجمل فأعطاه رمحه وقال له: اقصد بهذا الرمح قصد الجمل, فذهب فمنعوه بنو ضبة, فلما رجع إلى والده انتزع الحسن × رمحه من يده وقصد قصد الجمل وطعنه برمحه ورجع إلى والده وعلى رمحه أثر الدم. [103]
Amir Al-Mu'mineen (Pbuh) called Muhammad ibn al-Hanafiyyah on the Day of Jamal, gave him his spear, and said to him, "Strike the camel with this spear." Muhammad went, but the Banu Dabba tribe blocked him. When he returned to his father, Al-Hasan (Pbuh) took the spear from his hand, went directly to the camel, struck it with the spear, and then returned to his father with blood on the spear.
Manaqeb Aal Abi Taleb Vol.4, p.21
* فضل زيارته × The Virtue of Visiting Him (Pbuh)
عن المعلى أبي شهاب قال: قال الحسين × لرسول الله |: يا أبتاه ما لمن زارك؟ فقال رسول الله |: يا بني من زارني حيا أو ميتا, أو زار أباك أو زار أخاك أو زارك, كان حقا علي أن أزوره يوم القيامة وأخلصه من ذنوبه. [104]
Al-Moalla Abi Chehab reported that Al-Hussein (Pbuh) said to the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp): “O father, what does he earn he who visits you?” The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: 'O my son, whoever visits me, whether alive or deceased, or visits your father, or visits your brother, or visits you, it is incumbent upon me to visit him on the Day of Resurrection and absolve him of his sins.'"
Al-Kafi Vol.4, p.548
عن رسول الله | أنه قال للإمام الحسين ×: لا يزورني ويزور أباك وأخاك وأنت إلا الصديقون من امتي. [105]
The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said to Imam al-Hussein (Pbuh): "Only the truthful ones of my nation will visit me, your father, your brother, and you."
Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.70
* بمصادر العامة: In Commoners’ References
عن البراء قال رأيت رسول الله | واضعا الحسن بن علي × على عاتقه وهو يقول: اللهم إني أحبه فأحبه.[106]
Al-Bara' reported: "I saw the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) placing Al-Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) on his shoulder while saying, 'O Allah, I love him, so love him.'"
Saheeh Muslim Vol.7, p.130
عن زهير بن الأقمر قال: خطبنا الحسن بن علي × على المنبر بعد قتل علي ×, فقام رجل من أزد شنوءة فقال: رأيت رسول الله | واضعا الحسن في حبوته وهو يقول: من أحبني فليحبه وليبلغ الشاهد منكم الغائب. [107]
Zuhair ibn al-Aqmar reported: "After the death of Ali (Pbuh), Al-Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) delivered a sermon on the pulpit. A man from the Azd Shanu'ah tribe stood up and said, 'I saw the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) holding Al-Hasan (Pbuh) in his lap while saying, "Whoever loves me should love him, and let those present convey this to those who are absent."'"
Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubrah by ibn Saad Vol.1, p.260
عن ابن عباس أن النبي | كان حامل الحسن بن علي × على عاتقه فقال رجل: نعم المركب ركبت يا غلام, فقال النبي |: ونعم الراكب هو. [108]
Ibn Abbas reported: “The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) carried Al-Hussein son of Ali (Pbut) on his shoulders. A man said: “The greatest ride you are riding you boy.” The prophet (Pbuhp) said: “And the greatest rider he is.”
Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubrah by ibn Saad Vol.1, p.253
عن علي بن زيد بن جدعان قال: حج الحسن بن علي × خمس عشرة حجة ماشيا وإن النجائب لتقاد معه, وخرج من ماله لله مرتين, وقاسم الله ماله ثلاث مرات, حتى إن كان ليعطي نعلا ويمسك نعلا, ويعطي خفا ويمسك خفا. [109]
Ali ibn Zaid ibn Jad'an reported: "Al-Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) performed fifteen pilgrimages on foot, while his camels were led alongside him. He spent his all wealth for the sake of Allah twice and gave away half of his wealth for the sake of Allah three times. He would give away a sandal and keep one, give away a shoe and keep one."
Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubrah by ibn Saad Vol.1, p.299
قال الحسن بن علي ×: إني أستحيي من ربي عز وجل أن ألقاه ولم أمش إلى بيته. فمشى عشرين مرة من المدينة على رجليه. [110]
Al-Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) said: "I am shy before my Lord, the Almighty, to meet Him without having walked to His house." Therefore, he walked to it on foot twenty times from Medina (to Macca).
The History of Damascus Vol.13, p.242
عن ابن سيرين أن الحسن بن علي × كان يجيز الرجل الواحد بمئة ألف. [111]
Ibn Sirin reported that Al-Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) would grant a single person one hundred thousand.
The History of Damascus Vol.13, p.245
عن علي × أنه خطب الناس ثم قال: إن ابن أخيكم الحسن بن علي × قد جمع مالا وهو يريد أن يقسمه بينكم، فحضر الناس فقام الحسن ×، فقال: إنما جمعته للفقراء، فقام نصف الناس، ثم كان أول من أخذ منه الأشعث بن قيس! [112]
Ali (Pbuh) addressed the people and said, "Your nephew, Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh), has gathered wealth and intends to distribute it among you." The people gathered, and Hasan (Pbuh) stood up and said, "I have gathered this wealth for the poor." Then half of the people stood up and left, and the first to receive from him was Ash'ath ibn Qais!
Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra by Ibn Saad Vol.1, p.278
عن أرجوانة قالت: أقبل الحسن بن علي × وبنو هاشم خلفه، وجليس لبني أمية من أهل الشام، فقال: من هؤلاء المقبلون؟ ما أحسن هيئتهم! فاستقبل الحسن ×، فقال: أنت الحسن بن علي؟ قال: نعم، قال: أتحب أن يدخلك الله مدخل أبيك؟ فقال: ويحك ومن أين وقد كانت له من السوابق ما قد سبق؟ قال الرجل: أدخلك الله مدخله فإنه كافر وأنت! فتناوله محمد بن علي من خلف الحسن فلطمه لطمة لزم بالأرض فنشر الحسن × عليه رداءه، وقال: عزمة مني عليكم يا بني هاشم لتدخلن المسجد ولتصلن، وأخذ بيد الرجل فانطلق إلى منزله فكساه حلة وخلى عنه. [113]
From Arjwana: Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) came with the Banu Hashim behind him, and there was a guest of the Umayyad clan from Sham. The man said, "Who are these approaching? How handsome they are!" He met Hasan (Pbuh) and asked, "Are you Hasan ibn Ali?" Hasan (Pbuh) replied, "Yes." The man then said, "Do you wish for Allah to grant you the same fate as your father?" Hasan (Pbuh) asked, "Woe to you, how could that be, when my father had achievements that preceded him?" The man replied, "May Allah grant you his fate; for he was a disbeliever and you are as well!" Muhammad ibn Ali, who was behind Hasan (Pbuh), struck the man so forcefully that he fell to the ground. Hasan (Pbuh) spread his cloak over the man and said, "I swear by my oath to you, O Banu Hashim, you shall enter the mosque and pray." He then took the man to his home, clothed him in a fine garment, and released him.
Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra by Ibn Saad Vol.1, p.282
عن شيخ من بني جمح, عن رجل من أهل الشام قال: قدمت المدينة فرأيت رجلا جهري كحالة فقلت: من هذا؟ قالوا: الحسن بن علي × قال: فحسدت والله عليا أن يكون له ابن مثله، قال: فأتيته فقلت: أنت ابن أبي طالب؟ قال: أبي ابنه. فقلت: بك وبأبيك وبك وبأبيك. قال: وأزم لا يرد إلي شيئا، ثم قال: أراك غريبا فلو استحملتنا حملناك، وإن استرفدتنا رفدناك، وإن استعنت بنا أعناك. قال: فانصرفت والله عنه وما في الأرض أحد أحب إلي منه. [114]
From a Sheikh of Banu Jumah, from a man from Sham: I arrived in Medina and saw a man with a distinguished appearance. I asked, "Who is this?" They said, "Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh)." I felt envy for Ali (Pbuh) to have such a son. So I went to him and said, "Are you the son of Abu Talib?" He replied, "My father is his son." I then said, “you and your father," (meaning he cursed at him and his father) Imam Hassan (Pbuh) said: "You seem like a stranger. If you need us to help you, we will; if you need assistance, we will help you." I left him and, by Allah, there was no one on earth more beloved to me than him.
The History of Damascus Vol.13, p.247
عن أبي وصالح بن سليمان، قالا: قدم رجل المدينة وكان يبغض عليا × فقطع به فلم يكن له زاد ولا راحلة، فشكى ذلك إلى بعض أهل المدينة فقال له: عليك بحسن بن علي ×. فقال له الرجل: ما لقيت هذا إلا في حسن وأبي حسن, فقيل له: فإنك لا تجد خيرا إلا منه. فأتاه فشكى إليه فأمر له بزاد وراحلة، فقال الرجل: الله أعلم حيث يجعل رسالاته. وقيل للحسن ×: أتاك رجل يبغضك ويبغض أباك فأمرت له بزاد وراحلة؟ قال: أفلا أشتري عرضي منه بزاد وراحلة؟[115]
From Saleh ibn Sulayman: A man came to Medina and had a grudge against Ali (Pbuh). He had no provisions or mount, so he complained to some of the people of the city. They advised him to go to Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh). The man said, "I have encountered this but from Hasan and his father." They told him, "You will find no better than him." The man went to Hasan and complained, and Hasan provided him with provisions and a mount. The man then said, "Allah knows best where to place His messages. A man who hates you and your father came to you, and you gave him provisions and a mount?" Hasan replied, "Should I not buy my honor from him with provisions and a mount?"
The History of Damascus Vol.13, p.247
عن علي بن الحسين × قال: خرج الحسن × يطوف بالكعبة فقام إليه رجل فقال: يا أبا محمد اذهب معي في حاجتي إلى فلان. فترك الطواف وذهب معه، فلما ذهب خرج إليه رجل حاسد للرجل الذي ذهب معه، فقال: يا أبا محمد تركت الطواف وذهبت مع فلان إلى حاجته؟ قال: فقال له الحسن ×: وكيف لا أذهب معه؟ ورسول الله | قال: من ذهب في حاجة أخيه المسلم فقضيت حاجته كتبت له حجة وعمرة وإن لم تقض له كتبت له عمرة. فقد اكتسبت حجة وعمرة ورجعت إلى طوافي. [116]
From Ali ibn al-Husayn (Pbuh): Hasan (Pbuh) was performing Tawaf around the Kaaba when a man came to him and said, "O Abu Muhammad, come with me to fulfill a need with such-and-such person." Hasan (Pbuh) left the Tawaf and went with him. When he returned, a jealous man said to him, "O Abu Muhammad, you left the Tawaf and went with that person to fulfill his need?" Hasan (Pbuh) replied, "How could I not go with him? The Prophet (Pbuh) said: 'Whoever goes to fulfill the need of his Muslim brother, if the need is fulfilled, he will be granted the reward of a Hajj and Umrah, and if it is not fulfilled, he will still receive the reward of an Umrah.' I have thus earned the reward of a Hajj and Umrah and can return to my Tawaf."
The History of Damascus Vol.13, p.248
عن أبي هارون قال: انطلقنا حجاجا فدخلنا المدينة، فقلنا: لو دخلنا على ابن رسول الله | الحسن × فسلمنا عليه، فدخلنا عليه فحدثناه بمسيرنا وحالنا، فلما خرجنا من عنده بعث إلى كل رجل منا بأربعمائة أربعمائة، فقلنا: إنا أغنياء وليس بنا حاجة، فقال: لا تردوا عليه معروفة، فرجعنا إليه فأخبرناه بيسارنا وحالنا، فقال: لا تردوا علي معروفي فلو كنت على غير هذه الحال كان هذا لكم يسيرا، أما إني مزودكم أن الله تبارك وتعالى يباهي ملائكته بعباده يوم عرفة يقول: عبادي جاؤوني شعثا، يتعرضون لرحمتي فأشهدكم أني قد غفرت لمحسنهم، وشفعت محسنهم في مسيئهم، وإذا كان يوم الجمعة فمثل ذلك. [117]
From Abu Harun: We went to pilgrimage and entered the city of Medina. We thought of visiting the son of the Prophet (Pbuh), Hasan (Pbuh), to greet him. We visited him and told him about our journey and situation. When we left his house, he sent each of us 400 units of currency. We said, "We are wealthy and do not need this." The servant replied, "Do not reject his kindness." We returned to him and informed him of our wealth and situation. He said, "Do not reject my kindness. Even if you were not in this state, it would still be easy for me to give. Know that on the day of Arafat, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, boasts about His servants to the angels, saying: 'My servants have come to Me disheveled, seeking My mercy. I bear witness that I have forgiven those who have done good, and I have interceded for the wrongdoers among them.' The same is true for Friday."
Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubra by Ibn Saad Vol.1, p.289
عن أبي إسحاق قال: روي عن الحسن بن علي × أنه كان مارا في بعض حيطان المدينة فرأى أسود بيده رغيف يأكل لقمة ويطعم الكلب لقمة إلى أن شاطره الرغيف، فقال له الحسن ×: ما حملك على أن شاطرته ولم تغابنه فيه بشئ؟ فقال: استحت عيناي من عينيه أن أغابنه. فقال له: غلام من أنت؟ قال: غلام أبان بن عثمان. فقال له: والحائط؟ قال: لأبان بن عثمان. فقال له الحسن ×: أقسمت عليك لا برحت حتى أعود إليك. فمر فاشترى الغلام والحائط وجاء إلى الغلام فقال: يا غلام قد اشتريتك. فقام قائما فقال: السمع والطاعة لله ولرسوله ولك يا مولاي. قال: وقد اشتريت الحائط وأنت حر لوجه الله والحائط هبة مني إليك. قال: فقال الغلام: يا مولاي قد وهبت الحائط للذي وهبتني له. [118]
From Abu Ishaq: It is narrated that Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) was passing by some gardens in Medina when he saw a colored slave eating a piece of bread, sharing it with a dog until he had divided the bread between them. Hasan (Pbuh) asked him, "What made you share the bread so fairly and not cheat him?" The slave replied, "My eyes felt ashamed to cheat his eyes." Hasan (Pbuh) then asked, "Whose slave are you?" The slave replied, "I am the slave of Aban ibn Uthman." Hasan (Pbuh) asked, "And the garden?" The slave said, "It belongs to Aban ibn Uthman." Hasan (Pbuh) said, "I swear to you, do not leave until I return to you." Hasan (Pbuh) went and bought the slave and the garden, then came back and said to the slave, "O slave, I have purchased you." The slave stood up and said, "I hear and obey for the sake of Allah and His Messenger and for you, my master." Hasan (Pbuh) then said, "I have purchased the garden as well, and you are free for the sake of Allah. The garden is a gift from me to you." The slave replied, "My master, I have given the garden back to the one you freed me to."
The History of Damascus Vol.13, p.246
عن عوف، عن محمد، قال: لما كان زمن ورد معاوية الكوفة واجتمع الناس عليه وبايعه الحسن بن علي × قال: قال أصحاب معاوية لمعاوية - عمرو بن العاص والوليد بن عقبة وأمثالهما من أصحابه -: إن الحسن بن علي × مرتفع في أنفس الناس لقرابته من رسول الله | وإنه حديث السن عيي! فمره فليخطب، فإنه سيعيا في الخطبة فيسقط من أنفس الناس! فأبى عليهم فلم يزالوا به حتى أمره، فقام الحسن بن علي ×على المنبر دون معاوية فحمد الله وأثنى عليه ثم قال: والله لو ابتغيتم بين جابلق وجابلص رجلا جده نبي غيري وغير أخي لم تجدوه، وإنا قد أعطينا بيعتنا معاوية ورأينا أن ما حقن دماء المسلمين خير مما أهراقها، والله ما أدري {لعله فتنة لكم ومتاع إلى حين} وأشار بيده إلى معاوية. قال: فغضب معاوية فخطب بعده خطبة عيية فاحشة ثم نزل، وقال له: ما أردت بقولك: {فتنة لكم ومتاع إلى حين}؟ قال: أردت بها ما أراد الله بها. [119]
From Awf, from Muhammad: During the time when Muawiya visited Kufa and the people gathered to pledge allegiance to him, Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) also pledged allegiance to him. Muawiya's companions, such as Amr ibn al-As, Al-Walid ibn Uqba, and others, said to Muawiya, "Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) is highly regarded by the people because of his kinship with the Prophet (Pbuh), and he is young and inarticulate. Have him give a sermon; he will falter in his speech and lose the people's esteem!" Despite Muawiya's reluctance, he was persuaded to have Hasan (Pbuh) speak. Hasan ibn Ali (Pbuh) ascended the pulpit before Muawiya, praised Allah, and then said: "By Allah, if you were to search between Jabalqa and Jabalsa for a man whose grandfather was a Prophet, you would find none other than myself and my brother. We have pledged our allegiance to Muawiya, believing that preserving the blood of Muslims is better than shedding it. I do not know if this is {a trial for you and enjoyment for a time}." He gestured towards Muawiya. Muawiya was angered and delivered a speech afterward, which was indecisive and harsh. Afterward, he asked Hasan (Pbuh), "What did you mean by saying {a trial for you and enjoyment for a time}?" Hasan (Pbuh) replied, "I meant by it what Allah intended by it."
Al-Tabaqat Al-Kubrah by Ibn Saad Vol.1, p.327
في النورانيةIn the Light Reality
عن جابر, عن أبي جعفر × قال قال: إن الله تعالى خلق أربعة عشر نورا من نور عظمته قبل خلق آدم بأربعة عشر ألف عام فهي أرواحنا فقيل له: يا بن رسول الله عدهم بأسمائهم فمن هؤلاء الاربعة عشر نورا؟ فقال: محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين وتسعة من ولد الحسين وتاسعهم قائمهم, ثم عدهم بأسمائهم ثم قال: نحن والله الأوصياء الخلفاء من بعد رسول الله |, ونحن المثاني التي أعطاها الله نبينا, ونحن شجرة النبوة ومنبت الرحمة ومعدن الحكمة ومصابيح العلم وموضع الرسالة ومختلف الملائكة وموضع سر الله, ووديعة الله جل اسمه في عباده, وحرم الله الاكبر وعهده المسؤل عنه, فمن وفى بعهدنا فقد وفى بعهد الله ومن خفره فقد خفر ذمة الله وعهده, عرفنا من عرفنا وجهلنا من جهلنا, نحن الاسماء الحسنى التي لا يقبل الله من العباد عملا إلا بمعرفتنا, ونحن والله الكلمات التي تلقاها آدم من ربه فتاب عليه, إن الله تعالى خلقنا فأحسن خلقنا, وصورنا فأحسن صورنا وجعلنا عينه على عباده ولسانه الناطق في خلقه, ويده المبسوطة عليهم بالرأفة والرحمة ووجهه الذي يؤتى منه وبابه الذي يدل عليه, وخزان علمه وتراجمة وحيه وأعلام دينه والعروة الوثقى والدليل الواضح لمن اهتدى, وبنا إثمرت الاشجار وأينعت الثمار وجرت الانهار ونزل الغيث من السماء ونبت عشب الارض, وبعبادتنا عبد الله, ولولانا ما عُرف الله, وأيم الله لولا وصية سبقت وعهد أُخذ علينا لقلت قولا يعجب منه, أو يذهل منه الاولون والآخرون. [120]
Jaber reported that Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir (Pbuh) said: "Allah created fourteen lights from the light of His Greatness before creating Adam in fourteen thousand years. These lights are our souls." One said: "O son of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh). Tell us their names. Who are these fourteen lights?" Imam (Pbuh) said: "Mohammad, Ali, Fatima, Hassan, Hussein, and the nine descendants of Hussein. The ninth is their Qa'im (Rising one)." Then Imam recited their names and said: "I swear by Allah, we are the successors and custodians after the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp). We are the verses that Allah gave to our prophet. We are the tree of prophet-hood, the spring of mercy, the essence of wisdom, the lanterns of knowledge, the core of the message, the destination of the angels, and the treasure of Allah's secret. We are the trusts of Allah among his servants. We are the grandest sanctuary of Allah and his covenant that He will ask about. He who fulfills our covenant then he fulfills the covenant of Allah and he who breaks it then he breaks the covenant of Allah. Those who know us, know us, and those who don’t know us don’t know us. We are the supreme names that Allah doesn’t accept any deed of a worshiper but by knowing us. I swear by Allah, we are the words that Adam received from his lord and then He accepted his repentance. Allah created us in the most perfect way and formed us in the most perfect images. He made us His eye on His servants, His speaking tongue to His creatures, His out-stretched hand with compassion and mercy, His face which He is reached throughout, His door that leads to Him, the treasurers of His knowledge, the translators of His revelation, the banners of His religion, the tight handhold, and the clear proof to he who seeks guidance. By us the fruits ripened, by us the rivers flowed, by us rain fell from the sky and the grass of lands grew. By our worship, Allah is worshiped. If it hadn’t been for us, Allah would have never been known. I swear by Allah, if a covenant wasn’t made with me, I would have uttered a saying that wonders and stuns the first beings and the last.”
Bihar Al-Anwar Vol. 25, p.4
عن رسول الله | قال: أخبرني جبرئيل × لما أثبت الله تبارك وتعالى إسم محمد في ساق العرش قلت: يا رب هذا الاسم المكتوب في سرداق العرش أرى أعز خلقك عليك؟ قال: فأراه الله اثني عشر أشباحا أبدانا بلا أرواح بين السماء والارض, فقال: يا رب بحقهم عليك إلا أخبرتني من هم؟ فقال: هذا نور علي بن أبي طالب، وهذا نور الحسن وهذا نور الحسين، وهذا نور علي بن الحسين، وهذا نور محمد بن علي، وهذا نور جعفر بن محمد، وهذا نور موسى بن جعفر، وهذا نور علي بن موسى، وهذا نور محمد بن علي، وهذا نور علي بن محمد, وهذا نور الحسن بن علي، وهذا نور الحجة القائم المنتظر، قال: فكان رسول الله | يقول: ما أحد يتقرب إلى الله عز وجل بهؤلاء القوم إلا أعتق الله رقبته من النار. [121]
The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Jibraeel told me: “When Allah established the name of Mohammad on the pillar of the throne, I said: “O Lord, this name that is written on the throne, I think it is the dearest of Your creatures to You?”” Thus Allah showed him twelve ghostly bodies that are without a soul between the sky and earth. He said: “O lord, I ask you in their name to tell me who they are.” Allah then said: “This is the light of Ali son of Abi Talib, the light of Al-Hassan, the light of Al-Hussein, the light of Ali son of Al-Hussein, the light of Mohammad son of Ali, the light of Jaa’far son of Mohammad, the light of Moussa son of Jaa’far, the light of Ali son of Moussa, the light of Mohammad son of Ali, the light of Ali son of Mohammad, the light of Al-Hassan son of Ali, and this is the light of Al-Hojja (The Argument) Al-Qa’im (The Rising One) Al-Muntadhar (The Awaited).””
Kifayat Al-Athar p.169
عن ابن مسعود قال: دخلت يوما على رسول الله | فقلت: يا رسول الله ارني الحق لأتصل به فقال: يا عبد الله لجّ المخدع قال فولجت المخدع وعلي بن أبي طالب يصلي وهو يقول في ركوعه وسجوده: اللهم بحق محمد عبدك ورسولك اغفر للخاطئين من شيعتي, فخرجت حتى أخبرتُ به رسول الله | فرأيته وهو يصلي ويقول: اللهم بحق علي ابن أبي طالب × عبدك اغفر للخاطئين من أمتي, قال: فأخذني هلع حتى غشي عليّ فرفع النبي | رأسه وقال يا ابن مسعود أكفر بعد إيمان؟ فقلت حاشا وكلا يا رسول الله | ولكني رأيت عليا يسأل الله تعالى بك ورأيتك تسأل الله به فلم أعلم أيكم أفضل عند الله! فقال |: اجلس فقال ابن مسعود فجلست بين يديه فقال لي اعلم ان الله تعالى خلقني وخلق عليا من نور عظمته قبل ان يخلق الخلق بألفي عام إذ لا تقديس ولا تسبيح ففتق نوري فخلق منه السموات والارض وإنّا والله أجلّ من السموات والارض, وفتق نور علي بن أبي طالب × فخلق منه العرش والكرسي وعلي بن أبي طالب أفضل من العرش والكرسي, وفتق نور الحسن فخلق منه اللوح والقلم والحسن أفضل من اللوح والقلم, وفتق نور الحسين فخلق منه الجنان والحور العين والحسين والله أجل من الجنان والحور العين, ثم أظلمت المشارق والمغارب فشكت الملائكة إلى الله تعالى ان يكشف عنهم تلك الظلمة فتكلم الله جل جلاله بكلمة فخلق منها روحا ثم تكلم بكلمة فخلق من تلك الروح نورا فأضاف النور إلى تلك الروح وأقامها أمام العرش فزهرت المشارق والمغارب فهي فاطمة الزهراء ولذلك سميت الزهراء لأن نورها زهرت به السموات. يا ابن مسعود إذا كان يوم القيامة يقول الله جل جلاله لعلي بن أبي طالب ولي أَدخلا الجنة من شئتما, وأَدخلا النار من شئتما وذلك قوله تعالى: {ألقيا في جهنم كل كفار عنيد} فالكافر من جحد نبوتي والعنيد من جحد ولاية علي بن أبي طالب فالنار أمده والجنة لشيعته ومحبيه. [122]
Ibn Mas'ud said: One day, I entered upon the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) and said: "O Messenger of Allah, show me the truth so that I may connect with it." He said: "O Abdullah, enter the chamber." So, I entered the chamber and saw Ali ibn Abi Talib praying, saying in his bowing and prostration: "O Allah, by the right of Muhammad, Your servant and Messenger, forgive the sinners from my followers." I then left and informed the Messenger of Allah (pbuh) about it, and I saw him praying, saying: "O Allah, by the right of Ali ibn Abi Talib, Your servant, forgive the sinners from my nation." I was overwhelmed with anxiety until I fainted. The Prophet (pbuh) raised his head and said: "O Ibn Mas'ud, disbelief after faith?" I said: "No, never, O Messenger of Allah, but I saw Ali asking Allah through you, and I saw you asking Allah through him, so I did not know which of you is more esteemed by Allah!" He said: "Sit down." Ibn Mas'ud continued: "I sat before him, and he said to me: 'Know that Allah Almighty created me and Ali from the light of His grandeur two thousand years before He created the creation, when there was neither glorification nor sanctification. He split my light, and from it, He created the heavens and the earth, and we are greater than the heavens and the earth. He split the light of Ali ibn Abi Talib, and from it, He created the Throne and the Chair, and Ali ibn Abi Talib is greater than the Throne and the Chair. He split the light of Hasan, and from it, He created the Tablet and the Pen, and Hasan is greater than the Tablet and the Pen. He split the light of Husayn, and from it, He created the Gardens and the Houri, and Husayn is greater than the Gardens and the Houri. Then the east and west darkened, and the angels complained to Allah Almighty to reveal that darkness. Allah spoke a word, from which He created a spirit, then spoke another word, from which He created a light. He added the light to that spirit and placed it before the Throne, illuminating the east and west. She is Fatimah al-Zahra, and that is why she was named al-Zahra because her light illuminated the heavens.
O Ibn Mas'ud, when it is the Day of Judgment, Allah Almighty will say to Ali ibn Abi Talib: 'O My beloved, admit to Paradise whomsoever you wish and admit to Hell whomsoever you wish,' and that is the saying of Allah Almighty: {Throw into Hell every stubborn disbeliever}. The disbeliever is the one who denies my Prophethood, and the stubborn is the one who denies the guardianship of Ali ibn Abi Talib. For them, Hell is their abode, and for his followers and lovers, Paradise is their abode."
Al-Fada’il by Ibn Shadhan p.128
عن أنس بن مالك, قال: صلى بنا رسول الله | في بعض الايام صلاة الفجر, ثم أقبل علينا بوجهه الكريم, فقلت: يا رسول الله إن رأيت ان تفسر لنا قول الله عز وجل: {أولئك الذين أنعم الله عليهم من النبيين والصديقين والشهداء والصالحين وحسن أولئك رفيقا} فقال |: أما النبيون فأنا, وأما الصديقون فأخي علي بن أبي طالب ×, وأما الشهداء فعمي حمزة, وأما الصالحون فابنتي فاطمة وأولادها الحسن والحسين. قال: وكان العباس حاضرا, فوثب وجلس بين يدي رسول الله | وقال: ألسنا أنا وأنت وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين من نبعة واحدة؟ قال: وكيف ذلك يا عم؟ قال العباس: لأنك تُعرّف بعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين دوننا, فتبسم النبي | وقال: أما قولك يا عم ألسنا من نبعة واحدة فصدقت, ولكن يا عم إن الله تعالى خلقني وعليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين قبل أن يخلق الله تعالى آدم, حيث لا سماء مبنية, ولا أرض مدحية, ولا ظلمة ولا نور, ولا جنة ولا نار, ولا شمس ولا قمر. قال العباس: وكيف كان بدو خلقكم يا رسول الله؟ قال: يا عم لما أراد الله تعالى أن يخلقنا تكلم بكلمة خلق منها نورا, ثم تكلم بكلمة فخلق منها روحا, فمزج النور بالروح فخلقني, وأخي عليا, وفاطمة, والحسن, والحسين, فكنا نسبحه حين لا تسبيح, ونقدسه حين لا تقديس, فلما أراد الله تعالى أن يُنشئ الصنعة فتق نوري, فخلق منه العرش, فنور العرش من نوري, ونوري خير من نور العرش. ثم فتق نور أخي علي بن أبي طالب × فخلق منه نور الملائكة, فنور الملائكة من نور علي, فنور علي أفضل من الملائكة. ثم فتق نور ابنتي فاطمة فخلق منه نور السماوات والارض ونور ابنتي فاطمة من نور الله فنور ابنتي فاطمة أفضل من نور السماوات والارض, ثم فتق نور ولدي الحسن, فخلق منه نور الشمس والقمر, فنور الشمس والقمر من نور ولدي الحسن ونور الحسن من نور الله والحسن أفضل من الشمس والقمر, ثم فتق نور ولدي الحسين, فخلق منه الجنة, والحور العين, فنور الجنة والحور العين من نور ولدي الحسين, ونور ولدي الحسين من نور الله وولدي الحسين أفضل من الجنة والحور العين. ثم أمر الله الظلمات أن تمر على السموات فأظلمت السماوات على الملائكة, فضجت الملائكة بالتسبيح والتقديس, وقالت: إلهنا وسيدنا منذ خلقتنا, وعرفتنا هذه الاشباح لم نر بؤسا, فبحق هذه الاشباح إلا كشفت عنا هذه الظلمة, فأخرج الله من نور ابنتي فاطمة ÷ قناديل معلقة في بطنان العرش, فازهرت السماوات والارض, ثم أشرقت بنورها, فلأجل ذلك سميت الزهراء, فقالت الملائكة: إلهنا وسيدنا لمن هذا النور الزاهر الذي قد أزهرت منه السماوات والارض؟ فأوحى الله إليهم: هذا نور اخترعته من نور جلالي لأمتي فاطمة ابنة حبيبي, وزوجة وليي, وأخي نبيي وأبو حججي على عبادي في بلادي أشهدكم ملائكتي أني قد جعلت ثواب تسبيحكم, وتقديسكم لهذه المرأة وشيعتها, ثم لمحبيها إلى يوم القيامة. فلما سمع العباس من رسول الله | ذلك وثب قائما, وقبل بين عيني علي ×, وقال: والله يا علي أنت الحجة البالغة لمن آمن بالله تعالى. [123]
"Anas ibn Malik reported: The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) prayed the Fajr prayer with us on some days, then he turned towards us with his noble face. I said, 'O Messenger of Allah, if you would explain to us the saying of Allah the Almighty: {Those who have been favored by Allah - the prophets, the steadfast affirmers of truth, the martyrs, and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions}.' He said, 'As for the prophets, I am [one of them]. As for the steadfast affirmers of truth, it is my brother Ali ibn Abi Talib. As for the martyrs, it is my uncle Hamza. And as for the righteous, it is my daughter Fatimah and her sons Hasan and Husayn.'Al-Abbas was present, and he jumped up and sat in front of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), saying, 'Are we not, I, you, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn, from one lineage?' The Prophet smiled and said, 'O uncle, you have spoken the truth. However, O uncle, Allah the Almighty created me, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn before He created Adam, where there were no built skies, no stretched-out earth, no darkness, no light, no paradise, no fire, no sun, and no moon.'Al-Abbas asked, 'How was the beginning of your creation, O Messenger of Allah?' He replied, 'When Allah the Almighty intended to create us, He spoke with a word, and from it He created light. Then He spoke with a word and created a spirit. He mixed the light with the spirit, thus He created me, my brother Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn. We used to glorify Him when there was no glorification, and sanctify Him when there was no sanctification. When Allah the Almighty intended to bring the creation into existence, He split off my light, creating from it the Throne. The light of the Throne is from my light, and my light is better than the light of the Throne.'Then He split off the light of my brother Ali ibn Abi Talib, creating from it the light of the angels. The light of the angels is from the light of Ali, and the light of Ali is superior to the angels. Then He split off the light of my daughter Fatimah, creating from it the light of the heavens and the earth. The light of the heavens and the earth is from the light of my daughter Fatimah, and the light of my daughter Fatimah is superior to the light of the heavens and the earth.Then He split off the light of my son Hasan, creating from it the light of the sun and the moon. The light of the sun and the moon is from the light of my son Hasan, and the light of Hasan is superior to the sun and the moon. Then He split off the light of my son Husayn, creating from it paradise and the Houris (maidens of paradise). The light of paradise and the Houris is from the light of my son Husayn, and the light of my son Husayn is superior to paradise and the Houris.Then Allah commanded the darknesses to pass over the skies, and the skies became dark over the angels. The angels began to glorify and sanctify, saying, 'Our Lord and Master, since You created us and made us acquainted with these essences, we have not seen any misfortune. By the right of these essences, remove these darknesses from us.'Then Allah brought forth from the light of my daughter Fatimah lamps suspended in the loins of the Throne. The heavens and the earth blossomed and shone with its light. For this reason, she was named the Radiant (al-Zahra). The angels said, 'Our Lord and Master, from whom is this radiant light that has caused the heavens and the earth to bloom?' Allah inspired them, 'This is a light I have created from My majestic light for My beloved, the daughter of My beloved, the wife of My executor, the brother of My prophet, and the father of My proof over My servants in My lands. I bear witness, O My angels, that I have made the reward of your glorification and sanctification of this woman and her followers, and those who love her, until the Day of Judgment.'When al-Abbas heard this from the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), he stood up, kissed Ali ibn Abi Talib between his eyes, and said, 'By Allah, O Ali, you are the complete proof for those who believe in Allah the Almighty.'"
Madinat Al-Maajez Volume 3, P:419
عن صالح بن سهل الهمداني قال: قال أبو عبد الله × في قول الله تعالى: {الله نور السماوات والارض مثل نوره كمشكاة} فاطمة ÷ {فيها مصباح} الحسن {المصباح في زجاجة} الحسين {الزجاجة كأنها كوكب درّي} فاطمة كوكب درّي بين نساء أهل الدنيا {يُوقد من شجرة مباركة} إبراهيم × {زيتونة لا شرقية ولا غربية} لا يهودية ولا نصرانية {يكاد زيتها يضيء} يكاد العلم ينفجر بها {ولو لم تمسسه نار نور على نور} إمام منها بعد إمام {يهدي الله لنوره من يشاء} يهدي الله للأئمة من يشاء {ويضرب الله الامثال للناس}.[124]
Saleh Ibn Sahel Al-Hamadani reported that Imam Ja’afar Al-Sadeq (pbuh) said about Allah’s saying: “{Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth. The Parable of His Light is as if there were a Niche} Fatima {and within it a Lamp} Al-Hassan {the Lamp enclosed in Glass} Al-Hussain {the glass as it were a brilliant star} Fatima is a brilliant star among the women of the earthly life {Lit from a blessed Tree} Ibrahim {an Olive, neither of the east nor of the west} neither a Jew nor a Christian {whose oil is well-nigh luminous} She illuminates knowledge {though fire scarce touched it: Light upon Light!} Imam after Imam {Allah doth guide whom He will to His Light} Allah guides to Imams whoever He wills {Allah doth set forth Parables for men}”.
Al-Kafi Vol. 1, p.195
عن محمد بن زياد قال: سأل ابن مهران عبد الله بن العباس عن تفسير قوله تعالى {وإنا لنحن الصافون وإنا لنحن المسبحون} فقال ابن عباس: إنا كنا عند رسول الله | فأقبل علي بن أبي طالب × فلما رآه النبي | تبسم في وجهه وقال: مرحبا بمن خلقه الله قبل آدم بأربعين ألف عام, فقلت: يا رسول الله أكان الابن قبل الاب؟ قال: نعم, إن الله تعالى خلقني وخلق عليا قبل أن يخلق آدم بهذه المدة خلق نورا فقسمه نصفين فخلقني من نصفه وخلق عليا من النصف الآخر قبل الأشياء كلها, ثم خلق الاشياء فكانت مظلمة فنورها من نوري ونور علي, ثم جعلنا عن يمين العرش ثم خلق الملائكة, فسبحنا فسبحت الملائكة وهللنا فهللت الملائكة, وكبرنا فكبرت الملائكة وكان ذلك من تعليمي وتعليم علي, وكان ذلك في علم الله السابق أن لا يدخل النار محب لي ولعلي ولا يدخل الجنة مبغض لي ولعلي. ألا وإن الله عز وجل خلق ملائكة بأيديهم أباريق اللجين مملوءة من ماء الحياة من الفردوس فما أحد من شيعة علي إلا وهو طاهر الوالدين تقي نقي مؤمن بالله فإذا أراد أبو أحدهم أن يواقع أهله جاء ملك من الملائكة الذين بأيديهم أباريق ماء الجنة فيطرح من ذلك الماء في آنيته التي يشرب منها فيشرب به فبذلك الماء ينبت الايمان في قلبه كما ينبت الزرع, فهم على بينة من ربهم ومن نبيهم ومن وصيه علي ومن ابنتي الزهراء ثم الحسن ثم الحسين ثم الائمة من ولد الحسين, فقلت: يا رسول الله ومن هم الائمة؟ قال: أحد عشر مني وأبوهم علي بن أبي طالب ثم قال النبي |: الحمد لله الذي جعل محبة علي والايمان سببين يعني سببا لدخول الجنة وسببا للنجاة من النار. [125]
From Muhammad ibn Ziyad who said: Ibn Mehran asked Abdullah ibn Abbas about the interpretation of Allah's saying, {And indeed, we are those who line up (in ranks), and indeed, we are those who glorify}. Ibn Abbas replied: We were with the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) when Ali ibn Abi Talib (Pbuh) approached. When the Prophet (Pbuhp) saw him, he smiled and said: Welcome to the one whom Allah created forty thousand years before Adam. I said: O Messenger of Allah, was the son created before the father? He said: Yes, Allah the Almighty created me and Ali before He created Adam by this period. He created a light and divided it into two halves, creating me from one half and Ali from the other half before anything else. Then He created things, which were dark, and illuminated them with my light and the light of Ali. He then placed us to the right of the Throne and created the angels. We glorified, and the angels glorified, we proclaimed the oneness of Allah, and the angels proclaimed the oneness of Allah, we magnified Allah, and the angels magnified Allah. This was from my teaching and the teaching of Ali. It was in Allah's prior knowledge that no one who loves me and Ali will enter the Fire, and no one who hates me and Ali will enter Paradise. Indeed, Allah the Almighty created angels with silver pitchers filled with the water of life from Paradise. There is none of the followers of Ali except that they are pure, devout, righteous believers in Allah. When one of their fathers intends to be with his wife, an angel with a pitcher of water from Paradise comes and pours some of that water into the vessel he drinks from. He drinks it, and through that water, faith is planted in his heart as plants grow. They are clear in their belief from their Lord, their Prophet, and his custodian Ali, and from my daughter Az-Zahra, then Hasan, then Hussain, then the Imams from the descendants of Hussain. I said: O Messenger of Allah, who are these Imams? He said: Eleven from me, and their father is Ali ibn Abi Talib. Then the Prophet (Pbuhp) said: Praise be to Allah who made the love of Ali and faith two reasons: a reason for entering Paradise and a reason for being saved from the Fire.
Ta’weel Al-Ayat p.488
عن رسول الله | قال قال: يا عباد الله إن آدم لما رأى النور ساطعا من صلبه, إذْ كان الله قد نقل أشباحنا من ذروة العرش إلى ظهره, رأى النور, ولم يتبين الاشباح, فقال: يا رب ما هذه الانوار؟! قال الله عز وجل: أنوار أشباح نقلتهم من أشرف بقاع عرشي إلى ظهرك ولذلك أمرت الملائكة بالسجود لك, إذ كنت وعاء لتلك الاشباح. فقال آدم: يا رب لو بينتها لي؟ فقال الله عز وجل: انظر يا آدم إلى ذروة العرش, فنظر آدم, ووقع نور أشباحنا من ظهر آدم على ذروة العرش, فانطبع فيه صور أنوار أشباحنا التي في ظهره كما ينطبع وجه الانسان في المرآة الصافية فرأي أشباحنا, فقال: يا رب ما هذه الاشباح؟ قال الله تعالى: يا آدم هذه أشباح أفضل خلائقي وبرياتي: هذا محمد وأنا المحمود الحميد في أفعالي, شققت له اسما من اسمي, وهذا علي, وأنا العلي العظيم, شققت له اسما من اسمي, وهذه فاطمة وأنا فاطر السماوات والارض, فاطم أعدائي عن رحمتي يوم فصل قضائي, وفاطم أوليائي عما يعتريهم ويسيئهم فشققت لها اسما من اسمي, وهذان الحسن والحسين وأنا المحسن والمجمل شققت اسميهما من اسمي, هؤلاء خيار خليقتي وكرام بريتي, بهم آخذ, وبهم أعطي, وبهم أعاقب, وبهم أثيب, فتوسل إلي بهم يا آدم, وإذا دهتك داهية, فاجعلهم إلي شفعاءك, فاني آليت على نفسي قسما حقا أن لا أخيب بهم آملا, ولا أرد بهم سائلا.
فذلك حين زلت منه الخطيئة, دعا الله عز وجل بهم, فتاب عليه وغفر له. [126]
The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said: "O servants of Allah, when Adam saw the light shining from his loins—since Allah had transferred our apparitions from the peak of the Throne to his back—he saw the light but could not discern the apparitions. He said: 'O Lord, what are these lights?' Allah, the Almighty, said: 'These are the lights of apparitions that I transferred from the most honored parts of My Throne to your back, and that is why I commanded the angels to prostrate to you, for you are the vessel of those apparitions.' Adam then said: 'O Lord, could You show them to me?' Allah, the Almighty, said: 'Look, O Adam, at the peak of the Throne.' So Adam looked, and the light of our apparitions from Adam's back fell upon the peak of the Throne, imprinting the images of our lights from his back as a person's face imprints on a clear mirror. He saw our apparitions and said: 'O Lord, what are these apparitions?' Allah, the Almighty, said: 'O Adam, these are the apparitions of the best of My creation and My creatures: This is Muhammad, and I am the Praised One (al-Mahmood) and Praiseworthy in My actions. I have derived his name from My name. This is Ali, and I am the Most High (al-Ali), the Supreme. I have derived his name from My name. This is Fatimah, and I am the Creator (Faatir) of the heavens and the earth. I shall sever My enemies from My mercy on the Day of Judgment, and I shall sever My allies from what may harm and distress them. I have derived her name from My name. And these are Hasan and Husayn, and I am the Beneficent (al-Muhsin), the Gracious. I have derived their names from My name. These are the best of My creation and the noblest of My creatures. Through them, I take (acts), through them, I give, through them, I punish, and through them, I reward. Seek intercession with Me through them, O Adam. If a calamity befalls you, make them your intercessors to Me, for I have sworn by Myself a true oath that I will never disappoint those who hope through them nor reject those who ask through them.'
Thus, when he committed the sin, he called upon Allah, the Almighty, through them, and Allah accepted his repentance and forgave him."
Tafseer Al-Asakari p.219
عن جابر بن عبد الله الأنصاري قال: سمعت رسول الله | يقول: إن الله خلقني وخلق عليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والأئمة من نور فعصر ذلك النور عصرة فخرج منه شيعتنا فسبحنا فسبحوا, وقدسنا فقدسوا, وهللنا فهللوا, ومجدنا فمجدوا, ووحدنا فوحدوا, ثم خلق الله السماوات والأرضين وخلق الملائكة فمكثت الملائكة مائة عام لا تعرف تسبيحا ولا تقديسا ولا تمجيدا, فسبحنا فسبحت شيعتنا فسبحت الملائكة لتسبيحنا, وقدسنا فقدست شيعتنا فقدست الملائكة لتقديسنا, ومجدنا ومجدت شيعتنا فمجدت الملائكة لتمجيدنا, ووحدنا فوحدت شيعتنا فوحدت الملائكة لتوحيدنا, وكانت الملائكة لا تعرف تسبيحا ولا تقديسا من قبل تسبيحنا وتسبيح شيعتنا فنحن الموحدون حين لا موحد غيرنا وحقيق على الله تعالى كما اختصنا واختص شيعتنا أن ينزلنا في أعلى عليين إن الله سبحانه وتعالى اصطفانا واصطفى شيعتنا من قبل أن تكون أجساما فدعانا وأجبنا فغفر لنا ولشيعتنا من قبل أن نسبق أن نستغفر الله. [127]
Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari said: I heard the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) say: "Indeed, Allah created me, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Husayn, and the Imams from light. Then He squeezed that light with a squeeze, and from it emerged our followers (Shi'a). We glorified Allah, and they glorified Allah; we sanctified Allah, and they sanctified Allah; we proclaimed the oneness of Allah, and they proclaimed the oneness of Allah. Then Allah created the heavens and the earth and created the angels. The angels remained for a hundred years not knowing how to glorify, sanctify, or praise Allah. We glorified Allah, and our followers glorified Allah, so the angels glorified Allah with our glorification. We sanctified Allah, and our followers sanctified Allah, so the angels sanctified Allah with our sanctification. We praised Allah, and our followers praised Allah, so the angels praised Allah with our praise. We proclaimed the oneness of Allah, and our followers proclaimed the oneness of Allah, so the angels proclaimed the oneness of Allah with our proclamation. The angels did not know how to glorify, sanctify, or proclaim the oneness of Allah before our glorification and the glorification of our followers. Therefore, we are the monotheists when there were no other monotheists, and it is true upon Allah, as He has chosen us and our followers, to place us in the highest ranks of 'Illiyyin. Indeed, Allah, the Glorified and Exalted, chose us and our followers before they became bodies. He called upon us, and we responded, so He forgave us and our followers before we sought forgiveness from Allah."
Jami’ Al-Akhbar p.9
عن سلمان قال: قال لي رسول الله |: إن الله تبارك وتعالى لم يبعث نبيا ولا رسولا إلا جعل له اثني عشر نقيبا, فقلت: يا رسول الله, لقد عرفت هذا من أهل الكتابين, فقال: يا سلمان هل علمت مَن نقبائي ومَن الاثني عشر الذين اختارهم الله للأمة من بعدي؟ فقلت: الله ورسوله أعلم. فقال: يا سلمان, خلقني الله من صفوة نوره, ودعاني فأطعته, وخلق من نوري عليا, ودعاه فأطاعه, وخلق من نور علي فاطمة, ودعاها فأطاعته, وخلق مني ومن علي وفاطمة الحسن, ودعاه فأطاعه, وخلق مني ومن علي وفاطمة الحسين, فدعاه فأطاعه, ثم سمانا بخمسة أسماء من أسمائه, فالله المحمود وأنا محمد, والله العلي وهذا علي, والله الفاطر وهذه فاطمة, والله ذو الاحسان وهذا الحسن, والله المحسن وهذا الحسين, ثم خلق منا ومن نور الحسين, تسعة أئمة, فدعاهم فأطاعوه, قبل أن يخلق سماء مبنية, وأرضا مدحية, ولا ملكا ولا بشرا, وكنا نورا نسبح الله, ونسمع له ونطيع. قال سلمان: فقلت يا رسول الله, بأبي أنت وأمي, فما لمن عرف هؤلاء؟ فقال: يا سلمان, من عرفهم حق معرفتهم, واقتدى بهم, ووالى وليهم, وتبرأ من عدوهم, فهو والله منا, يرد حيث نرد, ويسكن حيث نسكن, فقلت: يا رسول الله, وهل يكون إيمان بهم بغير معرفة بأسمائهم وأنسابهم؟ فقال: لا يا سلمان, فقلت: يا رسول الله, فأنى لي بهم وقد عرفت إلى الحسين؟ قال: ثم سيد العابدين علي بن الحسين, ثم ابنه محمد بن علي باقر علم الاولين والآخرين من النبيين والمرسلين, ثم ابنه جعفر بن محمد لسان الله الصادق, ثم ابنه موسى بن جعفر الكاظم غيظه صبرا في الله عز وجل, ثم ابنه علي بن موسى الرضي لأمر الله, ثم ابنه محمد بن علي المختار من خلق الله, ثم ابنه علي محمد الهادي إلى الله, ثم ابنه الحسن بن علي الصامت الأمين لسر الله, ثم ابنه محمد بن الحسن الهادي المهدي الناطق القائم بحق الله, ثم قال: يا سلمان, إنك مدركه, ومن كان مثلك, ومن تولاه بحقيقة المعرفة, قال سلمان: فشكرت الله كثيرا ثم قلت: يا رسول الله وإني مُؤجَّل إلى عهده؟ قال: يا سلمان إقرأ {فإذا جاء وعد ألاهما بعثنا عليكم عبادا لنا أولي بأس شديد فجاسوا خلال الديار وكان وعدا مفعولا ثم رددنا لكم الكرة عليهم وأمددناكم بأموال وبنين وجعلناكم أكثر نفيرا}. قال سلمان: فاشتد بكائي وشوقي, ثم قلت: يا رسول الله, أبعهد منك؟ فقال: إي والله, الذي أرسل محمدا بالحق, مني ومن علي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والتسعة, وكل من هو منا ومعنا, ومضام فينا, إي والله يا سلمان, وليحضرن إبليس وجنوده, وكل من محض الايمان محضا ومحض الكفر محضا, حتى يؤخذ بالقصاص والأوتار، ولا يَظلم ربك أحدا, ويحقق تأويل هذه الآية: {ونريد أن نمن على الذين استضعفوا في الارض ونجعلهم أئمة ونجعلهم الوارثين ونمكن لهم في الارض ونُري فرعون وهامان وجنودهما منهم ما كانوا يحذرون}, قال سلمان: فقمت من بين يدي رسول الله | وما يبالي سلمان متى لقي الموت, أو الموت لقيه. [128]
Salman said: The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said to me: "Verily, Allah the Blessed and Exalted did not send any prophet or messenger except that He appointed for him twelve chiefs." I said: "O Messenger of Allah, I have known this from the people of the two books." He said: "O Salman, do you know who my chiefs and the twelve whom Allah has chosen for the nation after me are?" I said: "Allah and His Messenger know best." He said: "O Salman, Allah created me from the essence of His light, and He called me and I obeyed Him. And He created from my light, Ali, and He called him and he obeyed Him. And He created from the light of Ali, Fatimah, and He called her and she obeyed Him. And He created from me and Ali and Fatimah, Hasan, and He called him and he obeyed Him. And He created from me and Ali and Fatimah, Husayn, and He called him and he obeyed Him. Then He named us with five names from His names: Allah is the Praised One (Mahmoud) and I am Muhammad, and Allah is the High (Ali) and this is Ali, and Allah is the Creator (Fatir) and this is Fatimah, and Allah is the Beneficent (Hasan) and this is Hasan, and Allah is the Good (Muhsin) and this is Husayn. Then He created from us and from the light of Husayn, nine Imams. He called them and they obeyed Him, before He created a constructed heaven or an extended earth, or an angel or a human. And we were a light glorifying Allah, listening to Him and obeying Him."
Salman said: "I said, O Messenger of Allah, may my father and mother be sacrificed for you, what is the reward for knowing these individuals?" He said: "O Salman, whoever knows them with true knowledge, follows them, befriends their friends, and disassociates from their enemies, he is indeed one of us. He will go where we go and live where we live." I said: "O Messenger of Allah, can one have faith in them without knowing their names and lineage?" He said: "No, O Salman." I said: "O Messenger of Allah, then how shall I know them after knowing up to Husayn?" He said: "Then Ali, the master of the worshippers, son of Husayn, then his son Muhammad, the one who splits the knowledge of the first and the last among the prophets and messengers, then his son Ja'far, the truthful tongue of Allah, then his son Musa, the patient for Allah’s sake, then his son Ali, who is content with Allah’s decree, then his son Muhammad, the chosen one among Allah’s creation, then his son Ali, the guide to Allah, then his son Hasan, the trustworthy custodian of Allah’s secret, then his son Muhammad, the guide and the rightly guided one, the one who rises with Allah’s right."
He said: "O Salman, you will meet him, and whoever is like you and truly follows him will also meet him." Salman said: "I thanked Allah greatly and then said: O Messenger of Allah, will I live until his time?" He said: "O Salman, recite {When the promise of the first of the two came, We sent against you Our servants of great might, and they probed into the homes, and it was a fulfilled promise. Then We gave you back the return victory over them. We reinforced you with wealth and sons and made you more numerous in manpower}."
Salman said: "I wept intensely and longed deeply. I then said: O Messenger of Allah, is this a promise from you?" He said: "Yes, by Allah, Who sent Muhammad with the truth, it is from me and Ali and Fatimah and Hasan and Husayn and the nine Imams, and everyone who is from us and with us and within us. Yes, by Allah, O Salman, Satan and his soldiers will also be present, and everyone who has pure faith and everyone who has pure disbelief, until retribution and justice are served, and no one will be wronged by your Lord. This will fulfill the verse: {And We desire to show favor to those who were oppressed in the land and to make them leaders and to make them inheritors. And We will establish them in the land and show Pharaoh and Haman and their soldiers what they feared from them.}"
Salman said: "I rose from the presence of the Messenger of Allah, and Salman did not care when he met death or when death met him."
Dala’il Al-Imama P:447
عن محمد بن حجارة, قال: رأيت الحسن بن علي × وقد مرت به صريمة من الظباء, فصاح بهن, فأجابته كلها بالتلبية حتى أتت بين يديه, فقلنا: يابن رسول الله, هذا وحش, فأرنا آية من أمر السماء, فأومأ نحو السماء, ففُتحت الابواب, ونزل نور حتى أحاط بدور المدينة, وتزلزلت الدور حتى كادت أن تخرب, فقلنا: يا بن رسول الله ردها, فقال لي: نحن الأولون والآخرون, ونحن الآمرون, ونحن النور, ننور الروحانيين, ننور بنور الله, ونروح بروحه, فينا مسكنه, وإلينا معدنه, الآخر منا كالأول, والأول منا كالآخر. [129]
Muhammad ibn Hujarah reported: I saw Al-Hasan son of Ali (peace be upon them) and a group of gazelles passed by him. He called to them, and all of them responded with a call until they came and gathered around him. We said, "O son of the Messenger of Allah, these are animals. Show us a sign from the affairs of the heavens." He gestured towards the sky, and the doors of the heavens were opened, and a light descended until it surrounded the entire city of Medina. The buildings trembled to the point of almost collapsing. We said, "O son of the Messenger of Allah, retract this!" He said to me, "We are the first and the last. We are the commanders. We are the light, illuminating the spiritual beings. We illuminate with the light of Allah, and we move with His Spirit. Their abode is within us, and their essence is towards us. The last of us is like the first, and the first of us is like the last."
Dala’el Al-Imama p.168
عن الامام موسى الكاظم × قال: إن الله تبارك وتعالى خلق نور محمد | من نور إخترعه من نور عظمته وجلاله, وهو نور لاهوتيته الذي تبدى وتجلى لموسى بن عمران × في طور سيناء, فما استقر له ولا أطاق موسى لرؤيته, ولا ثبت له حتى خر صعقا مغشيا عليه, وكان ذلك النور نور محمد |, فلما أراد أن يخلق محمدا منه قسم ذلك النور شطرين, فخلق من الشطر الاول محمدا, ومن الشطر الآخر علي بن أبي طالب ×, ولم يخلق من ذلك النور غيرهما, خلقهما الله بيده ونفخ فيهما بنفسه من نفسه لنفسه, وصورهما على صورتهما, وجعلهما أمناء له وشهداء على خلقه, وخلفاء على خليقته, وعينا له عليهم, ولسانا له إليهم, قد استودع فيهما علمه, وعلمهما البيان, واستطلعهما على غيبه وعلى نفسه, وجعل أحدهما نفسه والآخر روحه, لا يقوم واحد بغير صاحبه, ظاهرهما بشرية وباطنهما لاهوتية, ظهروا للخلق على هياكل الناسوتية حتى يطيقوا رؤيتهما, وهو قوله تعالى {وللبسنا عليهم ما يلبسون} فهما مقاما رب العالمين, وحجابا خالق الخلائق أجمعين, بهما فتح الله بدء الخلق, وبهما يختم الملك والمقادير, ثم اقتبس من نور محمد فاطمة ÷ ابنته كما اقتبس نور علي من نوره, واقتبس من نور فاطمة وعلي الحسن والحسين ‘ كاقتباس المصابيح, هم خلقوا من الانوار, وانتقلوا من ظهر إلى ظهر, وصلب إلى صلب, ومن رحم إلى رحم في الطبقة العليا من غير نجاسة, بل نقلا بعد نقل, لا من ماء مهين, ولا نطفة خشرة كسائر خلقه, بل أنوار انتقلوا من أصلاب الطاهرين إلى أرحام المطهرات, لأنهم صفوة الصفوة, اصطفاهم لنفسه وجعلهم خزان علمه, وبلغاء عنه إلى خلقه, أقامهم مقام نفسه, لأنه لا يرى ولا يُدرك ولا تُعرف كيفيته ولا إنيته, فهؤلاء الناطقون المبلغون عنه, المتصرفون في أمره ونهيه, فبهم يظهر قدرته, ومنهم ترى آياته ومعجزاته, وبهم ومنهم عرف عباده نفسه, وبهم يطاع أمره, ولولاهم ما عُرف الله ولا يُدرى كيف يُعبد الرحمان, فالله يجري أمره كيف يشاء فيما يشاء {لا يسئل عما يفعل وهم يسئلون}. [130]
From Imam Musa al-Kadhim (Pbuh) who said: Indeed, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, created the light of Muhammad (Pbuhp) from a light that He derived from the light of His greatness and majesty. It is the light of His divinity that appeared and manifested to Musa ibn Imran (Pbuh) on Mount Sinai. Musa could not bear or endure the sight of it and did not remain standing until he fell down unconscious. That light was the light of Muhammad (Pbuhp). When Allah wanted to create Muhammad from it, He divided that light into two parts. From the first part, He created Muhammad (Pbuhp), and from the second part, He created Ali ibn Abi Talib (Pbuh). He did not create anyone else from that light. Allah created them with His hand and breathed into them from His own spirit for His own sake. He fashioned them according to their own forms, and made them His trustees, witnesses over His creation, and successors over His creatures. They are His eyes upon them and His tongue to them. He entrusted them with His knowledge, taught them the explanation, made them privy to His secrets and His own essence. He made one of them His own self and the other His spirit. One cannot exist without the other. Their outward aspect is human, and their inner aspect is divine. They appeared to creation in human forms so that people could endure seeing them. This is the meaning of Allah's saying, {And We would certainly have confused them with what they themselves are confused} [Quran 6:9]. They are in the position of the Lord of the worlds and the veil of the Creator of all creatures. Through them, Allah began the creation, and through them, He will conclude the decree and destiny. Then He derived from the light of Muhammad his daughter Fatima (Pbuh) as He derived the light of Ali from his light. From the light of Fatima and Ali, He derived Hasan and Hussain (Pbuh), like lamps deriving from lamps. They were created from lights and transferred from back to back, and from loins to loins, and from womb to womb in the highest tier without impurity. Rather, they were transferred without any impurity, not from base water or impure sperm like the rest of His creation. They were lights transferred from the pure loins to the purified wombs, for they are the elite of the elite. Allah chose them for Himself and made them the repositories of His knowledge, His representatives to His creation. He placed them in the position of His own self because He is not seen, cannot be perceived, and His nature and being are unknown. These are the speaking ones who convey His message, and they are the ones who act according to His command and prohibition. Through them, His power is manifested, His signs and miracles are seen, and through them, His servants recognize Him. Through them, His command is obeyed. Without them, Allah would not be known, nor would it be understood how to worship the Merciful. Allah executes His command as He wills in whatever He wills. {He is not questioned about what He does, but they will be questioned} [Quran 21:23].
Ta’weel Al-Ayat p.393
عن أبي عبد الله × قال: قال الله تبارك وتعالى: يا محمد, إني خلقتك وعليا نورا, يعني روحا بلا بدن, قبل أن أخلق سماواتي وأرضي وعرشي وبحري, فلم تزل تهللني وتمجدني, ثم جمعت روحيكما فجعلتهما واحدة, فكانت تمجدني وتقدسني وتهللني, ثم قسمتها ثنتين, وقسمت الثنتين ثنتين, فصارت أربعة: محمد واحد, وعلي واحد, والحسن والحسين ثنتان, ثم خلق الله فاطمة من نور ابتدأها روحا بلا بدن, ثم مسحنا بيمينه فأفضى نوره فينا. [131]
Abi Abdullah (pbuh) said: Allah the Blessed and Exalted said: O Muhammad, I created you and Ali as a light, meaning a soul without a body, before I created my heavens, my earth, my throne, and my sea. You continued to praise and glorify me. Then I combined your souls and made them one, which continued to glorify, sanctify, and praise me. Then I divided it into two, and divided the two into two more, so they became four: Muhammad as one, Ali as one, and Hasan and Husayn as two. Then Allah created Fatimah from light, initiating her as a soul without a body. Then He touched us with His right hand, and His light was infused in us.
Al-Kafi Vol. 1, p.440
عن أبي سعيد الخدري قال: كنا جلوسا مع رسول الله | إذ أقبل إليه رجل فقال: يا رسول الله, أخبرني عن قوله عز وجل لإبليس {أستكبرت أم كنت من العالين} فمن هو يا رسول الله الذي هو أعلى من الملائكة؟ فقال رسول الله | : أنا وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين, كنا في سرادق العرش نسبح الله وتسبح الملائكة بتسبيحنا قبل أن يخلق الله عز وجل آدم بألفي عام, فلما خلق الله عز وجل آدم أمر الملائكة أن يسجدوا له ولم يأمرنا بالسجود, فسجد الملائكة كلهم إلا إبليس فإنه أبى ولم يسجد, فقال الله تبارك وتعالى {أستكبرت أم كنت من العالين} عنى من هؤلاء الخمسة المكتوبة أسماؤهم في سرادق العرش, فنحن باب الله الذي يؤتى منه, بنا يهتدي المهتدي, فمن أحبنا أحبه الله وأسكنه جنته, ومن أبغضنا أبغضه الله وأسكنه ناره, ولا يحبنا إلا من طاب مولده. [132]
Abu Sa'id al-Khudri narrated: We were sitting with the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) when a man approached him and said, "O Messenger of Allah, inform me about His saying, exalted be He, to Iblis: {Were you haughty, or were you one of the higher ones?}" The man asked, "O Messenger of Allah, who is the one who is higher than the angels?" The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) replied, "I, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Hussein. We used to glorify Allah and the angels used to glorify Him by virtue of our glorification before Allah created Adam by two thousand years. When Allah created Adam, He commanded the angels to prostrate to him, and He did not command us to prostrate. So, all the angels prostrated except Iblis, for he refused to prostrate. Thus, Allah, blessed and exalted is He, said, 'Were you haughty, or were you one of the higher ones?' This refers to those five individuals whose names are written in the pavilion of the Throne. We are the Gate of Allah, through whom people seek access. The rightly guided are guided through us. Whoever loves us, Allah loves him, and He will admit him into His Paradise. Whoever hates us, Allah hates him, and He will admit him into His Hellfire. None loves us except one whose birth is virtuous."
Fada’el Al-Shia p.8
عن عبد الرحمان بن يزيد: عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إن الله تبارك وتعالى كان ولا شيء فخلق خمسة من نور جلاله، وجعل لكل واحد منهم اسما من أسمائه المنزلة، فهو الحميد وسمى النبي محمدا |، وهو الأعلى وسمي أمير المؤمنين عليا ×، وله الأسماء الحسني فاشتق منها حسنا وحسينا ×، وهو فاطر فاشتق لفاطمة ÷ من أسمائه اسما، فلما خلقهم جعلهم في الميثاق فإنهم عن يمين العرش. وخلق الملائكة من نور فلما أن نظروا إليهم عظموا أمرهم وشأنهم ولقنوا التسبيح فذلك قوله: {وإنا لنحن الصافون وإنا لنحن المسبحون} فلما خلق الله تعالى آدم × نظر إليهم عن يمين العرش فقال: يا رب من هؤلاء؟ قال: يا آدم هؤلاء صفوتي وخاصتي خلقتهم من نور جلالي وشققت لهم اسما من أسمائي، قال: يا رب فبحقك عليهم علمني أسماءهم، قال: يا آدم فهم عندك أمانة، سر من سري، لا يطلع عليه غيرك إلا باذني، قال: نعم يا رب، قال: يا آدم أعطني على ذلك العهد، فأخذ عليه العهد ثم علمه أسماءهم ثم عرضهم على الملائكة ولم يكن علمهم بأسمائهم {فقال أنبئوني بأسماء هؤلاء إن كنتم صادقين قالوا سبحانك لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم قال يا آدم أنبئهم بأسمائهم فلما أنبأهم بأسمائهم}[133] علمت الملائكة أنه مستودع وأنه مفضل بالعلم، وأمروا بالسجود إذ كانت سجدتهم لآدم تفضيلا له وعبادة لله إذ كان ذلك بحق له، وأبى إبليس الفاسق عن أمر ربه فقال: {ما منعك ألا تسجد إذ أمرتك قال أنا خير منه} قال: فقد فضلته عليك حيث أمرت بالفضل للخمسة الذين لم أجعل لك عليهم سلطانا ولا من شيعتهم فذلك استثناء اللعين {إلا عبادك منهم المخلصين} قال: {إن عبادي ليس لك عليهم سلطان} وهم الشيعة. [134]
From Abdul Rahman ibn Yazid: from Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) who said: Indeed, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, existed without anything else and then created five beings from the light of His glory. He gave each of them a name derived from His own divine names. He is the Praised One (Al-Hamid), and He named the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuhp) as such. He is the Most High (Al-Ala), and He named the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (Pbuh), accordingly. He has the most beautiful names, and from these, He derived Hasan and Hussain (Pbuh). He is the Originator (Al-Fatir), and from His name, He derived Fatima (Pbuh). When He created them, He placed them in the covenant and positioned them to the right of the Throne. He created the angels from a light, and when they saw them, they magnified their status and reverence. The angels were taught to glorify Allah, which is indicated by His saying: {And indeed, we are those who line up (in ranks), and indeed, we are those who glorify}. When Allah created Adam (Pbuh), he looked at them to the right of the Throne and said: O Lord, who are these? Allah replied: O Adam, these are My chosen ones and My special ones. I created them from the light of My glory and gave them names derived from My own names. Adam said: O Lord, by Your right over them, teach me their names. Allah said: O Adam, they are entrusted with you as a secret from My secrets; no one will be privy to this except with My permission. Adam said: Yes, O Lord. Allah said: O Adam, give Me a covenant for that. Adam then made the covenant, and Allah taught him their names. Allah then presented them to the angels who did not know their names. Allah said: {Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful}. They said: Glory be to You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who are the Knowing, the Wise. Allah said: O Adam, inform them of their names. When Adam informed them of their names, the angels knew that Adam was the repository of knowledge and was preferred with it. The angels were commanded to prostrate to Adam as a mark of his distinction and an act of worship to Allah. It was his due right. But Iblis, the transgressor, refused the command of his Lord and said: {What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?}. Iblis said: I am better than him. Allah said: I have preferred him over you due to the merit of the five whom I have not given you authority over nor any of their followers. This is the cursed one’s exception: {except among Your sincere servants}. Allah said: {Indeed, My servants—no authority will you have over them}. These are the Shi'a followers.
Tafseer Furat p.56
عن جابر, عن رسول الله | في حديث طويل: ثم لما خلق الله آدم أشار إلينا ونحن عن يمين عرشه مخاطبة لملائكته: {أنبئوني بأسماء هؤلاء إن كنتم صادقين قالوا سبحانك لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا}، فقال لآدم ×: {أنبئهم بأسمائهم} فكان الإشارة إلينا، فقال آدم: هذا محمد، وهذا علي، وهذه فاطمة، وهذا الحسن، وهذا الحسين؛ فقال الله: {اسجدوا لآدم فسجدوا} لآدم لفضل علمه، فمن هناك فضله على سائر الأمم {فسجد الملائكة كلهم أجمعون} إلا إبليس استكبر، وكانت الإشارة الثالثة، قال لإبليس: {أستكبرت أم كنت من العالين}، وكان ينظر إلينا ونحن عن يمين العرش، كما ينظر أحدكم إلى الكوكب الدري في أفق السماء. [135]
From Jabir, from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) in a lengthy hadith: When Allah created Adam, He pointed to us as we were to the right of His Throne and addressed His angels: {Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful}. They said: Glory be to You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Allah then said to Adam (Pbuh): {Inform them of their names}. The indication was towards us. Adam said: This is Muhammad, this is Ali, this is Fatima, this is Hasan, and this is Hussain. Allah then said: {Prostrate to Adam}. They prostrated to Adam because of the excellence of his knowledge. From there, Allah favored him over all other nations. {So the angels prostrated—all of them entirely, except Iblis; he was arrogant}. The third indication was when He said to Iblis: {Did you refuse to prostrate when I commanded you, or were you among the haughty ones?}. He was looking at us as we were to the right of the Throne, as one of you looks at a shining star in the horizon of the sky.
Ghurar Al-Akhbar p.197
عن المفضل قال: قال الصادق ×: إن الله تبارك وتعالى خلق أربعة عشر نورا قبل خلق الخلق بأربعة عشر ألف عام فهي أرواحنا, فقيل له: يا ابن رسول الله, ومن الأربعة عشر؟ فقال: محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والأئمة من ولد الحسين ×, آخرهم القائم الذي يقوم بعد غيبته فيقتل الدجال ويطهر الأرض من كل جور وظلم. [136]
From Al-Mufaddal, who said: Imam al-Sadiq (Pbuh) said: Indeed, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, created fourteen lights fourteen thousand years before the creation of the universe, and these are our spirits. He was asked: O son of the Messenger of Allah, who are the fourteen? He replied: Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, Hussain, and the Imams from the descendants of Hussain (Pbuh), the last of whom is the Qa'im who will rise after his occultation and will kill the Dajjal and purify the earth from all injustice and oppression.
Kamal Al-Dein Vol.2, p.335
عن جابر بن عبد الله الانصاري قال: سألت رسول الله | عن مولد علي ×، قال: يا جابر، سألت عجيبا عن خير مولود! إعلم أن الله تعالى لما أراد أن يخلقني ويخلق عليا × قبل كل شيء خلق درة عظيمة أكبر من الدنيا عشر مرات، ثم إن الله تعالى استودعنا في تلك الدرة، فمكثنا فيها مائة ألف عام نسبح الله تعالى ونقدسه، فلما أراد إيجاد الموجودات نظر إلى الدرة بعين التكوين، فذابت وانفجرت نصفين، فجعلني ربي في النصف الذي احتوى على النبوة، وجعل عليا × في النصف الذي احتوى على الإمامة, ثم خلق الله تعالى من تلك الدرة مائة بحر، فمن بعضه بحر العلم، وبحر الكرم، وبحر السخاء، وبحر الرضا، وبحر الرأفة، وبحر الرحمة، وبحر العفة، وبحر الفضل، وبحر الجود، وبحر الشجاعة، وبحر الهيبة، وبحر القدرة، وبحر العظمة، وبحر الجبروت، وبحر الكبرياء، وبحر الملكوت، وبحر الجلال، وبحر النور، وبحر العلو، وبحر العزة، وبحر الكرامة، وبحر اللطف، وبحر الحكم، وبحر المغفرة، وبحر النبوة، وبحر الولاية، فمكثنا في كل بحر من البحور سبعة آلاف عام, ثم إن الله تعالى خلق القلم وقال له: اكتب, قال: وما أكتب يا رب؟ قال: اكتب توحيدي، فمكث القلم سكران من قول الله عز وجل عشرة آلاف عام, ثم أفاق بعد ذلك، قال: وما أكتب؟ قال: اكتب: لا إله إلا الله، محمد رسول الله، علي ولي الله, فلما فرغ القلم من كتابة هذه الاسماء قال: رب ومن هؤلاء الذين قرنت اسمهما باسمك؟ قال الله تعالى: يا قلم، محمد نبيي وخاتم أوليائي وأنبيائي، وعلي وليي وخليفتي على عبادي وحجتي عليهم، وعزتي وجلالي لولاهما ما خلقتك ولا خلقت اللوح المحفوظ, ثم قال له: اكتب, قال: وما أكتب؟ قال: اكتب صفاتي وأسمائي، فكتب القلم، فلم يزل يكتب ألف عام حتى كلَّ وملَّ عن ذلك إلى يوم القيامة, ثم إن الله تعالى خلق من نوري السماوات والارض والجنة والنار والكوثر والصراط والعرش والكرسي والحجب والسحاب، وخلق من نور علي ابن أبي طالب الشمس والقمر والنجوم قبل أن يخلق آدم × بألفي عام, ثم إن الله تبارك وتعالى أمر القلم أن يكتب في كل ورقة من أشجار الجنة، وعلى كل باب من أبوابها وأبواب السماوات والارض والجبال والشجر: لا إله إلا الله، محمد رسول الله، علي ولي الله. ثم إن الله تعالى أمر نور رسول الله | ونور علي بن أبي طالب × أن يدخلا في حجاب العظمة، ثم حجاب العزة، ثم حجاب الهيبة، ثم حجاب الكبرياء، ثم حجاب الرحمة، ثم حجاب المنزلة، ثم حجاب الرفعة، ثم حجاب السعادة، ثم حجاب النبوة، ثم حجاب الولاية، ثم حجاب الشفاعة، فلم يزالا كذلك من حجاب إلى حجاب، فكل حجاب يمكثان فيه ألف عام, ثم قال: يا جابر، اعلم أن الله تعالى خلقني من نوره، وخلق عليا من نوري، وكلنا من نور واحد، وخلقنا الله تعالى ولم يخلق سماء ولا أرضا ولا شمسا ولا قمرا ولا ظلمة ولا ضياء ولا برا ولا بحرا ولا هواء، وقبل أن يخلق آدم × بألفي عام, ثم إن الله تعالى سبح نفسه فسبحنا، وقدس نفسه فقدسنا، فشكر الله لنا ذلك وقد خلق الله السماوات والارضين من تسبيحي، والسماء رفعها، والارض سطحها، وخلق من تسبيح علي بن أبي طالب الملائكة، فجميع ما سبحت الملائكة لعلي بن أبي طالب وشيعته إلى يوم القيامة، ولما نفخ الله الروح في آدم × قال الله: وعزتي وجلالي، لولا عبدان أريد أن أخلقهما في دار الدينا ما خلقتك, قال آدم ×: إلهي وسيدي ومولاي، هل يكونان مني أم لا؟ قال: بلى يا آدم، ارفع رأسك وانظر، فرفع رأسه فإذا على ساق العرش مكتوب لا إله إلا الله، محمد رسول الله نبي الرحمة، وعلي مقيم الحجة، من عرفهما زكى وطاب، ومن جهلهما لعن وخاب، ولما خلق الله آدم × ونفخ فيه من روحه نقل روح حبيبه ونبيه ونور وليه في صلب آدم ×, قال رسول الله |: أما أنا فاستقريت في الجانب الايمن، وأما علي بن أبي طالب × في الايسر، وكانت الملائكة يقفون وراءه صفوفا, فقال آدم ×: يا رب لأي شيء تقف الملائكة ورائي؟ فقال الله تعالى: لأجل نور ولديك اللذين هما في صلبك محمد بن عبد الله وعلي بن أبي طالب صلوات الله عليهم، ولولاهما ما خلقت الافلاك، وكان يسمع في ظهره التقديس والتسبيح, قال: يا رب اجعلهما أمامي حتى تستقبلني الملائكة، فحولهما تعالى من ظهره إلى جبينه، فصارت الملائكة تقف أمامه صفوفا، فسأل ربه أن يجعلهما في مكان يراه، فنقلنا الله من جبينه إلى يده اليمنى, قال رسول الله |: أما أنا كنت في اصبعه السبابة، وعلي في اصبعه الوسطى، وابنتي فاطمة في التي تليها، والحسن في الخنصر، والحسين في الابهام. ثم أمر الله تعالى الملائكة بالسجود لآدم × فسجدوا تعظيما وإجلالا لتلك الاشباح، فتعجب آدم من ذلك فرفع رأسه إلى العرش، فكشف الله عن بصره فرأى نورا فقال: إلهي وسيدي ومولاي، وما هذا النور؟! فقال: هذا نور محمد صفوتي من خلقي، فرأى نورا إلى جنبه، فقال: إلهي وسيدي ومولاي، وما هذا النور؟! فقال: هذا نور علي بن أبي طالب × وليي وناصر ديني، فرأى إلى جنبهما ثلاثة أنوار، فقال: إلهي، وما هذه الانوار؟! فقال: هذا نور فاطمة، فطم محبيها من النار، وهذان نورا ولديهما الحسن والحسين، فقال: أرى تسعة أنور قد أحدقت بهم، فقيل: هؤلاء الائمة من ولد علي بن أبي طالب وفاطمة ÷ فقال: إلهي بحق هؤلاء الخمسة إلا ما عرفتني التسعة من ولد علي ×, فقال: علي بن الحسين، ثم محمد الباقر، ثم جعفر الصادق، ثم موسى الكاظم، ثم علي الرضا، ثم محمد الجواد، ثم علي الهادي، ثم الحسن العسكري، ثم الحجة القائم المهدي صلوات الله عليهم أجمعين, فقال: إلهي وسيدي، إنك قد عرفتني بهم فاجعلهم مني، ويدل على ذلك {وعلم آدم الاسماء كلها}.[137]
From Jabir ibn Abdullah al-Ansari, who said: I asked the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) about the birth of Ali (Pbuh), and he said: O Jabir, you have asked about a wondrous matter concerning the best of births! Know that when Allah, the Exalted, intended to create me and Ali (Pbuh) before anything else, He created a great pearl, ten times larger than the world. Then Allah entrusted us within that pearl, and we remained in it for one hundred thousand years, glorifying and sanctifying Allah, the Exalted. When He intended to create the existing beings, He looked at the pearl with the eye of creation, and it melted and split into two halves. My Lord placed me in the half that contained prophethood, and He placed Ali (Pbuh) in the half that contained imamate. Then Allah, the Exalted, created from that pearl one hundred seas, from some of which are the Sea of Knowledge, the Sea of Generosity, the Sea of Bounty, the Sea of Contentment, the Sea of Compassion, the Sea of Mercy, the Sea of Chastity, the Sea of Virtue, the Sea of Munificence, the Sea of Courage, the Sea of Awe, the Sea of Power, the Sea of Greatness, the Sea of Dominance, the Sea of Pride, the Sea of Sovereignty, the Sea of Majesty, the Sea of Light, the Sea of Exaltation, the Sea of Honor, the Sea of Dignity, the Sea of Wisdom, the Sea of Forgiveness, the Sea of Prophethood, and the Sea of Wilaya (Guardianship). We remained in each of these seas for seven thousand years. Then Allah, the Exalted, created the Pen and said to it: Write. The Pen said: What should I write, O Lord? He said: Write My Oneness. The Pen remained intoxicated by the command of Allah, the Exalted, for ten thousand years. After it regained consciousness, it said: What should I write? Allah said: Write: There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and Ali is the Waliy (Guardian) of Allah. When the Pen finished writing these names, it said: O Lord, who are these whom You have associated their names with Your Name? Allah, the Exalted, said: O Pen, Muhammad is My Prophet and the seal of My Prophets and Messengers, and Ali is My Guardian and My successor over My servants and My proof over them. By My Might and My Glory, if it were not for them, I would not have created you or the Preserved Tablet. Then He said to it: Write. It said: What should I write? He said: Write My attributes and My names. The Pen wrote for a thousand years until it became weary and exhausted until the Day of Judgment. Then Allah, the Exalted, created from My Light the heavens, the earth, paradise, hellfire, the Kawthar, the Sirat, the Throne, the Footstool, the veils, and the clouds. He created from the light of Ali ibn Abi Talib the sun, the moon, and the stars two thousand years before creating Adam (Pbuh). Then Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, commanded the Pen to write on every leaf of the trees in paradise and on every door of its gates and the gates of the heavens and the earth and the mountains and the trees: There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, and Ali is the Waliy Guardian of Allah.
Then Allah, the Exalted, commanded the light of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) and the light of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Pbuh) to enter the Veil of Grandeur, then the Veil of Honor, then the Veil of Awe, then the Veil of Pride, then the Veil of Mercy, then the Veil of Dignity, then the Veil of Elevation, then the Veil of Happiness, then the Veil of Prophethood, then the Veil of Guardianship, and then the Veil of Intercession. They continued this way from one veil to another, remaining in each veil for a thousand years. Then he said: O Jabir, know that Allah created me from His Light and created Ali from my Light. We are all of one Light. Allah created us before He created the heavens, the earth, the sun, the moon, darkness, light, land, sea, or air, and this was two thousand years before the creation of Adam (Pbuh). Then Allah glorified Himself, and we glorified Him; He sanctified Himself, and we sanctified Him. Allah thanked us for that, and He created the heavens and the earth from my glorification, the heavens He raised, and the earth He spread out. From the glorification of Ali ibn Abi Talib (Pbuh), Allah created the angels. All the angels who glorify Allah on the behalf of Ali ibn Abi Talib and his followers until the Day of Judgment. When Allah breathed the soul into Adam (Pbuh), He said: By My Might and Glory, if it were not for two servants whom I intend to create in the world, I would not have created you. Adam (Pbuh) asked: O my Lord, will they be from me or not? Allah replied: Yes, O Adam, raise your head and look. When Adam raised his head, he saw written on the leg of the Throne: ‘There is no god but Allah, Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah, the Prophet of Mercy, and Ali is the Establishment of the Proof. Whoever knows them is blessed and pure, and whoever is ignorant of them is cursed and has failed.’ When Allah created Adam (Pbuh) and breathed into him from His spirit, He transferred the spirit of His beloved, His Prophet, and the Light of His Guardian into the loins of Adam (Pbuh). The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: As for me, I was settled in the right side, and as for Ali ibn Abi Talib (Pbuh), he was in the left side. The angels would stand behind him in rows. Adam (Pbuh) asked: O my Lord, why do the angels stand behind me? Allah, the Exalted, replied: Because of the light of your two sons who are in your loins, Muhammad ibn Abdullah and Ali ibn Abi Talib (peace be upon them). If it were not for them, I would not have created the celestial spheres. Adam could hear the glorification and praise from his back. He asked: O my Lord, make them in front of me so that the angels may be in front of me. So Allah moved them from his back to his forehead, and the angels began to stand in front of him in rows. Adam then asked his Lord to place them in a position where he could see them. Allah then moved us from his forehead to his right hand. The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: As for me, I was on his index finger, Ali on his middle finger, my daughter Fatima on the next one, Hasan on the ring finger, and Hussain on the thumb. Then Allah commanded the angels to prostrate to Adam (Pbuh), and they prostrated in reverence and respect for those forms. Adam was astonished by this and lifted his head towards the Throne. Allah uncovered his sight, and he saw a light. He asked: O my Lord, what is this light? Allah replied: This is the light of Muhammad, My chosen one from My creation. Adam saw another light beside it and asked: O my Lord, what is this light? Allah replied: This is the light of Ali ibn Abi Talib, My guardian and the supporter of My religion. He saw three more lights beside them and asked: O my Lord, what are these lights? Allah replied: This is the light of Fatima, who protects her lovers from the fire, and these are the lights of her two sons, Hasan and Hussain. Adam said: I see nine lights surrounding them. It was said: These are the Imams from the descendants of Ali ibn Abi Talib and Fatima (Pbuh). Adam asked: O my Lord, by the right of these five, make me know the nine from the descendants of Ali (Pbuh). Allah replied: They are Ali ibn Hussain, then Muhammad al-Baqir, then Ja'far al-Sadiq, then Musa al-Kadhim, then Ali al-Ridha, then Muhammad al-Jawad, then Ali al-Hadi, then Hasan al-Askari, and finally the Qa’im al-Mahdi (peace be upon them all). Adam said: O my Lord, since You have made me aware of them, make them from me. This is supported by the verse: {And He taught Adam the names—all of them}.
Madinat Al-Ma’ajez Vol.2, p.367
[1] قرب الإسناد ص 111, دعائم الإسلام ج 1 ص 37, الخصال ص 575, عيون أخبار الرضا × ج 1 ص 36, كمال الدين ص 669, كفاية الأثر ص 37, روضة الواعظين ص 157, المناقب ج 1 ص 543, شرح الأخبار ج 1 ص 143, الأمالي للطوسي ص 85, الاحتجاج ج 1 ص 87, المناقب ج 3 ص 163, الفضائل ص 120, الصراط المستقيم ج 3 ص 142, حلية الأبرار ج 2 ص 437, بحار الأنوار ج 14 ص 187, إثبات الهداة ج 4 ص 12
[2] كامل الزيارات ص 52, صحيفة الإمام الرضا × ص 45, عيون أخبار الرضا × ج 2 ص 27, جامع الأخبار ص 106, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 264
[3] كتاب سليم بن قيس ج 2 ص 733, بحار الأنوار ج 37 ص 87
[4] دلائل الإمامة ص 69, الخرائج ج 2 ص 889, مناقب آل أبي طالب ج 3 ص 396, كشف الغمة ج 1 ص 516, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 293, العوالم ج 11 ص 897
[5] كامل الزيارات ص 50, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 269
[6] كامل الزيارات ص 50, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 269
[7] كامل الزيارات ص 51, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 270
[8] كامل الزيارات ص 50, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 269
[9] الأمالي للطوسي ص 251, شرح الأخبار ج 3 ص 76, بشارة المصطفى | ص 122, مناقب آل أبي طالب ج 3 ص 381, كشف الغمة ج 1 ص 527, حلية الأبرار ج 4 ص 149, بحار الأنوار ج 43 ص 264