Specific Worship Acts in the Month of Rajab

* The First Night of the Month of Rajab


When the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) saw the crescent of Rajab, he used to say:

“O Allah, bless us in Rajab and Sha'ban, and allow us to reach the month of Ramadan. Help us in fasting, standing in prayer, guarding our tongues, and lowering our gaze. And do not let our share of it be mere hunger and thirst.”

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.173


Sayyid Ibn Tawus, in Iqbal al-A'mal, mentions: “It is recommended to recite Surah al-Fatihah seven times upon sighting the crescent moon. Whoever recites it upon seeing the crescent will be protected by Allah from eye ailments during that month.”

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.173


From Amir al-Mu'minin (Pbuh), it is narrated: “He liked to devote himself exclusively on four nights of the year: the first night of Rajab, the night of mid-Sha'ban, the night of Eid al-Fitr, and the night of Eid al-Adha.”

Misbah Al-Mutahajjid p.648


Amir al-Mu'minin (Pbuh) narrated: “If you are able to be consistent in observing the following nights: the night of Eid al-Fitr, the night of Eid al-Adha, the first night of Muharram, the night of Ashura, the first night of Rajab, and the night of mid-Sha'ban, then do so. Increase your supplications, prayers, and recitation of the Qur'an on these nights.”

Misbah Al-Mutahajjid p.852


The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) narrated: “Whoever lives to see the month of Rajab and performs a ritual bath (ghusl) at its beginning, middle, and end, will emerge from their sins to be as the day their mother gave birth to them.

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.173


Basheer al-Dahhan narrated from Abu Abdullah (Pbuh): “Whoever visits Al-Husayn (Pbuh) on the first day of Rajab, Allah will forgive all their sins absolutely.”

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.322


From the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp): “Whoever prays Maghrib (the evening prayer) on the first night of Rajab, followed by twenty units of prayer (rak'ahs), reciting in each unit Surah Al-Fatiha and 'Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad' once, and makes the salutation (taslim) after every two rak'ahs—do you know what his reward is?” They said: “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said: “Indeed, the trustworthy spirit (Jibril) taught me this. The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) uncovered his arms and said: 'By Allah, he will be safeguarded in himself, his family, his wealth, and his children. He will be protected from the torment of the grave and will pass over the Sirat (bridge) like a flashing lightning bolt without any reckoning.'“

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.178


The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) narrated: “Whoever prays two units (rak'ahs) on the first night of Rajab after the 'Isha (night) prayer, reciting in the first unit Surah Al-Fatiha, 'Alam Nashrah' (Surah Ash-Sharh) once, and 'Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad' three times, and in the second unit Surah Al-Fatiha, 'Alam Nashrah,' 'Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad,' and the two Mu'awwidhatayn (Surah Al-Falaq and Surah An-Nas), then concludes with Tashahhud and Taslim, followed by saying 'La ilaha illa Allah' (There is no deity but Allah) thirty times and invoking blessings upon the Prophet (Pbuhp) thirty times—his past sins will be forgiven, and he will be cleansed of his misdeeds as if on the day his mother gave birth to him.”

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.178


The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) narrated: “No believing man or woman who prays thirty units (rak'ahs) on the first night of Rajab, reciting in each unit Surah Al-Fatiha once, 'Qul Ya Ayyuha Al-Kafiroon' once, and 'Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad' three times, except that Allah will forgive all their sins, both minor and major. Allah will record them among those who perform prayer until the next year, and they will be absolved of hypocrisy.

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.177


Salman Al-Muhammadi Al-Farsi (may Allah's pleasure be upon him) narrated: The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “O Salman, shall I teach you something from the wonders of the treasure?” I said, “Yes, O Messenger of Allah.” He (Pbuhp) said: “When the first night of Rajab comes, pray ten rak‘ahs (units of prayer). In each rak‘ah, recite Surah Al-Fatihah once, and 'Qul Huwa Allahu Ahad' (Surah Al-Ikhlas) three times. Allah will forgive all your sins from the day the pen began recording your deeds until this night, protect you from the trial of the grave and the torment of the Day of Judgment, and shield you from leprosy, vitiligo, and pleurisy.”

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.198


Imam Abu Ja'far (Pbuh) said: Recite the following supplication on the first night of Rajab after the Isha prayer:

O Allah, I ask You because You are the Sovereign, and because You have power over all things, and because whatever You will to happen will indeed come to pass. O Allah, I turn to You through Your Prophet Muhammad, the Prophet of mercy. May Your blessings be upon him and his progeny. O Muhammad, O Messenger of Allah, I turn to Allah, your Lord and mine, that He may fulfill my request through you. O Allah, by Your Prophet Muhammad, and by the Imams from his progeny, fulfill my request.

Then, ask for your need.

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.174



* The First Day of Rajab

Imam Al-Ridha (Pbuh) said: Whoever fasts on the first day of Rajab, desiring the reward of Allah, the Almighty, Paradise becomes obligatory for them. Whoever fasts one day in the middle of Rajab will intercede on behalf of as many people as the tribes of Rabi‘ah and Mudar. And whoever fasts one day at the end of Rajab, Allah, the Almighty, will make them among the kings of Paradise and grant them the ability to intercede for their father, mother, son, daughter, brother, sister, paternal uncle, paternal aunt, maternal uncle, maternal aunt, acquaintances, and neighbors—even if they were deserving of Hellfire.

O’youn Akhbar Al-Rida Vol.2, p.261


Imam Abu Ja‘far (Pbuh) said: When Noah (Pbuh) heard the sound of the ark settling on Mount Judi, he feared for it. He extended his head from the side of the ark, raised his hand, pointed with his finger, and said: “Rahman Atqan,” which means, “O Lord, perfect it.” When Noah (Pbuh) boarded the ark, it was the first day of Rajab. He instructed those with him, both humans and jinn, to fast on that day. He said: “Whoever among you fasts on this day will be kept at a distance of a year’s journey from the Hellfire. Whoever fasts for seven days, the seven gates of Hell will be closed for them. Whoever fasts for eight days, the eight gates of Paradise will be opened for them. Whoever fasts for ten days will have their requests granted. Whoever fasts for fifteen days will be told: 'Resume your deeds, for your past sins have been forgiven.' And whoever fasts more, Allah will grant them more.”

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.192


Bashir Al-Dahhan narrated from Imam Al-Sadiq (Pbuh), who said: Whoever visits Al-Husayn ibn Ali (Pbuh) on the first day of Rajab, Allah will completely forgive their sins.

Masar Al-Shia p.57


The Visitation of Imam Hussain (Pbuh) on the First of Rajab and the Eve of the Fifteenth of Sha’ban:

From Sayyid Ibn Tawus in Iqbal Al-A‘mal:

Peace be upon you, O son of the Messenger of Allah. Peace be upon you, O son of the Seal of the Prophets. Peace be upon you, O son of the Master of the Messengers. Peace be upon you, O son of the Master of the Successors. Peace be upon you, O Aba Abdillah. Peace be upon you, O Husayn, son of Ali. Peace be upon you, O son of Fatimah, the Lady of the Women of the Worlds. Peace be upon you, O saint of Allah and the son of His saint. Peace be upon you, O chosen one of Allah and the son of His chosen one. Peace be upon you, O proof of Allah and the son of His proof. Peace be upon you, O beloved of Allah and the son of His beloved. Peace be upon you, O envoy of Allah and the son of His envoy. Peace be upon you, O treasurer of the Preserved Book. Peace be upon you, O inheritor of the Torah, the Bible, and the Zabur. Peace be upon you, O trustee of the Most Merciful. Peace be upon you, O companion of the Qur'an.

Peace be upon you, O Pillar of Religion. Peace be upon you, O Gateway to the Wisdom of the Lord of the Worlds. Peace be upon you, O Gate of Repentance, through which whoever enters is among the secure. Peace be upon you, O Repository of Allah’s Knowledge. Peace be upon you, O Bearer of Allah’s Secret. Peace be upon you, O vengeance of Allah, and the son of His vengeance, The unique one who has been wronged. Peace be upon you and upon the souls that have settled in your courtyard and encamped around you. May my father, my mother, and my soul be sacrificed for you, O Aba Abdillah. Indeed, your tragedy is great, and your calamity immense upon us and upon all of Islam. May Allah curse the people who established the foundation of oppression and injustice against you, O People of the House. May Allah curse the people who displaced you from your rightful position and removed you from the ranks that Allah had assigned to you.

May my father, my mother, and my soul be sacrificed for you, O Aba Abdillah. I bear witness that the Throne’s canopies, along with those of the heavens and the creatures, trembled at your blood. The heavens and the earth wept for you, as did the inhabitants of Paradise, the land, and the sea. May Allah’s blessings be upon you, in a number that only Allah’s knowledge encompasses. Here I am, O Caller of Allah! Though my body did not respond to you when you called for help, nor my tongue when you sought support, my heart, my hearing, and my sight have answered you. Exalted is our Lord; indeed, the promise of our Lord will be fulfilled. I bear witness that you are pure, purified, and of a lineage of purity and purification. You were pure, and by you the lands were purified, the earth in which you rest was purified, and your sacred precincts were purified.

I bear witness that you commanded justice and fairness and called toward them. I bear witness that you are truthful, ever-truthful, and you fulfilled what you called toward. You are the avenged of Allah on earth. I bear witness that you delivered the message from Allah, from your grandfather, the Messenger of Allah, from your father, Amir Al-Mu'mineen, and from your brother, Al-Hasan. You gave sincere advice, strived in the path of Allah, and worshipped Him sincerely until what is certain came to you. May Allah reward you with the best reward given to the forerunners, and may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon you. O Allah, send blessings upon Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and send blessings upon Husayn, the oppressed martyr, the guided one, the slain of tears, and the captive of tribulations. May these blessings be ever-growing, pure, and blessed, with a beginning that ascends and an end that never fades, the best of blessings You have ever bestowed upon any of the children of Your sent prophets, O Lord of the worlds.

Then approach the grave, place your right cheek upon it, then your left cheek, circumambulate the grave, and kiss it from all four sides. Al-Mufid (may Allah have mercy upon him) said: Afterward, proceed to the grave of Ali ibn al-Husayn (Pbuh), stand before it, and say:

Peace be upon you, O truthful, pure, virtuous one, beloved and close to Allah, the son of the fragrant flower of the Messenger of Allah. Peace be upon you, O patient martyr, and Allah's mercy and blessings be upon you. How noble is your position and how exalted is your final abode! I bear witness that Allah has appreciated your efforts, magnified your reward, and elevated you to the highest peak, where all honor resides, and in the loftiest chambers, as He bestowed His favor upon you and made you among the Ahlul-Bayt, those whom Allah has kept impurity away from and thoroughly purified. May Allah’s blessings, mercy, and satisfaction be upon you. O pure master, intercede with your Lord to relieve me of my burdens, lighten them for me, have mercy on my humility and submission before you and your noble father. Peace and blessings of Allah be upon both of you.

Then prostrate upon the grave and say:

May Allah increase your honor in the Hereafter as He has honored you in this world. May He bring you happiness as He has brought happiness through you. I bear witness that you are the standards of religion and the stars of the worlds. Peace be upon you and Allah's mercy and blessings.

 Then proceed to the martyrs and say:

Peace be upon you, O supporters of Allah, supporters of His Messenger, supporters of Ali ibn Abi Talib, supporters of Fatimah, supporters of Hasan and Husayn, and supporters of Islam. I bear witness that you truly gave sincere counsel for Allah and strove in His path. May Allah reward you with the best reward on behalf of Islam and its people. By Allah, you have attained a great success. Oh, how I wish I had been with you so that I, too, could attain that great success! I bear witness that you are alive with your Lord, receiving sustenance. I bear witness that you are the martyrs, the blessed ones, and that you are triumphant in the highest ranks. Peace be upon you, Allah’s mercy, and His blessings.

 Then return to the head of the grave, perform the Ziyarah prayer, and supplicate for yourself, your parents, and your believing brothers and sisters.

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.341



* Laylat al-Raghaib (The Night of Wishes) : The First Friday Eve of Rajab

The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) said regarding the virtue of the month of Rajab:

“Do not neglect the first Thursday night of it, for it is a night that the angels call 'The Night of Desires' (Laylat Al-Ragha'ib). When one-third of the night passes, there will not remain a single angel in the heavens or on the earth except that they gather at the Kaaba and around it. Allah, Exalted is He, looks upon them and says: 'O My angels, ask Me for whatever you wish.' They say: 'Our Lord, our need is that You forgive those who fast during Rajab.' Allah, Blessed and Exalted, then says: 'I have already done so.'

The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) continued: 'If any servant fasts the first Thursday of Rajab, and then prays between Maghrib and Isha twelve units of prayer (rak’ahs), separating every two rak’ahs with a Taslim, and recites in each rak’ah the Fatihah once, {Indeed, We sent it down on the Night of Decree} three times, and {Say: He is Allah, the One} twelve times. When he completes the prayer, he recites blessings upon me seventy times, saying:

“Allahumma salli ‘ala Muhammadin an-nabiyyi al-ummiyyi wa ‘ala alihi”
(O Allah, bless Muhammad, the unlettered Prophet, and his family).

Then he prostrates and says in his prostration seventy times:

“Subbuhun quddusun rabbul-mala’ikati war-ruh”
(Glory to the All-Holy, the All-Pure, the Lord of the angels and the Spirit).

He then raises his head and says:

“Rabbi ighfir warham watajawaz ‘amma ta‘lam innaka anta al-‘Aliyyul-A‘zam”
(My Lord, forgive, have mercy, pardon, and overlook what You know, for You are the Most Exalted, the Greatest).

He then prostrates again and says in his second prostration what he said in the first, and then asks Allah for his needs in his prostration—it will be granted, insha’Allah.

The Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) further said: 'By the One in Whose hand is my soul, no servant, male or female, prays this prayer except that Allah forgives all of their sins, even if their sins are as abundant as the foam of the sea, the grains of sand, the weight of the mountains, and the number of the leaves on the trees. Moreover, they will intercede on the Day of Judgment for seven hundred members of their family who are deserving of Hellfire. When they descend into their grave on the first night, Allah will send the reward of this prayer in the most beautiful form, with a radiant face and eloquent speech. It will say: “O my beloved, rejoice, for you have been saved from every hardship.” The person will ask: “Who are you? By Allah, I have never seen a face more beautiful than yours, nor smelled a fragrance more pleasant than yours.” It will reply: “O my beloved, I am the reward of that prayer you prayed on such-and-such night in such-and-such place during such-and-such month in such-and-such year. I have come tonight to fulfill my duty to you, to comfort your solitude, and to remove your loneliness. When the Trumpet is blown, I will shade you in the gathering place of resurrection over your head, and you will never be deprived of good from your Lord, ever.”'

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.185



* The Prayer on the Third Day of Rajab

The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) continued: “Then, the person performing the prayer should prostrate and say in their prostration seventy times: 'Subbūun Quddūs, Rabb al-Malā'ikah wa al-Rū' (Glorious and Holy is the Lord of the angels and the spirit). They should then raise their head and say: 'Rabbighfir waram watajāwaz ʿammā taʿlam, innaka anta al-ʿAliyy al-Aʿam.' (O Lord, forgive, have mercy, and pardon what You know, for You are the Most High, the Most Great). Then, they should prostrate again and repeat what they said in the first prostration. After this, they should ask Allah for their needs while in prostration, and their needs will be fulfilled, if Allah wills.” The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) then said: **”By the One in whose hand is my soul, no servant, male or female, performs this prayer except that Allah forgives all their sins, even if their sins are as vast as the foam of the sea, the grains of sand, the weight of the mountains, or the number of the leaves on trees. On the Day of Resurrection, they will intercede for 700 members of their family who were deserving of Hellfire. When the person is placed in their grave on their first night, Allah will send the reward of this prayer in the most beautiful form, with a radiant face and eloquent tongue. It will say to the person: 'My beloved, rejoice! You have been saved from every hardship.' The person will ask: 'Who are you? I have never seen a face more beautiful than yours nor smelled a fragrance sweeter than yours.' It will reply: 'My beloved, I am the reward of the prayer you performed on such-and-such night, in such-and-such place, during such-and-such month and year. I have come tonight to fulfill your right, to comfort your loneliness, and to lift away your isolation. When the Trumpet is blown, I will provide you shade in the courtyard of the Resurrection. You will never be deprived of goodness from your Lord.'“

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.220



* The White Nights and Their Virtues

Imam Abu Abdullah (peace be upon him) said: “This nation has been given three months that no other nation was given: Rajab, Sha'ban, and the month of Ramadan. They have also been given three nights unlike any other: the thirteenth night, the fourteenth night, and the fifteenth night of every month. Moreover, they have been given three chapters of the Qur'an that no other nation was given: Surah Ya-Sin, Surah Al-Mulk (Blessed is He in Whose Hand is the dominion), and Surah Al-Ikhlas (Say: He is Allah, the One). Whoever combines these three has gathered the best of what this nation has been given.” He was asked, “How can these three be combined?” He replied: “One should pray during each of the White Nights (the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth) of these three months. On the thirteenth night, pray two units (rak‘ahs), reciting in each unit Surah Al-Fatihah and these three chapters. On the fourteenth night, pray four units, reciting in each unit Surah Al-Fatihah and these three chapters. On the fifteenth night, pray six units, reciting in each unit Surah Al-Fatihah and these three chapters. By doing so, one attains the virtues of these three months, and all their sins will be forgiven except for shirk (associating partners with Allah).”

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.229


Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) said: “Whoever fasts the White Days of Rajab, Allah will record for them the reward of fasting and standing in prayer for an entire year for each day. On the Day of Resurrection, they will stand among those who are secure.”

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.233


Amir Al-Mu'mineen (Pbuh) said: The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Jibra'il (Pbuh) came to me and said: 'Say to Ali (Pbuh): Fast three days from every month. For the first day you fast, ten thousand years will be recorded for you, for the second day, thirty thousand years, and for the third day, one hundred thousand years.' I asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, is this reward exclusively for me or for people in general?' He replied: 'Allah grants this reward to you and to anyone who performs the same. I then asked, 'Which days are they, O Messenger of Allah?' He said: 'The White Days of every month, which are the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth.'“

Wasa’el Al-Shia Vol.10, p.437


Amir Al-Mu'mineen (Pbuh) said: “Fasting the White Days of every month elevates ranks and magnifies rewards.”

Ghurar Al-Hikam p.422


Amir Al-Mu'mineen (Pbuh) said: The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Jibra'il (Pbuh) came to me and said: 'Say to Ali (Pbuh): Fast three days from every month. For the first day you fast, ten thousand years will be recorded for you; for the second day, thirty thousand years; and for the third day, one hundred thousand years.' I asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, is this reward exclusively for me or for people in general?' He replied: 'Allah grants this reward to you and to anyone who performs the same.' I then asked, 'Which days are they, O Messenger of Allah?' He said: 'The White Days of every month, which are the thirteenth, fourteenth, and fifteenth.'“

Wasa’el Al-Shia Vol.10, p.437



Amir Al-Mu'mineen (Pbuh) also said: “Fasting the White Days of every month elevates ranks and magnifies rewards.”

Ghurar Al-Hikam p.422



* The Eve of Mid-Rajab

The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “When it is the night of the middle of Rajab, Allah, the Exalted, commands the keepers of the records of creation and the scribes of deeds, saying to them: 'Look into the records of My servants, and whatever sin you find, erase it and replace it with good deeds.'“

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.233


Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) said: “On the night of the middle of Rajab, pray twelve units (rak‘ahs), offering salutations (tasleem) after every two units. In each unit, recite Surah Al-Fatihah (the Opening) four times, Surah Al-Ikhlas (the Unity) four times, Surah Al-Falaq (the Daybreak) four times, Surah Al-Nas (Mankind) four times, Ayat Al-Kursi (the Throne Verse) four times, and Indeed, We sent it down on the Night of Decree (Surah Al-Qadr) four times. After completing the prayer, recite after the salutation (tasleem) four times: 'Allah, Allah, Allah is my Lord. I do not associate anything with Him, nor do I take any guardian besides Him.' Then supplicate with whatever you wish.”

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.232


Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) said: “On the night of the middle of Rajab, pray twelve units (rak‘ahs), reciting Surah Al-Fatihah and another surah in each unit. When you complete the prayer, recite the following: Surah Al-Fatihah, Surah Al-Falaq (the Daybreak), Surah Al-Nas (Mankind), Surah Al-Ikhlas (the Unity), and Ayat Al-Kursi (the Throne Verse) four times each. Then say four times: 'Subhan Allah (Glory be to Allah), Alhamdulillah (All praise is due to Allah), La ilaha illa Allah (There is no deity except Allah), and Allahu Akbar (Allah is the Greatest).' Afterward, say: 'Allah, Allah, my Lord. I do not associate anything with Him. Whatever Allah wills, there is no power nor strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.' You should perform the same on the night of the twenty-seventh of Rajab.”

Hidayat Al-Ummah


Ibn Abi Umair narrated, in another report: “After completing the twelve rak‘ahs (units of prayer), recite Surah Al-Fatihah, Surah Al-Falaq (the Daybreak), Surah Al-Nas (Mankind), Surah Al-Ikhlas (the Unity), and Surah Al-Kafirun (the Disbelievers) seven times each. Then recite: 'All praise is due to Allah, who has not taken a son and has no partner in His dominion, nor does He have a protector out of weakness. And glorify Him with great glorification.' After that, say: 'O Allah, I ask You by the bond of Your might upon the pillars of Your Throne, by the ultimate extent of Your mercy from Your Book, by Your Greatest, Greatest, Greatest Name, by Your Highest, Highest, Highest Remembrance, and by all of Your perfect words, to bless Muhammad and his family. I ask You for that which fulfills Your covenant, satisfies Your right, pleases Your Self, and is best for me in my return to You and my standing before You. Grant me now, at this moment, such-and-such.' Then make any supplication you wish.

Misbah Al-Mutahajjid Vol.2, p.806


The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Whoever prays thirty rak‘ahs (units of prayer) on the night of the fifteenth of Rajab, reciting Surah Al-Fatihah once and 'Say: He is Allah, the One' (Surah Al-Ikhlas) ten times in each rak‘ah, will not complete their prayer without being granted the reward of seventy martyrs. On the Day of Resurrection, their light will illuminate the gathering as far as the distance between Mecca and Medina. Allah will grant them freedom from Hellfire, freedom from hypocrisy, and relief from the punishment of the grave.”

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.234


The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) also said: “Whoever prays thirty rak‘ahs on the night of the fifteenth of Rajab, reciting Surah Al-Fatihah once and 'Say: He is Allah, the One' ten times in each rak‘ah, Allah will free them from Hellfire. For each rak‘ah, they will receive the reward of worshiping equal to forty martyrs. For each verse recited, Allah will grant twelve lights, and for each time 'Say: He is Allah, the One' is recited, Allah will construct twelve cities of musk and amber for them. Allah will also write for them the reward of those who fasted and prayed throughout that month, whether male or female. If they die before the next year, they will die as a martyr and be protected from the trial of the grave.”

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.234


The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Whoever fasts the White Days of Rajab, stands in prayer during its nights, and prays one hundred rak‘ahs (units of prayer) on the night of its middle, reciting 'Say: He is Allah, the One' (Surah Al-Ikhlas) ten times in each rak‘ah, and upon completing this prayer, seeks forgiveness seventy times, will be protected from the harm of the inhabitants of the heavens and the earth, as well as the harm of Iblis and his soldiers. If they die in this month, Allah will fulfill one thousand of their needs: five hundred pertaining to the Hereafter and five hundred pertaining to this world, each need guaranteed and not denied. Allah will also build for them in Paradise one hundred palaces made of emeralds. In each palace, there will be one hundred mansions. In each mansion, there will be one hundred houses. In each house, there will be one hundred beds, and on every bed, one hundred mattresses of various colors. On every mattress will be a spouse from among the maidens of Paradise (ūr al-ʿayn). Each spouse will have a thousand attendants, and in each house, a thousand angels will enter. With each angel will be a table containing a thousand platters filled with different kinds of food. All of this is for the one who fasts the White Days of Rajab, stands in prayer during its nights, and performs this prayer. 'And that is easy for Allah.'“

Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.94, p.50


The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Whoever prays ten rak‘ahs (units of prayer) on the night of the middle of Rajab, reciting Surah Al-Fatihah once and 'Say: He is Allah, the One' (Surah Al-Ikhlas) thirty times in each rak‘ah, and upon completing the prayer seeks forgiveness from Allah, then prostrates and glorifies, praises, and magnifies Him one hundred times, no sin will be recorded against them until the same time the following year. Allah will write for them a reward for every drop of rain that falls from the sky that year. For every rak‘ah and prostration, they will be granted a palace in Paradise made of emerald. For every letter of the Qur'an they recite, they will be granted a city made of ruby. Furthermore, they will be crowned with the Crown of Honor.”

Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.94, p.50



* The Day of Mid-Rajab

Narration from Ibn Abbas: Adam (Pbuh) said: “O my Lord, inform me of the most beloved days to You and the most beloved times.” Allah, Blessed and Exalted, revealed to him: “O Adam, the most beloved time to Me is the day of the middle of Rajab. O Adam, draw near to Me on the day of the middle of Rajab with offerings, hospitality, fasting, supplication, seeking forgiveness, and saying: 'There is no god but Allah.' O Adam, I have decreed and written that I will send from your progeny a Prophet who is neither harsh nor severe, nor loud in the markets, but is forbearing, merciful, generous, and great in blessing. I have designated him and his nation for the day of the middle of Rajab. On that day, they will not ask Me for anything except that I will grant it to them, they will not seek My forgiveness except that I will forgive them, they will not request sustenance except that I will provide for them, they will not seek pardon except that I will pardon them, and they will not seek mercy except that I will show them mercy. O Adam, whoever wakes up on the day of the middle of Rajab fasting, remembering Me, humbled, guarding their chastity, and giving charity from their wealth, their reward with Me will be none other than Paradise. O Adam, tell your children to guard themselves during Rajab, for sins committed in it are grave.”

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.23


Narration from Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr Al-Bazanti: I asked Imam Al-Ridha (Pbuh), “In which month should we visit Al-Husayn (Pbuh)?” He replied: “On the middle of Rajab and the middle of Sha'ban.”

Kamel Al-Ziyarat p.182


Ahmad ibn Muhammad ibn Abi Nasr Al-Bazanti said: “I asked Imam Al-Ridha (Pbuh) about the merits of visiting on the middle of Rajab and Sha'ban. He described rewards and merits that are endless and beyond measure.”

Mustadrak Wasael Al-Shia Vol.10, p.287


The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp): “Whoever prays fifty rak‘ahs (units of prayer) on the fifteenth of Rajab during the middle of the day, reciting in each rak‘ah Surah Al-Fatihah once, 'Say: He is Allah, the One' (Surah Al-Ikhlas) once, 'Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Daybreak' (Surah Al-Falaq) once, and 'Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Mankind' (Surah Al-Nas) once, will emerge from their sins as pure as the day they were born. They will be resurrected from their grave with the martyrs, enter Paradise alongside the prophets, will not be punished in the grave, and will be saved from the narrowness and darkness of the grave. They will rise from their grave with a face shining bright.”

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.238


Imam Al-Sadiq (Pbuh) narrated that Imam Ali (Pbuh) used to perform four rak‘ahs (units of prayer) on this day. After completing the prayer, he would raise his hands and recite the following supplication, stating: “Whoever is afflicted with hardship and grief and recites this supplication, their distress and difficulty will certainly be removed.” These four rak‘ahs are prayed with two tasleems (salutations), and one may recite any surahs they wish after Surah Al-Fatihah. The supplication is: O Allah, O the One who humbles every tyrant, and O the One who grants honor to the believers, You are my refuge when all paths become constricted. You are the Creator of my being out of Your mercy for me, though You were independent of creating me. Without Your mercy, I would be among the perished. You are the One who supports me with victory over my enemies, and without Your assistance, I would be among the disgraced. O Sender of mercy from its sources and Originator of blessings from their places, O You who has reserved grandeur and exaltation for Yourself, and whose allies are ennobled through Your might. O You before whom the kings have bowed their necks with the yoke of humility upon them, and they fear Your wrath. I ask You by Your being that You derived from Your magnificence, and I ask You by Your magnificence that You derived from Your might, and I ask You by Your might with which You ascended the Throne and by which You have encompassed all of Your creation, who are all submissive to You, to send Your blessings upon Muhammad and his family.” After this, one should ask Allah for their needs.

Zad Al-Ma’ad p.25


Ibn Al-Salt narrated that Imam Abu Ja'far Al-Jawad (Pbuh) fasted in Baghdad on the day of the middle of Rajab and on the twenty-seventh of it. He also instructed all his household to fast and commanded us to perform a specific prayer consisting of twelve rak‘ahs (units of prayer), reciting Surah Al-Fatihah and another surah in each rak‘ah. Upon completing the prayer, Surah Al-Fatihah is recited four times, followed by “Say: He is Allah, the One” (Surah Al-Ikhlas), “Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of the Daybreak” (Surah Al-Falaq), and “Say: I seek refuge in the Lord of Mankind” (Surah Al-Nas), each recited four times. Then, the following phrases are recited four times each: “There is no god but Allah, Allah is the Greatest, Glory be to Allah, all praise is due to Allah, and there is no power or strength except with Allah,” and “There is no god but Allah, Allah is the Greatest, Glory be to Allah, all praise is due to Allah, and there is no power or strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.” Finally, one recites: “Allah is my Lord; I do not associate anything with Him” and “I do not associate any partner with my Lord,” each four times.

Misbah Al-Motahajjid Vol.2, p.816


Imam Al-Sadiq (Pbuh) said: Imam Ali (Pbuh) used to perform a prayer of four units (rak’ahs) on this day, then raise his hands and recite the following supplication,  and then say: "Whoever is afflicted with hardship or distress and recites this supplication, their distress and hardship will undoubtedly be removed." The four units of prayer are performed with two sets of salutations (taslim), and one may recite any chapters of the Qur'an after Surat Al-Fatiha. The supplication is:

O Allah, O He who humiliates every tyrant and honors the believers, You are my refuge when all paths confuse me. You are the Creator of my being, out of mercy for me, even though You had no need for my creation. Were it not for Your mercy, I would have been among the destroyed. You are my supporter, granting me victory over my enemies. Were it not for Your support, I would have been among the disgraced.

O Sender of mercy from its sources, O Initiator of blessings from their origins, O You who has exclusively adorned Himself with majesty and exaltation, and whose allies are strengthened through His might, O You before whom kings have bowed their necks under the yoke of humility, fearful of His overwhelming power. I ask You by Your existence, which You derived from Your majesty. I ask You by Your majesty, which You derived from Your might. I ask You by Your might, through which You established Yourself upon Your throne, and by which You transcended all of Your creation, so they are all submissive to You. Send blessings upon Muhammad and his progeny."

After reciting this supplication, one should ask Allah for their need.

Zad Al-Ma’ad p.25



* The Eve of Prophetic Mission (Al-Mab’ath Al-Nabawi)  

The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Whoever prays twelve rak‘ahs (units of prayer) on the night of the twenty-seventh of Rajab, reciting Surah Al-Fatihah once, 'Glorify the Name of your Lord, the Most High' (Surah Al-A‘la) ten times, and 'Indeed, We sent it down on the Night of Decree' (Surah Al-Qadr) ten times in each rak‘ah, and upon completing the prayer invokes blessings upon the Prophet (Pbuhp) one hundred times and seeks forgiveness from Allah one hundred times, Allah, Glorified and Exalted, will record for them the reward of the worship of the angels.”

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.265


Imam Abu Ja'far Al-Jawad (Pbuh) said: “There is a night in Rajab that is better for people than anything upon which the sun has risen. It is the night of the twenty-seventh, the morning of which the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) was commissioned as a prophet. For anyone who performs worship on this night, may Allah guide you, from among our Shia, the reward will be equal to the deeds of sixty years.” It was asked, “What is the recommended act on this night?” He replied: “After performing the Isha (night) prayer and lying down to rest, wake up at any time during the night, whether before or after midnight, and pray twelve rak‘ahs (units of prayer). Recite in each rak‘ah one of the shorter chapters of the Qur'an from Surah Ya-Sin to Surah Al-Hamd (Al-Fatihah). After completing every two rak‘ahs and giving tasleem (salutation), sit and recite the following: Surah Al-Fatihah seven times, Surah Al-Falaq seven times, Surah Al-Nas seven times, Surah Al-Ikhlas seven times, Surah Al-Kafirun seven times, Surah Al-Qadr seven times, and Ayat Al-Kursi seven times.

Afterward, recite this supplication: 'All praise is due to Allah, who has not taken a companion nor a son, nor has He a partner in His dominion, nor does He have a protector out of weakness. And glorify Him with great glorification. O Allah, I ask You by the bonds of might upon the pillars of Your Throne, by the ultimate mercy from Your Book, by Your Greatest, Greatest, Greatest Name, by Your Highest, Highest, Highest Remembrance, and by Your perfect words that are complete in truth and justice, to send blessings upon Muhammad and the family of Muhammad and to deal with me in a manner worthy of You.' Then, ask Allah for whatever you wish, for no supplication will be unanswered unless it involves sin, severing family ties, or the destruction of a believing people. Begin the day of the twenty-seventh by fasting, as fasting on this day is recommended and equals the reward of fasting for a full year.”

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.266


Imam Abu Al-Hasan (Pbuh) said: “Pray on the night of the twenty-seventh of Rajab at any time during the night, twelve rak‘ahs (units of prayer). In each rak‘ah, recite Surah Al-Fatihah, Surah Al-Falaq, Surah Al-Nas, and 'Say: He is Allah, the One' (Surah Al-Ikhlas) four times. When you finish and are still seated in your place, say four times: 'There is no god but Allah, Allah is the Greatest, all praise is due to Allah, Glory be to Allah, and there is no power or strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.' Then, supplicate with whatever you wish.”

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.267


Ibn Abbas said: “On the night of the twenty-seventh of Rajab, Allah commissioned Muhammad (Pbuhp) as a Prophet. Whoever prays twelve rak‘ahs that night, and upon completing the prayer recites Surah Al-Fatihah seven times, and then fasts the following day, their act will be an expiation for sixty years.”

Bihar Al-Anwar Vol. 94, p.51



* Day of the Prophetic Mission (Al-Mab’ath Al-Nabawi)

Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) said: “The twenty-seventh day of Rajab is the day on which the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) was commissioned as a Prophet.”

Al-Kafi Vol.3, p.469


Ishaq ibn Abdullah Al-Alawi Al-Aridhi narrated: “My father and uncles traveled to meet Imam Ali ibn Muhammad (Pbuh) while he was residing in Basra before his arrival in Samarra. They had a disagreement regarding the four days in the year that are recommended for fasting. Upon meeting him, the Imam (Pbuh) said: 'You have come to ask me about the days recommended for fasting in the year?' They replied, 'Yes, that is the only reason for our visit.' The Imam (Pbuh) said: 'The seventeenth day of Rabi‘ Al-Awwal, which is the day the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) was born; the twenty-seventh day of Rajab, which is the day he was commissioned as a Prophet; the twenty-fifth day of Dhul-Qa‘dah, which is the day the earth was spread out; and the eighteenth day of Dhul-Hijjah, which is the Day of Ghadir.'“

Misbah Al-Mutahajjid Vol.2, p.820


Imam Abu Al-Hasan Al-Awwal (Pbuh) said: “Allah, the Glorified and Exalted, sent Muhammad (Pbuhp) as a mercy to the worlds on the twenty-seventh day of Rajab. Whoever fasts on this day, Allah will record for them the reward of fasting sixty months.”

Al-Kafi Vol.4, p.149


Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) said, in a narration about the virtues of Rajab: “On the twenty-seventh day of Rajab, prophethood descended upon the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp). Whoever fasts on this day will receive the reward equivalent to fasting sixty months.”

Al-Amali by Al-Sadouq p.45


Imam Al-Ridha (Pbuh) said: “Allah commissioned Muhammad (Pbuhp) as a Prophet on the third night of Rajab. Fasting on this day is equal to fasting seventy years.”

Fadael Al-Ash’hor Al-Thalatha (The Virtues of the Three Months) p.20


Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) said: “Whoever fasts on the twenty-seventh day of Rajab, Allah will record for them the reward of fasting seventy years.”

Al-Amali by Al-Sadouq p.682


Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh) said: “Do not neglect fasting on the twenty-seventh day of Rajab, for it is the day when prophethood descended upon Muhammad (Pbuhp). Its reward is equal to fasting sixty months for you.”

Al-Kafio Vol.4, p.149


Al-Husayn ibn Rashid said: “I asked Imam Abu Abdullah (Pbuh): 'Is there anything besides these well-known festivals (Eids)?' He replied: 'Yes, the most honorable and complete of them is the day on which the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) was commissioned as a Prophet.' I asked: 'Which day is it?' He replied: 'The days rotate, but it is the twenty-seventh day of Rajab, and it falls on a Saturday.' I asked: 'What should we do on this day?' He said: 'Fast and increase your prayers upon Muhammad and his family (Pbuhp).'“

Misbah Al-Mutahajjid Vol.2, p.820


The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “On the twenty-seventh of Rajab, Allah commissioned Muhammad (Pbuhp) as a Prophet. Whoever fasts on that day, it will be an expiation for sixty years of sins, and Allah will protect them from Iblis and his soldiers. If they die during the day or night of that day, they will die as a martyr. Allah will grant them a share in the worship of the devout, the striving of the fighters, the gratitude of the thankful, and the remembrance of the mindful, those who 'have no fear, nor will they grieve.' By the One who sent me with the truth, if a servant or bondwoman fasts that day and stands in prayer during its night, Allah will forgive all their sins that are between them and their Lord, even if their sins are as numerous as the stars in the sky, the drops of rain, the leaves of trees, or the days of eternity.

Allah will grant them a share in the reward of Jibra'il, Mika'il, Israfil, the Angel of Death, and the spiritual beings along with him, the Cherubim, and the bearers of the Throne. By the One who sent me with the truth, Allah will grant them a share in the worship of the angels of the seven heavens. When the Angel of Death comes to take their soul, he will take it while they are in a state of faith. They will rise from their grave with a face shining like the full moon, pass over the bridge (Sirat) as swiftly as lightning, and receive their record in their right hand. Their scale will be heavy, and they will not fear when others are fearful. Allah will grant them seventy thousand cities in Paradise, in each city seventy thousand palaces, and in each palace, blessings beyond what any eye has seen, ear has heard, or heart has conceived.”

Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.94, p.51


Ibn Al-Salt narrated: Imam Abu Ja'far Al-Jawad (Pbuh) fasted in Baghdad on the fifteenth of Rajab and the twenty-seventh of it. He also instructed all his household to fast and commanded us to perform a specific prayer consisting of twelve rak‘ahs (units of prayer). In each rak‘ah, Surah Al-Fatihah and another surah are recited. After completing the prayer, recite Surah Al-Fatihah four times, 'Say: He is Allah, the One' (Surah Al-Ikhlas), Surah Al-Falaq, and Surah Al-Nas four times each. Then say the following four times: 'There is no god but Allah, Allah is the Greatest, Glory be to Allah, all praise is due to Allah, and there is no power or strength except with Allah.' Then say: 'There is no god but Allah, Allah is the Greatest, Glory be to Allah, all praise is due to Allah, and there is no power or strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great.' After that, say four times each: 'Allah is my Lord; I do not associate anything with Him,' and 'I do not associate any partner with my Lord.'

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.274


From the narration of Abu al-Qasim al-Husayn ibn Ruh (may Allah have mercy upon him): On this day, perform twelve rak‘ahs of prayer. In each rak‘ah, recite Surat Al-Fatiha and any other chapters of the Qur'an that are easy for you. After every two rak‘ahs, recite this supplication while sitting:

Praise be to Allah, who has not taken a child, nor does He have a partner in His sovereignty, nor does He have a protector out of weakness, and exalt Him with great exaltation. O my support during my lifetime, O my companion in my hardship, O my guardian in my blessings, O my help in my aspirations, O my success in my needs, O my protector in my absence, O my sufficiency in my solitude, O my comfort in my desolation, You are the one who covers my shame, so to You belongs all praise. You are the one who pardons my missteps, so to You belongs all praise. You are the one who lifts me when I fall, so to You belongs all praise. Send blessings upon Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and conceal my faults, grant me safety from my fears, forgive my missteps, overlook my errors, and pardon my sins. Include me among the companions of Paradise— the true promise they were given

After completing the prayer and supplication, recite Surat Al-Fatiha, Surat Al-Ikhlas ("Say: He is Allah, the One"), Surat Al-Kafirun ("Say: O disbelievers"), Surat Al-Falaq ("The Daybreak"), Surat Al-Nas ("The Mankind"), Surat Al-Qadr ("Indeed, We sent it down on the Night of Decree"), and Ayat Al-Kursi ("The Throne Verse") seven times. Then say seven times: "There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. Glory be to Allah, and there is no power nor strength except with Allah." Follow this by saying seven times: "Allah, Allah is my Lord; I do not associate anything with Him." Finally, conclude by making any personal supplications you wish.

Misbah Al-Mutahajjid Vol.2, p.816


From Ibn Al-Salt, who narrated: Abu Ja'far Al-Thani (Pbuh) fasted in Baghdad on the 15th of Rajab and the 27th of Rajab, and all his household fasted as well. He instructed us to perform a prayer consisting of twelve rak‘ahs, reciting Surat Al-Fatiha and another surah in each rak‘ah. Upon completing the prayer, one should recite Surat Al-Fatiha four times, Surat Al-Ikhlas ("Say: He is Allah, the One") and the two protective surahs (Al-Falaq and Al-Nas) four times. Then, say: "There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. Glory be to Allah, and praise be to Allah. There is no power and no strength except with Allah. There is no god but Allah, and Allah is the Greatest. Glory be to Allah, and praise be to Allah. There is no power and no strength except with Allah, the Most High, the Most Great" — four times. Afterward, say: "Allah is my Lord; I do not associate anything with Him" — four times. And conclude by saying: "I do not associate anyone with my Lord" — four times.

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.274


From Sayyid Ibn Tawus in Iqbal Al-A‘mal:

O Allah, I ask You by the greatest manifestation (or by the greatest lineage) on this day of the honored month and the noble Messenger whom You sent, to send blessings upon Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and to forgive us for what You know about us better than we know ourselves, O You who knows and none other knows. O Allah, bless this day of ours, which You have honored with the dignity of the message, exalted with Your grace, and made noble with the lofty rank of prophethood. O Allah, we ask You, by the noble mission, the gentle master, and the pure essence, to send blessings upon Muhammad and his progeny. Make our deeds on this day and all other days accepted, our sins forgiven, our hearts gladdened by Your good acceptance, and our provisions abundant and easy.

O Allah, You see all and are not seen. You are in the Highest Station, and to You is the final return and ultimate destination. To You belong life and death, and Yours are the Hereafter and the first life. O Allah, we seek refuge in You from humiliation and disgrace, and from committing what You have forbidden. O Allah, we ask You for Paradise through Your mercy, and we seek refuge in You from the Fire; so protect us from it by Your power. We ask You for the company of the angelic houries in Paradise, so grant us this by Your might. Make the widest provisions for us in our old age, and the best of our deeds near the end of our lives. Lengthen our lifespans in Your obedience and in what draws us closer to You and earns Your favor. Draw us near to You, and beautify all of our conditions and affairs with knowledge of You. Do not entrust us to anyone from Your creation, and bestow upon us all of our needs for both this world and the Hereafter. Begin with our fathers, mothers, and all of our believing brothers in all that we ask You for ourselves, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

O Allah, we ask You by Your great name and Your eternal dominion to send blessings upon Muhammad and the progeny of Muhammad, and to forgive us our great sins, for none forgives the great but the Great."

O Allah, this is the honored month of Rajab, which You have graced us with as the first of the sacred months. You have honored us with it among the nations, so to You belongs all praise, O Possessor of generosity and honor. O Allah, we ask You by it and by Your greatest, most exalted, most noble name, which You created and established in Your dominion, never to be directed to anyone but You. I ask You to send blessings upon Muhammad and his pure progeny, and to make us among those who act in obedience to You and are safe under Your protection during this month. O Allah, guide us to the straight path, and make our resting place with You the best of resting places—in a shaded shelter and an abundant dominion—for You are sufficient for us, and You are the best disposer of affairs. O Allah, return us as successful and prosperous, neither deserving of Your wrath nor among those who go astray, through Your mercy, O Most Merciful of the merciful.

Then prostrate and say:

Praise be to Allah, who guided me to His recognition, honored me with His guardianship, and granted me success in obeying Him. Gratitude, gratitude. (Repeat 100 times.) Finally, ask for your needs and make any supplication you wish.

Iqbal Al-A’mal Vol.3, p.278



* The Virtue of Fasting on the Last Days of Rajab

Salim said: “I entered upon Imam Al-Sadiq (Pbuh) in the month of Rajab, with only a few days remaining. When he looked at me, he said: 'O Salim, have you fasted anything in this month?' I replied, 'No, by Allah, O son of the Messenger of Allah.' He said: 'You have missed rewards whose measure is known only to Allah. This is a month that Allah has honored and magnified, and He has guaranteed dignity for those who fast in it.' I said: 'O son of the Messenger of Allah, if I fast some of the remaining days of this month, will I attain some of the rewards of those who fasted in it?' He replied: 'O Salim, whoever fasts one day from the remaining days of this month will be granted safety from the severe throes of death, safety from the terror of the Day of Judgment, and safety from the punishment of the grave. Whoever fasts two days from the remaining days of this month will be granted passage across the Sirat (bridge) with ease. Whoever fasts three days from the remaining days of this month will be safe from the horrors and hardships of the Great Terror on the Day of Resurrection and will be granted freedom from Hellfire.'“

Al-Amali by Al-Sadouq p.15


Imam al-Rida (Pbuh) said, ““Whoever fasts on the twenty-sixth day of Rajab, Allah will make the fasting of that day an expiation for eighty years.”

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.265


Imam al-Rida (Pbuh) said, “Whoever fasts on the twenty-eighth day of Rajab, their fasting of that day will be an expiation for ninety years.”

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.282


Imam al-Rida (Pbuh) said, “Whoever fasts on the twenty-ninth day of Rajab, their fasting of that day will be an expiation for one hundred years.”

Al-Iqbal Vol.3, p.282


Imam al-Rida (Pbuh) said, “Whoever fasts on the thirtieth day of Rajab, Allah will forgive their past and future sins.”


Iqba Al-A’mall Vol.3, p.284