Virtue of Visiting Him

عن جابر بن يزيد الجعفي, عن أبي جعفر محمد بن علي × قال: كان أبي علي بن الحسين × قد اتخذ منزله من بعد مقتل أبيه الحسين بن علي × بيتا من شَعر, وأقام بالبادية فلبث بها عدة سنين كراهية لمخالطة الناس وملاقاتهم, وكان يصير من البادية بمقامه بها إلى العراق زائرا لأبيه وجده × ولا يشعر بذلك من فعله‏.[1]

Ja’far ibn Yazeed al-Jo’fi reported that Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir (Pbuh)) said: “My father, Ali son of al-Hussayn (pbuh), took up residence in a tent after the martyrdom of my grandfather Hussayn son of Ali (peace be upon tem). He resided in the desert, staying there for several years, detesting the company and meeting of people. He used to travel from the desert, where he was stationed, to Iraq to visit his father and grandfather (peace be upon them), yet it did not show in his actions."

Farhat Al-Ghurri p.43


عن عبد الله بن عبد الرحمن الأصم, عن جده قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله ×: فما لمن زار الحسين ×؟ قال: يخوض في الرحمة، ويستوجب الرضى، ويصرف عنه السوء، ويدر عليه الرزق، وتشيعه الملائكة، ويلبس نورا تعرفه به الحفظة، فلا يمر بأحد من الحفظة إلا دعا له. [2]

Abdellah son of Abdel-Rahman Al-Asam reported from his grandfather that he said to Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh): "What does he earn he who visits Imam Hussein (pbuh)?" He said: "He enters into mercy, gains satisfaction, is protected from evil, receives abundant sustenance, and is surrounded by angels. He is clothed in a light that the guardians recognize him by. No guardian passes by anyone who visits Imam Hussein (pbuh) without supplicating for him."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat Book p.335


عن شرحبيل بن أبي عون أنه قال: لما أتى على الحسين × سنة كاملة من مولده هبط إلى رسول الله | اثنا عشر الف ملك على صور شتى محمرة وجوههم باكية عيونهم وقد نشروا أجنحتهم بين يدي رسول الله | وهم يقولون: يا محمد سينزل بولدك الحسين × مثل ما نزل بهابيل من قابيل. قال: ولم يبق ملك في السماء الا ونزل على رسول الله | يعزيه بولده الحسين × ويخبره بثواب ما يعطى من الزلفى والاجر والثواب يوم القيامة, ويخبرونه بما يعطى من الاجر زائره والباكي عليه, والنبي | مع ذلك يبكي ويقول: اللهم اخذل من خذله واقتل من قتله، ولا تمتعه بما امله من الدنيا, وأصله حر نارك في الآخرة. [3]

Narrated by Sharahbeel ibn Abi Aoun that he said: When Hussein (pbuh) became one year old, twelve thousand angels descended to the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) in various forms, with their faces red and their eyes weeping. They had spread their wings before the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) and were saying: "O Muhammad, your son Hussein (pbuh) will suffer the same fate as Habeel at the hands of Qabeel." He said: "There was no angel left in the heavens except that they descended to the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) to offer their condolences for his son Hussein (pbuh), informing him of the reward and closeness to Allah he would receive on the Day of Resurrection. They also informed him of the reward for those who visit Hussein (pbuh) and weep for him." Despite this, the Prophet (pbuhp) wept and said: "O Allah, abandon those who abandon him, and kill those who kill him. Do not let them enjoy what they hope for in this world, and subject them to the heat of Your fire in the Hereafter."

Madinat Al-Ma’ajez Vol.3, P.438


عن أم سلمة قالت: أخبر رسول الله  | فاطمة ÷ بقتل الحسين ×، فبكت، فقال: يا فاطمة، اصبري وسلمي، قالت: صبرت وسلمت يا رسول الله، فأين يكون قتله؟ قال: يقتل بأرض يقال لها كربلاء، في غربة من الأهل والعشيرة، يزوره يا فاطمه قوم. [4]

Narrated by Umm Salama: The Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) informed Fatima (pbuh) about the martyrdom of Hussein (pbuh), so she wept. He said: "O Fatima, be patient and submit (to the will of Allah)." She said: "I have been patient and submitted, O Messenger of Allah. Where will his killing take place?" He said: "He will be killed in a land called Karbala, far from his family and tribe. O Fatima, a group of people will visit him."

Fadel Ziyarat Al-Hussain Book, P.34


روي أنه دخل النبي | يوماً إلى فاطمة ÷ فهيأت له طعاماً من تمر وقرص وسمن فاجتمعوا على الأكل هو وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين × ليهم السلام فلما أكلوا سجد رسول الله | وأطال سجوده ثم بكى ثم ضحك ثم جلس وكان أجرأهم في الكلام علي × فقال: يا رسول الله رأينا منك اليوم ما لم نره قبل ذلك؟ فقال |: إني لما أكلت معكم فرحت وسررت بسلامتكم واجتماعكم فسجدت لله تعالى شكراً, فهبط جبرئيل × يقول: سجدت شكراً لفرحك بأهلك؟ فقلت: نعم فقال: ألا أخبرك بما يجري عليهم بعدك؟ فقلت: بلى يا أخي يا جبرئيل فقال: أما ابنتك فهي أول أهلك لحاقاً بك بعد أن تظلم ويؤخذ حقها وتمنع إرثها ويظلم بعلها ويكسر ضلعها وأما ابن عمك فيظلم ويمنع حقه ويقتل, وأما الحسن فإنه يظلم ويمنع حقه ويقتل بالسم, وأما الحسين فانه يظلم ويمنع حقه وتقتل عترته وتطؤه الخيول وينهب رحله وتسبى نساؤه وذراريه ويدفن مرملاً بدمه ويدفنه الغرباء, فبكيت وقلت وهل يزوره أحد؟ قال يزوره الغرباء قلت: فما لمن زاره من الثواب؟ قال: يكتب له ثواب ألف حجة وألف عمرة كلها معك, فضحك. [5]

It is narrated that one day, the Prophet (pbuhp) visited Fatima (pbuhp), and she prepared food for him consisting of dates, bread, and ghee. They all gathered to eat: the Prophet, Ali, Fatima, Hasan, and Husayn (peace be upon them all). After they ate, the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp) prostrated for a long time, then he wept, then he laughed, and then he sat up. Ali (pbuh), being the boldest to ask, said: "O Messenger of Allah, today we saw from you something we had not seen before." The Prophet (pbuhp) said: "When I ate with you, I felt joy and happiness for your safety and togetherness, so I prostrated to Allah in thanks. Then Gabriel (pbuh) descended and said: 'You prostrated in thanks for your joy with your family?' I said: 'Yes.' He said: 'Shall I inform you of what will happen to them after you?' I said: 'Yes, O my brother Gabriel.' He said: 'As for your daughter, she will be the first of your family to join you after she is oppressed, her right is taken, she is prevented from inheriting, her husband is oppressed, and her rib is broken. As for your cousin, he will be oppressed, his right will be taken, and he will be killed. As for Hasan, he will be oppressed, his right will be taken, and he will be poisoned. As for Husayn, he will be oppressed, his right will be taken, his offspring will be killed, horses will trample him, his belongings will be plundered, his women and children will be taken captive, and he will be buried while covered in his own blood, and strangers will bury him.' So I wept and said: 'Will anyone visit him?' He said: 'Strangers will visit him.' I said: 'What reward will one who visits him receive?' He said: 'The reward of a thousand Hajj and a thousand Umrah, all performed with you.' So he smiled."

Bihar Al-Anwar Vol. 98, P.44



Narrated by Hannan: Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: "Visit Hussein (pbuh) and do not neglect him, for he is the master of the youth of Paradise among the creation, and the master of martyrs."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P.109


عن عبد الله بن حماد البصري, عن أبي عبد الله ×: قال لي: إن عندكم - أو قال: في قربكم - لفضيلة ما اوتي أحد مثلها، وما أحسبكم تعرفونها كنه معرفتها، ولا تحافظون عليها ولا على القيام بها، وأن لها لأهلا خاصة قد سموا لها، واعطوها بلا حول منهم ولا قوة، إلا ما كان من صنع الله لهم، وسعادة حباهم الله بها، ورحمة ورأفة وتقدم. قلت: جعلت فداك، وما هذا الذي وصفت ولم تسمه؟ قال: زيارة جدي الحسين بن علي ×، فإنه غريب بأرض غربة، يبكيه من زاره، ويحزن له من لم يزره، ويحترق له من لم يشهده، ويرحمه من نظر إلى قبر ابنه عند رجله, في أرض فلاة لا حميم قربه ولا قريب, ثم منع الحق وتوازر عليه أهل الردة حتى قتلوه وضيعوه وعرضوه للسباع, ومنعوه شرب ماء الفرات الذي يشربه الكلاب, وضيعوا حق رسول الله | ووصيته به وبأهل بيته, فأمسى مجفوا في حفرته صريعا بين قرابته وشيعته بين أطباق التراب, قد أوحش قربه في الوحدة, والبعد عن جده, والمنزل الذي لا يأتيه إلا من امتحن الله قلبه للإيمان وعرفه حقنا, فقلت له: جعلت فداك, قد كنت آتيه حتى بليت بالسلطان وفي حفظ أموالهم, وأنا عندهم مشهور, فتركت للتقية إتيانه وأنا أعرف ما في إتيانه من الخير, فقال: هل تدري ما فضل من أتاه وما له عندنا من جزيل الخير؟ فقلت: لا, فقال: أما الفضل: فيباهيه ملائكة السماء, وأما ما له عندنا فالترحم عليه كل صباح ومساء, ولقد حدثني أبي × أنه لم يخل مكانه منذ قتل من مصل يصلي عليه من الملائكة, أو من الجن, أو من الإنس, أو من الوحش, وما من شي‏ء إلا وهو يغبط زائره ويتمسح به, ويرجو في النظر إليه الخير لنظره إلى قبره ×, بلغني أن قوما يأتونه من نواحي الكوفة وناسا من غيرهم، ونساء يندبنه، وذلك في النصف من شعبان، فمن بين قارئ يقرأ، وقاص يقص، ونادب يندب، وقائل يقول المراثي، فقلت له: نعم، جعلت فداك، قد شهدت بعض ما تصف. فقال: الحمد لله الذي جعل في الناس من يفد إلينا ويمدحنا ويرثي لنا، وجعل عدونا من يطعن عليهم من قرابتنا، وغيرهم يهدرونهم ويقبحون ما يصنعون. [7]

Narrated by Abdullah ibn Hammad al-Basri, from Abu Abdullah (Pbuh): He said to me, "Indeed, among you (or near you) is a virtue that no one else has been given, and I do not think you recognize it as it should be recognized, nor do you preserve it or uphold it. It has a special status among its people who have been elevated to it without their own effort or power, except what Allah has decreed for them, and it is a happiness and a blessing and a mercy and a privilege." I said, "May I be sacrificed for you, what is this that you have described but not named?" He said, "It is the visitation of my grandfather Hussein ibn Ali (Pbuh). He is a stranger in a strange land. Those who visit him weep for him, those who do not visit him grieve, and those who did not witness his shrine long to him. Those who look towards his son's grave near his feet in a barren land with neither friend nor neighbor feel mercy for him." "Then, the truth was suppressed and the people of apostasy conspired against him, killed him, dishonored him, and subjected him to wild beasts. They prevented him from drinking from the waters of the Euphrates, which dogs drink from, and they disregarded the rights of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) and his household (Pbut). He ended up abandoned in his grave, lifeless, surrounded by his relatives and followers, buried under layers of soil, lonely, far from his grandfather, in a place visited by only those whom Allah tests their hearts with faith and recognize our rights." "So, I said to him, 'May I be sacrificed for you! I used to visit him until I was afflicted by the authorities and entrusted with their wealth, and I am well known among them. I stopped visiting him out of caution (Taqiyya), knowing the goodness that comes from visiting him.' He said, 'Do you know the virtue of those who visit him and what reward they have with us?' I said, 'No.' He said, 'As for their virtue, the angels of the heavens boast about them, and as for what they have with us, we pray for them every morning and evening. My father (Pbuh) informed me that since his martyrdom, his shrine has always been occupied by someone who prays for him, whether it be angels, jinn, humans, or wild animals. Every creature envies his visitors and touch them [seeking blessings] and hoping for goodness from his gaze upon their graves.'" "I heard that people come to him from the outskirts of Kufa, and others from elsewhere, women lamenting for him, and this happens in the middle of Sha'ban. Among them are reciters reciting, storytellers telling stories, mourners lamenting, and speakers expressing their grief. I said to him, 'Yes, may I be sacrificed for you! I have witnessed some of what you describe.' He said, 'Praise be to Allah, who has made among people those who come to us, praise us, and mourn for us, and who has made our enemies those who shame them, while others ridicule and revile them for what they do.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.324


عن جعفر بن محمد × انه سئل عن زيارة أبي عبد الله × فقيل: هل في ذلك وقت هو أفضل من وقت؟ فقال: زوروه صلى الله عليه في كل وقت وفي كل حين, فان زيارته × خير موضوع، فمن أكثر منها فقد استكثر من الخير, ومن قلل قلل له، وتحروا بزيارتكم الأوقات الشريفة، فان الأعمال الصالحة فيها مضاعفة، وهي أوقات مهبط الملائكة لزيارته. [8]

Narrated by Ja'far ibn Muhammad (pbuh), he was asked about visiting Imam Hussain, pbuh, whether there is a specific time that is better than others for it. He replied, "Visit him, may Allah's blessings be upon him, at every time and in every circumstance, for the visitation of him is a virtuous act. Whoever increases in it has indeed increased in goodness, and whoever decreases has indeed decreased. Be diligent in visiting him during noble times, for good deeds are multiplied during those times. They are the times when the angels descend to visit him."

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.1, P.10


عن ام سلمة, عن رسول الله | قال: من زارني بعد وفاتي فكأنما صحبني أيام حياتي، ومن زار قبر المظلوم من أهل بيتي فكأنما زارني، ومن همه مصابي فكأنما شهد وقائعي، ومن حارب بني بعد موتي فكأنما حاربني أيام حياتي، ولا يسل السلاح أو يشهره على أحد من أهل بيتي فكأنما قاتلني، ومن شهر سيفا على أحد من أهل بيتي ليريعه أكبه الله على سيفه في النار منكوسا. [9]

Narrated by Umm Salama, from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp): "Whoever visits me after my death, it is as if he accompanied me during my lifetime. Whoever visits the grave of the oppressed from my household, it is as if he has visited me. Whoever is distressed by my tribulations, it is as if he witnessed my trials. Whoever fights my descendants after my death, it is as if he fought me during my lifetime. Whoever draws a weapon or raises it against one of my household, it is as if he fought me. Whoever raises a sword against one of my household to intimidate them, Allah will throw him

headlong into the Fire, thrust down upon his sword."

The virtue of visiting Imam Hussain Book P.82


عن ام سعيد الاحمسية قالت: جئت إلى أبي عبد الله × فدخلت عليه، فجاءت الجارية فقالت: قد جئتك بالدابة، فقال لي: يا ام سعيد أي شيء هذه الدابة؛ أين تبغين تذهبين؟ قالت: قلت: أزور قبور الشهداء، قال: أخري ذلك اليوم، ما أعجبكم يا أهل العراق؛ تأتون الشهداء من سفر بعيد وتتركون سيد الشهداء لا تأتونه! قالت: قلت له: من سيد الشهداء؟ فقال: الحسين بن علي ×، قالت: قلت: إني امرأة، فقال: لا بأس لمن كان مثلك ان يذهب إليه ويزوره، قالت: أي شيء لنا في زيارته؟ قال: تعدل حجة وعمرة واعتكاف شهرين في المسجد الحرام وصيامها، وخيرها كذا وكذا، قالت: بسط يده وضمها ضما ـ ثلاث مرات ـ [10]

Narrated by Umm Sa'id al-Ahmisiyyah: She said, "I came to Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) and entered upon him. A servant girl came and said, 'I have brought the mount for you.' He said to me, 'O Umm Sa'id, what is this mount for? Where do you intend to go?' I said, 'I visit the graves of the martyrs.' He said, 'Delay that for today. How strange you people of Iraq are! You come from a far journey to visit the martyrs and you leave the master of the martyrs and do not visit him!' I said to him, 'Who is the master of the martyrs?' He replied, 'Hussein ibn Ali (Pbuh).' I said, 'I am a woman.' He said, 'There is no problem for someone like you to go to him and visit him.' I asked, 'What is the reward for visiting him?' He said, 'It equals a Hajj, an Umrah, two months of i'tikaf (spiritual retreat) in the Sacred Mosque, and fasting during them, and so on.' He then extended his hand and clasped it firmly—three times."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.110


عن أمير المؤمنين ×: بأبي وأمي الحسين المقتول بظهر الكوفة, والله كأني أنظر الى الوحوش مادة أعناقها على قبره من أنواع الوحش, يبكونه ويرثونه ليلاً حتى الصباح, فإذا كان ذلك فإياكم والجفاء. [11]

Imam Ali (Pbuh) said: "By my father and mother, Hussain who was killed in the land of Kufa! By Allah, it is as if I can see the wild beasts crowding around his grave, their necks stretched out in various forms of grief, weeping and mourning for him throughout the night until morning. So beware of stiffness and harshness at that time."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.291


عن صفوان بن مهران الجمال, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من زار قبر الحسين × وهو يريد الله عز وجل، شيعه جبرئيل وميكائيل وإسرافيل حتى يرد إلى منزله. [12]

Safwan ibn Mahran Al-Jammal reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “Whoever visits the grave of Al-Hussein (Pbuh) seeking Allah, Jibraeel, Mikaeel and Israfeel escort him till he reaches his home.” (1)

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.145


عن جابر الجعفي قال: قال أبو عبد الله × للمفضل: كم بينك وبين قبر الحسين ×؟ قال: قلت: بأبي أنت وامي, يوم وبعض يوم آخر. قال: فتزوره؟ فقال: نعم. فقال: ألا ابشرك؟ ألا افرحك ببعض ثوابه؟ قلت: بلى جعلت فداك, قال: فقال لي: إن الرجل منكم ليأخذ في جهازه ويتهيأ لزيارته، فيتباشر به أهل السماء، فإذا خرج من باب منزله راكبا أو ماشيا وكل الله به أربعة آلاف ملك من الملائكة يصلون عليه حتى يوافي قبر الحسين ×. [13]

Jabir al-Ja'fi narrated: Imam Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq (pbuh) said to Mufaddal, "How far are you from the grave of Hussain (pbuh)?" He said, "By my father and mother, it's a day and a part of another day." The Imam said, "Do you visit him?" He replied, "Yes." The Imam said, "Shall I give you glad tidings? Shall I make you happy with some of its rewards?" He said, "Yes, may I be your ransom." The Imam said, "Know that a person among you takes provisions for the journey and prepares for his visit. The inhabitants of the heavens congratulate him. When he exits the door of his house, whether riding or walking, Allah sends down four thousand angels from the angels, who continue to send blessings upon him until he reaches the grave of Hussain (pbuh).

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.206


عن هشام بن سالم, عن أبي عبد الله × - في حديث طويل - قال: أتاه رجل فقال له: يابن رسول الله هل يزار والدك؟ قال فقال: نعم ويصلى عنده, ويصلى خلفه ولا يتقدم عليه, قال: فما لمن أتاه؟ قال: الجنة إن كان يأتم به, قال: فما لمن تركه رغبة عنه؟ قال: الحسرة يوم الحسرة, قال: فما لمن أقام عنده؟ قال: كل يوم بألف شهر, قال: فما للمنفق في خروجه إليه والمنقق عنده؟ قال: درهم بألف درهم, قال: فما لمن مات في سفره إليه؟ قال: تشيعه الملائكة وتأتيه بالحنوط والكسوة من الجنة وتصلي عليه إذ كفن, وتكفنه فوق أكفانه وتفرش له الريحان تحته وتدفع الارض حتى تصور من بين يديه مسيرة ثلاثة أميال, ومن خلفه مثل ذلك, وعند رأسه مثل ذلك, وعند رجليه مثل ذلك, ويفتح له باب من الجنة إلى قبره, ويدخل عليه روحها وريحانها حتى تقوم الساعة. قلت: فما لمن صلى عنده؟ قال: من صلى عنده ركعتين لم يسأل الله تعالى شيئا الا أعطاه إياه, قلت: فما لمن اغتسل من ماء الفرات ثم أتاه؟ قال: إذا اغتسل من ماء الفرات وهو يريده تساقطت عنه خطاياه كيوم ولدته أمه, قال قلت: فما لمن يجهز إليه ولم يخرج لعلة تصيبه؟ قال: يعطيه الله بكل درهم أنفقه مثل أحد من الحسنات ويخلف عليه أضعاف ما أنفقه, ويصرف عنه من البلاء مما قد نزل ليصيبه ويدفع عنه ويحفظ في ماله, قال قلت: فما لمن قتل عنده جار عليه سلطان فقتله؟ قال: أول قطرة من دمه يغفر له بها كل خطيئة وتغسل طينته التي خلق منها الملائكة حتى تخلص كما خلصت الانبياء المخلصين, ويذهب عنها ما كان خالطها من أجناس طين أهل الكفر, ويغسل قلبه ويشرح صدره ويملأ إيمانا, فيلقى الله وهو مخلص من كل ما تخالطه الابدان والقلوب, ويكتب له شفاعة في أهل بيته وألف من إخوانه, وتولى الصلاة عليه الملائكة مع جبرئيل وملك الموت, ويؤتى بكفنه وحنوطه من الجنة, ويوسع قبره عليه, ويوضع له مصابيح في قبره, ويفتح له باب من الجنة, وتأتيه الملائكة بالطرف من الجنة, ويرفع بعد ثمانية عشر يوما إلى حظيرة القدس, فلا يزال فيها مع أولياء الله حتى تصيبه النفخة التي لا تبقي شيئا, فإذا كانت النفخة الثانية وخرج من قبره كان أول من يصافحه رسول الله | وأمير المؤمنين × والاوصياء, ويبشرونه ويقولون له: إلزمنا, ويقيمونه على الحوض فيشرب منه ويسقي من أحب. قلت: فما لمن حبس في اتيانه؟ قال: له بكل يوم يحبس ويغتم فرحة إلى يوم القيامة, فإن ضرب بعد الحبس في إتيانه كان له بكل ضربة حوراء, وبكل وجع يدخل على بدنه ألف الف حسنة, ويمحي بها عنه ألف الف سيئة, ويرفع له بها ألف الف درجة, ويكون من محدثي رسول الله | حتى يفرغ من الحساب فيصافحه حملة العرش ويقال له: سل ما أحببت, ويؤتى بضاربه للحساب, فلا يسأل عن شيء ولا يحتسب بشيء, ويؤخذ بضبعيه حتى ينتهى به إلى ملك يحبوه [14] ويتحفه بشربة من الحميم وشربة من الغسلين, ويوضع على مقال[15] في النار, فيقال له: ذق بما قدمت يداك فيما أتيت إلى هذا الذي ضربته, وهو وفد الله ووفد رسوله, ويأتي بالمضروب إلى باب جهنم ويقال له: انظر إلى ضاربك والى ما قد لقي فهل شفيت صدرك وقد اقتص لك منه, فيقول: الحمد لله الذي انتصر لي ولولد رسوله منه.[16]

Narrated by Hisham ibn Salim, from Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) – in a long narration – that a man came to him and said, "O son of the Messenger of Allah, should your father be visited?" He said, "Yes, and prayers should be offered at his shrine, and one should pray behind him and not ahead of him." The man asked, "What is the reward for one who visits him?" He said, "Paradise if one follows him." The man asked, "What about the one who abandons him out of reluctance?" He said, "Regret on the Day of Regret." The man asked, "What is the reward for one who stays near him?" He said, "Every day is equal to a thousand months." The man asked, "What is the reward for one who spends in his journey to him and while near him?" He said, "A dirham is equal to a thousand dirhams." The man asked, "What is the reward for one who dies on his way to him?" He said, "The angels will attend him, bring him shrouds and incense from Paradise, and pray over him. When he is shrouded, they will put shrouds on top of his shrouds, spread basil beneath him, push the earth from his body for a distance of three miles in front, behind, at his head, and at his feet. A door from Paradise will open for him, bringing in to him its spirit and fragrance until the Day of Resurrection."

The man asked, "What is the reward for one who prays near him?" He said, "Whoever prays two rak'ahs near him will not ask Allah for anything except that He will grant it." The man asked, "What is the reward for one who performs ghusl from the water of the Euphrates and then visits him?" He said, "When one performs ghusl from the water of the Euphrates with the intention of visiting him, his sins fall away as if his mother just bore him." The man asked, "What is the reward for one who prepares to visit him but is prevented due to an affliction?" He said, "Allah will grant him the reward of a mountain of good deeds for every dirham he spends, and He will compensate him many times over, protect him from calamities, preserve his wealth, and save him from what might befall him."

The man asked, "What is the reward for one who is killed near him by a ruler?" He said, "With the first drop of his blood, all his sins will be forgiven, and his clay that he was born from will be purified by the angels to become as pure as that of the prophets’, clear of the of the clay of disbelievers that had previously tainted it. Also, his heart will be cleansed, his chest will be expanded, and he will be filled with faith. He will meet Allah, free from any impurity that affects bodies and hearts. He will be granted intercession for his family and a thousand of his brothers. The angels, along with Gabriel and the Angel of Death, will pray over him. He will be shrouded in garments from Paradise, his grave will be expanded, lamps will be placed in his grave, a door from Paradise will be opened to his grave, and the angels will bring him angelic maids from Paradise. After eighteen days, he will be raised to the sacred courtyard, where he will remain with the saints of Allah until the final trumpet that leaves nothing. When the second trumpet is blown, he will rise from his grave and the first to greet him will be the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp), Ali (Pbuh), and the successors (Pbut). They will give him good news and say to him, 'Stay with us.' They will place him by the pond where he will drink from it and give drink to whomever he loves."

The man asked, "What is the reward for one who is imprisoned on his way to him?" He said, "Every day he is imprisoned and grieved will be replaced with joy on the Day of Resurrection. If he is beaten after imprisonment, every strike will be rewarded with a heavenly houri, every pain that enters his body will be rewarded with a million good deeds, and a million sins will be erased. He will be raised a million ranks, and he will converse with the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) until the judgement is finished. The bearers of the Throne will shake his hand and say to him, 'Ask whatever you wish.' His attacker will be brought to account without question, and he will be taken by his armpits to an angel who will greet him and present him with a drink from the boiling water and a drink from the discharge of the wounds. He will be placed on a hot stone in the fire and told, 'Taste what your hands have sent forth in your attack on this one who is the guest of Allah and His Messenger.' The attacked will be brought to the gates of Hell and told, 'Look at your attacker and what he has encountered. Are you satisfied now that you have been avenged?' He will say, 'Praise be to Allah who avenged me and the descendants of His Messenger from him.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.123


عن أمير المؤمنين × قال: زارنا رسول الله | ذات يوم فقدمنا إليه طعاما وأهدت إلينا أم أيمن صحفة من تمر وقعبا من لبن وزبد، فقدمنا إليه، فأكل منه، فلما فرغ قمت وسكبت على يدي رسول الله | ماء، فلما غسل يديه مسح وجهه ولحيته ببلة يديه، ثم قام إلى مسجد في جانب البيت وصلى وخر ساجدا فبكى وأطال البكاء، ثم رفع رأسه، فما اجترى منا أهل البيت أحد يسأله عن شئ. فقام الحسين × يدرج حتى صعد على فخذي رسول الله |، فأخذ برأسه إلى صدره ووضع ذقنه على رأس رسول الله |، ثم قال: يا ابه ما يبكيك، فقال له: يا بني اني نظرت إليكم اليوم فسررت بكم سرورا لم أسر بكم مثله قط، فهبط إلى جبرئيل فأخبرني انكم قتلى وان مصارعكم شتى، فحمدت الله على ذلك وسألت لكم الخيرة. فقال له: يا ابه فمن يزور قبورنا ويتعاهدها على تشتتها، قال: طوائف من أمتي يريدون بذلك بري وصلتي، أتعاهدهم في الموقف واخذ بأعضادهم فانجيهم من أهواله وشدائده. [17]

Narrated by Amir Al-Mu’meneen(Pbuh): One day, the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) visited us, and we presented food to him. Umm Ayman gifted us a bowl of dates and a cup of milk and butter, so we offered it to him, and he ate from it. When he finished, I rose and poured water over his hands. When he washed his hands, he wiped his face and beard with the moisture from his hands. Then he went to the mosque in a corner of the house, prayed, and fell prostrate, weeping and prolonging his weeping. He then raised his head, and none of us in the household dared to ask him anything. Al-Hussein (Pbuh) came and climbed onto the thigh of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp). He took hold of his head to his chest and placed his chin on the head of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp), then said, "O Father, what makes you weep?" He replied, "My son, I looked at you today and was filled with joy in a way that I had never experienced before. Gabriel descended to me and informed me that you all will be killed and your resting places will be scattered." He continued, "So, I praised Allah for that and asked for the best for you." Al-Hussein (Pbuh) asked, "O Father, who will visit our graves and care for them despite their dispersal?" He replied, "Groups from my nation, seeking to honor me and maintain my bond, will visit your graves and care for them. I will visit them on the Day of Judgment, take them by the arms, and save them from its horrors and hardships."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P.59


عن أمير المؤمنين ×: كأني بالقصور قد شيدت حول قبر الحسين بن علي ×، وكأني بالمحامل تخرج من الكوفة إلى قبر الحسين ×, ولا تذهب الأيام والليالي حتى يسار إليه من الآفاق، وذلك عند انقطاع ملك دولة بني مروان‏.[18]

Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) said: “I can see the palaces being built around the grave of Husayn son of Ali (Pbut), and as if I see caravans departing from Kufa to the shrine of Husayn (Pbuh), and days and nights passing until people walk towards him from all directions, and that will happen when the rule of the Umayyad dynasty comes to an end.'"

O’youn Akhbar Al-Rida Vol.2,P.48


عن الهيثم بن عبد الله, عن الرضا علي بن موسى, عن أبيه, عن الصادق عليهم السلام قال: إن أيام زائري الحسين بن علي × لا تعد من آجالهم. [19]

Narrated by al-Haytham ibn Abdullah, from al-Ridha Ali ibn Musa, from his father, from al-Sadiq (peace be upon them all) who said: "The journey days of those who visit al-Hussein bin Ali (Pbuh) are not counted from their lifespans."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P.136


عن ابن أبي يعفور قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله ×: دعاني الشوق إليك أن تجشمت إليك على مشقة. فقال لي: لا تشك ربك، فهلا أتيت من كان أعظم حقا عليك مني؟ فكان من قوله: فهلا أتيت من كان أعظم حقا عليك مني, أشد علي من قوله: لا تشك ربك. قلت: ومن أعظم علي حقا منك؟! قال: الحسين بن علي ×، ألا أتيت الحسين ×، فدعوت الله عنده، وشكوت إليه حوائجك. [20]

Ibn Abi Ya’four reported: “I said to Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh): 'My longing for you has urged me to overcome the hardships to visit you.' He said to me, 'Do not complain about your Lord. Why have you not visited someone who has greater rights upon you than I?' When he said, 'Why have you not visited someone who has greater rights upon you than I?' it was more difficult for me than when he said, 'Do not complain about your Lord.' I asked, 'Who has greater rights upon me than you?' He replied, 'Hussein son of Ali (pbut). Why don’t you visit al-Hussein (pbuh)? Pray to Allah at his shrine and present your needs to him.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.168


عن أبي خديج قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله ×: ما يبلغ من زيارة قبر الحسين ×؟ قال: أفضل ما يكون من الأعمال. [21]
Abu Khadijah reported: I said to Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq), "What is the greatest achievement of visiting the grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh)?" He said, "It is the greatest of deeds."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.146


روي: سئل أبا عبد الله ×: ربما أتينا قبر الحسين ×، فيصعب علينا الغسل للزيارة من البرد أو غيره؟ فقال ×: من اغتسل في الفرات وزار الحسين × كتب له من الفضل ما لا يحصى، فمتى ما رجع إلى الموضع الذي اغتسل فيه وتوضأ، وزار الحسين × كتب له ذلك الثواب. [22]

It is narrated that Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) was asked: "Sometimes we come to the grave of al-Hussein (Pbuh), and it is difficult for us to perform ghusl (ritual purification) for the visit due to cold or other reasons." He (Pbuh) replied: "Whoever performs ghusl in the Euphrates and visits al-Hussein (Pbuh) will be granted an immeasurable reward. Whenever they return to the place where they performed ghusl, perform ablution, and visit al-Hussein (Pbuh), they will be granted that same reward."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.188



Abu Hamza reported from Abu Ja'far (pbuh) that when the verse was recited, {Indeed, We will support Our messengers and those who believe during the life of this world and on the Day when the witnesses will stand,} he said, 'Hussein son of Ali (pbuh) is one of them. By Allah, your weeping for him, your talking about what happened to him, and your visiting his grave are all support for you in this world. So rejoice, for you will be with him in the company of the Messenger of Allah (pbuh and his progeny).'"

The Virtue of Visiting Imam Hussain Book p.48



Salih Al-Nilli reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: Abu Abdullah (Imam al-Sadiq) said, "Whoever visits the grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh), knowing his right, Allah will write for him the reward of freeing a thousand slaves, and it will be like carrying a thousand armored horses in the cause of Allah."

Al-Kafi Vol.4, p.581



The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said to Imam al-Hussein (Pbuh): "Only the truthful ones of my nation will visit me, your father, your brother, and you."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.70



Imam Abo Abdullah (Pbuh) said: "Whoever visits the grave of al-Hussein (Pbuh) with knowledge of his right, Allah will write him among the highest in 'Illiyin (the highest ranks of Paradise)."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.147


عن كعب: وما من نبي إلا وقد زارها (كربلاء) وبكى عندها، ولها في كل يوم زيارة من الملائكة بالتسليم، فإذا كانت ليلة جمعة أو يوم جمعة نزل إليها سبعون ألف ملك يبكونه ويذكرون فضله ومنزلته عندهم. [27]

Ka'b said: "There is no prophet who has not visited it (Karbala) and wept there. Every day, angels visits it and offer greetings of peace. On the night or day of Friday, seventy thousand angels descend to it, weeping for him and recounting his virtues and his rank to them."

Al-Futooh Vol.4, p.327


عن سلمان: وانظر يا يريمه! إن أنت نجوت فلم تقتل معه فزر قبره، فإن قبره لا يخلو من الملائكة أبدا، ومن صلى عند قبره ركعتين حفظه الله من بغضهم وعداوتهم أبدا حتى يموت. [28]

Salman said: "And look, O Yerimah! If you survived and was not killed with him, then visit his grave. For his grave is never devoid of angels. Whoever prays two rak'ahs at his grave, Allah will protect him from their enmity and hostility forever until he dies."

Al-Futooh Vol.4, p.328



* علامة الإيمان حب زيارته × The sign of faith is the love for visiting him (Imam Hussein)

عن أبي عبد الله ×, قال: من أراد الله به الخير قذف في قلبه حب الحسين × وحب زيارته, ومن أراد الله به السوء قذف في قلبه بغض الحسين وبغض زيارته. [29]

Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: "Whomsoever Allah wishes good for, He instills the love for Imam Hussein (pbuh) and the love for visiting his shrine in his heart. And whomsoever Allah wishes ill for, He instills in his heart the hatred for Imam Hussein and the hatred for visiting his shrine."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p,142


عن قدامة بن زائدة, عن أبيه قال: قال علي بن الحسين ×: بلغني يا زائدة أنك تزور قبر أبي عبد الله × أحياناً؟ فقلت: إن ذلك لكما بلغك، فقال لي: فلما ذا تفعل ذلك ولك مكان عند سلطانك الذي لا يحتمل أحداً على محبتنا وتفضيلنا وذكر فضائلنا والواجب على هذه الامة من حقنا؟ فقلت: والله ما أريد بذلك إلا الله ورسوله، ولا أحفل بسخط من سخط، ولا يكبر في صدري مكروه ينالني بسببه، فقال: والله إن ذلك لكذلك، يقولها ثلاثاً وأقولها ثلاثاً, فقال: أبشر! ثم أبشر! ثم أبشر! فلأخبرنَّك بخبر كان عندي في النخب المخزونة, إنه لما أصابنا بالطف ما أصابنا، وقتل أبي ×، وقتل من كان معه من ولده وإخوته وسائر أهله، وحملت حرمه ونساؤه على الاقتاب يراد بنا الكوفة، فجعلت أنظر إليهم صرعى، ولم يواروا، فيعظم ذلك في صدري، ويشتد لما أرى منهم قلقي فكادت نفسي تخرج، وتبيَّنت ذلك مني عمتي زينب بنت علي الكبرى ÷، فقالت ما لي أراك تجود بنفسك يا بقية جدي وأبي وإخوتي؟ فقلت: وكيف لا أجزع ولا أهلع، وقد أرى سيدي وإخوتي وعمومتي وولد عمي وأهلي مصرعين بدمائهم مرملين بالعراء، مسلبين لا يكفنون ولا يوارون، ولا يعرج عليهم أحد، ولا يقربهم بشر، كأنهم أهل بيت من الديلم والخزر! فقالت: لا يجزعنك ما ترى فوالله إن ذلك لعهد من رسول الله | إلى جدك وأبيك وعمك، ولقد أخذ الله ميثاق أناس من هذه الامة لا تعرفهم فراعنة هذه الارض، وهم معروفون في أهل السماوات أنهم يجمعون هذه الاعضاء المتفرقة فيوارونها، وهذه الجسوم المضرجة وينصبون لهذا الطف علماً لقبر أبيك سيد الشهداء × لا يدرس أثره، ولا يعفو رسمه، على كرور الليالي والايام وليجتهدن أئمة الكفر وأشياع الضلالة في محوه وتطميسه فلا يزداد أثره إلا ظهوراً وأمره إلا علواً. [30]

Qudama bin Zaidah narrated from his father, who said: Ali bin al-Hussein (Imam Zain al-Abidin) said to me, "O Zaidah, it has reached me that you visit the grave of Abu Abdullah (Imam Hussein) occasionally?" I replied, "Indeed, it’s true what has reached you." He then asked me, "So why do you do that knowing that you have a position with your Sultan, who does not tolerate anyone showing love and preference towards us, and mentioning our virtues which are obligatory upon this community?" I said, "By Allah, I do not seek by that except Allah and His Messenger. I do not care If I provoke anyone's anger, nor does any adversity trouble me because of it." He said, "By Allah, that is indeed the case." He repeated this three times, then said, "Rejoice! Rejoice! Rejoice! Let me tell you about news that I had in the concealed elite circles: When we suffered the calamities that befell us, and my father, his accompanying sons, brothers, and all his family members were killed, and his women were taken captives as we were heading towards Kufa, I observed them dead bodies on the ground, not burried. This greatly weighed on my heart, and my distress intensified when I saw their plight. My aunt Zainab bint Ali noticed this in me and said, 'Why do I see you distressed, O remnant of my grandfather, father, and brothers?' I replied, 'How can I not be distressed and alarmed when I see my master, brothers, uncles, my cousin's sons, and my family slaughtered, their bodies left uncovered, not shrouded, and not protected? No one approaches them or comes near them, as if they were from a family of Dailam and Khazar!' She said, 'Do not be distressed by what you see, for by Allah, this is a covenant from the Messenger of Allah to your grandfather, father, and uncle. Allah has taken a covenant with a group of people from this nation who are unknown to the Pharaohs of this earth but are known among the heavens' inhabitants as those who gather these scattered parts and bury them. They are the ones who erect a flag at the grave of your father, the master of martyrs, so that the location of the grave neither diminishes nor fades in its prominence through the cycles of nights and days. The leaders of disbelief and the followers of misguidance will strive to erase and obscure it, but its effect only increases in visibility and it only rises in prominence."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p,260


* كمن زار الله تعالى It is as if he has visited Allah on His Throne  

عن زيد الشحام قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله ×: ما لمن زار قبر الحسين ×؟ قال: كان كمن زار الله في عرشه. قلت: ما لمن زار أحدا منكم؟ قال: كمن زار رسول الله |. [31]

Zaid Al-Shaham narrated “I said to Abu Abdullah (Imam Sadiq) (Pbuh): "What is the reward for one who visits the grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh)?" He replied, "It is as if he has visited Allah on His Throne." I asked, "What is the reward for one who visits any of you (Imams)?" He answered, "It is as if he has visited the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp).”

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.147


عن حمزة بن حمران, عن أبي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد, عن أبيه ×, عن جابر بن عبد الله الأنصاري, عن رسول الله | قال: من زار فاطمة ÷ فكأنما زارني، ومن زار علي بن أبي طالب × فكأنما زار فاطمة ÷، ومن زار الحسن والحسين ‘ فكأنما زار عليا ×، ومن زار ذريتهما فكأنما زارهما ×. [32]

Hamzah ibn Himran reported from Imam Abo Abdullah Ja’far ibn Mohammad from his father from Jaber Ibn Abdellah Al-Ansari from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) that he said: “Whoever visits Fatima (Pbuh) is as if he visited me, and whoever visits Ali son of Abi Talib (Pbut) is as if he visited Fatima (Pbuh), and whoever visits Al-Hassan and Al-Hussain is as if he visited Ali (Pbut), and whoever visited their descendants (Pbut) is as if he visited both of them (Pbut).”

Bisharat Al-Mustafa p.220


عن مسمع بن عبد الملك، عن أبي عبد الله ×، قال: كان الحسين × مع أمه تحمله، فأخذه رسول الله | فقال: لعن الله قاتليك، ولعن الله سالبيك، وأهلك الله المتوازرين عليك، وحكم الله بيني وبين من أعان عليك، فقالت فاطمة ÷: يا أبه اي شئ تقول؟ قال: يا بنتاه ذكرت ما يصيبه بعدي وبعدك من الأذى والظلم والغدر والبغي، وهو يومئذ في عصبة كأنهم نجوم السماء يتهادون إلى القتل، وكأني انظر إلى معسكرهم والى موضع رحالهم وتربتهم.

 فقالت: يا أبه وأين هذا الموضع الذي تصف؟ قال: موضع يقال له كربلاء، وهي ذات كرب وبلاء علينا وعلى الأمة، يخرج عليهم شرار أمتي، ولو أن أحدهم شفع له من في السماوات والأرضين ما شفعوا فيهم وهم المخلدون في النار. قالت: يا أبه فيقتل؟ قال: نعم يا بنتاه، وما قتل قتلته أحد كان قبله، وتبكيه السماوات والأرضون والملائكة والوحش والحيتان في البحار والجبال، لو يؤذن لها ما بقي على الأرض متنفس، وتأتيه قوم من محبينا ليس في الأرض اعلم بالله ولا أقوم بحقنا منهم، وليس على ظهر الأرض أحد يلتفت إليه غيرهم. أولئك مصابيح في ظلمات الجور، وهم الشفعاء، وهم واردون حوضي غدا، أعرفهم إذا وردوا علي بسيماهم، وأهل كل دين يطلبون أئمتهم وهم يطلبوننا ولا يطلبون غيرنا، وهم قوام الأرض، بهم ينزل الغيث. [33]


Masma’a Ibn Albdel-Malik reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “Once, Imam Hussein (Pbuh) was being carried by his mother, then the Messenger of Allah (pbuh and his progeny) took him and said, "May Allah curse those who will kill you, may Allah curse those who will seize your rights, and may Allah destroy those who will conspire against you. And Allah will judge between me and those who will support against you." Fatimah (peace be upon her) said, "O father, what are you saying?" He replied, "O my daughter, I remembered what he will suffer after me and after you from harm, injustice, betrayal, and transgression. On that day, he will be surrounded by a group who resemble the stars in the sky, eagerly rushing towards their killing. It is as if I can see their camp, their resting place, and their location and soil."”

She asked, "O father, where is this place you describe?" He replied, "It is a place called Karbala, a place of trials and tribulations for us and for the nation. The worst of my nation will emerge there. Even if someone from the heavens and the earth were to intercede for them, they would not be interceded for, as they are destined for eternal hellfire." She asked, "O father, will he be killed there?" He said, "Yes, my daughter. "And his killing will be unlike any other before." The heavens, the earth, the angels, the wild animals, and the fish in the sea will weep for him. If they were allowed to do so, there would not remain on earth a single living being. A group of people from our lovers will visit him; there will not be on the earth who knows more about Allah, nor knows our rights more than them. No one on earth will care about him more than them. They are like shining lamps in the darkness of oppression, they are the intercessors, and they will come to my basin tomorrow. I will recognize them by their signs. The followers of every religion seek their leaders while they seek us and not others. They are the pillars of the earth, through them the rain descends."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.144


عن جابر, عن أبي جعفر, عن أبيه, عن عمه الحسن بن علي × قال: كنا مع أمير المؤمنين × أنا وحارث الأعور، فقال: سمعت رسول الله | يقول: يأتي قوم في آخر الزمان يزورون قبر ابني الحسين ×، فمن زاره فكأنما زارني، ومن زارني فكأنما زار الله سبحانه وتعالى، ألا من زار الحسين × فكأنما زار الله على عرشه. [34]

Jaber reported that Imam Mohmmad Al-Baqir (Pbuh) said that his father (Pbuh) said that his uncle Al-Hassan Al-Mujtaba son of Ali (Pbut): “We were with Amir Elmo’mineen (Pbuh) along with Harith Al-A’war when he (Pbuh) said: “I heard the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) say: “There will come people at the end of time who will visit the grave of my son Al-Hussein (Pbuh). Whoever visits him is as if he visited me. Whoever visits me is as if he visited Allah. Indeed, whoever visits Al-Hussein (Pbuh) is as if he visited Allah on His throne.”””

The Virtue of Visiting Imam Hussain Book p.38


عن الحسين بن محمد القمي، عن أبي الحسن الرضا × قال: من زار قبر أبي عبد الله × بشط الفرات كان كمن زار الله فوق عرشه. [35]

Al-Hussein ibn Mohammad Al-Qummi reported that Imam Ali Al-Rida (Pbuh) told him: “Whoever visits the grave of Abou Abdellah (Imam Hussein Pbuh) by the riverbank of Al-Forat is as if he visited Allah above His chair.”

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.279


عن الإمام الرضا ×: من زار الحسين بن علي × عارفا بحقه، كان من محدثي الله فوق عرشه، ثم قرأ: {إن المتقين في جنـت ونهر في مقعد صدق عند مليك مقتدر}. [36]

Imam Al-Ridha (Pbuh) said, "Whoever visits Hussein son of Ali (Pbuh) knowing his rights will be among those who talks to Allah above His Throne. Then he recited: {Indeed, the righteous will be among gardens and rivers in a seat of honor near a Sovereign, Perfect in Ability.}"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.141



* غفران الذنوب بسبب زيارته × Forgiveness of sins due to visiting him

عن علي بن جعفر الهماني قال: سمعت علي بن محمد العسكري × يقول: من خرج من بيته يريد زيارة الحسين ×، فصار إلى الفرات فاغتسل منه، كتب من المفلحين, فإذا سلم على أبي عبد الله × كتب الله من الفائزين, فإذا فرغ من صلاته أتاه ملك فقال: إن رسول الله | يقرئك السلام ويقول لك: أما ذنوبك فقد غفر لك, استأنف العمل. [37]

Ali ibn Jaafar Al-Hamani narrated: I heard Imam Ali son of Muhammad al-Askari (peace be upon them) saying, "Whoever leaves his house with the intention of visiting Imam Hussein (pbuh), then goes to the Euphrates River and performs ablution from it, he is recorded among the successful. When he greets Abu Abdullah (pbuh), Allah records him among the triumphant. And when he finishes his prayer, an angel comes to him and says: The Messenger of Allah (pbuh) sends you his greetings and says to you: As for your sins, they have been forgiven for you. Resume your good deeds."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.168


عن أبان بن تغلب, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إن أربعة آلاف ملك عند قبر الحسين ×، شعث غبر يبكونه إلى يوم القيامة، رئيسهم ملك يقال له: منصور، فلا يزوره زائر إلا استقبلوه، ولا يودعه مودع إلا شيعوه، ولا مرض إلا عادوه، ولا يموت إلا صلوا على جنازته، واستغفروا له بعد موته. [38]

Aban ibn Taghlob reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: "Four thousand angels are gathered at the grave of Imam Hussain, disheveled and covered in dust, weeping for him until the Day of Judgment. Their leader is an angel named Mansur. No visitor approaches his grave except they welcome him, no one bids him farewell except they escort him, no sick person passes by except they attend to him, and no one dies except they pray for him and seek forgiveness for him after his death."

Al-Kafi Vol. 4, p.581


عن الحسين بن ثوير بن أبي فاختة، قال: قال أبو عبد الله ×: يا حسين من خرج من منزله يريد زيارة قبر الحسين بن علي × إن كان ماشيا كتب الله له بكل خطوة حسنة ومحى عنه سيئة، حتى إذا صار في الحائر كتبه الله من المفلحين المنجحين، حتى إذا قضى مناسكه كتبه الله من الفائزين، حتى إذا أراد الانصراف أتاه ملك فقال: ان رسول الله | يقرؤك السلام ويقول لك: استأنف العمل فقد غفر لك ما مضى. [39]

Al-Hussein ibn Thowair ibn Abi Fakhita reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “O Hussein, whoever leaves his home with the intention of visiting the grave of Husayn ibn Ali (pbuh) on foot, Allah will record for him a good deed for every step he takes and erase a bad deed, until he reaches the boundary of the land of Karbala. At that point, Allah will write his name among the successful and victorious ones. When he completes his visitation, Allah will inscribe his name among the winners. When he intends to depart, an angel will come to him and say, 'The Messenger of Allah (pbuh and his progeny) greets you with peace and says to you: Resume your deeds, for what has passed has been forgiven for you.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.252


عن محمد بن مسلم, قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله جعفر بن محمد × يقول: إن الحسين بن علي × عند ربه عز وجل ينظر إلى موضع معسكره, ومن حَلَّه من الشهداء معه, وينظر إلى زواره وهو أعرف بحالهم وبأسمائهم وأسماء آبائهم, وبدرجاتهم ومنزلتهم عند الله عز وجل من أحدكم بولده, وإنه ليرى من يبكيه فيستغفر له ويسأل آباءه × أن يستغفروا له ويقول: لو يعلم زائري ما أعد الله له لكان فرحه أكثر من جزعه, وإن زائره لينقلب وما عليه من ذنب. [40]

Mohammad ibn Muslim reported that he heard Imam Jaa’far Sadiq son of Mohammad (Pbut) say: “Al-Hussein son of Ali (Pbut) is with his lord. He looks upon the place of his camp along with the martyrs who were with him. He looks at his visitors and he knows better their conditions, names, names of their fathers and their rank to Allah than anyone of you knows his children. He beholds those who weep over him and so he asks forgiveness for them and he asks his forefathers (Pbut) to ask forgiveness for them. He then says: “If my visitor knows what Allah had prepared for him he would have been gladdened more than he is despondent.” His visitor turns back without carrying any sin.”

Al-Amali Book p.54


عن داود بن كثير, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إن فاطمة بنت محمد | تحضر لزوار قبر ابنها الحسين × فتستغفر لهم ذنوبهم. [41]

Daw Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “Fatima the daughter of Mohammad (Pbuhp) comes to the visitors of the grave of her son Hussein (Pbuh). She invokes forgivness for them.”

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.231


عن أبي عامر واعظ أهل الحجاز, عن أبا عبد الله ×, عن علي ×: إن النبي | قال له: والله لتقتلن بأرض العراق وتدفن بها، قلت: يا رسول الله ما لمن زار قبورنا وعمرها وتعاهدها؟ فقال لي: يا أبا الحسن إن الله جعل قبرك وقبر ولدك بقاعا من بقاع الجنة، وعرصة من عرصاتها، وإن الله جعل قلوب نجباء من خلقه وصفوة من عباده تحن اليكم، وتحتمل المذلة والأذى فيكم، فيعمرون قبوركم ويكثرون زيارتها تقربا منهم إلى الله ومودة منهم لرسوله، اولئك يا علي المخصوصون بشفاعتي، الواردون حوضي، وهم زواري غدا في الجنة، يا علي من عمر قبوركم وتعاهدها فكأنما أعان سليمان بن داود × على بناء بيت المقدس، ومن زار قبوركم عدل ذلك ثواب سبعين حجة بعد حجة الإسلام، وخرج من ذنوبه حتى يرجع من زيارتكم كيوم ولدته امه، أبشر وبشر أوليائك ومحبيك من النعيم وقرة العين بما لا عين رأت ولا اذن سمعت، ولا خطر على قلب بشر. ولكن حثالة من الناس يعيرون زواركم كما تعير الزانية بزناها، اولئك شرار امتي لا نالتهم شفاعتي ولا يردون حوضي. [42]
Abi Amer reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said that Imam Ali (Pbuh) said: “The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said to me: "I swear by Allah, you will be killed in the land of Iraq and you will be buried in it." He (Pbuh) said: "O Messenger of Allah, what does he earn he who visits our graves regularly and takes care of it?" He (Pbuhp) said: "O Abou Al-Hassan, Allah made your grave and your son's graves places of heaven. Allah made the hearts of the elite of his creatures and servants long for you and endure humility and harm in your cause. They will construct your shrines and visit them plentifully seeking with that closeness to Allah and to His Messenger. O Ali, those are the ones who will earn my intercession. They are the ones who will drink from my pond and they will be my visitors tomorrow in heaven. O Ali, those who help construct your graves and take care of them are considered as if they helped Suleiman Ibn Dawood build the House of Holiness. For whoever visits your graves, Allah inscribes in their account the rewards of seventy performed pilgrimages. They return to their homes free of sins as if they were just born. O Ali, tell your followers the glad tidings of bliss that no eye has ever seen and no ear has ever heard and no one has ever thought of. Some scums from people will wrong your visitors like how fornicators are wronged. Those are the evilest ones of my nation. They will not earn my intercession and not drink from my pond." 

Al-Tahdheeb Vol. 6, p.22


عن عبد الله بن مسكان, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من زار الحسين × من شيعتنا, لم يرجع حتى يغفر له كل ذنب, ويكتب له بكل خطوة خطاها وكل يد رفعتها دابته ألف حسنة, ومحي عنه ألف سيئة, وترفع له ألف درجة. [43]

Abdellah Ibn Miskan reported from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: "When a follower visits Al-Hussein (Pbuh), he has all his sins remitted for him. Allah inscribes one thousand righteous deeds to his account, erases one thousand sins and raises him one thousand ranks for every step he takes and every time he raises his hands."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.134


عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إن زائر الحسين × جعل ذنوبه جسرا على باب داره, ثم عبرها كما يخلف أحدكم الجسر وراءه إذا عبر. [44]

Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “The visitor of Al-Hussein (Pbuh) has his sins as a sill on his door. He crosses them and leaves them behind as one of you leaves the sill behind when he crosses.” (1)

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.152


عن سليمان بن خالد, عن أبي عبد الله ×, قال: سمعته يقول: إن لله في كل يوم وليلة مئة ألف لحظة إلى الأرض، يغفر لمن يشاء منه، ويعذب من يشاء منه، ويغفر لزائري قبر الحسين × خاصة ولأهل بيتهم، ولمن يشفع له يوم القيامة كائنا من كان. قلت: وإن كان رجلا قد استوجب النار؟ قال: وإن كان، ما لم يكن ناصبيا. [45]

"Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: Surely, for Allah, in every day and night, there are one hundred thousand moments, during which He looks at earth. He forgives whomever He wills and punishes whomever He wills. He forgives the visitors of the grave of Husayn (pbuh) especially, and the people of his household, and whomever they intercede for on the Day of Judgment, no matter who they may be.' I asked, 'Even if it's a person who deserves the Hellfire?' He replied, 'Yes, as long as they are not a Nasibi (Enemies of the Pure Household).'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.166


عن عبد الله بن مسكان قال: شهدت أبا عبد الله × وقد أتاه قوم من أهل خراسان فسألوه عن إتيان قبر الحسين × وما فيه من الفضل, قال: حدثني أبي عن جدي × أنه كان يقول: من زاره يريد به وجه الله أخرجه الله من ذنوبه كمولود ولدته أمه, وشيعته الملائكة في مسيره, فرفرفت على رأسه قد صفوا بأجنحتهم عليه حتى يرجع إلى أهله, وسألت الملائكة المغفرة له من ربه, وغشيته الرحمة من أعنان السماء, ونادته الملائكة: طبت وطاب من زرت, وحفظ في أهله. [46]

Abdellah ibn Meskan said: "I saw Imam Jaa’far (Pbuh) when people from Khurasan came to him and asked him about visiting Al-Hussein's (Pbuh) grave and its rewards and blessings. He (Pbuh) said: "My father said that my grandfather said: "He who visits Al-Hussein (Pbuh) only seeking the Face of Allah by him, Allah will remit all his sins and he will be as if he was newly born. The angels will accompany him in his journey and will fly over his head spreading their wings over him until he returns to his family. The angels will also ask forgiveness for him from his Lord. Mercy will surround him from the highest ranks of the sky, and the angels will call:" You are blessed and so is the one who you visited," and he will be protected with his family.””

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.145


عن قائد, عن عبد صالح × قال: والله، x × آت عارفا بحقه، إلا غفر الله له ما تقدم من ذنبه وما تأخر.[47]

From Qa'id, from Abd Salih, he said: "By Allah, whoever visits him acknowledging his right, Allah will forgive him for what has passed of his sins and what is to come."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.140


عن عبد الله بن بكير الأرجاني, قال في حديث طوبل مع الإمام الصادق × قلت: جعلت فداك أخبرني عن الحسين × لو نبش كانوا يجدون في قبره شيئا, قال: يابن بكير ما أعظم مسائلك, الحسين × مع أبيه وأمه واخيه الحسن × في منزل رسول الله |, يحيون كما يحيي ويرزقون كما يرزق, فلو نبش في أيامه لوجد, واما اليوم فهو حي عند ربه ينظر الى معسكره, وينظر إلى العرش متى يؤمر أن يحمله, وإنه لعلى يمين العرش متعلق, يقول: يا رب أنجز لي ما وعدتني, وإنه لينظر الى زواره وهو أعرف بهم وبأسماء آبائهم وبدرجاتهم وبمنزلتهم عند الله من أحدكم بولده وما في رحله, وإنه ليرى من يبكيه فيستغفر له رحمة له ويسأل أباه الاستغفار له, ويقول: لو تعلم أيها الباكي ما أعد لك لفرحت أكثر مما جزعت, فيستغفر له كل من سمع بكائه من الملائكة في السماء وفي الحائر, وينقلب وما عليه من ذنب. [48]

Abdellah ibn Bakeer Al-Arjani reported that he said to Imam Sadiq (Pbuh): 'May I be your ransom, tell me about Hussein (Pbuh). If his grave were to be dug up, would they find something?' He replied, 'O son of Bakir, how great your questions are. Hussein (Pbuh) is with his father, his mother, and his brother Hasan (Pbut) in the house of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp). They are living just as they lived, and they are provided for just as they were provided for. If his grave were to be dug up during his time, something would indeed be found. But today, he is alive in the presence of his Lord, looking at his camp. He looks at the Throne, waiting for it to be ordered to carry him. Indeed, he is hanging to the right of the Throne, saying, 'O Lord, fulfill what You promised me.' He looks at his visitors, recognizing them by name, the names of their fathers, their ranks, and their positions with Allah, more than any of you knows his own child or what is in his own saddlebag. He sees those who weep for him and seeks forgiveness for them, a mercy for them. He asks his father (Imam Ali, pbuh) to seek forgiveness for them and says, 'If you knew, O weeper, what is prepared for you, you would be happier than you are sad.' Then everyone among the angels in heaven and in the shrine who hear his weeping seeks forgiveness for him. Then he turns, and he has no sin on him.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.539



From Safwan al-Jammal, from Imam Abo Abdullah (Pbuh) who said: "Whoever bathes in the water of the Euphrates and visits the grave of Hussain (Pbuh), it will be as if he was born anew, free from sins, even if they were major sins."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.184


عن الحرث بن المغيرة, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إن لله ملائكة موكلين بقبر الحسين ×, فإذا هم الرجل بزيارته أعطاهم ذنوبه, فإذا خطا محوها, ثم إذا خطا ضاعفوا حسناته, فما تزال حسناته تضاعف حتى توجب له الجنة, ثم اكتنفوه وقدسوه وينادون ملائكة السماء: أن قدسوا زوار حبيب حبيب الله, فإذا اغتسلوا ناداهم محمد |:‏ يا وفد الله أبشروا بمرافقتي في الجنة, ثم ناداهم أمير المؤمنين × أنا ضامن لقضاء حوائجكم ودفع البلاء عنكم في الدنيا والآخرة, ثم اكتنفوهم عن أيمانهم وعن شمائلهم حتى ينصرفوا إلى أهاليهم. [50]

Harith bin Al-Mughira reported from Imam Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq (pbuh) that he said: "Indeed, Allah has appointed angels who are entrusted with the grave of Imam Hussain (pbuh). When a person decide to visit him and is about to leave, his sins are given to them. As he takes a step, they erase those sins. Then, as he takes another step, they multiply his good deeds. His good deeds continue to multiply until Paradise becomes obligatory for him. Then, they surround him, sanctify him, and the angels of the heavens call out: 'Sanctify the visitors of the beloved of the Beloved of Allah.' When they perform the ritual ablution (ghusl), Muhammad (pbuh) calls out to them: 'O delegation of Allah, rejoice in my companionship in Paradise.' Then, Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh) calls out to them: 'I guarantee the fulfillment of your needs and the removal of calamities from you in this world and the Hereafter.' Then, they surround them to their lefts and rights until they return to their families."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.152


عن جابر الجعفي, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إذا انقلبت من عند قبر الحسين ×، ناداك مناد لو سمعت مقالته لأقمت عمرك عند قبر الحسين ×، وهو يقول: طوبى لك أيها العبد, قد غنمت وسلمت، وقد غفر لك ما سلف؛ فاستأنف العمل. فإن مات في عامه أو في ليلته أو يومه لم يل قبض روحه إلا الله. وتقبل الملائكة معه، ويستغفرون له، ويصلون عليه حتى يوافي منزله، وتقول الملائكة: يا رب، هذا عبدك وقد وافى قبر ابن نبيك |، وقد وافى منزله، فأين نذهب؟ فيأتيهم النداء من السماء: يا ملائكتي، قفوا بباب عبدي، فسبحوا وقدسوا، واكتبوا ذلك في حسناته إلى يوم يتوفى. قال: فلا يزالون ببابه إلى يوم يتوفى، يسبحون الله ويقدسونه، ويكتبون ذلك في حسناته، فإذا توفي شهدوا كفنه وغسله والصلاة عليه، ويقولون: ربنا وكلتنا بباب عبدك وقد توفي، فأين نذهب؟ فيناديهم: يا ملائكتي، قفوا بقبر عبدي، فسبحوا وقدسوا، واكتبوا ذلك في حسناته إلى يوم القيامة.[51]

"Jabir al-Ju'fi reported from Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq (pbuh) who said: When you turn away from the grave of Hussein (pbuh), a caller will call out to you. If you were to hear his words, you would spend your whole life at the grave of Hussein (pbuh). He says, 'Good tidings to you, O servant! You have gained and found safety, and your past sins have been forgiven. So, resume your deeds. If he dies in the same year, or on the same night, or the same day that he visited the grave of Hussein (pbuh), his soul will be taken only by Allah. The angels accept him, seek forgiveness for him, and send blessings upon him until he reaches his destination. The angels say, 'O Lord, this is Your servant, and he has reached the grave of the son of Your Prophet (pbuh and his progeny) and came back to his house. Where shall we go?' Then, a call from the heavens reaches them, 'O My angels, stand at the gate of My servant, glorify and sanctify him, and record that in his good deeds until the Day he passes away.' He said, 'So, they continue to stand at his gate until the day he passes away, glorifying and sanctifying Allah and recording it in his good deeds. When he passes away, they witness his shrouding, his washing, and his funeral prayer, and they say, 'Our Lord, we were entrusted with the gate of Your servant, and he has passed away. Where shall we go?' Then, they are called, 'O My angels, stand at the grave of My servant, glorify and sanctify him, and record that in his good deeds until the Day of Resurrection.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.207


عن هارون بن خارجة, عن أبي عبد الله ×, قال: قلت: جعلت فداك, ما لمن أتى قبر الحسين × زائرا له عارفا بحقه، يريد به وجه الله تعالى والدار الآخرة؟ فقال له: يا هارون, من أتى قبر الحسين × زائرا له عارفا بحقه، يريد به وجه الله والدار الآخرة، غفر الله له ما تقدم من ذنبه وما تأخر. ثم قال لي ثلاثا: ألم أحلف لك؟ ألم أحلف لك؟ ألم أحلف لك؟ [52]

From Harun ibn Kharijah, from Imam Abo Abdullah (Pbuh), who said: "I asked: May I be your ransom, what is the reward for someone who visits the grave of Hussain (Pbuh) knowing his rights, seeking the contentment of Allah and the Hereafter? He replied: O Harun, whoever visits the grave of Hussain (Pbuh) knowing his rights, seeking the contentment of Allah and the Hereafter, Allah will forgive him his past and future sins. Then he said to me three times: Did I not swear to you? Did I not swear to you? Did I not swear to you?"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.144


* النجاة في الآخرة لمن زاره ×Him Salvation In The Hereafter Is For The One Who Visits


عن عبد الله الطحان, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: ما من أحد يوم القيامة إلا وهو يتمنى أنه من زوار الحسين ×؛ لما يرى مما يصنع بزوار الحسين × من كرامتهم على الله تعالى. [53]

Abdellah Al-Tahhan reported that Imam Jaafar Al-Sadeq (Pbuh) said: "On the Day of Resurrection, no one will wish except that they were among the visitors of Hussain (pbuh). This is because of what he sees happening to the visitors of Hussain (pbuh) in terms of their honor with Allah, the Most High."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.135



Salih ibn Maitham reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: "Whoever wishes to be among the participants in the gatherings of light on the Day of Judgment, let them be among the visitors of Hussein son of Ali (peace be upon them)."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.135


عن خالد بن إياس الحراني, عن أبي عبد الله جعفر بن محمد × قال: من لاذ بقبر الحسين × فاستجار من النار وسأل الله الجنة، إلا أجاره الله من النار وأعطاه الجنة. [55]

Khalid ibn Iyas Al-Harrani reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: "Whoever seeks refuge at the grave of Husayn (pbuh), seeking protection from the hellfire and asking Allah for Paradise, Allah will grant him refuge from the hellfire and grant him Paradise."

The Virtue of Visiting Imam Hussain Book p.54


عن أبي اسامة زيد الشحام, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من أتى قبر الحسين × تشوقا إليه، كتبه الله من الآمنين يوم القيامة، واعطي كتابه بيمينه، وكان تحت لواء الحسين × حتى يدخل الجنة، فيسكنه في درجته، إن الله عزيز حكيم. [56]

Abi Oussama Zaid Al-Shahham reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: Whoever visits the grave of Hussayn (pbuh) out of longing for him, Allah will record him among the safe ones on the Day of Resurrection, and his record will be given to him in his right hand. He will be under the banner of Husayn (pbuh) until he enters Paradise, where he will be placed in his rank. Indeed, Allah is Mighty and Wise."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.142


عن محمد البصري, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: سمعت أبي × يقول لرجل من مواليه وسأله عن الزيارة. فقال له: من تزور؟ ومن تريد به؟ قال: الله تبارك وتعالى. فقال: من صلى خلفه (خلف قبر الحسين ×) صلاة واحدة يريد بها الله، لقي الله يوم يلقاه وعليه من النور ما يغشى له كل شيء يراه، والله يكرم زواره ويمنع النار أن تنال منهم شيئا، وأن الزائر له لا يتناهى له دون الحوض، وأمير المؤمنين × قائم على الحوض يصافحه ويرويه من الماء، وما يسبقه أحد إلى وروده الحوض حتى يروى، ثم ينصرف إلى منزله من الجنة، ومعه ملك من قبل أمير المؤمنين × يأمر الصراط أن يذل له، ويأمر النار أن لا يصيبه من لفحها شيء حتى يجوزها، ومعه رسوله الذي بعثه أمير المؤمنين ×. [57]

Mohammad Al-Basri reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “I heard my father (Pbuh) say to a man from his followers who asked him about visiting (Imam Hussein): "Who do you visit, and whom do you intend by it?" He said, " Allah, the Blessed and Exalted." He (pbuh) replied, "Whoever performs a single prayer behind him (behind the grave of Imam Al-Husayn), seeking Allah. He will meet Allah on the day he meets Him, and there will be a light upon him that will envelop everything he sees. Allah honors his visitors and prevents the fire (Hell) from touching them in any way. The visitor to his grave will not be deprived of approaching the Pool (al-Kawthar), and Amir al-Mu'minin (Imam Ali, pbuh) will stand at the Pool, shaking his hand and giving him water to drink. No one will precede him to the Pool until he drinks from it and until he is satiated. Then he will depart to his abode in Paradise, and with him will be an angel appointed by Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh) who commands the Bridge (Sirat) to humble itself before him. He also commands the Fire not to touch him with its heat until he passes through it. Along with him is his messenger, whom Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh) sent."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.122


عن جويرية بن العلاء, عن بعض أصحابنا قال: من سره أن ينظر إلى الله يوم القيامة وتهون عليه سكرة الموت وهول المطلع، فليكثر زيارة قبر الحسين ×؛ فإن زيارة الحسين × زيارة رسول الله |. [58]

Jowariya ibn Al-Alaa reported: "Whoever wishes to behold Allah on the Day of Judgment, and wants the terror of death and the awe of the Resurrection to be made light upon him, let him frequently visit the grave of Hussain (Pbuh). For the visitation of Hussain (Pbuh) is the visitation of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp)."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.150


Muhammad ibn Marwan narrated: I heard Imam Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiq (pbuh) saying, "Visit Imam Hussein (pbuh), even if it's once a year. For whoever visits him, recognizing his rights and not denying them, there will be no compensation for him other than Paradise. He will be granted abundant provisions and Allah will bring about swift relief for him. Indeed, Allah assigned four thousand angels at the grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh). All of them weep for him and accompany those who visit him until they return home. If someone falls ill, these angels visit him, and if he dies, they attend his funeral, seeking forgiveness for him and invoking mercy upon him."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.85


عن محمد بن مسلم, عن أبي جعفر ×, قال: لو يعلم الناس ما في زيارة الحسين × من الفضل لماتوا شوقا وتقطعت أنفسهم عليه حسرات, قلت: وما فيه؟ قال: من أتاه تشوقا كتب الله له ألف حجة متقبلة وألف عمرة مبرورة وأجر ألف شهيد من شهداء بدر وأجر ألف صائم, وثواب ألف صدقة مقبولة وثواب ألف نسمة أريد بها وجه الله, ولم يزل محفوظا سنته من كل آفة أهونها الشيطان, ووكل به ملك كريم يحفظه من بين يديه ومن خلفه, وعن يمينه وعن شماله, ومن فوق رأسه ومن تحت قدمه, فان مات سنته حضرته ملائكة الرحمة يحضرون غسله وأكفانه والاستغفار له, ويشيعونه الى قبره بالاستغفار له, ويفسح له في قبره مد بصره, ويؤمنه الله من ضغطة القبر ومن منكر ونكير أن يروعانه, ويفتح له باب الى الجنة, ويعطى كتابه بيمينه, ويعطى له يوم القيامة نورا يضيء لنوره ما بين المشرق والمغرب, وينادي مناد: هذا من زوار الحسين شوقا إليه, فلا يبقى أحد يوم القيامة إلا تمنى يومئذ أنه كان من زوار الحسين ×.[60]

Mohammad ibn Muslim reported that Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir son of Ali (Pbut) said: If people knew what lies in the visitation of Hussain (Pbuh) out of longing for him, they would die of yearning, and their souls would be severed for him with sorrow. I said: And what is in it. He said: Whoever comes to him out of longing, Allah writes for him a thousand accepted pilgrimages, and a thousand blessed Umrah, and the reward of a thousand martyrs from the martyrs of Badr, and the reward of a thousand fasting individuals, and the reward of a thousand accepted charitable acts, and the reward of a thousand souls that seek Allah's countenance, and he is not touched by his act by Satan, and a noble angel is assigned to guard him from before him and behind him and his right and his left and above his head and beneath his feet. If he dies in that year, the angels of mercy attend his ghusl (washing) and kafan (shrouding) and seek forgiveness for him, and they take him out (of this world) with seeking forgiveness, and they spread open for him his grave as much as his vision can reach, and Allah secures him from the distress of the grave, and from Munkar and Nakir to terrify him, and He opens for him a gate to Paradise, and gives him his book with his right hand, and gives him on the Day of Resurrection a light that lights up between the east and the west. Then a caller will call: This is from the visitors of Hussain, out of longing for him. So no one will remain on the Day of Resurrection except that he wishes on that day that he had been one of the visitors of Hussain (Pbuh)."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.270

عن زرارة قال: قلت لأبي جعفر ×: ما تقول فيمن زار أباك على خوف؟ قال: يؤمنه الله يوم الفزع الأكبر، وتلقاه الملائكة بالبشارة، ويقال له: لا تخف ولا تحزن، هذا يومك الذي فيه فوزك. [61]

Zurara told Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir (Pbuh): "What do you say about the one who visits your father with the presence of fear?" He replied, "Allah will secure him on the Day of the Greatest Alarm, and the angels will greet him with good tidings. It will be said to him, 'Do not fear, and do not grieve. This is your day, the day of your success."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.125


عن محمد بن مسلم قال: قال لي أبو جعفر محمد بن علي ×: هل تأتي قبر الحسين ×؟ قلت: نعم، على خوف ووجل. فقال: ما كان من هذا أشد فالثواب فيه على قدر الخوف، ومن خاف في إتيانه آمن الله روعته يوم القيامة، يوم يقوم الناس لرب العالمين، وانصرف بالمغفرة، وسلمت عليه الملائكة، وزاره النبي | ودعا له، وانقلب بنعمة من الله وفضل، لم يمسسه سوء، واتبع رضوان الله. [62]

From Muhammad ibn Muslim, who said: "Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Ali (Pbuh) said to me: 'Do you visit the grave of Hussain (Pbuh)?' I replied: 'Yes, with fear and apprehension.' He said: 'The greater the fear and apprehension, the greater the reward. Whoever fears in visiting him, Allah will grant him security on the Day of Judgment, the day when people will stand before the Lord of the worlds. He will return with forgiveness, the angels will greet him, the Prophet (Pbuh) will visit him and pray for him, and he will return with a blessing and favor from Allah, having not been harmed, and having followed the contentment of Allah.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.126



From Safwan al-Jammal, from Abu Abdullah (Pbuh), who said: "When a man leaves his home intending to visit Hussain (Pbuh), seven hundred angels accompany him from above his head and beneath him, on his right and on his left, in front of him and behind him, until they bring him safely to his destination. When he visits Hussain (Pbuh), a caller proclaims: 'Allah has forgiven you, keep up the good deeds.' Then they return with him, accompanying him back to his home. When they reach his home, they say: 'We entrust you to Allah.' They continue to visit him until the day of his death, and then they visit the grave of Hussain (Pbuh) every day, and the reward for that is for the man."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.190


عن ابن بكير, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: قلت له: إني أنزل الارجان[64] وقلبي ينازعني إلى قبر أبيك, فإذا خرجت فقلبي وجل مشفق حتى أرجع خوفا من السلطان والسعاة وأصحاب المسالح،[65] فقال: يابن بكير أما تحب أن يراك الله فينا خائف, أما تعلم أنه من خاف لخوفنا أظله الله في ظل عرشه, وكان محدثه الحسين × تحت العرش, وآمنه الله من أفزاع يوم القيامة, يفزع الناس ولا يفزع, فإن فزع وقرته الملائكة وسكنت قلبه بالبشارة.[66]     

Ibn Bukayr reported from Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq), who said: I said to him, "I live in Al-Rujan, and my heart longs to visit the grave of your father. But whenever I set out, my heart becomes fearful and anxious until I return due to fear of the authorities, informers, and patrol guards." He replied, "O Ibn Bukayr, do you not love that Allah sees you in a state of fear for our sake? Do you not know that whoever fears for our sake will be sheltered by Allah under the shade of His Throne, and that Husayn will converse with him under the Throne? Allah will grant him security from the terrors of the Day of Resurrection. People will be in fear, but he will not be afraid. If he feels fear, the angels will comfort him and calm his heart with glad tidings."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.125


روي ان رسول الله | كان ذات يوم جالسا وحوله علي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين ‘ فقال لهم: كيف بكم إذا كنتم صرعى وقبوركم شتى؟ فقال له الحسين ×: أنموت موتا أو نقتل؟ فقال: بل تقتل يا بني ظلما، ويقتل أخوك ظلما، وتشرد ذراريكم في الأرض، فقال الحسين ×: ومن يقتلنا يا رسول الله؟ قال: شرار الناس، قال: فهل يزورنا بعد قتلنا أحد؟ قال: نعم، طائفة من أمتي يريدون بزيارتكم بري وصلتي، فإذا كان يوم القيامة جئتهم إلى الموقف حتى آخذ بأعضادهم فأخلصهم من أهواله وشدائده. [67]

"One day, the Prophet (Pbuhp) was sitting with Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Husayn (Pbuh). He said to them, 'How will it be for you when you are oppressed and your graves are scattered?' Husayn (Pbuh) asked, 'Will we die a natural death or be killed?' The Prophet (Pbuhp) replied, 'No, you will be killed, my son, unjustly. Your brother will also be killed unjustly, and your descendants will be scattered across the land.' Husayn (pbuh) asked, 'Who will kill us, O Messenger of Allah?' The Prophet (Pbuhp) answered, 'The worst of people.' Husayn (Pbuh) then asked, 'Will anyone visit us after our death?' The Prophet (Pbuhp) replied, 'Yes, a group from my Ummah will seek to visit you out of loyalty and love to me. On the Day of Judgment, I will come to them at the Gathering Place, take them by their hands, and save them from its horrors and difficulties.

Al-Irshad Book Vol.2, p. 131



"Abdullah bin Yahya al-Kahili reported from Abu Abdullah al-Sadiq (pbuh), who said: 'Whoever desires to have a place in the honor of Allah on the Day of Judgment and to have the intercession of Muhammad (pbuh), let him be a visitor of Imam Hussein (pbuh). He will attain favor, honor, and a good reward from Allah. He will not be asked about his sins and wrongdoings that he committed in the worldly life, even if his sins were as numerous as the grains of sand, the mountains of Tuhamah, and the foam of the sea. Indeed, Imam Hussein (pbuh) was killed unjustly, oppressed, and he and his family and companions were thirsty.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.153



Abdullah bin Shu'ayb al-Tamimi reported: I heard Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, pbuh) saying, 'A caller will call out on the Day of Judgment, "Where are the Shia (followers) of the progeny of Muhammad?" A group of people will stand up, and only Allah, the Most High, can count their number. They will stand apart from the rest of the people. Then a caller will announce, "Where are the visitors of the grave of Hussein (pbuh)?" Many people will rise, and it will be said to them, "Take by the hand those you love and proceed with them to Paradise." So, a man will take by the hand the one he loves, to the extent that a person will say to another, "Do you recognize me? I am the one who stood by you on such and such a day." He will be admitted to Paradise without any obstacle or hindrance.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p. 166



Abdullah bin Zurara reported: I heard Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, pbuh) saying, 'Verily, the visitors of Hussein son of Ali (peace be upon them) on the Day of Judgment will have a preference over the people.' I asked, 'What is their preference?' He replied, 'They will enter Paradise ahead of the people by forty years, while the rest of the people will be in the state of accountability and standing for judgment.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.137


عن أبي اسامة قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله × يقول: من أراد أن يكون في جوار نبيه | وجوار علي وفاطمة ÷، فلا يدع زيارة الحسين بن علي ×. [71]

Abu Usama said: I heard Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq) say: "Whoever wishes to be neighboring  Prophet, and neighboring  Ali and Fatimah, should not abandon the visitation of Husayn ibn Ali."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.137


عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إذا كان يوم القيامة نادى مناد: أين زوار الحسين بن علي, فيقوم عنق من الناس لا يحصيهم الا الله تعالى, فيقول لهم: ما أردتم بزيارة قبر الحسين ×؟ فيقولون: يا رب أتيناه حبا لرسول الله وحبا لعلي وفاطمة ورحمة له مما ارتكب منه, فيقال لهم: هذا محمد وعلي وفاطمة والحسن والحسين فالحقوا بهم, فأنتم معهم في درجتهم الحقوا بلواء رسول الله فينطلقون إلى لواء رسول الله, فيكونون في ظله واللواء في يد علي × حتى يدخلون الجنة جميعا, فيكونون أمام اللواء, وعن يمينه وعن يساره ومن خلفه.[72]

Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said, 'On the Day of Resurrection, a caller will call out: Where are the visitors of Hussein, the son of Ali? Then a large group of people will stand up, and only Allah knows their number. They will be asked, 'What was your intention behind visiting the grave of Hussein?' They will reply, 'O Lord, we visited him out of love for the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp), love for Ali, love for Fatimah, and out of compassion to what he had suffered of wrongs committed against him.' It will then be said to them, 'This is Muhammad, Ali, Fatimah, Hasan, and Hussein (Pbut). Join them in their rank.' So, they will be with them in their rightful position under the banner of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) which is carried by Ali (Pbuh). They will all enter Paradise together, and they will stand before the banner—some to the right, some to the left, and some behind it."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.141



* قضاء الحوائج ورفع البلاء عنده × Visiting Him (Pbuh) Fulfills Needs and Lifts Afflictions

عن محمد بن مسلم, عن ابى جعفر × قال: ان الحسين × صاحب كربلا قتل مظلوما مكروبا عطشانا لهفانا، وحق على الله عز وجل ان لا ياتيه لهفان، ولا مكروب ولا مذنب ولا مغموم ولا عطشان ولا ذو عاهة ثم دعا عنده وتقرب بالحسين × الى الله عز وجل الا نفس الله كربته واعطاه مسالته وغفر ذنوبه ومد فى عمره وبسط فى رزقه، فاعتبروا يا اولى الابصار. [73]

Mohammad ibn Muslim reported that Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir (Pbuh) said: "Certainly, Hussain (pbuh), the companion of Karbala, was killed while innocent, oppressed, thirsty, and suffering. It is Allah's right, the Mighty and Sublime, that none comes to him while thirsty, suffering, sinful, distressed, or impaired, and then supplicates near him, except that Allah responds to his need, grants his request, forgives his sins, extends his life, and increases his sustenance. Reflect, O people of insight."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.312


عن محمد بن مسلم قال: سمعت أبا جعفر وجعفر بن محمد × يقولان: إن الله تعالى عوض الحسين × من قتله أن جعل الإمامة في ذريته، والشفاء في تربته، وإجابة الدعاء عند قبره، ولا تعد أيام زائريه جائيا وراجعا من عمره. قال محمد بن مسلم: فقلت لأبي عبد الله ×: هذا الجلال ينال بالحسين ×، فما له في نفسه؟ قال: إن الله تعالى ألحقه بالنبي |، فكان معه في درجته ومنزلته، ثم تلا أبو عبد الله ×: {والذين آمنوا واتبعتهم ذريتهم بإيمان ألحقنا بهم ذريتهم} الآية.[74]

From Muhammad ibn Muslim, who said: "I heard Abu Ja'far and Ja'far ibn Muhammad (Pbuh) say: 'Allah, the Exalted, compensated Hussain (Pbuh) for his martyrdom by placing the Imamate in his progeny, granting healing in his soil, the answering of prayers at his grave, and the days of his visitors' journeys towards his shrine and back to their homes are not counted as part of their lifespan.' Muhammad ibn Muslim said: 'I asked Abu Abdullah (Pbuh): This grandeur is achieved through Hussain (Pbuh), but what does he receive himself?' He replied: 'Allah, the Exalted, united him with the Prophet (Pbuh), so he is with him in his rank and station.' Then Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) recited: {And those who believe and whose descendants follow them in faith, We will join with them their descendants}.”

Al-Amali Book p.317


عن حماد بن عثمان, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: لما اسري بالنبي | إلى السماء قيل له: (الى ان قال) وأما ابنك المخذول المقتول، وابنك المغدور المقتول صبرا، فإنهما مما ازين بهما عرشي، ولهما من الكرامة سوى ذلك مما لا يخطر على قلب بشر لما أصابهما من البلاء، فعلي فتوكل، ولكل من أتى قبره في الخلق من الكرامة؛ لأن زواره زوارك، وزوارك زواري، وعلي كرامة زواري، وأنا اعطيه ما سأل، وأجزيه جزاء يغبطه من نظر إلى عظمتي إياه، وما أعددت له من كرامتي. [75]

Hamad ibn Othman reported that Imam Ja’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: “When the prophet (Pbuhp) was ascended to the sky, he was told: “… As for your forsaken and killed son and your deceived and killed son, I will ornament the throne with them. They have honor that no human can ever imagine because of what they encountered of afflictions. Thus, on Me may you depend. Every creature who comes to his grave is granted an honor. This is because his visitors are your visitors and your visitors are My visitors and I have to honor My visitors. I shall give him whatever he asks for and grant him rewards and prepare honors for him that cause others to envy him.””

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.334


عن عاصم بن حميد الحناط قال: سألت جعفر بن محمد × عن زيارة قبر الحسين ×، فقال: يا عاصم, من زار قبر الحسين × وهو مغموم أذهب الله غمه، ومن زاره وهو فقير أذهب فقره، ومن كانت به عاهة فدعا الله أن يذهبها عنه أذهبها عنه، واستجيبت دعوته، وفرج همه وغمه. فلا تدع أن تأتيه، فإنك كلما أتيته كتب لك بكل خطوة تخطوها عشر حسنات، ومحي عنك عشر سيئات، وكتب لك ثواب شهيد في سبيل الله اهريق دمه، فإياك أن تفوتك زيارته. [76]

Assim ibn Hameed Al-Hannat reported that he asked Imam Jaa’far Sadiq son of Mohammad (Pbut) about visiting the grave of Hussein (Pbuh). He (Pbuh) said: “O Assim, whoever visits the grave of Hussein (Pbuh) while in distress, Allah relieves him from his distress. Allah annuls the poverty of every poor man who visits him. Whoever visits him having an illness, Allah cures him from his illness and Allah responds to their supplications and alleviate their sorrows and concerns. Do not let an opportunity to visit him pass you by, for each step you take towards his grave, Allah records ten good deeds for you and erases ten sins. He will reward you as if you were a martyr in the cause of Allah, with your blood being shed. So, beware of missing out on his visitation."

The Virtue of Visiting Imam Hussain Book p.64


عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من كان له حاجة إلى الله عز وجل فليقف عند رأس الحسين ×، وليقل: يا أبا عبد الله، أشهد أنك تشهد مقامي، وتسمع كلامي، وأنك حي عند ربك ترزق، فاسأل ربك وربي في قضاء حوائجي. فإنها تقضى إن شاء الله تعالى. [77]

Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: "Whoever has a need from Allah, the Almighty, should stand at the head of Hussein (Pbuh) and say: 'O Abu Abdullah, I bear witness that you bear witness to my situation, and you hear my words, and you are alive in the presence of your Lord, receiving sustenance. So, I ask my Lord and your Lord to fulfill my needs.' Surely, they will be fulfilled, God willing."

I’ddat Al-Dae’ee p.64


عن محمد بن حكيم, عن أبي الحسن × قال: من أتى قبر الحسين × في السنة ثلاث مرات، أمن من الفقر. [78]

From Muhammad ibn Hakim, who said: "Abu al-Hasan (Pbuh) said: 'Whoever visits the grave of Hussain (Pbuh) three times a year will be protected from poverty.'"

Al-Tahdheeb Book Vol.6, p.48


عن هارون بن خارجة, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: قال الحسين بن علي ×: أنا قتيل العبرة، قتلت مكروبا، وحقيق على الله أن لا يأتيني مكروب إلا رده وقلبه إلى أهله مسرورا. [79]

Imam Al-Hussein (Pbuh) said:"I am the martyr of tears; I was killed suffering an adversity. Indeed, whenever a grieved person comes to me, Allah will never allow him to leave to his family unless he is happy.”

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.109


عن حذيفة بن منصور, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من زار قبر الحسين × لله وفي الله، أعتقه الله من النار وآمنه يوم الفزع الأكبر، ولم يسأل الله تعالى حاجة من حوائج الدنيا والآخرة إلا أعطاه. [80]

Hudheifa ibn Mansour reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: "Whoever visits the grave of Hussain (pbuh) for the sake of Allah, Allah will free him from the Fire and grant him safety on the Day of the Great Panic. And he will not ask Allah the Most High for anything, whether in this world or the Hereafter, except that He will grant it to him."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.146



* ثواب زيارته × أفضل من ثواب الحج The reward for visiting him is greater than the reward for Hajj.

عن عبد الله ابن أبي يعفور, قال: سمعت ابا عبد الله × يقول لرجل من مواليه: يا فلان أتزور قبر أبي عبد الله الحسين بن علي ×, قال: نعم إني أزوره بين ثلاث سنين مرة, فقال له وهو مصفر الوجه: أما والله الذي لا إله إلا هو لو زرته لكان أفضل لك مما أنت فيه, فقال له: جعلت فداك أكل هذا الفضل! فقال نعم, والله لو أني حدثتكم بفضل زيارته وبفضل قبره لتركتم الحج رأسا وما حج منكم أحد, ويحك أما تعلم ان الله اتخذ كربلاء حرما آمنا مباركا قبل أن يتخذ مكة حرما, قال ابن أبي يعفور: فقلت له: قد فرض الله على الناس حج البيت ولم يذكر زيارة قبر الحسين ×, فقال: وان كان كذلك فإن هذا شيء جعله الله هكذا, أما سمعت قول أبي أمير المؤمنين × حيث يقول: إن باطن القدم أحق بالمسح من ظاهر القدم, ولكن الله فرض هذا على العباد أو ما علمت أن الموقف لو كان في الحرم كان أفضل لأجل الحرم, ولكن الله صنع ذلك في غير الحرم.[81]

Abdullah ibn Abi Ya'fur narrated: I heard Abu Abdullah (Imam Al-Sadiq pbuh) saying to a man from his followers, "O you, do you visit the grave of Abu Abdullah Al-Hussein son of Ali (pbuh)?" The man replied, "Yes, I visit it once every three years." Imam Al-Sadiq (pbuh) said to him with a stern face, "By Allah, if I swear by the One who there is no god but He, if you were to visit him, it would be better for you than what you are doing now."

The man said, "May I be your ransom! Is it of all this virtue!" Imam Al-Sadiq (pbuh) responded, "Yes, by Allah! If I were to inform you about the merits of visiting his shrine and the merits of his grave, you would abandon the obligatory pilgrimage (Hajj) altogether, and none of you would perform it. Do you not know that Allah sanctified Karbala as a secure and blessed sanctuary before He sanctified Mecca? Ibn Abi Ya'fur said, "I told him, 'Allah has imposed the pilgrimage to the Kaaba on people and did not mention the visitation of Imam Hussein's grave.'" Imam Al-Sadiq (pbuh) replied, "Even if that is the case, Allah has decreed it in this manner. Have you not heard the saying of my father, Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh), when he said, 'Indeed, the bottom of the foot is more deserving of being wiped than the top of the foot, but Allah has prescribed this upon His servants. Did you not realize that if the standing (on Arafa Mount) was in the sanctuary (Ka’ba Mosque), it would have been better for the sake of the sanctuary? But Allah decreed this to happen outside the sanctuary.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:267


عن يونس, عن الرضا ×: من زار قبر الحسين × فقد حج واعتمر. قال: قلت: يطرح عنه حجة الإسلام؟ قال: لا، هي حجة الضعيف حتى يقوى ويحج إلى بيت الله الحرام، أما علمت أن البيت يطوف به كل يوم سبعون ألف ملك، حتى إذا أدركهم الليل صعدوا ونزل غيرهم، فطافوا بالبيت حتى الصباح، وإن الحسين × لأكرم على الله من البيت، وإنه في وقت كل صلاة لينزل عليه سبعون ألف ملك، شعث غبر لا تقع عليه النوبة إلى يوم القيامة. [82]

Yunus reported that Imam Al-Rida (pbuh) said: "Whoever visits the grave of Imam Hussain (pbuh) has performed Hajj and Umrah." Yunus asked, "Does this exempt them from the obligation of performing the Hajj of Islam?" Imam Al-Rida (pbuh) replied, "No, it is the Hajj of the weak until they become strong enough to perform the pilgrimage to the House of Allah (the Kaaba). Do you not know that the Kaaba is circumambulated by seventy thousand angels every day, and when night falls, they ascend, and another group descends? They continue to perform Tawaf (circumambulation) around the Kaaba until morning. Imam Hussain (pbuh) is even more honored to Allah than the Kaaba. At the time of every prayer, seventy thousand angels descend upon him who dusty and covered with soil and they don’t assend until the Day of Judgment."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:159


عن هارون بن خارجة قال: سأل رجل أبا عبد الله × وأنا عنده، فقال: ما لمن زار قبر الحسين ×؟ فقال: إن قبر الحسين × وكل الله به أربعة آلاف ملك شعث غبر، يبكونه إلى يوم القيامة. فقلت له: بأبي أنت وامي, روي عن أبيك أن ثواب زيارته كثواب الحج. قال: نعم، حجة وعمرة، حتى عد عشرا. [83]

"Harun ibn Kharijah said: A man asked Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (pbuh) in my presence, "What is the reward for those who visit the grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh)?" The Imam replied, "The grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh) is visited by four thousand disheveled and dusty angels, and they will continue to weep over him until the Day of Judgment." I then said to him, "I swear by my parents, it has been narrated from your father (Imam Muhammad al-Baqir, pbuh) that the reward of visiting Imam Hussein's grave is like the reward of performing Hajj." The Imam affirmed, "Yes, it is like performing Hajj and Umrah.” He said it ten times."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:158


عن يزيد بن عبد الملك قال: كنت مع أبي عبد الله × فمر قوم على حمير, فقال: أين يريد هؤلاء؟ قلت: قبور الشهداء, قال: فما يمنعهم من زيارة الشهيد الغريب, فقال رجل من أهل العراق: وزيارته واجبة؟ قال: زيارته خير من حجة وعمرة وعمرة وحجة, - حتى عد عشرين حجة وعمرة - ثم قال: مقبولات مبرورات, قال: فو الله ما قمت حتى أتاه رجل فقال له: إني قد حججت تسع عشرة حجة, فادع الله أن يرزقني تمام العشرين حجة, قال: هل زرت قبر الحسين ×؟ قال: لا, قال: لزيارته خير من عشرين حجة. [84]

Yazeed ibn Abdel-Malik reported: "I was with Imam Abu Abdullah Al-Sadiq (pbuh) when a group of people passed by with their camels heading towards the graves of martyrs. He asked, 'Where are these people going?' I replied, 'To the graves of the martyrs.' He then asked, 'Why don't they visit the grave of the stranger martyr?' A man from Iraq asked, 'Is visiting him obligatory?' The Imam answered, 'Visiting him is better than Hajj and Umrah twenty times over.' He added, 'These visits are accepted and blessed.' I swear, a man came and said : I performed Hajj and Umra nineteen times. Can youp ray for me to be able to perform the twentieth?” Then, he asked the man, 'Have you visited the grave of Hussein (pbuh)?' The man replied, 'No.' The Imam said, 'Visiting it is better than twenty Hajj.'"

Al-Kafi Volume 4, P:581



"Jarir ibn Hazim said: Abu Abdullah Ja'far ibn Muhammad asked Mu'awiyah ibn Ammar, 'How many times have you performed Hajj?' He replied, 'Nineteen times.' Ja'far then said, 'Perform one more Hajj to be like one who visits the grave of Hussein.' Mu'awiyah ibn Ammar then asked Abu Abdullah, 'And does one who visits the grave of Hussein receive the same reward as one who performs twenty Hajj?' Ja'far replied, 'Yes, by God, the visitor of the grave of Hussein receives the reward of twenty Hajj, and twenty Hajj- He said it five times-.' Since I heard Abu Abdullah say this, I visit his grave three times every year."

Fadel Ziyarat Al-Imam Al-Husayn P:63


عن مالك بن عطية, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من زار قبر أبي عبد الله × كتب الله له ثمانين حجة مبرورة. [86]

"Malik ibn Atiyyah reported that Abu Abdullah said: 'Whoever visits the grave of Abu Abdullah, God will record for them the reward of eighty accepted Hajj.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:162


عن حنان بن سدير قال: سألت أبا عبد الله × عن زيارة قبر الحسين ×، فقال: تعدل عشر حجج. قال: قلت: عشر حجج؟! قال: تعدل عشرين حجة. قلت: تعدل عشرين حجة؟! قال: تعدل ثلاثين حجة. قلت: ثلاثين حجة؟! قال: أربعين حجة. قلت: أربعين حجة؟! فلم أزل حتى بلغ المئة حجة. قال: فسكت ولو استزدته لزادني. [87]

"Hanan ibn Sudayr reported: I asked Abu Abdullah about visiting the grave of Hussein, and he said: 'It equals ten Hajj.' I asked, 'Ten Hajj?!' He replied, 'It equals twenty Hajj.' I asked, 'Twenty Hajj?!' He said, 'It equals thirty Hajj.' I asked, 'Thirty Hajj?!' He said, 'Forty Hajj.' I asked, 'Forty Hajj?!' I continued to ask until he reached one hundred Hajj. Then he fell silent, and if I had asked for more, he would have given me more."

Fadel Ziyarat Al-Imam Al-Husayn P:59


عن الصادق جعفر بن محمد × قال: زيارة الحسين × تعدل مئة حجة مبرورة، ومئة عمرة متقبلة. [88]

"Al-Sadiq Ja'far ibn Muhammad (pbuh) said: 'Visiting Hussein (pbuh)  equals one hundred accepted Hajj and one hundred accepted Umrah.'"

Al-Ershad Volume 2, P:134


عن عبد الله بن ميمون القداح, عن أبي عبد الله ×, قال: قلت له: ما لمن أتى قبر الحسين بن علي × زائرا عارفا بحقه, غير مستنكف ولا مستكبر؟ قال: يكتب له ألف حجة مقبولة وألف عمرة مبرورة, وإن كان شقيا كتب سعيدا ولم يزل يخوض في رحمة الله. [89]

"Abdullah ibn Maimun al-Qaddah reported that he asked Abu Abdullah: 'What is the reward for one who visits the grave of Hussein ibn Ali (pbuh), recognizing his right, without arrogance or pride?' He replied: 'A thousand accepted Hajj and a thousand accepted Umrah will be recorded for him. And if he was wretched, he will be written among the blessed, and he will continually dwell in the mercy of God.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:145


عن ابن سنان, قال: قلت لابي عبد الله ×: جعلت فداك إن أباك كان يقول: في الحج يحسب له بكل درهم أنفقه ألف درهم فما لمن ينفق في المسير إلى أبيك الحسين ×, فقال: يابن سنان يحسب له بالدرهم ألف وألف - حتى عد عشرة - ويرفع له من الدرجات مثلها, ورضا الله خير له, ودعاء محمد | ودعاء أمير المؤمنين والائمة خير له. [90]

"Ibn Sinan reported that he said to Abu Abdullah (pbuh): 'May I be your ransom, your father used to say that for Hajj, each dirham spent is counted as a thousand dirhams. What is the reward for one who spends on the journey to your father Hussein?' Abu Abdullah (pbuh) replied: 'O Ibn Sinan, for each dirham, a thousand and a thousand - he counted up to ten - and the same number of degrees will be raised for him. And the pleasure of God is better for him, and the prayers of Muhammad and the prayers of the Commander of the Faithful and the Imams are better for him.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:128


عن قدامة بن مالك, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من أراد زيارة قبر الحسين × لا أشرا ولا بطرا ولا رياءا ولا سمعة، محصت ذنوبه كما يمحص الثوب في الماء؛ فلا يبقى عليه دنس، ويكتب الله له بكل خطوة حجة، وكلما رفع قدمه عمرة. [91]

"Qudamah ibn Malik reported that Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: 'Whoever wishes to visit the grave of Hussein without arrogance, vanity, hypocrisy, or seeking fame, his sins will be purified as a garment is purified in water, leaving no stain. God will record for him a Hajj for every step he takes, and an Umrah every time he lifts his foot.'"

Al-Tahzib Volume 6, P:44


عن أبي عبد الله ×: أيما مؤمن أتى قبر الحسين × عارفا بحقه في غير يوم عيد كتبت له عشرون حجة وعشرون عمرة مبرورات متقبلات وعشرون غزوة مع نبي مرسل أو إمام عادل. [92]

"Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: 'Any believer who visits the grave of Hussein, recognizing his right, on a day other than a festival day, will have the reward of twenty accepted and accepted Hajj and twenty accepted Umrah, and the reward of twenty battles alongside a sent prophet or a just imam.'"

Thawab Al-A'mal P:89


عن مسعدة بن صدقة قال: قلت: لأبى عبد الله ×: ما لمن زار قبر الحسين ×؟ قال: تكتب له حجة مع رسول الله |، قال: قلت له: جعلت فداك حجة مع رسول الله |؟ قال: نعم وحجتان، قال: قلت: جعلت فداك حجتان؟ قال: نعم وثلاث، فما زال يعد حتى بلغ عشرا, قلت: جعلت فداك عشر حجج مع رسول الله |؟ قال: نعم وعشرون حجة، قلت: جعلت فداك وعشرون؟ فما زال يعد حتى بلغ خمسين، فسكت. [93]

"Mas'adah ibn Sadqah said: I asked Abu Abdullah (pbuh) about the reward for one who visits the grave of Hussein. He said: 'A Hajj will be recorded for him along with the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp).' I asked, 'May I be your ransom, a Hajj with the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp)?' He replied: 'Yes, and two Hajj.' I asked, 'May I be your ransom, two Hajj?' He said: 'Yes, and three.' He continued counting until he reached ten. I asked, 'May I be your ransom, ten Hajj with the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp)?' He said: 'Yes, twenty Hajj.' I asked, 'May I be your ransom, twenty?' He continued counting until he reached fifty, then he fell silent."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:306


عن صالح النيلي, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من أتى قبر الحسين × عارفا بحقه، كان كمن حج مئة حجة مع رسول الله |. [94]

"Salih al-Nili reported that Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: 'Whoever visits the grave of Hussein, recognizing his right, is like one who has performed Hajj a hundred times with the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp).'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:162


عن رفاعة النحاس, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: أخبرني أبي × قال: من خرج إلى قبر الحسين × عارفا بحقه غير مستكبر صحبه ألف ملك عن يمينه وألف ملك عن يساره وكتب له ألف حجة وألف عمرة مع نبي أو وصي نبي. [95]

"Rafa'ah al-Nahhas reported that Abu Abdullah (pbuh) said: 'My father informed me that whoever goes out to the grave of Hussein, recognizing his right, without arrogance, will be accompanied by a thousand angels on his right and a thousand angels on his left. It will be recorded for him a thousand Hajj and a thousand Umrah with a prophet or an imam appointed by the prophet.'"

Mesbah Al-Moutahajjed P:716


عن أبي عبد الله × قال: كان الحسين × ذات يوم في حجر النبي | يلاعبه ويضاحكه. فقالت عائشة: يا رسول الله, ما أشد إعجابك بهذا الصبي, فقال لها: ويلك ويلك, وكيف لا احبه ولا اعجب به، وهو ثمرة فؤادي، وقرة عيني؟ أما إن امتي ستقتله؛ فمن زاره بعد وفاته كتب الله له حجة من حججي. قالت: يا رسول الله, حجة من حججك؟ قال: نعم، وحجتين. قالت: يا رسول الله, حجتين من حججك؟ قال: نعم، وأربعا. قال: فلم تزل تزيده وهو يزيد ويضعف، حتى بلغ تسعين حجة من حجج رسول الله | بأعمارها. [96]

"Abu Abdullah said: 'Once, Hussein was in the lap of the Prophet (pbuhp), playing and making him laugh. Aisha said, 'O Messenger of Allah, how greatly you admire this child!' He replied to her, 'Woe unto you! Woe unto you! How can I not love him and be amazed by him, when he is the delight of my heart and the apple of my eye? Verily, my ummah will kill him. Whoever visits him after his death, Allah will record for him a Hajj from my Hajj.' She asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, a Hajj from your Hajj?' He said, 'Yes, and two Hajj.' She asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, two Hajj from your Hajj?' He replied, 'Yes, and four.' She continued asking, and it increased and decreased until it reached ninety Hajj from the Hajj of the Messenger of Allah, gand their correspondent Umras.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:68



* من أتى قبره × فقد وصل رسول الله |Whoever visits his grave has indeed connected with the Messenger of Allah.


عن أبان, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من أتى قبر أبي عبد الله × فقد وصل رسول الله | ووصلنا، وحرمت غيبته، وحرم لحمه على النار، وأعطاه الله بكل درهم أنفقه عشرة آلاف مدينة، له في كتاب محفوظ، وكان الله له من وراء حوائجه، وحفظ في كل ما خلف، ولم يسأل الله شيئا إلا أعطاه وأجابه فيه، إما أن يعجله، وإما أن يؤخره له. [97]

"Aban reported from Abu Abdullah that he said: 'Whoever visits the grave of Abu Abdullah (Imam Hussein), indeed connects with the Messenger of Allah and connects with us. Backbiting him is forbidden, and his flesh is sanctified from the fire. Allah grants him for every dirham he spends ten thousand cities in a preserved book. Allah takes care of his needs and protects whatever he leaves behind. He does not ask Allah for anything except that He grants it to him and answers his prayer, whether immediately or delayed.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:127



* دعاء الإمام الصادق × لزواره × Prayer of Imam al-Sadiq for his visitors

عن معاوية بن وهب قال: دخلت على أبي عبد الله × وهو في مصلاه فجلست حتى قضى صلاته فسمعته وهو يناجي ربه فيقول: يا من خصنا بالكرامة ووعدنا الشفاعة وحملنا الرسالة وجعلنا ورثة الأنبياء وختم بنا الأمم السالفة وخصنا بالوصية وأعطانا علم ما مضى وعلم ما بقى وجعل أفئدة من الناس تهوى إلينا, إغفر لي ولإخواني وزوار قبر أبي عبد الله الحسين بن علي × الذين أنفقوا أموالهم وأشخصوا أبدانهم رغبة في برنا ورجاء لما عندك في صلتنا وسرورا أدخلوه على نبيك محمد | وإجابة منهم لأمرنا وغيظا أدخلوه على عدونا, أرادوا بذلك رضوانك فكافهم عنا بالرضوان واكلاهم بالليل والنهار واخلف على أهاليهم واولادهم الذين خلفوا بأحسن الخلف واصحبهم واكفهم شر كل جبار عنيد وكل ضعيف من خلقك وشديد, وشر شياطين الانس والجن وأعطهم أفضل ما أملوا منك في غربتهم عن أوطانهم وما اثروا على ابنائهم وابدانهم واهاليهم وقراباتهم, اللهم ان أعدائنا أعابوا عليهم خروجهم فلم ينههم ذلك عن النهوض والشخوص إلينا خلافا عليهم, فارحم تلك الوجوه التي غيرتها الشمس وأرحم تلك الخدود التي تقلبت على قبر أبي عبد الله الحسين × وارحم تلك العيون التي جرت دموعها رحمة لنا وارحم تلك القلوب التي جزعت واحترقت لنا وارحم تلك الصرخة التي كانت لنا, اللهم اني أستودعك تلك الانفس وتلك الابدان حتى ترويهم من الحوض يوم العطش, فما زال صلوات الله عليه يدعو بهذا الدعاء وهو ساجد فلما انصرف قلت له جعلت فداك لو أن هذا الذي سمعته منك كان لمن لا يعرف الله لظننت ان النار لا تطعم منه شيئا أبدا!! والله لقد تمنيت أن كنت زرته ولم أحج, فقال لي: ما أقربك منه, فما الذي يمنعك عن زيارته يا معاوية ولم تدع الحج ذلك؟ قلت: جعلت فداك فلم أدر ان الامر يبلغ هذا, فقال: يا معاوية ومن يدعو لزواره في السماء أكثر ممن يدعو لهم في الارض, لا تدعه لخوف من أحد فمن تركه لخوف رأى من الحسرة ما يتمنى أن قبره كان بيده, أما تحب أن يرى الله شخصك وسوادك ممن يدعو له رسول الله | أما تحب أن تكون غدا ممن تصافحه الملائكة؟ أما تحب أن تكون غدا فيمن رأى وليس عليه ذنب فتتبع؟ أما تحب أن تكون غدا فيمن يصافح رسول الله |. [98]


Moawiya ibn Wahab said: "I entered on Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) while he was praying so I sat down until he finished and I heard him plead his Lord and say: "O who has exclusively made dignity for us, promised us to have intercession, let us carry the Message, made us the inheritors of the prophets, sealed the previous nations by us, exclusively gave us custodianship, gave us the knowledge of what has occurred and the knowledge of what has yet to come and made the hearts of some people yearn for us! Forgive me, my brothers and the visitors of the grave of Abu Abdellah Al-Hussein son of Ali (Pbut), those who have spent their money and dedicated their bodies due to their desire of being loyal to us and seeking what You have by visiting us, filling Your Prophet Mohammad (Pbuhp) with joy, obeying our order and filling our enemy with frustration. They did that seeking your contentment so reward them by being content with them, safeguard them at night and during the day, protect their families and children that they left behind very well, accompany them and shield them from every persevering tyrant, every weak and cruel one of Your creations and from the evilness of the devils of humankind and Jinn and also give them the best things that they hoped to take from You during their remoteness from their homes and the things they preferred over their sons, bodies, families and relatives. O Allah, our enemies have said that this act of theirs is a disgrace, yet this didn't prevent them from rising and heading to us and opposing them. Hence, have mercy on those faces that changed due to the sun; have mercy on those cheeks that rolled on the grave of Abu Abdellah Al-Hussein (Pbuh); have mercy on those eyes that wept over us due to their compassion towards us; have mercy on those hearts that are despondent and inflamed from their grief over us and have mercy on those who painfully scream for us. O Allah! I entrust those spirits and bodies to You until You water them from the spring (Al-Hawd) at the day of thirst." He (Pbuh) continued to supplicate with this Duaa as he was prostrating himself so I said to him: "May I be sacrificed for you, if these words that I heard from you were for those who don't know Allah, I would have thought that Hell would never touch him!! I swear to Allah that I wish I hadn't went to pilgrimage and visited him instead." So, he said to me: "How close you are to him! What prevents you to visit him that didn't prevent you to perform pilgrimage, O Moawiya?" I said: "May I be sacrificed for you, I didn't know that this matter is great to this extent." Thus, he said: "O Moawiya, those who pray for his visitors in the sky are more than those who pray for them on earth. Don't forsake visiting him because of your fear from anyone. For, he who forsakes visiting him because of fear will see regret that will make him wish that he dug his own grave. Don't you love to have Allah see that you are among whom the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) prays for? Don't you love to be one of those who will shake hands with the angels? Don't you love to be one of those who will see that they have no sins? Don't you love to be one of those who shake hands with the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp)?""

Thawab Al-A'mal P:94



* لو يعلم الناس فضل زيارته × لاقتتلوا عليها بالسيوف If people knew the virtue of visiting him, they would fight over it with swords.

عن عبد الملك بن مقرن, عن أبي عبد الله ×, قال: ولو يعلموا ما في زيارته (زيارة الإمام الحسين ×) من الخير ويعلم ذلك الناس لاقتتلوا على زيارته بالسيوف, ولباعوا أموالهم في إتيانه, وإن فاطمة ÷ إذا نظرت إليهم ومعها ألف نبي وألف صديق وألف شهيد ومن الكروبيين ألف ألف يسعدونها على البكاء, وانها لتشهق شهقة, فلا يبقى في السماوات ملك إلا بكى رحمة لصوتها, وما تسكن حتى يأتيها النبي | فيقول: يا بنية قد أبكيت أهل السماوات وشغلتهم عن التسبيح والتقديس فكفي حتى يقدسوا, فإن الله بالغ أمره, وإنها لتنظر إلى من حضر منكم, فتسأل الله لهم من كل خير, ولا تزهدوا في إتيانه, فإن الخير في إتيانه أكثر من أن يحصى. [99]

"Abdul-Malik ibn Maqran reported from Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq) who said: 'If people knew the goodness in visiting him (Imam Hussein), they would fight each other with swords to visit him, and they would sell their possessions to reach him. When Fatimah (pbuh) looks at them, accompanied by a thousand prophets, a thousand righteous, a thousand martyrs, and a million angels, they console her with their weeping. She sighs deeply, causing all the angels in the heavens to weep in mercy at her voice. They do not stop until the Prophet (pbuhp) comes to her and says: 'O my daughter, you have made the inhabitants of the heavens weep and diverted them from glorifying and sanctifying Allah. Cease, so that they may sanctify Him, for Allah's command is fulfilled.' She then looks at those present from among you and supplicates for them to Allah for every good, and do not become weary in visiting him, for the goodness in visiting him is more than can be counted.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:87



* ما لمن زار قبره × إذ جهله الجاهل What benefit does one gain who visits his grave, when the ignorant remain unaware?

عن عبد الله بن بكير في حديث طويل قال: قال أبو عبد الله ×: يابن بكير, هل تدري ما لمن زار قبر أبي عبد الله الحسين × إذ جهله الجاهل؟ ما من صباح إلا وعلى قبره هاتف من الملائكة ينادي: يا طالب الخير, أقبل إلى خالصة الله، ترحل بالكرامة، وتأمن الندامة، يسمع أهل المشرق وأهل المغرب إلا الثقلين، ولا يبقى في الأرض ملك من الحفظة إلا عطف عليه عند رقاد العبد، حتى يسبح الله عنده، ويسأل الله الرضا عنه، ولا يبقى ملك في الهواء يسمع الصوت إلا أجاب بالتقديس لله تعالى، فتشتد أصوات الملائكة، فيجيبهم أهل السماء الدنيا، فتشتد أصوات الملائكة وأهل السماء الدنيا حتى تبلغ أهل السماء السابعة، فيسمع أصواتهم النبيون، فيترحمون ويصلون على الحسين ×، ويدعون لمن زاره. [100]

Abdellah Ibn Bakeer reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: "O son of Bakeer, do you know what happens to the one who visits the grave of Abu Abdullah Hussein (Pbuh) while ignorant people disregard him? Every morning, there is a caller from the angels at his grave calling out: 'O seeker of goodness, come to the sanctuary of Allah! You will depart with honor and be safe from regret.' His voice is heard by the inhabitants of the East and the inhabitants of the West, except for the two heavy burdens (the Jinn and humans). There remains no angel on Earth that is a guardian except that he comes to him when the servant lies down (to rest), he praises Allah for him and asks for Allah's satisfaction upon him. Not a single angel remains in the air that hears the voice but answers with sanctification to Allah, the Most High. The voices of the angels become stronger, and the people of the lower heaven answer them. The voices of the angels and the people of the lower heaven become stronger until they reach the people of the seventh heaven. Then the prophets hear their voices, and so they pray for mercy and blessings upon Hussein (Pbuh) and his visitors.”

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:125



* إن الله ليباهي بزائر الحسين × Allah Boasts About the Visitor of Hussain


عن ذريح المحاربي قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله × ما ألقى من قومي ومن بني إذا أنا أخبرتهم بما في إتيان قبر الحسين × من الخير، إنهم يكذبوني، ويقولون: إنك تكذب على جعفر بن محمد ×. قال: يا ذريح, دع الناس يذهبون حيث شاؤوا، والله، إن الله ليباهي بزائر الحسين × والوافد يفده الملائكة المقربون وحملة عرشه، حتى إنه ليقول لهم: أما ترون زوار قبر الحسين ×، أتوه شوقا إليه وإلى فاطمة بنت رسول الله |؟ أما وعزتي وجلالي وعظمتي لأوجبن لهم كرامتي، ولادخلنهم جنتي التي أعددتها لأوليائي ولأنبيائي ورسلي. يا ملائكتي, هؤلاء زوار الحسين حبيب محمد رسولي، ومحمد حبيبي، ومن أحبني أحب حبيبي، ومن أحب حبيبي أحب من يحبه، ومن أبغض حبيبي أبغضني، ومن أبغضني كان حقا علي أن اعذبه بأشد عذابي، واحرقه بحر ناري، وأجعل جهنم مسكنه ومأواه، واعذبه عذابا لا اعذبه أحدا من العالمين. [101]

"Zuraih reported: I said to Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq, pbuh), 'What do you think about those from my people and my relatives who, when I inform them about the goodness of visiting the grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh), they accuse me of lying about Ja'far son of Muhammad (pbuh)?' He replied, 'O Zuraih, let the people think what they want. By Allah, Allah boasts about the visitors of Imam Hussein (pbuh) to the angels, and the close angels and those who carry His throne welcome the comer. Allah says to the angels, 'Do you not see the visitors of the grave of Imam Hussein (pbuh)? They come to him with longing for him and for Fatimah, the daughter of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp). I swear by My Majesty, Greatness, and Majesty; I have granted them of My honor, and I will admit them to My paradise, which I have prepared for My saints, My prophets, and My messengers.' O My angels, these are the visitors of Imam Hussein (pbuh) the beloved of Muhammad, My Messenger, and Muhammad is My beloved. Whoever loves My beloved, loves whoever My beloved loves. Whoever hates My beloved hates Me, and whoever hates Me, it is obligatory upon Me to punish him with the severest of My punishments, to burn him with the sea of My fire, to make Hell his abode and dwelling, and to punish him in a way that no one among the worlds has been punished.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:143



* من أتاه × شوقا Visiting Him Out of Longing

عن محمد بن مسلم قال: قلت لأبي عبد الله ×: ما لمن أتى قبر الحسين ×؟ قال: من أتاه شوقا إليه كان من عباد الله المكرمين، وكان تحت لواء الحسين بن علي × حتى يدخلهما الله الجنة. [102]

Mohammad ibn Muslim narrated: I said to Imam Abo Abdullah (Imam Al-Sadiq (Pbuh)), "What is the reward of the one who visits the grave of Hussein (Pbuh)?" He replied, "The one who comes to it out of a sincere longing for him is among the honored servants of Allah. And they will be under the banner of Hussein son of Ali (Pbuh) until Allah admits them both into Paradise."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p. 143


عن محمد بن مسلم, عن أبي جعفر ×, قال: لو يعلم الناس ما في زيارة الحسين × من الفضل لماتوا شوقا وتقطعت أنفسهم عليه حسرات, قلت: وما فيه؟ قال: من أتاه تشوقا كتب الله له ألف حجة متقبلة وألف عمرة مبرورة وأجر ألف شهيد من شهداء بدر وأجر ألف صائم, وثواب ألف صدقة مقبولة وثواب ألف نسمة أريد بها وجه الله, ولم يزل محفوظا سنته من كل آفة أهونها الشيطان, ووكل به ملك كريم يحفظه من بين يديه ومن خلفه, وعن يمينه وعن شماله, ومن فوق رأسه ومن تحت قدمه, فان مات سنته حضرته ملائكة الرحمة يحضرون غسله وأكفانه والاستغفار له, ويشيعونه الى قبره بالاستغفار له, ويفسح له في قبره مد بصره, ويؤمنه الله من ضغطة القبر ومن منكر ونكير أن يروعانه, ويفتح له باب الى الجنة, ويعطى كتابه بيمينه, ويعطى له يوم القيامة نورا يضيء لنوره ما بين المشرق والمغرب, وينادي مناد: هذا من زوار الحسين شوقا إليه, فلا يبقى أحد يوم القيامة إلا تمنى يومئذ أنه كان من زوار الحسين ×.[103]

Mohammad ibn Muslim reported that Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir son of Ali (Pbut) said: If people knew what lies in the visitation of Hussain (Pbuh) out of longing for him, they would die of yearning, and their souls would be severed for him with sorrow. I said: And what is in it. He said: Whoever comes to him out of longing, Allah writes for him a thousand accepted pilgrimages, and a thousand blessed Umrah, and the reward of a thousand martyrs from the martyrs of Badr, and the reward of a thousand fasting individuals, and the reward of a thousand accepted charitable acts, and the reward of a thousand souls that seek Allah's countenance, and he is not touched by his act by Satan, and a noble angel is assigned to guard him from before him and behind him and his right and his left and above his head and beneath his feet. If he dies in that year, the angels of mercy attend his ghusl (washing) and kafan (shrouding) and seek forgiveness for him, and they take him out (of this world) with seeking forgiveness, and they spread open for him his grave as much as his vision can reach, and Allah secures him from the distress of the grave, and from Munkar and Nakir to terrify him, and He opens for him a gate to Paradise, and gives him his book with his right hand, and gives him on the Day of Resurrection a light that lights up between the east and the west. Then a caller will call: This is from the visitors of Hussain, out of longing for him. So no one will remain on the Day of Resurrection except that he wishes on that day that he had been one of the visitors of Hussain (Pbuh)."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p. 270


عن أبي اسامة زيد الشحام, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من أتى قبر الحسين × تشوقا إليه، كتبه الله من الآمنين يوم القيامة، واعطي كتابه بيمينه، وكان تحت لواء الحسين × حتى يدخل الجنة، فيسكنه في درجته، إن الله عزيز حكيم. [104]

Abi Oussama Zaid Al-Shahham reported that Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) said: Whoever visits the grave of Hussayn (pbuh) out of longing for him, Allah will record him among the safe ones on the Day of Resurrection, and his record will be given to him in his right hand. He will be under the banner of Husayn (pbuh) until he enters Paradise, where he will be placed in his rank. Indeed, Allah is Mighty and Wise."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p. 142


عن أبي بصير قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله × أو أبا جعفر × يقول: من أحب أن يكون مسكنه الجنة ومأواه الجنة فلا يدع زيارة المظلوم، قلت: من هو؟ قال: الحسين بن علي × صاحب كربلاء، من أتاه شوقا إليه وحبا لرسول الله | وحبا لفاطمة ÷، وحبا لأمير المؤمنين ×، أقعده الله على موائد الجنة، يأكل معهم والناس في الحساب. [105]

Abou Baseer reported that he heard Imam Jaa’far Sadiq (Pbuh) or Imam Mohammad Al-Baqir (Pbuh) say: "Whoever wishes for his abode and dwelling place to be in paradise, let him not forsake visiting the oppressed one." I asked, "Who is the oppressed one?" He replied, "Hussein bin Ali (pbuh), the companion of Karbala. Whoever visits him out of longing for him, love for the Prophet (pbuh and his progeny), love for Fatimah (peace be upon her), and love for Amir al-Mu'minin (pbuh), Allah will seat him at the tables of paradise, where he will eat with them, while people are being held accountable."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p. 137



* واعص الحمار فمن نهاك حمارAnd Ignore The Donkey, For He Who Forbids You Is A Donkey

قال دعبل في قصيدته:

زر خير قبر بالعراق يزار ... واعص الحمار فمن نهاك حمار

لم لا أزورك يا حسين لك الفدا ... قومي ومن عطفت عليه نزار

ولك المودة في قلوب ذوي النهى ... وعلى عدوك مقتة ودمار

يا ابن الشهيد ويا شهيدا عمه ... خير العمومة جعفر الطيار [106]

D’ibil said in his poem:

Visit the greatest grave in Iraq that is visited,

And ignore the donkey, for who forbids you is a donkey.

Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.45, p.235



* زيارته × ماشيا: Visiting Him on Foot


Assim ibn Hameed Al-Hannat reported that he asked Imam Jaa’far Sadiq son of Mohammad (Pbut) about visiting the grave of Hussein (Pbuh). He (Pbuh) said: “O Assim, whoever visits the grave of Hussein (Pbuh) while in distress, Allah relieves him from his distress. Allah annuls the poverty of every poor man who visits him. Whoever visits him having an illness, Allah cures him from his illness and Allah responds to their supplications and alleviate their sorrows and concerns. Do not let an opportunity to visit him pass you by, for each step you take towards his grave, Allah records ten good deeds for you and erases ten sins. He will reward you as if you were a martyr in the cause of Allah, with your blood being shed. So, beware of missing out on his visitation."

The Virtue of Visiting Imam Hussain Book p.64


عن بشير الدهان, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: إن الرجل ليخرج إلى قبر الحسين ×، فله إذا خرج من أهله بأول خطوة مغفرة لذنوبه, ثم لم يزل يقدس بكل خطوة حتى يأتيه، فإذا أتاه ناجاه الله، فقال: عبدي سلني اعطك، ادعني اجبك، اطلب مني اعطك، سلني حاجتك أقضها لك, قال: قال أبو عبد الله ×: وحق على الله أن يعطي ما بذل. [108]

Bashir al-Duhan reported from Imam Abu Abdillah Ja’far al-Sadiq (pbuh) that he said: "Indeed, a man who goes to the grave of Imam Hussain (pbuh), when he takes the first step out of his home, his sins are forgiven. He is sanctified with each step he takes, until he reaches it. When he arrives, Allah will grant him safety. Then Allah will say, 'My servant, ask of Me and I shall give you, call upon Me and I shall respond to you, seek from Me and I shall bestow upon you. Ask Me for your needs and I shall fulfill them for you.' Imam Abu Abdillah (pbuh) said, 'And it is the right upon Allah to give when one gives.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.132



"Abu Abdullah said: 'Verily, a man among you may perform ablution shower (Ghusul) on the banks of the Euphrates, then he comes to the grave of Hussein, recognizing his right. Allah will grant him for every step he takes, a hundred accepted Hajj, a hundred accepted Umrah, and a hundred battles alongside a prophet sent by Allah against the enemies of Allah and the enemies of His Messenger, against the most hostile foe.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:171


عن الحسين بن ثوير بن ابي فاختة قال: قال أبو عبد الله ×: يا حسين من خرج من منزله يريد زيارة قبر الحسين بن على × ان كان ماشيا كتب الله له بكل خطوة حسنة ومحى عنه سيئة حتى اذا صار فى الحائر كتبه الله من المفلحين المنجحين حتى اذا قضى مناسكه كبته الله من الفائزين، حتى اذا اراد الانصراف اتاه ملك فقال: ان رسول الله | يقرؤك السلام ويقول لك: استانف العمل فقد غفرلك ما مضى. [110]

"Al-Husayn ibn Thawr ibn Abi Fakhtah reported that Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq) said: 'O Husayn, whoever leaves his home intending to visit the grave of Hussein ibn Ali (pbuh), if he walks, Allah will record for him a good deed for every step and erase a bad deed, until when he reaches the place of hesitation, Allah will record him among the successful and victorious. When he completes his rituals, Allah will record him among the successful, and when he intends to depart, an angel will come to him and say, 'The Messenger of Allah sends greetings to you and says: Resume your deeds, for what has passed has been forgiven for you.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:252


عن يحيى بن مساور قال: كان جعفر بن محمد × جالسا فأقبلت أمرأة من العرب، فقال: ما لي لم أرك منذ أمس؟ قالت: كنت عند قبور الشهداء. قال: تركت سيد الشهداء عندك! قالت: من هو؟ قال: الحسين ×. قالت: أزوره؟ قال: نعم، زوريه فإنه أفضل من حجة وحجة؛ حتى عد عشرا. فقلت: فما لمن زاره ماشيا؟ قال: له بكل خطوة حجة وعمرة. [111]

"Yahya ibn Masawir reported: Ja'far ibn Muhammad was sitting when a woman from the Arabs approached and he said to her, 'Why haven't I seen you since yesterday?' She replied, 'I was at the graves of the martyrs.' He said, 'Did you leave the master of martyrs behind?' She asked, 'Who is that?' He said, 'Hussein.' She asked, 'Should I visit him?' He said, 'Yes, visit him, for it is better than performing Hajj and Hajj,' and he counted up to ten. She then asked, 'What about one who visits him walking?' He replied, 'For every step, he receives the reward of a Hajj and an Umrah.'"

Fadel Ziyarat Al-Imam Al-Husayn P:62


عن قدامة بن مالك, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من أراد زيارة قبر الحسين × لا أشرا ولا بطرا ولا رياءا ولا سمعة، محصت ذنوبه كما يمحص الثوب في الماء؛ فلا يبقى عليه دنس، ويكتب الله له بكل خطوة حجة، وكلما رفع قدمه عمرة. [112]

"Qudamah ibn Malik reported from Abu Abdullah (Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq) who said: 'Whoever intends to visit the grave of Hussein, free from showing off, hypocrisy, seeking reputation, or fame, his sins will be washed away as a garment is washed in water. There will be no trace of sin left on him. Allah will record for him a Hajj for every step he takes, and every time he lifts his foot, he will be rewarded with an Umrah.'"

Al-Mazar for Al-Mufid P:36


عن علي بن ميمون الصائغ, عن أبي عبد الله ×, قال: يا علي زر الحسين ولا تدعه, قال: قلت: ما لمن أتاه من الثواب؟ قال: من أتاه ماشيا كتب الله له بكل خطوة حسنة ومحى عنه سيئة ورفع له درجة, فإذا أتاه وكل الله به ملكين يكتبان ما خرج من فيه من خير ولا يكتبان ما يخرج من فيه من شر ولا غير ذلك, فإذا انصرف ودعوه وقالوا: يا ولي الله مغفورا لك, أنت من حزب الله وحزب رسوله وحزب أهل بيت رسوله, والله لا ترى النار بعينك أبدا, ولا تراك ولا تطعمك أبدا. [113]

"Ali ibn Maymun al-Sa'igh reported from Abu Abdullah × who said: 'O Ali, visit Hussain and do not neglect him.' Ali replied: 'What about the reward for one who visits him?' He said: 'Whoever visits him on foot, Allah writes for him a good deed for every step, erases a bad deed from him, and raises his rank. When he visits him, Allah assigns two angels to record every good that comes out of him, and they do not record any evil that comes out of him, nor anything else. When he turns away and they say, "O friend of Allah, may you be forgiven, you are among the party of Allah, the party of His Messenger, and the party of the household of His Messenger. By Allah, you will never see the Fire with your eyes, nor will you be seen by it or fed by it ever.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:133


عن أبي الصامت قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله × وهو يقول: من أتى قبر الحسين × ماشيا كتب الله له بكل خطوة ألف حسنة، ومحا عنه ألف سيئة، ورفع له ألف درجة. [114]

"Abu al-Samit reported: I heard Abu Abdullah saying, 'Whoever visits the grave of Hussain on foot, Allah writes for him a thousand good deeds for every step, erases a thousand bad deeds from him, and raises him a thousand degrees.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:133



* الأمر بزيارته × وعقاب تركه: The Command to Visit Him and Punishment for Neglecting It


عن عبد الرحمان بن كثير مولى أبي جعفر ×, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: لو ان أحدكم حج دهره ثم لم يزر الحسين بن علي × لكان تاركا حقا من حقوق رسول الله |, لأن حق الحسين × فريضة من الله واجبة على كل مسلم. [115]

"Abdul Rahman ibn Kathir, a freedman of Abu Ja'far, reported from Abu Abdullah who said: 'If one of you performs Hajj every year but does not visit Hussain ibn Ali, he would have neglected one of the rights of the Messenger of Allah (pbuhp). Because the right of Hussain is an obligation from Allah upon every Muslim.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:237


عن علي بن ميمون قال: سمعت أبا عبد الله × يقول: لو أن أحدكم حج ألف حجة، ثم لم يأت قبر الحسين بن علي ×، لكان قد ترك حقا من حقوق الله تعالى. وسئل عن ذلك فقال: حق الحسين × مفروض على كل مسلم. [116]

Ali ibn Maimun said: I heard Abu Abdullah saying, "If one of you performs Hajj a thousand times but does not visit the grave of Hussain ibn Ali, he would have neglected a right from the rights of Allah, the Exalted." When asked about it, he said, "The right of Hussain is obligatory upon every Muslim."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:193



Al-Hasan ibn Ali al-Washa'a reported: I heard Ar-Rida saying, "Indeed, every Imam has a covenant upon the necks of his followers and his Shia. Among the complete fulfillment of the covenant and good performance is visiting the graves of their Imams. Whoever visits them out of a desire to visit them and to affirm what they desired, their Imams will intercede for them."

Al-Kafi Volume 4, P:567



Muhammad ibn Muslim reported from Abu Ja'far Muhammad ibn Ali, who said: "Command our Shia to visit Hussain ibn Ali, for visiting him wards off destruction, drowning, burning, and being eaten by wild beasts. Visiting him is obligatory upon whoever acknowledges the Imamate of Hussain from Allah, the Mighty and Majestic."

Al-Fakih Volume 2, P:582


عن أم سعيد الأحمسية, عن أبي عبد الله ×, قالت: قال لي: يا ام سعيد, تزورين قبر الحسين ×؟ قالت: قلت: نعم, فقال لي: زوريه؛ فإن زيارة قبر الحسين × واجبة على الرجال والنساء. [119]

Um Sa'id al-Ahmasiyya reported from Abu Abdullah, who said to her: "O Um Sa'id, do you visit the grave of Hussain?" She said, "Yes." He said to her: "Visit him, for visiting the grave of Hussain is obligatory upon men and women."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:122


عن ام سعيد الاحمسية قالت: جئت إلى أبي عبد الله × فدخلت عليه، فجاءت الجارية فقالت: قد جئتك بالدابة، فقال لي: يا ام سعيد أي شيء هذه الدابة؛ أين تبغين تذهبين؟ قالت: قلت: أزور قبور الشهداء، قال: أخري ذلك اليوم، ما أعجبكم يا أهل العراق؛ تأتون الشهداء من سفر بعيد وتتركون سيد الشهداء لا تأتونه! قالت: قلت له: من سيد الشهداء؟ فقال: الحسين بن علي ×، قالت: قلت: إني امرأة، فقال: لا بأس لمن كان مثلك ان يذهب إليه ويزوره، قالت: أي شيء لنا في زيارته؟ قال: تعدل حجة وعمرة واعتكاف شهرين في المسجد الحرام وصيامها، وخيرها كذا وكذا، قالت: بسط يده وضمها ضما ـ ثلاث مرات ـ [120]

Um Sa'id al-Ahmasiyya said: "I came to Abu Abdullah and entered upon him. Then the maid came and said, 'I have brought the animal.' He said to me, 'O Um Sa'id, what is this animal? Where do you intend to go?' I said, 'I intend to visit the graves of the martyrs.' He said, 'Delay that for today. How strange you are, O people of Iraq! You come to visit the martyrs from a distant journey but you leave the master of martyrs without visiting him!' I said to him, 'Who is the master of martyrs?' He said, 'Hussain ibn Ali.' I said, 'But I am a woman.' He said, 'There is no harm for someone like you to go to him and visit him.' I asked, 'What benefit do we have in visiting him?' He said, 'It equals performing Hajj and Umrah and staying in the mosque of Haram for two months and fasting them, and the best of it is this and that.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:110


عن هارون بن خارجة, عن أبي عبد الله ×, قال: سألته عمن ترك الزيارة زيارة قبر الحسين بن علي × من غير علة, قال: هذا رجل من أهل النار. [121]

Harun ibn Kharija reported from Abu Abdullah, who said: "I asked him about someone who forsakes visiting the grave of Hussain ibn Ali without any excuse. He said, 'This person is from the people of the Fire.'"

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:193


عن أبي بكر الحضرمي, عن أبي جعفر ×, قال: من أراد أن يعلم أنه من أهل الجنة فليعرض حبنا على قلبه, فإن قبله فهو مؤمن, ومن كان لنا محبا فليرغب في زيارة قبر الحسين ×, فمن كان للحسين × زوارا عرفناه بالحب لنا أهل البيت, وكان من أهل الجنة, ومن لم يكن للحسين زوارا كان ناقص الايمان. [122]

Abu Bakr al-Hadrami reported from Abu Ja'far, who said: "Whoever desires to know that he is from the people of Paradise, let him place our love in his heart. If he accepts it, then he is a believer. And whoever loves us should eagerly desire to visit the grave of Hussain. Those who visit Hussain are known for their love for us, the Ahl al-Bayt, and they are among the people of Paradise. As for those who do not visit Hussain, they are deficient in faith."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:193



عن عنبسة بن مصعب, عن أبي عبد الله × قال: من لم يأت قبر الحسين × حتى يموت كان منتقص الدين منتقص الايمان, وإن أدخل الجنة كان دون المؤمنين في الجنة. [123]

Anbasah ibn Mas'ab reported from Abu Abdullah, who said: "Whoever does not visit the grave of Hussain until he dies, he has diminished his religion and diminished his faith. Even if he enters Paradise, he will be lower than the believers in Paradise."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:355


عن أبي عبد الله ×, قال: من لم يأت قبر الحسين × وهو يزعم أنه لنا شيعة حتى يموت فليس هو لنا بشيعة, وإن كان من أهل الجنة فهو من ضيفان أهل الجنة. [124]

Abu Abdullah said: "Whoever does not visit the grave of Hussain while claiming to be our Shia until he dies, he is not truly one of our Shia. Even if he is among the people of Paradise, he will be among the guests of the people of Paradise."

Kamel Al-Ziyarat P:193


عن حنان, عن أبيه قال: قال أبو عبد الله ×: يا سدير تزور قبر الحسين × في كل يوم؟ قلت: جعلت فداك لا, قال: فما أجفاكم, قال: فتزورونه في كل جمعة؟ قلت لا, قال: فتزورونه في كل شهر؟ قلت: لا, قال: فتزورونه في كل سنة؟ قلت: قد يكون ذلك, قال: يا سدير ما أجفاكم للحسين × أما علمت أن لله عز وجل ألفي ألف ملك شعث غبر يبكون ويزورون لا يفترون, وما عليك يا سدير أن تزور قبر الحسين × في كل جمعة خمس مرات وفي كل يوم مرة؟ قلت: جعلت فداك إن بيننا وبينه فراسخ كثيرة فقال لي: اصعد فوق سطحك ثم تلتفت يمنة ويسرة ثم ترفع رأسك إلى السماء ثم انح نحو القبر وتقول: السلام عليك يا أبا عبد الله السلام عليك ورحمة الله وبركاته تكتب لك زورة والزورة حجة وعمرة, قال: سدير فربما فعلت في الشهر أكثر من عشرين مرة. [125]

Hanān reported from his father, who said: Abu Abdullah said, "O Sadeer, do you visit the grave of Hussain every day?" I said, "May I be your ransom, no." He said, "How neglectful you are." He asked, "Do you visit him every Friday?" I said, "No." He asked, "Do you visit him every month?" I said, "No." He asked, "Do you visit him every year?" I said, "That might ha