Imam Ja’far al-Sadiq (pbuh) said: “On the Day of Judgment, a caller from beneath the Throne will proclaim: ‘Where are the Rajabites?’ A group of people will rise with radiant faces, crowned with crowns of majesty, adorned with pearls and rubies. Each one will be accompanied by a thousand angels to their right and a thousand angels to their left, who will declare: ‘Rejoice in the honor Allah has bestowed upon you, O servant of Allah!’ Then a voice will come from Allah Almighty: ‘My servants, by My Glory and Majesty, I will honor your abode, multiply your rewards, and grant you eternal abodes in Paradise beneath which rivers flow, where you will abide eternally. Excellent is the reward of those who act righteously! You fasted for Me during a month whose sanctity I magnified and whose rights I established.’” Then he (Pbuh) said: “This is for those who fast for even one day in its beginning, middle or end.”
Fadael al-ashor P.31
The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Rajab is the outpouring month of Allah, during which He pours out mercy upon His servants.”
O’youn Akhbar Al-Rida Vol.2, p.71
Imam Moussa Al-Kadhem (Pbuh) said: “Rajab is a great month in which Allah multiplies good deeds and forgives sins. Whoever fasts even one day in Rajab will have the Fire kept at a distance equivalent to a year’s journey. Whoever fasts three days will be granted Paradise.”
Al-Fakih Vol.2, P.92
Imam Ali (Pbuh) used to fast all of Rajab and say: “Rajab is my month, Sha'ban is the month of the Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp), and Ramadan is the month of Allah.”
Mosbah Al-motahajid Vol. 2, P.797
Imam Moussa Al-Kadhem (Pbuh) said : “Rajab is a river in Paradise, whiter than milk and sweeter than honey. Whoever fasts even one day in Rajab will be given to drink from it by Allah, Almighty and Glorious.”
Al-Fakih Vol.2, P.92
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) said:”Whoever fasts a day in the month of Rajab with faith and seeking reward will earn Allah's greatest pleasure. His fasting on that day will extinguish Allah’s wrath and close one of the gates of Hell for him. If he were to give the entire earth’s weight in gold, it would not surpass the value of his fasting. His reward cannot be measured by anything worldly except through good deeds, provided he does it sincerely for Allah, the Almighty. When he breaks his fast, he will be granted ten answered supplications. If he prays for something immediate in this world, Allah will grant it. Otherwise, it will be stored for him in a form greater than what any of His beloved, righteous servants could ask for.”
It was then asked: “O Messenger of Allah, what about those unable to do this good deed as you described? What should they
do to achieve these rewards?”
The Prophet (peace be upon him and his progeny) replied:
“Let them glorify Allah the Exalted every day of Rajab, up to thirty days, one hundred times with this glorification:
‘Subhan al-Ilah al-Jaleel, Subhan man la yambaghi al-tasbeeh illa lahu, Subhan al-A’azz al-Akram, Subhan man labisa al-‘izz wa huwa lahu ahl.’
(‘Glory be to the Magnificent God, Glory be to the One for whom glorification is fitting, Glory be to the Most Noble and Most Honorable, Glory be to the One who is cloaked in might and deserving
of it.’)”
Thawab Al-A’mal P.54
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny): “Allah has placed an angel in the seventh heaven, known as ‘The
Caller.’ When the month of Rajab begins, this angel calls out every night until dawn:
‘Blessed are those who remember Allah! Blessed are those who obey Allah!’
Allah the Almighty declares: ‘I am the companion of whoever keeps My company, the Obeyer of whoever obeys Me, and the Forgiver of whoever seeks My forgiveness. This month is My month, the servant
is My servant, and the mercy is My mercy. Whoever calls upon Me in this month, I will answer. Whoever asks of Me, I will give. Whoever seeks My guidance, I will guide. I have made this month a
rope between Me and My servants. Whoever holds fast to it will reach Me.’”
Al-I’bal Vol.3, P.174
The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “Rajab is the month of seeking forgiveness for my nation. Increase your seeking of forgiveness, for Allah is the Most Forgiving, Most Merciful. The month of Rajab is called the month of Allah’s outpouring (al-Asabb) because Allah’s mercy pours abundantly upon my nation in it. It is also called the Silent (al-Asamm) because fighting the disbelievers was prohibited during it, as it is one of the sacred months.”
Nawader Al-Asha’ari P.17
The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny): “Allah has chosen the best from everything He created... and the best of the months are Rajab, Sha‘ban, and the month of Ramadan.”
Tafser Al-Imam P.662
Amir al-Mu’minin (peace be upon him): “Whoever fasts a day in Rajab, whether at its beginning, middle, or end, will have their past sins forgiven. Whoever fasts three days at the beginning, three in the middle, and three at the end will have both their past and future sins forgiven. Whoever enlivens one night in Rajab will be freed from Hell, and seventy thousand sinners will benefit from their intercession. Whoever gives charity during Rajab for the sake of Allah will be rewarded on the Day of Judgment with blessings in Paradise beyond what any eye has seen, ear has heard, or heart has imagined.”
Fadael al-ashor P.37
Abdullah ibn Abbas said: “When the month of Rajab arrived, the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him and his progeny) would
gather the Muslims and deliver a sermon. He would praise Allah, mention the prophets before him, and send blessings upon them. Then he would say:
O Muslims, a great and blessed month has cast its shadow over you. It is the outpouring month, during which mercy is poured upon those who worship Allah, except for a polytheist or one who
introduces an innovation into Islam. Truly, there is a night in the month of Rajab where whoever forbids sleep upon himself (by worship) and spends the night in devotion, Allah will forbid his
body from Hellfire. Seventy thousand angels will greet him, and they will seek forgiveness for him until a similar night arrives. If he repeats this, the angels will return again. Whoever fasts
even one day in the month of Rajab will be granted safety from the greatest terror and will be protected from Hellfire.”
Bihar Al-Anwar Vol.94, P.47
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “Whoever recognizes the sanctity of Rajab and Sha‘ban and connects them (in fasting and worship) with the month of Ramadan, the greatest month of Allah, these months will testify on their behalf on the Day of Judgment. Rajab, Sha‘ban, and the month of Ramadan will be witnesses for such a person because of their reverence for these months.” A caller will proclaim: “O Rajab, O Sha‘ban, and O month of Ramadan, how did this servant of Mine act in you, and how was their obedience to Allah, the Almighty?” The months will respond: “O our Lord, they sought strength from us for Your worship, relied on Your grace, and strove to please You with their efforts. They labored, as much as they could, to attain Your love.” Allah will then ask the angels assigned to these months: “What do you say about this testimony for this servant?” The angels will reply: “O our Lord, Rajab, Sha‘ban, and the month of Ramadan have spoken the truth. We found this servant constantly engaged in Your worship, striving to earn Your pleasure, and devoted to righteousness and goodness. They welcomed these months with joy and enthusiasm, hoping for Your mercy and seeking Your forgiveness. They abstained from what was forbidden and hastened to perform what was commanded. They fasted with their bodies, guarded their eyes, ears, and all their faculties. They endured thirst during the days and exerted effort in worship during the nights. They were generous in spending on the poor and needy, and their kindness and good deeds toward Your servants were abundant. They accompanied these months with honor and bade them farewell with the best conduct. After these months passed, they remained steadfast in Your obedience and did not violate the sanctity of what You prohibited. This is an excellent servant!” At that moment, Allah will command that this servant be taken to Paradise. The angels will greet them with gifts and honors, carrying them on steeds of light and noble mounts. They will enter a bliss that never ends and an abode that never perishes. Its inhabitants never leave, its youth never grow old, and its children never turn gray. Its joy and happiness never diminish, its newness never fades, and its delight never turns into sorrow. They will experience neither fatigue nor weariness. They will be free from torment and spared harsh accountability. Blessed indeed is their destination and place of rest!
Tafser Al-Imam P.655
The Messenger of Allah (Peace be upon him and his progeny) said: “Indeed, the month of Rajab is Allah’s Silent Month. It is a great and blessed month, and it is called the Silent Month because no other month equals it in sanctity and virtue before Allah, the Almighty and Glorious. The people of the pre-Islamic era used to revere it, and when Islam came, its sanctity and merit only increased. Indeed, Rajab and Sha‘ban are my months, and Ramadan is the month of my nation.
Whoever fasts one day in Rajab with faith and sincerity will earn Allah’s greatest pleasure. His fasting will extinguish Allah’s wrath and close one of the gates of Hell. If he were to give the weight of the entire earth in gold, it would not surpass the value of his fasting. No worldly good could match its reward, except for sincere deeds for Allah. When he breaks his fast, he will be granted ten answered supplications. If he prays for something immediate in this world, Allah will grant it. Otherwise, it will be stored for him in a form greater than any of Allah’s chosen, righteous servants could ask for.
Whoever fasts two days of Rajab, the people of the heavens and the earth cannot describe the honor he will receive from Allah. His reward will be equivalent to the reward of ten truthful believers (Siddeeqeen) in their lifetimes. On the Day of Judgment, he will intercede for as many people as they could intercede for, and he will be gathered with them until he enters Paradise as their companion.
Whoever fasts three days of Rajab, Allah will place a barrier or trench between him and the Fire, the length of which is a seventy years journey. Allah will say to him at the time of breaking his fast: “Your right upon Me has become obligatory, and My love and closeness to you are assured. I call you to witness, O My angels, that I have forgiven his past and future sins.”
Whoever fasts four days of Rajab will be protected from all afflictions: insanity, leprosy, vitiligo, the trial of the Dajjal (The Imposter), and the punishment of the grave. He will receive the reward of the wise, repentant, returning servants (Awabeen) and will be given his record of deeds in his right hand among the foremost worshippers.
Whoever fasts five days of Rajab, Allah guarantees to please him on the Day of Judgment. He will rise with a face shining like the full moon, his good deeds equaling the grains of sand in the desert. He will enter Paradise without reckoning and be told: “Ask your Lord for whatever you wish.”
Whoever fasts six days of Rajab will rise from his grave with a face brighter than the sun. He will also be granted a light to guide all those assembled on the Day of Judgment. He will cross the Sirat without reckoning and be protected from disobedience to parents and severing family ties.
Whoever fasts seven days of Rajab, Allah will close for him the seven gates of Hell.
Whoever fasts eight days of Rajab, Allah will open for him the eight gates of Paradise and say: “Enter through any gate you wish.”
Whoever fasts nine days of Rajab will rise from his grave proclaiming, “There is no god but Allah,” headed straight to paradise, and his face will shine so brightly that people will think he is a chosen prophet. His least reward will be entry into Paradise.
Whoever fasts ten days of Rajab, Allah will grant him two green wings adorned with pearls and rubies. He will fly across the Sirat like lightning to Paradise. His sins will be turned into good deeds, and he will be recorded as one of Allah’s close servants, as if he had worshipped for a thousand years with patience and sincerity.
Whoever fasts eleven days of Rajab will receive greater rewards than anyone on the Day of Judgment, except those who have fasted as much or more.
Whoever fasts twelve days of Rajab will be adorned on the Day of Judgment with two green garments of silk and brocade. If one of these garments were lowered to the earth, it would illuminate everything between the east and west.
Whoever fasts for fourteen days in Rajab, Allah will grant them a reward that no eye has seen, no ear has heard, and no heart of a human has imagined—gardens of paradise built with pearls and rubies.
Whoever fasts for fifteen days in Rajab will stand on the Day of Judgment among those who are secure, so that no close angel, nor any sent prophet, nor any messenger will pass by him except they will say: 'Congratulations to you! You are safe, near, honored, envied, blessed, and a dweller of paradise.
Whoever fasts for sixteen days in Rajab will be among the first to ride mounts of light that will fly with them in the courtyards of paradise to the abode of the Most Merciful.
Whoever fasts for seventeen days in Rajab will have seventy thousand lamps of light placed for them on the Day of Judgment on the Bridge (Sirat), allowing them to cross it with the light of these lamps into paradise, while the angels escort them with greetings and peace.
Whoever fasts for eighteen days in Rajab will be in close company with Ibrahim (peace be upon him) in his pavilion of eternal abode, reclining on thrones of pearls and rubies.
Whoever fasts for nineteen days in Rajab, Allah will build for them a palace of fresh pearls, opposite the palaces of Adam and Ibrahim in the Garden of Eden. They will greet them, and they will greet him back in honor and recognition of his right. For each day they fast, it will be recorded as the equivalent of fasting a thousand years.
Whoever fasts for twenty days in Rajab, it will be as if they have worshiped Allah Almighty for twenty thousand years.
Whoever fasts for twenty-one days in Rajab will intercede on the Day of Judgment for people equal in number to the tribes of Rabi‘a and Mudar, all of them being sinners and transgressors.
Whoever fasts for twenty-two days in Rajab will hear a caller from the inhabitants of the heavens saying: 'Rejoice, O friend of Allah, with great honor from Allah and the companionship of those upon whom Allah has bestowed His grace—the prophets, the truthful ones, the martyrs, and the righteous. And excellent are those as companions.
Whoever fasts for twenty-three days in Rajab will hear a call from the heavens: 'Good news to you, O servant of Allah! You toiled a little and will enjoy for a long time. Good news to you when the veil is lifted from you, and you see the immense reward of your noble Lord. You will reside near the Majestic One in the Abode of Peace.'“
Whoever fasts for twenty-four days in Rajab, when the Angel of Death descends upon him, he will appear in the form of a young man wearing a garment of green silk, riding one of the horses of Paradise, holding in his hand a green silk cloth scented with the purest musk, and a golden goblet filled with the drink of Paradise. He will give him to drink as his soul departs, easing the agonies of death for him. Then he will take his soul in that silk cloth, and its fragrance will spread so that the inhabitants of the seven heavens will perceive it. He will remain quenched in his grave and be raised fragrant, until he reaches the Prophet’s (Peace be upon him and his progeny) pond.
Whoever fasts for twenty-five days in Rajab, when he emerges from his grave, seventy thousand angels will greet him, each carrying a banner of pearls and rubies and adorned with jewels and fine garments. They will say, 'O friend of Allah, proceed to your Lord!' He will be among the first to enter the Gardens of Eden, alongside those who are near to Allah, about whom it is said: 'Allah is pleased with them, and they are pleased with Him. That is the great success
Whoever fasts for twenty-six days in Rajab, Allah will build for him under the shade of the Throne one hundred palaces made of pearls and rubies. Atop each palace will be a red pavilion made of the silk of Paradise, in which he will dwell in comfort while others are still being judged.
Whoever fasts for twenty-seven days in Rajab, Allah will expand his grave by the distance of four hundred years’ travel and will fill it entirely with musk and amber.
Whoever fasts for twenty-eight days in Rajab, Allah will place seven trenches between him and Hellfire, each trench as vast as the distance between the heavens and the earth.
Whoever fasts for twenty-nine days in Rajab, Allah will forgive him, even if he was a tax collector, or if she was a woman who committed immorality with seventy men, as long as they sought Allah’s pleasure and salvation from Hellfire. Allah will forgive them.
Whoever fasts for thirty days in Rajab, a caller from the heavens will proclaim: 'O servant of Allah, what has passed is forgiven for you, so begin anew with your deeds!' Allah will grant him in Paradise forty thousand cities of gold, and in each city forty thousand palaces, and in each palace forty thousand mansions, and in each mansion forty thousand dining tables of gold. On each table, there will be forty thousand platters, and in each platter, there will be forty thousand types of food and drink, each distinct from the other. In each mansion, there will be forty thousand beds of gold, each bed two thousand cubits long and two thousand cubits wide. Upon each bed will be a maiden from the maidens of Paradise, adorned with three hundred thousand locks of light, each lock carried by a thousand handmaidens perfumed with musk and amber, awaiting the one who fasted in Rajab. This is the reward for the one who fasts the entire month of Rajab.
It was said, 'O Messenger of Allah, what about one who is unable to fast in Rajab due to weakness, illness, or a woman who is impure? What should they do to attain what you have described?' He (Pbuhp) replied, 'Let them give in charity every day a loaf of bread to the needy. By the One in whose hand is my soul, if they give this charity every day, they will attain what I have described and more. Even if all creation—inhabitants of the heavens and the earth—gathered to estimate the extent of his reward, they would not reach a tenth of what he will receive in Paradise in terms of virtues and ranks.' It was asked, 'O Messenger of Allah, what if one is unable to give this charity? What should they do to attain what you have described?' He (Pbuhp) replied, 'Let them glorify Allah every day of Rajab, completing thirty days, with this glorification one hundred times: Subhan al-Ilah al-Jaleel, Subhan man la yambaghi al-tasbeeh illa lahu, Subhan al-A’azz al-Akram, Subhan man labisa al-‘izz wa huwa lahu ahl.”Glory be to the Majestic God, Glory be to the One who is worthy of glorification, Glory be to the Most Honored, the Most Generous, Glory be to the One who has donned might and is worthy of it.”'
Thawab Al-A’mal P.54