Imam Al-Hasan (Pbuh) in Quran

قال الإمام العسكري ×: {وعلم آدم الأسماء كلها} أسماء أنبياء الله، وأسماء محمد | وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين، والطيبين من آلهما وأسماء خيار شيعتهم وعتاة أعدائهم {ثم عرضهم} عرض محمدا وعليا والأئمة {على الملائكة} أي عرض أشباحهم وهم أنوار في الأظلة. {فقال أنبئوني بأسماء هؤلاء إن كنتم صادقين} أن جميعكم تسبحون وتقدسون وأن ترككم ههنا أصلح من إيراد من بعدكم أي فكما لم تعرفوا غيب من في خلالكم فالحري أن لا تعرفوا الغيب الذي لم يكن، كما لا تعرفون أسماء أشخاص ترونها. قالت الملائكة: {سبحانك لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم} العليم بكل شئ، الحكيم المصيب في كل فعل. قال الله عز وجل: {يا آدم} أنبئ هؤلاء الملائكة بأسمائهم: أسماء الأنبياء والأئمة فلما أنبأهم فعرفوها أخذ عليهم العهد، والميثاق بالايمان بهم، والتفضيل لهم. قال الله تعالى عند ذلك: {ألم أقل لكم إني أعلم غيب السماوات والأرض} سرهما {وأعلم ما تبدون وما كنتم تكتمون} وما كان يعتقده إبليس من الاباء على آدم إن أمر بطاعته، وإهلاكه إن سلط عليه. ومن اعتقادكم أنه لا أحد يأتي بعدكم إلا وأنتم أفضل منه. بل محمد وآله الطيبون أفضل منكم، الذين أنبأكم آدم بأسمائهم. [1]

Imam Hassan al-Askari (pbuh) said: {And He taught Adam all the names} refers to the names of the prophets of Allah, the names of Muhammad (pbuh and his progeny), Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (Pbut), and the names of the pure ones from their descendants (Pbut), as well as the names of the righteous among their followers and the vile ones among their enemies. {Then He showed them} refers to showing the forms of Muhammad, Ali, and the Imams to the angels, meaning their spiritual lights in the shadows. {He said: 'Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful'} The angels said: {Glory be to You! We have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who is the Knowing, the Wise}. Allah, the Mighty and Wise, said: {O Adam! Inform them of their names.} When Adam informed them, and they recognized the names, Allah took a covenant from them and made them pledge their faith in the prophets and the Imams and to give them preference. Allah, the Exalted, said at that moment: {Did I not tell you that I know the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth?} their secrets {And I know what you reveal and what you have concealed}. and what Iblis hid of planning not to obey Adam if he were ordered to obey him, and to doom him if he were granted authority over him, and what you (the angels) believed that none would come that is greater than you. Yet Mohammad and his pure progeny (Pbut) whom Adam told you their names are greater than you.”

Tafseer Al-Askari p.216


قال الإمام العسكري ×: قال (الحسين ×): إن الله تعالى لما خلق آدم، وسواه، وعلمه أسماء كل شيء وعرضهم على الملائكة، جعل محمدا وعليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين (عليهم السلام) أشباحا خمسة في ظهر آدم، وكانت أنوارهم تضئ في الآفاق من السماوات والحجب والجنان والكرسي والعرش، فأمر الله تعالى الملائكة بالسجود لآدم، تعظيما له أنه قد فضله بأن جعله وعاء لتلك الأشباح التي قد عم أنوارها الآفاق. فسجدوا لادم إلا إبليس أبى أن يتواضع لجلال عظمة الله، وأن يتواضع لأنوارنا أهل البيت، وقد تواضعت لها الملائكة [2] كلها واستكبر، وترفع، وكان بإبائه ذلك وتكبره من الكافرين. [3]

Imam Al-Askari (Pbuh) said: “He (Imam Al-Hussain (Pbuh) said: "Verily, when Allah created Adam, He taught him the names of all things then He presented them to the angels. Allah placed Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Hussain, as five shining lights upon Adam's back, and their illuminations lit up the horizons from the heavens, veils, paradises, the Throne, and the Chair (of Allah's dominion). Then Allah commanded the angels to prostrate to Adam out of reverence for him, for Allah had honored him by making him a vessel for these shining lights that illuminated the horizons. So, the angels prostrated to Adam, except Iblis (Satan), who refused to humble himself before the greatness of Allah's majesty and the lights of us, Ahl al-Bayt (the household of the Prophet). He arrogantly refused, despite all the angels having humbled themselves. His arrogance and pride led him to become among the disbelievers."

Tafsir Al-Imam Al-A’skari p.219



عن عبد الرحمان بن يزيد: عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إن الله تبارك وتعالى كان ولا شيء فخلق خمسة من نور جلاله، وجعل لكل واحد منهم اسما من أسمائه المنزلة، فهو الحميد وسمى النبي محمدا |، وهو الأعلى وسمي أمير المؤمنين عليا ×، وله الأسماء الحسني فاشتق منها حسنا وحسينا ‘، وهو فاطر فاشتق لفاطمة ÷ من أسمائه اسما، فلما خلقهم جعلهم في الميثاق فإنهم عن يمين العرش. وخلق الملائكة من نور فلما أن نظروا إليهم عظموا أمرهم وشأنهم ولقنوا التسبيح فذلك قوله: {وإنا لنحن الصافون وإنا لنحن المسبحون} فلما خلق الله تعالى آدم × نظر إليهم عن يمين العرش فقال: يا رب من هؤلاء؟ قال: يا آدم هؤلاء صفوتي وخاصتي خلقتهم من نور جلالي وشققت لهم اسما من أسمائي، قال: يا رب فبحقك عليهم علمني أسماءهم، قال: يا آدم فهم عندك أمانة، سر من سري، لا يطلع عليه غيرك إلا باذني، قال: نعم يا رب، قال: يا آدم أعطني على ذلك العهد، فأخذ عليه العهد ثم علمه أسماءهم ثم عرضهم على الملائكة ولم يكن علمهم بأسمائهم {فقال أنبئوني بأسماء هؤلاء إن كنتم صادقين قالوا سبحانك لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا إنك أنت العليم الحكيم قال يا آدم أنبئهم بأسمائهم فلما أنبأهم بأسمائهم}[4] علمت الملائكة أنه مستودع وأنه مفضل بالعلم، وأمروا بالسجود إذ كانت سجدتهم لآدم تفضيلا له وعبادة لله إذ كان ذلك بحق له، وأبى إبليس الفاسق عن أمر ربه فقال: {ما منعك ألا تسجد إذ أمرتك قال أنا خير منه} قال: فقد فضلته عليك حيث أمرت بالفضل للخمسة الذين لم أجعل لك عليهم سلطانا ولا من شيعتهم فذلك استثناء اللعين {إلا عبادك منهم المخلصين} قال: {إن عبادي ليس لك عليهم سلطان} وهم الشيعة. [5]

From Abdul Rahman ibn Yazid: from Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) who said: Indeed, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, existed without anything else and then created five beings from the light of His glory. He gave each of them a name derived from His own divine names. He is the Praised One (Al-Hamid), and He named the Prophet Muhammad (Pbuhp) as such. He is the Most High (Al-Ala), and He named the Commander of the Faithful, Ali (Pbuh), accordingly. He has the most beautiful names, and from these, He derived Hasan and Hussain (Pbuh). He is the Originator (Al-Fatir), and from His name, He derived Fatima (Pbuh). When He created them, He placed them in the covenant and positioned them to the right of the Throne. He created the angels from a light, and when they saw them, they magnified their status and reverence. The angels were taught to glorify Allah, which is indicated by His saying: {And indeed, we are those who line up (in ranks), and indeed, we are those who glorify}. When Allah created Adam (Pbuh), he looked at them to the right of the Throne and said: O Lord, who are these? Allah replied: O Adam, these are My chosen ones and My special ones. I created them from the light of My glory and gave them names derived from My own names. Adam said: O Lord, by Your right over them, teach me their names. Allah said: O Adam, they are entrusted with you as a secret from My secrets; no one will be privy to this except with My permission. Adam said: Yes, O Lord. Allah said: O Adam, give Me a covenant for that. Adam then made the covenant, and Allah taught him their names. Allah then presented them to the angels who did not know their names. Allah said: {Inform Me of the names of these, if you are truthful}. They said: Glory be to You; we have no knowledge except what You have taught us. Indeed, it is You who are the Knowing, the Wise. Allah said: O Adam, inform them of their names. When Adam informed them of their names, the angels knew that Adam was the repository of knowledge and was preferred with it. The angels were commanded to prostrate to Adam as a mark of his distinction and an act of worship to Allah. It was his due right. But Iblis, the transgressor, refused the command of his Lord and said: {What prevented you from prostrating when I commanded you?}. Iblis said: I am better than him. Allah said: I have preferred him over you due to the merit of the five whom I have not given you authority over nor any of their followers. This is the cursed one’s exception: {except among Your sincere servants}. Allah said: {Indeed, My servants—no authority will you have over them}. These are the Shi'a followers.

Tafseer Furat p.56


عن جابر بن عبد الله, عن رسول الله | في حديث طويل عن الأئمة عليهم السلام في النورانية: ثم لما خلق الله آدم × أشار إلينا ونحن عن يمين عرشه مخاطبة لملائكته: {أنبئوني بأسماء هؤلاء إن كنتم صادقين قالوا سبحانك لا علم لنا إلا ما علمتنا}، فقال لآدم: {أنبئهم بأسمائهم} فكان الإشارة إلينا، فقال آدم: هذا محمد، وهذا علي، وهذه فاطمة، وهذا الحسن، وهذا الحسين؛ فقال الله: {اسجدوا لآدم فسجدوا} لآدم × لفضل علمه، فمن هناك فضله على سائر الأمم {فسجد الملائكة كلهم أجمعون} إلا إبليس استكبر، وكانت الإشارة الثالثة، قال لإبليس: {أستكبرت أم كنت من العالين}، وكان ينظر إلينا ونحن عن يمين العرش، كما ينظر أحدكم إلى الكوكب الدري في أفق السماء. يا جابر، فالعرش من نور نبيك، والعلم من نور نبيك، واللوح من نور نبيك، والشمس والقمر والنجوم وضوء النهار وضوء الإبصار من نور نبيك، مشتق من‏ نور الجبار سبحانه، فنحن الأولون، ونحن السابقون، ونحن الشافعون، ونحن المشفعون، ونحن أهل بيت لا يقاس بنا أحد من الأولين والآخرين. [6]

Jabir ibn Abdullah reported that the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said in a long hadith about the Imams (peace be upon them) concerning their luminosity (Divine Light Reality): When Allah created Adam (Pbuh), He pointed to us while we were on the right side of His Throne, addressing His angels: “Tell Me the names of these if you are truthful.” They replied, “Glory be to You, we have no knowledge except what You have taught us.” Allah then said to Adam (Pbuh): “Inform them of their names.” The reference was to us, so Adam said: “This is Muhammad, this is Ali, this is Fatima, this is Hasan, and this is Hussain.” Allah then said, “Prostrate to Adam,” and they prostrated to Adam (Pbuh) out of respect for his knowledge, thereby elevating him above all other nations. All the angels prostrated except for Iblis, who was arrogant. This was the third reference: Allah asked Iblis, “Did you show arrogance, or were you among the exalted?” He was looking at us while we were on the right side of the Throne, just as one looks at a bright star in the sky. O Jabir, the Throne is from the light of your Prophet, knowledge is from the light of your Prophet, the Preserved Tablet is from the light of your Prophet, and the sun, moon, stars, daylight, and the light of vision are all from the light of your Prophet, derived from the light of the Omnipotent, Blessed be He. We are the first, we are the foremost, we are the intercessors, and we are the ones who grant intercession. We are a family to whom no one can be compared, neither from the first nor from the last.

Ghurar Al-Akhbar p.197


قال الإمام العسكري ×: إن الله عز وجل لما لعن إبليس بآبائه وأكرم الملائكة بسجودها لآدم وطاعتهم لله عز وجل أمر بآدم وحواء إلى الجنة، وقال {يا آدم أسكن أنت وزوجك الجنة وكلا منها رغدا} واسعا {حيث شئتما} بلا تعب {ولا تقربا هذه الشجرة} شجرة العلم، علم محمد وآل محمد
(عليهم السلام)، الذي آثرهم الله به دون سائر خلقه، فإنها لمحمد وآل محمد خاصة دون غيرهم لا يتناول منها بأمر الله إلا هم، ومنها كان يتناول النبي | وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين بعد إطعامهم المسكين واليتيم والأسير حتى لم يحسوا بعد بجوع ولا عطش ولا تعب. [7]

Imam Hassan Al-Askari (pbuh) said, "When Allah, the Almighty, cursed Iblis for his arrogance and honored the angels for prostrating to Adam and obeying Allah, He commanded Adam and Eve to enter Paradise. He said, {O Adam, dwell, you and your wife, in Paradise and eat from it in [ease and] abundance wherever you will but do not approach this tree.} The tree mentioned is the tree of knowledge, the knowledge of Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad (pbut), whom Allah has chosen for them despite all His creatures. Allah said, {And do not approach this tree.} This tree of knowledge belongs exclusively to Muhammad and his progeny (pbut). No one except them can partake of it by the command of Allah. From this tree, the Prophet (pbuhp) and Ali and Fatimah and Hasan and Hussain (pbut) ate after they had fed the poor, orphans, and prisoners until they did not feel hunger, thirst, fatigue, or exhaustion anymore.”

Ta’weel Al-Ayat p.49


عن المفضل بن عمر، قال: قال أبو عبد الله ×: إن الله تبارك وتعالى خلق الأرواح قبل الأجساد بألفي عام، فجعل أعلاها و أشرفها أرواح محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والأئمة بعدهم فعرضها على السماوات والأرض والجبال فغشيها نورهم، فقال الله تبارك وتعالى للسماوات والأرض والجبال: هؤلاء أحبائي، وأوليائي، وحججي على خلقي، وأئمة بريتي، ما خلقت خلقا هو أحب إلي منهم، ولمن تولاهم خلقت جنتي، ولمن خالفهم وعاداهم خلقت ناري، فمن ادعى منزلتهم مني ومحلهم من عظمتي عذبته عذابا لا أعذبه أحدا من العالمين و جعلته مع المشركين في أسفل درك من ناري، ومن أقر بولايتهم ولم يدع منزلتهم مني ومكانهم من عظمتي جعلته معهم في روضات جناتي، وكان لهم فيها ما يشاؤون عندي، و أبحتهم كرامتي، وأحللتهم جواري، وشفعتهم في المذنبين من عبادي وإمائي، فولايتهم أمانة عند خلقي فأيكم يحملها بأثقالها ويدعيها لنفسه دون خيرتي؟ فأبت السماوات والأرض والجبال أن يحملنها وأشفقن من ادعاء منزلتها وتمني محلها من عظمة ربها، فلما أسكن الله عز وجل آدم وزوجته الجنة قال لهما: {كلا منها رغدا حيث شئتما ولا تقربا هذه الشجرة} يعني شجرة الحنطة {فتكونا من الظالمين} فنظرا إلى منزلة محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والأئمة بعدهم صلوات الله عليهم فوجداها أشرف منازل أهل الجنة، فقالا: يا ربنا لمن هذه المنزلة؟ فقال الله جل جلاله: ارفعا رؤوسكما إلى ساق عرشي فرفعا رؤوسهما فوجدا اسم محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والأئمة بعدهم مكتوبة على ساق العرش بنور من نور الجبار جل جلاله، فقالا: يا ربنا ما أكرم أهل هذه المنزلة عليك، وما أحبهم إليك، وما أشرفهم لديك! فقال الله جل جلاله: لولا هم ما خلقتكما، هؤلاء خزنة علمي، وأمنائي على سري، إياكما أن تنظرا إليهم بعين الحسد وتتمنيا منزلتهم عندي ومحلهم من كرامتي فتدخلا بذلك في نهيي وعصياني فتكونا من الظالمين! قالا: ربنا ومن الظالمون؟ قال: المدعون لمنزلتهم بغير حق. قالا: ربنا فأرنا منازل ظالميهم في نارك حتى نراها كما رأينا منزلتهم في جنتك. فأمر الله تبارك وتعالى النار فأبرزت جميع ما فيها من ألوان النكال والعذاب وقال عز وجل: مكان الظالمين لهم المدعين لمنزلتهم في أسفل درك منها كلما أرادوا أن يخرجوا منها أعيدوا فيها وكلما نضجت جلودهم بدلوا سواها ليذوقوا العذاب, يا آدم ويا حواء لا تنظرا إلى أنواري وحججي بعين الحسد فأهبطكما عن جواري وأحل بكما هواني،[8] فوسوس لهما الشيطان ليبدي لهما ما ووري عنهما من سوآتهما وقال: ما نهاكما ربكما عن هذه الشجرة إلا أن تكونا ملكين أو تكونا من الخالدين وقاسمهما إني لكما لمن الناصحين فدلاهما بغرور وحملهما على تمنى منزلتهم فنظرا إليهم بعين الحسد فخذلا حتى أكلا من شجرة الحنطة فعاد مكان ما أكلاه شعيرا فأصل الحنطة كلها مما لم يأكلاه وأصل الشعير كله مما عاد مكان ما أكلاه، فلما أكلا من الشجرة طار الحلي والحلل عن أجسادهما وبقيا عريانين و طفقا يخصفان عليهما من ورق الجنة وناداهما ربهما ألم أنهكما عن تلكما الشجرة وأقل لكما: إن الشيطان لكما عدو مبين؟ فقالا: ربنا ظلمنا أنفسنا وإن لم تغفر لنا وترحمنا لنكونن من الخاسرين، قال: اهبطا من جواري فلا يجاورني في جنتي من يعصيني فهبطا موكولين إلى أنفسهما في طلب المعاش، فلما أراد الله عز وجل أن يتوب عليهما جاءهما جبرئيل فقال لهما: إنكما إنما ظلمتما أنفسكما بتمني منزلة من فضل عليكما فجزاؤكما ما قد عوقبتما به من الهبوط من جوار الله عز وجل إلى أرضه فسلا ربكما بحق الأسماء التي رأيتموها على ساق العرش حتى يتوب عليكما، فقالا، اللهم إنا نسألك بحق الأكرمين عليك محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والأئمة إلا تبت علينا ورحمتنا فتاب الله عليهما {إنه هو التواب الرحيم} فلم يزل أنبياء الله بعد ذلك يحفظون هذه الأمانة ويخبرون بها أوصياءهم والمخلصين من أممهم فيأبون حملها ويشفقون من ادعائها وحملها الانسان الذي قد عرف، فأصل كل ظلم منه إلى يوم القيامة، وذلك قول الله عز وجل: {إنا عرضنا الأمانة على السماوات والأرض والجبال فأبين أن يحملنها وأشفقن منها وحملها الانسان إنه كان ظلوما جهولا}. [9]

From Mufaddal ibn Amr, he said: Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) said: "Indeed, Allah, Blessed and Exalted, created the souls two thousand years before the bodies. The highest and most honored among them were the souls of Muhammad (Pbuh), Ali (Pbuh), Fatimah (Pbuh), Hasan (Pbuh), Husayn (Pbuh), and the Imams (Pbut) after them. Allah presented these souls to the heavens, the earth, and the mountains, and their light covered them. Allah, Blessed and Exalted, said to the heavens, the earth, and the mountains: 'These are My beloved ones, My close allies, My proofs against My creation, and the leaders of My creatures. I have not created any creation more beloved to Me than them. For those who follow them, I have created My paradise, and for those who oppose and enmity towards them, I have created My fire. Anyone who claims their status with Me and their place from My grandeur will be punished with a punishment that I have not inflicted on any other being and will be placed with the polytheists in the lowest level of My fire. Anyone who acknowledges their guardianship and does not claim their status with Me and their place from My grandeur, I will place him with them in the gardens of My paradise, and he will have what he desires with Me. I have granted them My honor, allowed them My proximity, and made them intercessors for the sinners among My servants. Their guardianship is a trust among My creation. Who among you will bear it with its burdens and claim it for himself without My choice? The heavens, the earth, and the mountains refused to bear it and were apprehensive of claiming its status and desiring its place from the greatness of their Lord.' When Allah, Blessed and Exalted, settled Adam and his wife in paradise, He said to them: {‘Eat from wherever you wish in the garden, but do not approach this tree, lest you be among the wrongdoers’}. They saw the status of Muhammad (Pbuh), Ali (Pbuh), Fatimah (Pbuh), Hasan (Pbuh), Husayn (Pbuh), and the Imams after them, and found it to be the most honored of the positions in paradise. They asked, 'Our Lord, to whom does this position belong?' Allah, Blessed and Exalted, said: 'Lift your heads to the base of My throne.' When they lifted their heads, they saw the names of Muhammad (Pbuh), Ali (Pbuh), Fatimah (Pbuh), Hasan (Pbuh), Husayn (Pbuh), and the Imams after them written on the base of the throne with a light from the Light of the Mighty. They said: 'Our Lord, how honored are the people of this position to You, and how beloved are they to You, and how exalted are they in Your sight!' Allah, Blessed and Exalted, said: 'If it were not for them, I would not have created you. These are the guardians of My knowledge, My confidants on My secret. Do not look at them with envy and desire their position with Me and their place from My honor, for doing so would place you in My prohibition and disobedience, and you would be among the wrongdoers!' They asked: 'Our Lord, who are the wrongdoers?' Allah said: 'Those who claim their position unjustly.' They said: 'Our Lord, show us the places of their wrongdoers in Your fire so that we may see them as we have seen their position in Your paradise.' Allah, Blessed and Exalted, commanded the fire to reveal all its forms of punishment and torment. Allah said: 'The place of the wrongdoers, those who claim their position, is the lowest level of it. Whenever they want to escape from it, they will be returned to it, and whenever their skins are roasted, they will be replaced with others so that they may taste the punishment.' 'O Adam and O Eve, do not look at My lights and proofs with envy, or I will expel you from My proximity and bring upon you My disgrace.' Satan whispered to them, revealing to them what was hidden from them of their nakedness and said: 'Your Lord did not forbid you from this tree except that you become angels or become immortal.' He swore to them: 'I am a sincere advisor to you.' He deceived them and led them to desire the position of the Imams. They looked at them with envy and were led astray until they ate from the tree. Consequently, what they ate was replaced with barley, and the entire wheat was replaced with barley, and the entire barley was replaced with wheat. When they ate from the tree, their clothing fell off, and they remained naked. They began to cover themselves with leaves from paradise. Their Lord called them: 'Did I not forbid you from that tree and tell you that Satan is a clear enemy to you?' They said: 'Our Lord, we have wronged ourselves, and if You do not forgive us and have mercy on us, we will be among the losers.' Allah said: 'Descend from My proximity, for those who disobey Me cannot dwell in My paradise.' They descended, depending on themselves to seeking sustenance. When Allah, Blessed and Exalted, wanted to turn to them in repentance, Gabriel came to them and said: 'You have only wronged yourselves by desiring the status of one who is favored over you. Your punishment is what you have suffered by being expelled from the proximity of Allah, Blessed and Exalted, to His earth. Ask your Lord by the names you saw on the base of the throne until He turns to you in repentance.' They said: 'O Allah, we ask You by the most honored of those to You, Muhammad (Pbuh), Ali (Pbuh), Fatimah (Pbuh), Hasan (Pbuh), Husayn (Pbuh), and the Imams, that You turn to us in repentance and have mercy on us.' Allah turned to them in repentance: {‘Indeed, He is the Most Relenting, the Most Merciful’}. The Prophets of Allah after that preserved this trust and informed their successors and the righteous from their nations about it. They refused to bear it and were apprehensive of claiming it. Hence, every injustice originates from this until the Day of Judgment. This is the saying of Allah, Blessed and Exalted: {‘Indeed, We offered the trust to the heavens, the earth, and the mountains, and they refused to bear it and were apprehensive of it. But man carried it. Indeed, he was unjust and ignorant’}."

Ma’any Al-Akhbar p.108



عن ابن عباس، قال: سألت النبي | عن الكلمات التي تلقاها آدم من ربه فتاب عليه، قال: سأله بحق محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين إلا تبت علي فتاب الله عليه. [10]

Ibn Abbas reported: I asked the Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) about the words that Adam received from his Lord, and it caused Allah to relent and forgive him. The Prophet (pbuhp) said, "He asked Him by the right of Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Al-Hasan, and Al-Husain (pbut), and Allah relented to him."

Ma’any Al-Akhbar p.125


عن عبد الرحمن بن كثير، عن أبي عبد الله × قال : إن الله تبارك وتعالى عرض على آدم في الميثاق ذريته، فمر به النبي | وهو متكئ على علي ×، وفاطمة ÷ تتلوهما، والحسن والحسين ‘ يتلوان فاطمة ÷، فقال الله: يا آدم إياك أن تنظر إليه بحسد اهبطك من جواري، فلما أسكنه الله الجنة مثل له النبي وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين فنظر إليهم بحسد ثم عرضت عليه الولاية فأنكرها فرمته الجنة بأوراقها، فلما تاب إلى الله من حسده وأقر بالولاية ودعا بحق الخمسة: محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين غفر الله له، وذلك قوله : {فتلقى آدم من ربه كلمات} الآية. [11]

Abdul-Rahman bin Kathir, from Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, peace be upon him), he said: 'Indeed, Allah, the Blessed and Exalted, presented to Adam in the Covenant realm his offspring. The Prophet (pbuhp) was present while he was reclining upon Ali and Fatimah (pbut) was behind him. Hasan and Hussain (pbut) were behind Fatimah. Allah said: 'O Adam, beware of looking at them with envy or I would send you down from My closeness.”

So when Allah placed him in Paradise, He made the Prophet, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Hussain, all stand before him. He looked at them with envy, and loyalty to the Wilayah (leadership) was asked from him. He denied it, and Paradise cast him out with its leaves. But when he repented to Allah for the envy, and he admitted the Wilayah and invoked Allah's blessing upon the right of the Five Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Hussain (Pbut), Allah forgave him. That is what is meant by the verse: 'Then Adam received from his Lord words.'"

Tafseer Al-A’yashi Vol.1, p.41


عن عبد الله بن سنان، عن أبي عبد الله ×، قال: قال آدم ×: يا رب بحق محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين، إلا تبت علي، فأوحى الله إليه: يا آدم، وما علمك بمحمد؟ فقال: حين خلقتني رفعت رأسي، فرأيت في العرش مكتوبا: محمد رسول الله، علي أمير المؤمنين. [12]

Abdellah ibn Sinan reported that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “Adam (pbuh) said, 'O Lord, by the right of Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Hussain, accept my repentance.' So Allah revealed to him, 'O Adam, what do you know about Muhammad?' He replied, 'When You created me, I raised my head and saw written on the Throne: Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, and Ali, the Commander of the Faithful.'"

Qisas Al-Anbiya by Al-Rawandi p.55


عن المفضل بن عمر، عن الصادق جعفر بن محمد × قال: سألته عن قول الله عز وجل: {وإذا ابتلى إبراهيم ربه بكلمات فأتمهن} ما هذه الكلمات؟ قال: هي الكلمات التي تلقاها آدم من ربه فتاب الله عليه وهو أنه قال: أسألك بحق محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين إلا تبت على {فتاب الله عليه إنه هو التواب الرحيم}. [13]

Al-Moufaddal ibn Amr reported that he asked Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) about {When Ibrahim was tried by His lord with words}: He said, 'These are the words that Adam received from his Lord, then accepted his repentance, saying, 'O Lord, I ask You by the right of Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn to forgive me.' Allah, the Exalted, accepted his repentance. Indeed, He is the Most-Relenting, Most-Merciful.'

Kamal Al-Dein p.358


روى صاحب الدر الثمين في تفسير قوله تعالى: {فتلقى آدم من ربه كلمات} [14]

The author of "Al-Durr al-Thamin" narrated, in the explanation of Allah's words: {Then Adam received from his Lord words}, that Adam saw the pillar of the Throne and the names of the Prophet and the Imams (pbut). Gabriel (pbuh) taught him, saying: "O Praiseworthy One, by the right of Muhammad; O Exalted One, by the right of Ali; O Creator, by the right of Fatima; O Beneficent, by the right of Hasan and Husayn and from You is benevolence." When Adam mentioned Husayn (pbuh), his tears flowed, and his heart was humbled. He said: "O my brother Gabriel, when I mention the fifth, my heart breaks and my tears flow." Gabriel said: "This son of yours will be afflicted with a calamity that will make all other calamities seem insignificant." Adam said: "O my brother, what is it?" Gabriel replied: "Your son will be killed, thirsty, a stranger, alone, with no helper or supporter. If you could see him, O Adam, he would be calling out: 'O my thirst, O my lack of supporters,' until his thirst will create a barrier between him and the sky like smoke. No one will respond to him except with swords and fatal blows. He will be slaughtered like a sheep from the back of his neck. His enemies will plunder his belongings, and his and his supporters' heads will be paraded in the cities along with the women. This has been decreed in the knowledge of the One, the All-Merciful." Adam and Gabriel (pbuh) wept with the weeping of bereaved mothers.

Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.44, p.245


عن ابن عباس قال: قال رسول الله |: لما نزلت الخطيئة بآدم وأخرج من الجنة أتاه جبرئيل × فقال: يا آدم ادع ربك قال: يا حبيبي جبرئيل ما أدعو؟ قال: قل: رب أسألك بحق الخمسة الذين تخرجهم من صلبي آخر الزمان إلا تبت علي ورحمتني فقال له آدم ×: يا جبرئيل سمهم لي قال: قل: رب أسألك بحق محمد نبيك وبحق علي وصي نبيك وبحق فاطمة بنت نبيك وبحق الحسن والحسين سبطي نبيك إلا تبت علي ورحمتني. فدعا بهن آدم فتاب الله عليه وذلك قول الله تعالى: {فتلقى آدم من ربه كلمات فتاب عليه} وما من عبد مكروب يخلص النية يدعو بهن إلا استجاب الله له. [15]

Ibn Abbas narrated: The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said, "When the sin of Adam was revealed, and he was expelled from Paradise, Gabriel came to him and said, 'O Adam, supplicate to your Lord.' Adam replied, 'O my beloved Gabriel, what should I supplicate?' Gabriel said, 'Say, "O Lord, I beseech You by the right of the five (individuals) whom You will bring forth from my progeny in the end of times, except that You accept my repentance and have mercy on me."' Adam said, 'O Gabriel, mention their names to me.' Gabriel said, 'Say, "O Lord, I beseech You by the right of Muhammad, Your Prophet, and by the right of Ali, the successor of Your Prophet, and by the right of Fatimah, the daughter of Your Prophet, and by the right of Hasan and Hussain, the grandsons of Your Prophet, except that You accept my repentance and have mercy on me."' Adam supplicated with these names, and Allah accepted his repentance. This is what is meant by the verse, {So Adam received from his Lord [some] words, and He accepted his repentance} Whenever a distressed servant sincerely invokes Allah with these names, Allah answers their supplication."

Tafseer Furat p.57


الإمام العسكري ×: فلما زلت من آدم × الخطيئة، واعتذر إلى ربه عز وجل، قال: يا رب تب علي، واقبل معذرتي، وأعدني إلى مرتبتي، وارفع لديك درجتي فلقد تبين نقص الخطيئة وذلها في أعضائي وسائر بدني. قال الله تعالى: يا آدم أما تذكر أمري إياك بأن تدعوني بمحمد وآله الطيبين عند شدائدك ودواهيك، وفي النوازل التي تبهظك؟ قال آدم: يا رب بلى. قال الله عز وجل له: فتوسل بمحمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين خصوصا، فادعني أجبك إلى ملتمسك، وأزدك فوق مرادك. فقال آدم: يا رب، يا إلهي وقد بلغ عندك من محلهم أنك بالتوسل إليك بهم تقبل توبتي وتغفر خطيئتي، وأنا الذي أسجدت له ملائكتك، وأبحته جنتك وزوجته حواء أمتك، وأخدمته كرام ملائكتك! قال الله تعالى: يا آدم إنما أمرت الملائكة بتعظيمك وبالسجود لك إذ كنت وعائا لهذه الأنوار، ولو كنت سألتني بهم قبل خطيئتك أن أعصمك منها، وأن أفطنك لدواعي عدوك إبليس حتى تحترز منه لكنت قد جعلت ذلك. ولكن المعلوم في سابق علمي يجري موافقا لعلمي، فالآن فبهم فادعني لأجبك. فعند ذلك قال آدم: اللهم بجاه محمد وآله الطيبين, بجاه محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والطيبين من آلهم, لما تفضلت علي بقبول توبتي وغفران زلتي وإعادتي من كراماتك إلى مرتبتي. فقال الله عز وجل: قد قبلت توبتك، وأقبلت برضواني عليك، وصرفت آلائي ونعمائي إليك وأعدتك إلى مرتبتك من كراماتي، ووفرت نصيبك من رحماتي. فذلك قوله عز وجل: {فتلقى آدم من ربه كلمات فتاب عليه إنه هو التواب الرحيم}. [16]

Imam al-Askari (pbuh ) said: "When Adam (pbuh) committed the sin and sought forgiveness from his Lord, he said: 'O Lord, accept my repentance, accept my apology, restore me to my previous rank, and elevate my status in Your sight, for the sin has caused me to experience its deficiency and humiliation in my limbs and throughout my body.' Allah the Exalted said: 'O Adam, do you not remember My command to call upon Me by Muhammad and his pure progeny during your difficulties, trials, and the adversities that burden you?' Adam replied: 'Yes, my Lord, I remember.' Allah the Exalted said to him: 'Then seek intercession through Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn specifically, and call upon Me; I will answer your plea and grant you more than your request.' Adam said: 'O my Lord, my God, has their status with You reached the point that through their intercession my repentance is accepted and my sin forgiven, while I am the one for whom You commanded the angels to prostrate, permitted Your Paradise, wedded Your servant Eve, and commanded Your noble angels to serve?' Allah the Exalted said: 'O Adam, I commanded the angels to honor and prostrate to you because you were a vessel for these lights. Had you asked Me by them before your sin to protect you from it and to make you aware of your enemy Iblis so that you could guard against him, I would have granted that. However, what is decreed in My prior knowledge runs according to My knowledge. Now, therefore, call upon Me through them, and I will respond to you.'

At that point, Adam said: 'O Allah, by the honor of Muhammad and his pure family, by the honor of Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Husayn, and the pure ones among their descendants, I ask You to favor me by accepting my repentance, forgiving my sin, and restoring me to the grace You bestowed upon me and my rank.' Allah the Exalted said: 'I have accepted your repentance, granted My satisfaction upon you, directed My blessings and bounties towards you, and restored you to your rank among My honors, increasing your share of My mercies.' This is the meaning of Allah's words: {Then Adam received words from his Lord, and He turned towards him; indeed, He is the All-Relenting, the Most Merciful.}"

Tafseer Al-Imam Al-Askari p.225


قال الإمام العسكري ×: قال علي بن الحسين ×: حدثني أبي، عن أبيه، عن رسول الله |، قال: يا عباد الله، إن آدم لما رأى النور ساطعا من صلبه، إذ كان تعالى قد نقل أشباحنا من ذروة العرش إلى ظهره، رأى النور ولم يتبين الأشباح، فقال: يا رب، ما هذه الأنوار؟ قال الله عز وجل: أنوار أشباح نقلتهم من أشرف بقاع عرشي إلى ظهرك، ولذلك أمرت الملائكة بالسجود لك، إذ كنت وعاء لتلك الأشباح. فقال آدم: يا رب، لو بينتها لي؟ فقال الله عز وجل: انظر ـ يا آدم ـ إلى ذروة العرش. فنظر آدم × ووقع نور أشباحنا من ظهر آدم × على ذروة العرش، فانطبع فيه صور أنوار أشباحنا التي في ظهره ـ كما ينطبع وجه الإنسان في المرآة الصافية ـ فرأى أشباحنا. فقال: ما هذه الأشباح، يا رب؟ قال الله تعالى: يا آدم، هذه أشباح أفضل خلائقي وبرياتي، هذا محمد، وأنا المحمود الحميد في أفعالي، شققت له اسما من اسمي، وهذا علي، وأنا العلي العظيم، شققت له اسما من اسمي، وهذه فاطمة، وأنا فاطر السماوات والأرض، فاطم أعدائي من رحمتي يوم فصل القضاء، وفاطم أوليائي مما يعتريهم ويشينهم، فشققت لها اسما من اسمي، وهذان الحسن والحسين، وأنا المحسن المجمل، شققت اسمهما من اسمي. هؤلاء خيار خليقتي، وكرام بريتي، بهم آخذ وبهم أعطي، وبهم أعاقب وبهم أثيب، فتوسل بهم إلي ـ يا آدم ـ وإذا دهتك داهية فاجعلهم إلي شفعاءك، فإني آليت على نفسي قسما حقا أن لا أخيب لهم آملا، ولا أرد لهم سائلا. فلذلك حين زلت منه الخطيئة دعا الله عز وجل بهم، فتاب عليه وغفر له. [17]

The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) said: "O servants of Allah, when Adam saw the light shining from his loins—since Allah had transferred our apparitions from the peak of the Throne to his back—he saw the light but could not discern the apparitions. He said: 'O Lord, what are these lights?' Allah, the Almighty, said: 'These are the lights of apparitions that I transferred from the most honored parts of My Throne to your back, and that is why I commanded the angels to prostrate to you, for you are the vessel of those apparitions.' Adam then said: 'O Lord, could You show them to me?' Allah, the Almighty, said: 'Look, O Adam, at the peak of the Throne.' So Adam looked, and the light of our apparitions from Adam's back fell upon the peak of the Throne, imprinting the images of our lights from his back as a person's face imprints on a clear mirror. He saw our apparitions and said: 'O Lord, what are these apparitions?' Allah, the Almighty, said: 'O Adam, these are the apparitions of the best of My creation and My creatures: This is Muhammad, and I am the Praised One (al-Mahmood) and Praiseworthy in My actions. I have derived his name from My name. This is Ali, and I am the Most High (al-Ali), the Supreme. I have derived his name from My name. This is Fatimah, and I am the Creator (Faatir) of the heavens and the earth. I shall sever My enemies from My mercy on the Day of Judgment, and I shall sever My allies from what may harm and distress them. I have derived her name from My name. And these are Hasan and Husayn, and I am the Beneficent (al-Muhsin), the Gracious. I have derived their names from My name. These are the best of My creation and the noblest of My creatures. Through them, I take (acts), through them, I give, through them, I punish, and through them, I reward. Seek intercession with Me through them, O Adam. If a calamity befalls you, make them your intercessors to Me, for I have sworn by Myself a true oath that I will never disappoint those who hope through them nor reject those who ask through them.'

Thus, when he committed the sin, he called upon Allah, the Almighty, through them, and Allah accepted his repentance and forgave him."

Tafseer Al-Asakari p.219


عن ابن عباس قال: لما خلق الله تعالى آدم ونفخ فيه من روحه عطس فألهمه الله: الحمد لله رب العالمين، فقال له ربه: يرحمك ربك، فلما أسجد له الملائكة تداخله العجب فقال: يا رب خلقت خلقا أحب إليك مني؟ فلم يجب، ثم قال الثانية فلم يجب، ثم قال الثالثة فلم يجب، ثم قال الله عز وجل له: نعم ولولاهم ما خلقتك، فقال: يا رب فأرنيهم، فأوحى الله عز وجل إلى ملائكة الحجب: أن ارفعوا الحجب, فلما رفعت إذا آدم بخمسة أشباح قدام العرش، فقال: يا رب من هؤلاء؟ قال: يا آدم هذا محمد نبيي: وهذا علي أمير المؤمنين ابن عم نبيي ووصيه، وهذه فاطمة ابنة نبيي وهذان الحسن والحسين ابنا علي وولدا نبيي, ثم قال: يا آدم هم ولدك ففرح بذلك، فلما اقترف الخطيئة قال: يا رب أسألك بحق محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين لما غفرت لي فغفر الله له بهذا، فهذا الذي قال الله عز وجل {فتلقى آدم من ربه كلمات فتاب عليه} [18] فلما هبط إلى الأرض صاغ خاتما, فنقش عليه: محمد رسول الله وعلي أمير المؤمنين, ويكنى آدم بأبى محمد. [19]

"When Allah, the Exalted, created Adam and breathed into him from His soul, Adam sneezed. Allah inspired him, 'Alhamdulillah, Rabb al-Alamin (Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the worlds).' So his Lord said to him, 'May your Lord have mercy on you.' When He made the angels prostrate to him, amazement entered his heart, and he said, 'O Lord, did You create a creature dearer to You than me?' But He did not reply. He asked a second time, and He did not reply. Then he asked a third time, and Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, said to him, 'Indeed, and if it hadn’t been for them, I would not have created you.' He said, 'O Lord, show them to me.' So Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, revealed to the angels behind the Veil: 'Lift the Veil.' When they lifted it, there was Adam with five specters in front of the Throne. He said, 'O Lord, who are these?' Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, said, 'O Adam, this is Muhammad, My Prophet, and this is Ali, the Commander of the Faithful, My Prophet's cousin and successor, and this is Fatimah, My Prophet's daughter, and these are Hassan and Hussain, Ali's sons and My Prophet's grandchildren.' Then He said, 'O Adam, they are your descendants.' So Adam rejoiced at this. However, when he committed the sin, he said, 'O Lord, I ask You by the right of Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Hussain, to forgive me.' Thus, Allah forgave him through this. This is what Allah, the Mighty and Sublime, referred to when He said, {Then Adam received certain words from His Lord, so He turned towards him. Verily, He is Most-Relenting, Most-Merciful.} When he descended to the Earth, he fashioned a ring and engraved on it: 'Muhammad, the Messenger of Allah, and Ali, the Commander of the Faithful.' Adam is known as Aba Muhammad."

Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.11, p.174


عن الصادق ×، في قوله تعالى: {فتلقى آدم من ربه كلمات} أن الكلمات التي تلقاها آدم من ربه: اللهم بحق محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين إلا تبت علي, فتاب الله عليه. [20]

From Al-Sadiq (Pbuh), regarding the words of Allah, the Exalted, in the verse: {Then Adam received from his Lord some words}. The words that Adam received from his Lord were: "O Allah, for the sake of Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn, forgive me." Thus, Allah accepted his repentance.

Tafseer Al-Burahn Vol.1, p.198


قال الإمام العسكري ×: ثم قال الله عز وجل: {وإذ استسقى موسى لقومه} قال: واذكروا يا بني إسرائيل إذ استسقى موسى لقومه، طلب لهم السقيا، لما لحقهم العطش في التيه، وضجوا بالبكاء إلى موسى، وقالوا: أهلكنا العطش. فقال موسى: اللهم بحق محمد سيد الأنبياء، وبحق علي سيد الأوصياء وبحق فاطمة سيدة النساء، وبحق الحسن سيد الأولياء، وبحق الحسين سيد الشهداء, وبحق عترتهم وخلفائهم سادة الأزكياء, لما سقيت عبادك هؤلاء. فأوحى الله تعالى إليه: يا موسى {اضرب بعصاك الحجر} فضربه بها {فانفجرت منه اثنتا عشرة عينا قد علم كل أناس} كل قبيلة من بني أب من أولاد يعقوب {مشربهم} فلا يزاحم الآخرين في مشربهم.[21] قال الله عز وجل: {كلوا واشربوا من رزق الله} الذي آتاكموه {ولا تعثوا في الأرض مفسدين} ولا تسعوا فيها وأنتم مفسدون عاصون. قال رسول الله |: من أقام على موالاتنا أهل البيت سقاه الله تعالى من محبته كأسا لا يبغون به بدلا، ولا يريدون سواه كافيا ولا كاليا ولا ناصرا. [22]

Imam al-Askari (Pbuh) said: Then Allah the Almighty said: {And when Moses prayed for water for his people}. He said: And remember, O Children of Israel, when Moses prayed for water for his people, requesting water for them when they were suffering from thirst in the wilderness and crying to Moses, saying: "We are perishing from thirst." Moses then said: "O Allah, by the right of Muhammad, the Master of the Prophets, by the right of Ali, the Master of the Successors, by the right of Fatimah, the Lady of the Women, by the right of Hasan, the Master of the Saints, by the right of Husayn, the Master of the Martyrs, and by the right of their pure and righteous progeny and successors, provide water for these servants of Yours." So Allah, the Exalted, revealed to him: "O Moses, {strike the rock with your staff}." He struck it, and twelve springs gushed forth from it, each tribe among the Children of Jacob knew its drinking place, and did not interfere with the others' drinking places. Allah, the Almighty, said: {Eat and drink from the provision of Allah} which He has provided for you, {and do not act wickedly in the land, spreading corruption}, and do not seek corruption in the land by being disobedient and sinful. The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said: "Whoever maintains their allegiance to us, the Ahlul Bayt, Allah will quench their thirst with a cup of His love, and they will not desire anything else in exchange for it, nor will they want any substitute, protector, or helper other than Him."

Tafseer Al-Imam Al-Askari p.261


عن المفضل بن عمر، عن الصادق جعفر بن محمد ×، قال سألته عن قول الله عز وجل: {وإذ ابتلى إبراهيم ربه بكلمات} ما هذه الكلمات؟ قال: هي الكلمات التي تلقاها آدم من ربه فتاب عليه، وهو أنه قال: يا رب أسألك بحق محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين إلا تبت علي، فتاب الله عليه {إنه هو التواب الرحيم}،[23] فقلت له: يا ابن رسول الله فما يعني عز وجل بقوله: {أتمهن}؟ قال: يعني أتمهن إلى القائم × إثنا عشر إماما تسعة من ولد الحسين ×. [24]

Al-Moufaddal ibn Amr reported that he asked Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) about {When Ibrahim was tried by His lord with words}: He said, 'These are the words that Adam received from his Lord, then accepted his repentance, saying, 'O Lord, I ask You by the right of Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn to forgive me.' Allah, the Exalted, accepted his repentance. Indeed, He is the Most-Relenting, Most-Merciful.' I said, 'O son of the Messenger of Allah, what does Allah mean by His saying, 'I will complete them?'' He said, 'It means that I will complete them with the Qa'im (the Mahdi), twelve Imams in total, nine of whom will be from the progeny of Husayn.'"

Ma’any Al-Akhbar p.126


عن سلام، عن أبي جعفر × في قوله تعالى: {قولوا آمنا بالله وما انزل إلينا} قال: إنما عنى بذلك عليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين وجرت بعدهم في الأئمة، ثم يرجع القول من الله في الناس فقال: {فإن آمنوا} يعني الناس {بمثل ما آمنتم به} يعني عليا وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والأئمة {فقد اهتدوا وإن تولوا فإنما هم في شقاق}. [25]

"From Abu Ja'far (pbuh) regarding the saying of Allah Almighty: {Say: We believe in Allah and what has been sent down to us}. He said: This refers to Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn, and it extends after them to the Imams. Then Allah's saying refers back to the people: {If they believe} meaning the people {in the same as you have believed in} meaning Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, Husayn, and the Imams {then they are rightly guided, but if they turn away, they are only in opposition}."

Al-Kafi Vol. 1, p.415


عن أبي جعفر × في قول الله تعالى: {وكذلك جعلناكم أمة وسطا لتكونوا شهداء على الناس} قال أبو جعفر ×: منا شهيد على كل زمان, علي بن أبي طالب × في زمانه, والحسن × في زمانه, والحسين × في زمانه، وكل من يدعو منا إلى أمر الله تعالى. [26]

Imam Abu Ja'far (pbuh) regarding the words of Allah, the Exalted: {And thus We have made you a just community that you will be witnesses over the people} said: "From us, there is a witness for every time. Ali ibn Abi Talib (pbuh) was the witness in his time, Hasan (pbuh) in his time, Husayn (pbuh) in his time, and every one of us who calls to the command of Allah, the Exalted, in his time."

Tafseer Forat p.62


عن الشعبي قال: سئل الحسن بن علي × عن هذه الآية: {اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون} أخاصة هي أم عامة؟ قال: نزلت في قوم خاصة فتعقيب عامة ثم جاء التخفيف بعد: {اتقوا الله ما استطعتم} فقيل: يا بن رسول الله فيمن نزلت هذه الآية؟ فنكت الأرض ساعة ثم رفع بصره ثم نكس رأسه ثم رفع فقال: لما نزلت هذه الآية: {قل لا أسألكم عليه أجرا إلا المودة في القربى} فقال بعض القوم: ما أنزل الله هذا انما يريد أن يرفع بضبع ابن عمه، قالوها حسدا وبغضا لأهل بيت النبي |: فأنزل الله تعالى: {أم يقولون أفترى على الله كذبا فان يشاء الله يختم على قلبك}، ولا تعتد هذه المقال ولا يشق عليك ما قالوا قبل من فان الله يمحو الباطل ويحق الحق بكلماته انه عليم بذات الصدور. فشق ذلك على رسول الله | وحزن على ما قالوا وعلم أن القوم غير تاركين الحسد والبغضاء، فنزلت هذه الآية {قد نعلم أنه ليحزنك الذي يقولون فإنهم لا يكذبونك ولكن الظالمين بآيات الله يجحدون} فلما نزلت هذه الآية {يا أيها الرسول بلغ ما أنزل إليك من ربك}. قال يوم غدير خم: من كنت مولاه فان عليا مولاه اللهم وال من والاه وعاد من عاداه، فوقع في قلوبهم ما وقع تكلموا فيما بينهم سرا حتى قال أحدهما لصاحبه: من يلي بعد النبي | ومن يلي بعدك هذا الأمر لا نجعلها في أهل البيت أبدا فنزل: {ومن يبدل نعمة الله من بعد ما جاءته فان الله شديد العقاب} ثم نزلت: {يا أيها الذين آمنوا اتقوا الله حق تقاته ولا تموتن إلا وأنتم مسلمون واعتصموا بحبل الله جميعا ولا تفرقوا} إلى قوله {وأولئك لهم عذاب عظيم}. فلما قبض النبي | مضوا على رأيهم في أهل بيت نبيهم وعلى ما تعاقدوا عليه في حياته ونبذوا آيات الله عز وجل ووصي رسوله وأهل بيته {وراء ظهورهم كأنهم لا يعلمون}. [27]

Al-Sha'bi reported from Al-Hasan ibn Ali (pbuh) in a long narration: When this verse was revealed: {Say, "I do not ask you for any reward except for the love of my near relatives"}, some of the people said: "Allah did not reveal this, he only wants to raise the status of his cousin." They said this out of envy and hatred for the progeny of the Prophet (pbuhp). So Allah Almighty revealed: {Or do they say, "He has fabricated a lie against Allah?" But if Allah willed, He could seal your heart}. Do not regard these statements and do not let what they said trouble you, for Allah erases falsehood and confirms the truth by His words. Indeed, He is Knowing of what is within the chests. This troubled the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) and grieved him because of what they said, knowing that the people would not abandon their envy and hatred. Then this verse was revealed: {We know that it grieves you the things they say. Indeed, they do not reject you, but it is the verses of Allah that the wrongdoers reject}

When this verse was revealed: {O Messenger, proclaim that which has been revealed to you from your Lord}, he said on the day of Ghadir Khumm: "Whomever I am his master, Ali is his master. O Allah, be loyal to those loyal to him, and be the enemy of those who oppose him." This affected their hearts, and they spoke secretly among themselves until one of them said to his companion: "Who will take over after the Prophet (pbuhp) And who will take over after you? We will never let it be in the hands of the Prophet's progeny." So this verse was revealed: {And whoever exchanges the favor of Allah [for disbelief] after it has come to him - then indeed, Allah is severe in penalty}.

Then this verse was revealed: {O you who have believed, fear Allah as He should be feared and do not die except as Muslims. And hold firmly to the rope of Allah all together and do not become divided} until the verse {and for them is a great punishment}. When the Prophet (pbuhp) passed away, they acted on their opinion regarding the progeny of their Prophet and what they had agreed upon during his lifetime, disregarding the verses of Allah Almighty and the commandment of His Messenger and his household {behind their backs as if they did not know}.

Bisharat Al-Mustafa p.197


عن عبد الرحمن بن كثير, عن أبي عبد الله × في قوله: {حافظوا على الصلوات والصلاة الوسطى وقوموا لله قانتين} قال: الصلاة: رسول الله وأمير المؤمنين وفاطمة والحسن والحسين والوسطى أمير المؤمنين × {وقوموا لله قانتين} طائعين للأئمة. [28]

Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said about the verse: {Maintain with care the [obligatory] prayers and [in particular] the middle prayer and stand before Allah, devoutly obedient} "The prayers are the Messenger of Allah, the Commander of the Faithful, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn, and the middle prayer is the Commander of the Faithful (pbuh). {And stand before Allah, devoutly obedient} means to be obedient to the Imams."

Tafseer Al-Ayashi Vol. 1, p.128


عن رسول الله | حديث في خطبة الغدير: ومن بايع فإنما يبايع الله, {يد الله فوق أيديهم}, معاشر الناس, فاتقوا الله وبايعوا عليا أمير المؤمنين والحسن والحسين والأئمة كلمة طيبة باقية, يهلك الله من غدر ويرحم الله من وفى, {وفمن نكث فإنما ينكث على نفسه} الآية. معاشر الناس, قولوا الذي قلت لكم, وسلموا على علي × بإمرة المؤمنين, قولوا {سمعنا وأطعنا غفرانك ربنا وإليك المصير}, وقولوا {الحمد لهل الذي هدانا لهذا وما كنا لنهتدي لو لا أن هدانا الله} الآية. معاشر الناس, إن فضائل علي بن أبي طالب × عند الله عز جل وقد أنزلها في القرآن أكثر من أن أحصيها في مقام واحد. [29]

From the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) in his sermon at Ghadir Khumm: "And whoever pledges allegiance, he indeed pledges allegiance to Allah. {The Hand of Allah is over their hands} . O people, fear Allah and pledge allegiance to Ali, the Commander of the Faithful, and to Hasan, Husain, and the Imams as a good word remaining. Allah will destroy those who break the pledge and will have mercy on those who fulfill it. {Whoever breaks his pledge, breaks it to the harm of his own soul}.

Al-Ihtijaj Vol.1, p.83


قال الإمام الحسن ×: أيها الناس اعقلوا عن ربكم, {إن الله عز وجل اصطفى آدم ونوحا وآل إبراهيم وآل عمران على العالمين ذرية بعضها من بعض والله سميع عليم}، فنحن الذرية من آدم والأسرة من نوح، والصفوة من إبراهيم، والسلالة من إسماعيل، وآل من محمد | نحن فيكم كالسماء المرفوعة، والأرض المدحوة، والشمس الضاحية، وكالشجرة الزيتونة، لا شر