
* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Ali bin Yaqteen from Imam Abou Jaa’far (Pbuh) that he said: “He who listens to a speaker is a worshiper of this speaker. If the speaker was speaking on the behalf of Allah then he is worshiping Allah. If the speaker is speaking on the behalf of Satan then he is worshiping Satan.”[1]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Al-Washaa’ that he said that Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) was asked about singing. Imam said: “It is the saying of Allah {among people there are some who but mere speeches to leads people astray from the path of Allah}”[2]


* Al-Allama Al-Majlisi states in Bihar Al-Anwar Book: The Messenger of Allah (Pbuhp) said: “ There are people that will spend their nights playing, drinking intoxicants and singing. While they are like that, Allah will turn them into chimps and pigs.” [3]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Al-Khisal Book:: Reported from Al-Hassan bin Haroun that he heard Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) say: “singing derives hypocrisy and leads to poverty.” [4]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Zaid Al-Shaham from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “The house that contains singing is  a house that isn’t safe from tragedies, a house where supplications aren’t responded to and where an angel never enters.”[5]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Al-Hassan bin Haroun that he heard Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) say: “Singing is a gathering that Allah doesn’t look at its people. It is what Allah said about {among people there are some who but mere speeches to leads people astray from the path of Allah}.”[6]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Abou Dawood Al-Mastaraq that he said: “Allah impels a demon called Qafandar on he who has songs in his house for forty days. Qafandar sits on every organ of his till it removes shyness from him. This man ends up not caring for what he says and what people say about him.”[7]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Ibrahim bin Mohammad Al-Madini that Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) was asked about singing. Imam (Pbuh) said: “Don’t go to homes that Allah doesn’t look at.” [8]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Kulaib Al-Saidawi that he heard Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) say: “playing music by cords grows hypocrisy in the hearts just like water grows vegetables.” [9]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Ma’ani Al-Akhbar Book: Reported from Hamad bin Othman that he asked Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) about the false testimonies. Imam (Pbuh) it is when a man says to the one singing: “well done.” [10]


* Ahmad bin Mohammad bin Khalid Al-Barqi states in Al-Mahasin Book:Reported from Abdellah bin Al-Fadel Al-Hashimi from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “Aren’t you shy that you are singing above your cattle whereas it is exalting.”[11]


* Al-Mirza Al-Nouri states in Moustadrak Al-Wasa’el Book:Reported from Abou Oumama from the Messenger of Allah (Pbuh) that he said: “Allah sends demons to everyone who raises his voice in singing to beat him on his chest till he stops.”[12]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Ilal Al-Sharai Book: Reported from Ahmad bin Amir Al-Taee from Imam Ali Bin Moussa Al-Rida (Pbuh) from his forefathers (Pbut) from Imam Hussein Bin Ali (Pbuh) that he said: “Ali Bin Abi Talib (Pbuh) was in Al-Kufa Mosque when a man from Sham came to him and said: “O Ameer Elmo’mineen I want to ask you about the roars of pigeons.” Imam (Pbuh) said: “It prays against people of singing lutes and flutes….”[13]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Huwaizi states in Tafseer Nour Al-Thaqalain Book: Reported from Asim bin Hameed that he said to Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh): “May I be sacrificed for your sake. I want to ask you about a matter but I’m shy. Is there singing in heaven?” Imam: “There are trees in heaven that Allah orders wind to blow and pass through its leaves and makes a sound that no creature heard before. This is for the ones who didn’t listen to sons in Donia because they fear Allah.”[14]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Sadouq states in Ilal Al-Sharai Book:Reported from Mahboub bin Salim that Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) was asked: “ How did the people of Loutt used to know that a man came to him?” He (Pbuh) said: “His wife gets out of his house and starts whistling. When they heard whistling they used to come. This is why whistling is a disliked actions.” [15]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Soma’a from Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) that he said: “When Adam died, Iblees and Qabeel started gloating. So they gathered and started playing music out of gloating for the death of Adam (pbuh). So this is the origin of every kind of such matters in Donia.”[16]


* Al-Sheikh Al-Kulaini states in Al-Kafi Book: Reported from Masa’ada bin Ziad that he said: “I was with Imam Abou Abdellah (Pbuh) when a man came to him and said: “I have neighbors that sing and play music. I can hear them from a room in my house. Sometimes I stay in that room listening to them.” Imam said: “Don’t do that.” He said: “ I don’t go to them. I only listen to them from my house.” Imam said: “Didn’t you hear this saying of Allah {Hearing, sight and heart. Everyone you will be asked about}?” He said: “Yes. But as if I never heard of it before from the book of Allah from anyone. I will never do it again and I will ask Allah for forgiveness.” Imam said to him: “Go and wash and ask for what you please. For you were on a great matter that would have placed you in the worst situations if you died like this. Thank Allah and ask Him to accept your repentance from every matter that He hates. For Allah hates nothing but the ugly matter. Leave the ugly matter to its people. For there are certain people for every matter.”[17]

[1] الكافي ج6 ص434, وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص236/ ج18 ص91, تصحيح الاعتقادات ص73, عيون أخبار الرضا (ع) ج2 ص272, عنه البحار ج26 ص239, الفصول المهمة ج1 ص526, تحف العقول ص456, عنه البحار ج2 ص94, مستدرك الوسائل ج17 ص308, التفسير الصافي ج4 ص258, مشرق الشمسين ص402, التحفة السنية ص169.

[2] الكافي ج6 ص432,وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص227, مستدرك الوسائل ج13 ص214,بحار الانوار ج9 ص136,تفسير مجمع البيان ج8 ص76, مستند الشيعة ج14 ص131, الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص103.

[3] تفسير القمي ج1 ص181, عنه البحار ج76 ص131, تفسير نور الثقلين ج1 ص181,

[4] الخصال ص24, عنه البحار ج76 ص241, وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص229, مستدرك الوسائل ج13 ص212, الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص105, مستند الشيعة ج14 ص132, دعائم الاسلام ج2 ص207.

[5] الكافي ج6 ص433, وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص225, دعائم الاسلام ج2 ص208, مستدرك الوسائل ج13 ص213, كشف اللثام ج2 ص373, الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص102, مستند الشيعة ج14 ص132.

[6] الكافي ج6 ص433, دعائم الاسلام ج2 ص207, وسائل ا لشيعة ج12 ص228, مستدرك الوسائل ج13 ص212, مجمع الفائدة ج12 ص335, الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص104, مستند الشيعة ج14 ص131.

[7] الكافي ج6 ص434, وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص232, دعائم الاسلام ج2 ص208, مستدرك الوسائل ج13 ص207.

[8] الكافي ج6 ص434, وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص227, الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص103, مستند الشيعة ج14 ص133.

[9] الكافي ج6 ص434, وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص233, مستند الشيعة ج18 ص163.

[10] معاني الاخبار ص349, عنه البحار ج76 ص245, وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص229, تفسير نور الثقلين ج3 ص495, الحدائق الناضرة ج18 ص105, مستند الشيعة ج14 ص138.

[11] المحاسن ج2 ص375/ ص633, عنه البحار ج61 ص204/ ج73 ص291, وسائل الشيعة ج8 ص306.

[12] بحار الانوار ج76 ص247 عن جامع الاخبار, الغدير ج8 ص69, زبدة البيان ص413, مستدرك الوسائل ج13 ص214, مستند الشيعة ج14 ص132.

[13] علل الشرائع ج2 ص596, عنه البحار ج10 ص75,  عيون أخبار الرضا (ع) ج2 ص222, عنه البحار ج62 ص13,  وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص234, مستدرك الوسائل ج8 ص284.

[14] تفسير القمي ج2 ص169, عنه البحار ج8 ص126/ ج6 ص241, التفسير الصافي ج4 ص156, تفسير نور الثقلين ج4 ص226.

[15] علل الشرائع ج2 ص564, عنه البحار ج61 ص150/ ج76 ص264, وسائل الشيعة ح8 ص371, تفسير نور الثقلين ج2 ص386/ ج5 ص376, قصص الانبياء ص159.

[16] الكافي ج6 ص431, عنه البحار ج11 ص260, وسائل الشيعة ج12 ص233, الفصول المهمة ج2 ص242, قصص الأنبياء ص69,مستند الشيعة ج18 ص162, كشف اللثام ج2 ص373.

[17] الكافي ج6 ص432, فقه الرضا (ع) ص281, من لا يحضره الفقيه ج1 ص80, تهذيب الأحكام ج1 ص116, وسائل الشيعة ج2 ص957, تفسير العياشي ج2 ص292, عنه البحار ج6 ص34, الحدائق الناضرة ج4 ص191.