الإجارَةُ وَ المَعيشَةُ Employment

1- الإمامُ عليٌّ (عَلَيهِ الّسَلامُ) ـ في قولِهِ تعالى نحنُ قَسَمنا بينهم معيشَتهم ـ أخبرَنا سبحانَه أنَّ الإجارةَ أحدُ مَعايشِ الخَلْقِ ، إذ خالفَ بحكمتِهِ بينَ هِمَمِهم وإرادتهِم وسائرِ حالاتِهم ، وجعلَ ذلكَ قِواما لِمَعايِشِ الخَلْقِ ، وهُو الرّجُلُ يَستأجِرُ الرّجُلَ ... ولو كانَ الرّجُلُ منّا يُضْطَرُّ إلى أن يكونَ بَنّاءً لنفسهِ أو نَجّارا أو صانعا في شيءٍ مِن جميعِ أنواعِ‏الصَّنائعِ لنفسِهِ ... ما استقامَتْ أحوالُ العالَمِ بتلكَ ، ولا اتّسعُوا لَه ، ولَعَجِزوا عَنهُ ، ولكنّهُ أتْقَنَ تدبيرَهُ لِمخالَفتِهِ بينَ هِمَمِهِم ، وكلُّ ما يُطلَبُ مِمّا تَنصَرِفُ إليهِ همّتُهُ ممّا يَقومُ بهِ بعضُهُم لبعضٍ ، ولِيَستَغنيَ بعضُهُم ببعضٍ في أبوابِ المَعايِشِ الّتي بها صَلاحُ أحوالِهِم.

1- Imam Ali (AS) said about the verse: “It is We who have dispensed among them their livelihood”, ‘Allah, the Exalted, told us that employment is one of the means of people’s livelihood. He, in His wisdom, diversified their energies, will, and conditions. Thus, He made man’s employment of one another one of the means of people’s livelihood … If every one of us was forced to build for himself, make his own furniture, and produce everything himself … the world’s conditions would not be bearable and people would not be able to endure them, and would find them impossible. But He ensured its management by diversifying their energies so that everyone performs for others that which is compatible with his own capacity, in order for some of them to be served by others and for their conditions to be sound.’[Wasael al-Shi`aah, v. 13, p. 244, no. 3]